Business Plan

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La Moda


La Moda is a locally established trendy boutique clothing store located in

Cuyapo,Nueva Ecija.We have researched and found a supplier warehouse who can
source good quality material and can manufacture our clothes at a reasonable cost.

La Moda offer modern and trendy clothes, we will also carry a small assortment
of children’s clothing for those young professionals who are fashion conscious with
their children. One of our primary strategies is to offer customers variety of options
for choosing their own clothes. Our business will be initially operating as a home-
based enterprise and will used social media platforms (like Facebook or Instagram)
and also we have an account on shoppe to advertise our products. La Moda has
several unique and competitive deigns that will be used to its advantage to penetrate

Initial capitalization for the business is Php 30,000 good for one-month expense.
Expected revenue for 1 year is Php 300, 270, while total cost for goods sold amounted
to Php 210,433, while the total of goods sold amounted to Php 210,433.


A. Company Name: La Moda Boutique ( FASHION BOUTIQUE)

C.Address: Cuyapo,Nueva Ecija
D.Vision Statement: La Moda Boutique will be the leading provider of unique,
fashionable, and high-quality clothes that will accommodate the want of the people in
Nueva Ecija.
E.Mission Statement: La Moda Boutique is a socially responsible enterprise providing
high-quality, unique, and reasonably priced fashionable clothes in Nueva Ecija.
F. Key Personnel: Owner/Manager
G. Work Force and Support Personnel:Sewer, helper
H. Organizational Chart:
Duties and Responsibilities:

1. Owner/ Manager – He/she oversees and manages the business. He/she

is responsible and accountable for every decision or action for the business.
2. Advisory Council – They advise the owner in managerial aspects. They
must be
knowledgeable on how the business runs. This position is on call only.
3. Sewer – He/ She creates and makes the product.

I. Ownership: Sole Proprietorship

J. Capitalization: Php 30,000

K. Compensation and Incentives: Employees’ Salaries:

Advisory Council – P600 (monthly consultation)

Sewer – P7,550 monthly (P10 x 755 pcs.) (weekend work)


13th month pay

Cash bonus

L. External Management Support: Parents


A. Purpose of the Product

La Moda Boutique will offer the residents of Nueva Ecija, a unique, good
quality and variety of options for clothes. There are different designs to choose from.
We can provide customized clothes like printing the designs they want.

B. Products Unique Features

La Moda Boutique shows its unique features. The first is different graphic
designs that customers can choose from.They can freely select the design they want.
The second is the printed designs of clothes. This is best for some teenagers who are

Below are the samples of clothes:

C. Material and Equipment Requirements and Sources of Supply

The material requirements and their sources are as follows:


Table 1 (Material requirements and their sources)

D. Production Process and Controls that will be used to manufacture the product

Below is the process on how to make clothes:

1. Receiving fabrics
2. Fabric Relaxing
3. Spreading, Form Layout, and Cutting
4. Laying
5. Marking
6. Cutting
7. Embroidery and Screen Printing
8. Sewing
9. Checking
10. Spot Cleaning and Laundry
11. Fusing and Pressing
12. Packaging

E. Distribution Logistics

La Moda Boutique initially operates as a home-based enterprise and uses

social media platforms like Facebook and Instagram to advertise the graphic designs
of the clothes. Customers may choose if they will pick-up the item or it will be
delivered at their convenience. For delivery, there should be handling fee
(Cuyapo,Nueva Ecija area only) and shipping fee (outside Cuyapo, Nueva Ecija).
Fees will be shouldered by the buyer. For bulk orders, (minimum of 150pcs.) free
shipping fee or handling fee is applied.

F. Regulatory and Other Compliance Issues

La Moda Boutique will be registered as a partnership type of business to the

Department of Trade and Industry (DTI). A barangay clearance will also be secured
before applying for a mayor’s permit to operate as a home-based business micro
enterprise. The Bureau of Internal Revenue (BIR) registration will also be done after
getting all the necessary registration documents and permits from DTI, barangay, and
mayor’s office.


A. Market Analysis which includes demand and supply La Moda’s competitors

B. Marketing and Sales Projection Marketing Strategy

A competitive and encouraging campaign will aim to increase the visibility

for La Moda Bouique. This will focus on the customer’s desire to choose graphic and
printed design clothes. La Moda will use different channels to communicate this

a. Social Media – During this time of crisis, posting in social media is the best way to
communicate with other people. La Moda Boutique will be active in social media like
Facebook and Instagram to showcase and advertise the product. This will be used in
every transaction.

b. Online Resellers - La Moda Boutique will try to reach out people in social media
who are reselling products. As we have seen, it has a big potential to widen the
market. A linkage will be established so that they become aware of the clothes.
C. Sales Strategy

Customers are always after their convenience. La Moda Boutique sales

strategy will assure that ordering and buying clothes is very easy, exiting, and a great
experience. In order to do this, the enterprise will create a website and
a Facebook page where customers can use to order and buy clothes at their
convenience. New designs will be uploaded from time to time to notify customers.
Electronic payment like bank-to-bank transfer and other remittance centers to promote
cashless transaction.

With these sales strategies, the company develops the customer’s

excitement to order and convenience to pay at their own pace.

D. Product Characteristics or Feature

La Moda Boutique has several competitive features that will be used to

its advantage to achieve market penetration.

 Variety of prints – Customers will be offered with different designs. The printed
designs are also divided into two; for men and for women. These printed designs are
best for teenagers and for the adults who always follow
the trends.
 Affordability – Because of the crisis today, many of us have limited
income but they want aesthetic clothes it is favorable for the customers to have access
to inexpensive yet high-quality of clothes.

E. Pricing Policy

La Moda Boutique will adopt the differing price based on the size and the
design policy. As such, below is the pricing scheme that will be adopted:


G. Market Analysis Summary

The demand for clothes in Cuyapo, Nueva Ecija has shown steady
increase over the last 5 years.To increase market penetration, La Moda Boutique will
offer variety of design and printed designs of face clothes. At the same time,
competition and encouraging marketing campaign will be done to increase the
visibility of La Moda Boutique using different types of social media and scouting
potential online resellers to widen the market. The enterprise offers price differential
based on the size and designs with the price ranging from Php 100-150.

A. Start-up Summary

Expenses Cost/pc 685pcs. - Total Year 1


B. Financial Projections

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