MODULE 3 Part 2

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CAS NS 2A- General


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CAS NS 2A – General Zoology

First Edition, 2021

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Borrowed materials included in this module are owned by their respective copyright holders. Every
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copyright owners. The University and authors do not claim ownership over them.

Learning Module Development Team

Assigned Chapter Title Author/s

Introduction to Animal
Chapter 1 Mr. Brandon M. Estigoy
Mr. Brandon M. Estigoy
Chapter 2 Compound Microscope
Animal Cell Structure and Mr. Brandon M. Estigoy
Chapter 3
Animal Reproduction and Mr. Brandon M. Estigoy
Chapter 4
Animal Diversity and
Mr. Brandon M. Estigoy
Chapter 5 Classification: Life without
Animal Diversity and Mr. Brandon M. Estigoy
Chapter 6
Classification: Vertebrates
Mr. Brandon M. Estigoy
Chapter 7 Animal Behavior


(First Name, Middle Initial, Last Name), Position

(First Name, Middle Initial, Last Name), Position
(First Name, Middle Initial, Last Name), Position

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General Zoology

Chapter 3

Animal Cell Structure and


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Chapter 3

Animal Tissues

The human body, complex as it is, starts out as a single cell, the fertilized egg, which
divides almost endlessly. The millions of cells that results become specialized for a particular
function. Cell specialization carriers with it certain hazards.

Group of cells that are similar in structure and functions are called tissues and represent
the next level of organization.

In this module, you will be introduced to the different types of tissues found in human
body as well as the various types of cells that comprises human tissues.

Specific Objectives

At the end of this chapter, the students should be able to:

1. Identify the four major tissue types and their chief categories.
2. Explain how the four major tissue types differ structurally and functionally
3. Give chief locations of the various tissue types in the body
4. Describe the process of tissue repair (wound healing).


Chapter 3: Animal Cell Structure and Function: = 9 hours

Animal Tissues (3 hour discussion; 6 hours

Lesson Proper


 Epithelial tissue or epithelium is the lining, covering, and the glandular tissue of the
body. Covering and lining epithelium covers all free body surfaces, both inside and out,
and contains versatile cells. Functions for protection, absorption, filtration, and

 Glandular epithelium forms various glands in the body. Secretion is a specialty of the
glands. Which produce substances such as sweat, oil, digestive enzymes and mucus.

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Hallmarks of Epithelium

 Except for glandular epithelium, epithelial cells fit closely together to form continuous
 The membranes always have one free (unsaturated) surface or edge known as the apical
surface. This surface is exposed to the body exterior or to the cavity of an internal
organ. Some of the exposed surface are slick and smooth, but others exhibit cell surface
modifications such as microvilli or cilia.
 The anchored (basal) surface of epithelium rest on a basement membrane, a structure
less material secreted by both the epithelial cells and the connective tissue cells deep to
 Epithelial tissue is avascular, and depend on diffusion from the capillaries in the
underlying connective tissue for food and oxygen

Classification of Epithelia

A. Simple Epithelium – most concern with absorption, secretion, and filtration.

1. Simple squamous Epithelium
- is a single layer of thin squamous cells resting on a basement membrane. This type of
epithelium forms membrane where filtration or exchange of substances by rapid
diffusion occurs (found in the alveoli of the lungs).
- It also forms the serous membranes or serosae, the slick membranes that line the
ventral body cavity and cover the organs in the cavity.

2. Simple cuboidal Epithelium

- Single layer of cuboidal cells resting on the basement membrane, is common in glands
and their association small tubes called ducts. It also forms the walls of the kidney
tubules and covers the surface of the ovaries.

3. Simple columnar Epithelium

- Single layer of tall cells that fits closely together. Goblet cells, which produce a
lubricating mucus, are often seen in this type of epithelium. It lines the digestive tracts
from the stomach to the anus. Epithelial membranes that line body cavities open to the
body exterior are called mucosae, or mucous membranes.

B. Stratified Epithelia – consist of two or more cell layers. Consider more durable than
the simple epithelia, these epithelia function primarily in protection.

1. Stratified Squamous Epithelium

- Most common stratified epithelium. It usually consists of many cell layers. Found in
the sites that receive a good deal of abuse or friction, such as the surface of the skin,
the mouth, and the esophagus.

