Family Business Case Study Terms Ver 1.0

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Course Name : Family Business

Course Code : EMM 543

Case Study Guideline

1. You must address issues that you can find in the case study and propose your
suggestion & solution based on Family Business Theory.
2. You also need to address additional issues that highlighted by the Lecturer (list
additional issues, please see list below) and propose your suggestion & solution
based on the Family Business Theory.
3. You need to do desk research to find current state of the company/case.
4. You must highlight the learning points from this case study.
5. Your time is 20 minutes for presentation and 20 minutes for Q&A.
6. Structure of presentation:
a. Case Highlights
b. Case Issues
c. Your Suggestion & Solutions
d. Case Current States
e. Key Learning Points
No Case Study Additional Issues
1 Transition Asia : Managing Across 1. What is the root cause of this conflict
Culture between John Steven & Wong Hei ?
2. The damage has been done, what’s
next for the project ? Still possible to
carry on with John Steven ? Change
Consultant/John Steven to other
person from Transition Asia ? or
Change Consulting Firm ?
3. What action need to be taken by the
company in the area of corporate
governance to avoid above conflict in
the future?

2 Founder – CEO Succession at Acer 1. Looking at the result of Leonard Liu

leadership, please comment on the
recruitment process done by Stan
2. Please discuss Carolyn role based on
the theory of CEO Spouse and relates
this to the case.
3. What action need to be taken by the
company in the area of corporate
governance to avoid above conflict in
the future?
3 Blethen Family & Seattle Times 1. Do you think family should diversify
the business from publishing
company into other businesses? (
Example : Kompas Gramedia Group
in Indonesia) à Family Legacy vs
Business Legacy
2. Which principle that you think best
for Blethen Family, Famiy Run or
Family Owned for 5th Generation and
beyond ?
4 The Agnellis & Fiat : Family 1. It appears that The Agnellis Family
Business Governance in a Crisis Governance is a good one, but why
the company still having a business
crisis ?

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