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SECTION: PE-MH, T 8:30-10:00


By: Dr. Chris Rappazini

Mark 5:21–43
When someone is skilled at caring for the needs of the sick or dying, we say they have the
“healing touch.” But no one has ever shown the power to heal like Jesus. In his Gospel, Mark
records Jesus’ power over many areas of life. First, in Mark 4:35-41, Jesus demonstrated His
power over nature when He calmed the “furious squall” that arose on the water (v. 37). Then, in
Mark 5:1–20, Jesus restored a demon-possessed man to health, displaying His power over the
darkness. In today’s passage, Jesus exhibits authority over sickness and death.

The two stories within Mark 5:21–43 is meant to be compared and contrasted. At the same time,
Jairus’s daughter was born, and a woman began hemorrhaging and could find no answer to her
pain. According to the custom, this woman would have been considered unclean. She was a
social outcast, unable to worship at the temple courts (vv. 25–26). Jairus’s daughter, by contrast,
grew up happy and healthy, seeing her father come and go regularly to the synagogue as one of
the leaders (v. 22). Even though they came from different social standings, both Jairus and the
woman showed a similar faith in Jesus. They both believed He had the healing touch.

It probably took courage for both individuals to reach out to Jesus for help. No doubt, a bit of
timidity was running through their veins. However, they realized that nothing and no one else
would be able to help them in their desperate time of need. Through their courageous act of
reaching out, their faith in Jesus healed them (vv. 34, 36). Mark makes it clear that these
narratives prove that the only one who has authority over nature, the powers of darkness,
sickness, and death itself is God Himself.

Are you struggling with a discouraging health issue? Do you have a love one in need of healing?
Don’t be afraid to reach out to the One with the healing touch. He will always hear you and
receive you.

It says in 2 Kings 20:4 “ I have heard your prayer, I have seen your tears. Behold I will heal

God is a doctor that can heal every sickness just ask Him through prayer and he will grant your
wishes because with God nothing is impossible.


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