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2. Stratified Cuboidal and Stratified Columnar Epithelium

- Mostly consist of two cell layers with (at last) the surface cell being cuboidal in shape.
The surface cells of stratified columnar epithelium are columnar cells, but its basal
cells vary in size and shape. Both of these epithelia are rare and found mainly in the
ducts of large glands.
3. Pseudo Stratified Columnar Epithelium
- Rest on the basement membrane. Some of its cell are shorter than others, and their
nuclei appear at different heights above the basement membrane. As a result, this
epithelium gives the false (pseudo) impression that it is stratified. Functions for
secretion. A ciliated variety of pseudostratified columnar epithelium lines the
respiratory tract.

Figure 3.2.1 Classification of Epithelial Tissue


 Transitional Epithelium
- Is a highly modified squamous epithelium that forms the lining of only a few
organs - urinary bladder, the uterus, and part of the urethra. All of these organs
are subject to considerable stretching. Cell of the basal layer are cuboidal or
columnar; those at the free surface varies from the appearance.

 Glandular Epithelium
- Consist of one or more cells that make and secrete a particular product. This
product, a secretion, typically contains protein molecules in an aqueous fluid.
The term secretion also indicates an active process in which the glandular cells
obtain needed materials from the blood and use them to make products, which
they then discharge by exocytosis.

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Two Major Glands develop from the Epithelial Sheets

a. Endocrine glands – often called ductless glands. Their secretions (hormones) diffuse
directly into the blood vessel that weave through the glands. Ex. Thyroid glands,
adrenaline gland, and pituitary glands.
b. Exocrine glands – retain their ducts, and their secretions exit through the ducts to the
epithelial surface. Exocrine gland includes sweat and oil glands, liver, and pancreas
are both internal and external.


Connective tissue connects the body parts. It is the most abundant and widely distributed type
of tissue. Connective tissues perform many functions, but they are primarily involved in
protecting, supporting, and binding together other body tissues.

Hallmarks of Connective Tissue

 Variations in blood supply – most connective are well vascularized. Except tendons and
 Extracellular matrix – connective tissues are made up of many different types of cell
plus varying amounts of nonliving substances found outside the cells, called
extracellular matrix.

Types of Connective Tissue

1. Bone – sometimes called osseous tissue, is composed of osteocytes (bone cells), siting
in the cavities called lacunae (pit). These pits are surrounded by layers of very hard
matrix that contains calcium salts in addition to large numbers of collagen fibers.
Because of its rocklike hardness, bone has an exceptional ability to protect and support
other body organs.

2. Cartilage – less and more flexible than bone. Composed of Chondrocytes. It is found
in only few part of the body. Most wide spread is hyaline cartilage, which has abundant
collagen fibers hidden in by a rubbery matrix with a glassy, blue white appearance. It
forms the trachea, attaches the ribs to the breast bone, and covers bone ends at joint.
Highly compressible fibrocartilage forms the spinal column. Elastic cartilage is found
in structures with elasticity, such as external.

3. Dense connective tissue – also called fibrous connective tissue, collagen fibers are the
main matrix element. Crowded between the collagen fibers are row of fibroblast (fiber-
forming cells) that manufacture the building blocks of the fibers. DCT forms strong,
ropelike structures such as tendons and ligaments. DCT also makes up the lower layers
of the skin (dermis), where it is arranged in sheets.

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4. Loose Connective Tissue – are softer and have more cells and fewer fibers than any
other connective tissue type except blood. There three main types of loose connective
tissue: areolar, adipose and reticular.

a. Areolar Connective Tissue – the most widely distributed connective tissue variety
in the body, is a soft, pliable, “cobwebby” tissue that cushions and protects the body
organs it wraps. It functions as a universal packing tissue and connective “glue”
because it helps to hold the internal organs together and in their proper positions. A
soft layer of areolar connective tissue called lamina propria underlies all the mucous
membranes. Its fluid matrix contains all types of fibers, which forms a loose network.

b. Adipose Connective Tissue – commonly called fat. Basically, it is an areolar tissue

in which the adipose (fat) cells predominant. A glistening droplets of oil occupies
most of a fat cell’s volume and compresses the nuclei, displacing it to one side. It
forms the subcutaneous tissue beneath the skin where it insulates the body and
protects it from bumps and extremes of both heat and cold.

c. Reticular Connective Tissue – consist of a delicate network of interwoven reticular

fibers associated with reticular cells, which resemble fibroblast. Reticular tissue is
limited to certain sites. It forms the stroma, or internal framework of an organ.
4. Blood – or vascular tissue, considered a connective tissue because it consists of blood cells
surrounded by a nonliving, fluid matrix called blood plasma. The “fibers” of blood are soluble
proteins that become visible only during blood clothing.

Figure 3.2.2 Types of Connective Tissue


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Muscle tissues are highly specialized to contract, or shorten, which generate the force required
to produce movement.

1. Skeletal Missue – tissue is packaged by connective tissue sheets into organs called
skeletal muscles, which ate attached to the skeleton. These muscles are voluntary
(consciously), form the flesh of the body, the so-called muscular system. Cells in the
skeletal are long, cylindrical, and multinucleated, and they have obvious striations
(stripes). Because skeletal muscle cells are elongated to provide a long axis for
contraction, they are often called muscle fibers.

2. Cardiac Muscle – found only in the heart wall. Like skeletal muscle, cardiac muscles
have striations, but cardiac cells have only a single nucleus and are relatively short,
branching cells that fit tightly together (like clasped fingers) at junctions called
intercalated disc. This intercalated disc contains gap junctions that allows ions to pass
freely from cell to cell. Cardiac muscle is under involuntary.

3. Smooth Muscle – no striations are visible. The individual cells are single nucleated
and are tapered at both ends. Smooth muscles are found in the walls of hollow organs
such as stomach, uterus, and blood vessels.

Figure 3.3.3 Types of Muscle Tissue


Nervous tissue is composed of cells called neurons. All neurons receive and conducts
electrochemical impulses from one part of the body to another; thus irritability and conductivity
are their two major functional characteristics. The structure of neurons is unique. However,
neurons are not the only cell that compresses the nervous system. A specialized group of cells
called neuroglia insulate, support, and protects the delicate neurons in the structures of the
nervous system.

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Suggested Video Links

Additional Resources

MoranoL.N., Lopez C.S.,and Tan A. E..S., (2011) Fundamental of Biology. Quezon City,

Marieb, E. N. & Keller, S. M., (2018). Essentials of Human Anatomy and Physiology: 12th
Edition. North Buona Vista Drive, Singapore: Pearson Education Limited.

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Activity Sheet
ACTIVITY 3.3 – Animal Tissues

Name: ______________________Course/Year/Section: ___________ Score: _________

1. Define Tissue. List the four major types of tissue. Which of these types are widely
distributed? Why?


2. What is the function of transitional epithelium, and how does it carries its function?


3. Why blood is considered to be a connective tissue?


3. Tell where each of the three types of muscle tissue would be found in the body?
What is meant by the statement, “Smooth muscle are involuntary in action”?

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Assessment (insert Rubrics)

Each question will be graded based on this five (5) point rubric.


Well written and very organized.

Excellent grammar mechanics.
5 - Outstanding Clear and concise statements.
Excellent effort and presentation with detail.
Demonstrates a thorough understanding of the topic.

Writes fairly clear.

Good grammar mechanics.
4 - Good
Good presentation and organization.
Sufficient effort and detail.

Minimal effort.
Minimal grammar mechanics.
3 - Fair
Fair presentation.
Few supporting details

Somewhat unclear.
Shows little effort.
2 - Poor Poor grammar mechanics.
Confusing and choppy, incomplete sentences.
No organization of thoughts.

Very poor grammar mechanics.

Very unclear.
1 - Very Poor
Does not address topic.
Limited attempt.

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Search and study different types and modes of reproduction exhibited by animals.

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Learner’s Feedback Form

Name of Student: ___________________________________________________

Program : ___________________________________________________
Year Level : ___________ Section : ___________
Faculty : ___________________________________________________
Schedule : ___________________________________________________

Learning Module : Number: _________ Title : ______________________

How do you feel about the topic or concept presented?

□ I completely get it. □ I’m struggling.
□ I’ve almost got it. □ I’m lost.

In what particular portion of this learning packet, you feel that you are struggling or lost?

Did you raise your concern to you instructor? □ Yes □ No

If Yes, what did he/she do to help you?


If No, state your reason?


To further improve this learning packet, what part do you think should be enhanced?

How do you want it to be enhanced?


NOTE: This is an essential part of course module. This must be submitted to the subject
teacher (within the 1st week of the class).

Self-Learning Module in Genetics (CAS NS 2A) Estigoy., 2022

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