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a preposition, to the instrument or agent of an act, and the

prothallium, which is the gametophyte generation, the single

this radical, but so far none have been successful. By the

increase regularly about 10 deg. for each CH2 increment;

1889 20 312 1897 30 151

Washington. Crossing the Potomac, he marched eastward, and,

C.S.I. Companion of the Star of India.

hostages. After the death of Cleomenes and the refusal of

W. with fine cloisters (partly destroyed by a landslip in

journal Liberty was started in 1881 and whose conceptions

results of Alcott's philosophic teaching, it must be said

is of the more importance, and, in general, compensation is

for the transport of cases from the front to the base, were

varieties and modes of aberrations mainly from the practical

and his wife Anna Geertruid van Lintello, was born in Holland

of the Batavian Republic and afterwards of the kingdom of

other states of northern Sumatra. It attained its climax of

appertains to France, more particularly as a power whose

with Gondwana plants will be of the greatest value in

Monmouth, and shortly after this the town was incorporated

transferred to commissioners appointed under the great seal,

scale. The reason is that the heat produced in a given

there is difference as to numbers. Further, to make out

and fish along the rivers. Steamers ply regularly along the

Verwaltung des romischen Staates, ii. p. 364 foll. (Leipzig,

the northern side of the Amazon before reaching the Pongo de

the Guinea coast, some 35 m. only in length, wedged in

the recently founded university. He soon obtained various

Rossini has introduced the melody into his opera William

ages---are inhabited by Vlachs or Tzintzars, who possibly number

1899 537,447 42,526,606

Vogt) was used on the continent as the title of the lay

1889). There are also special guide-books for the use of

first of his order who continued to bear that title after

glass. It can therefore be employed, instead of that costly

as just mentioned, or, if recommended by the court in which

355-377). He blamed the king of Germany for trusting his nobles,

| |

seasons. The yields in the experimental wheat-field at

Kingdom | |_ Pteridophyta

of the Swedish embassy in London. Returning to Sweden, he

Chroolepus, which grows on rock surfaces, are comparable

common. Boars and badgers are more rarely seen. The giraffe

physiology, surgery, medicine and pathology intelligible;

in state universities; twenty-seven are separate colleges of

Byzantines, the Arabs, the Turks and the French, all came

Though Irving, Cooper and Bryant were associated with New

Acosta was imprisoned in 1592--1593; on his submission in

a mile to the south of the town, an anta and two pillars are

Elsass durch Frankreich und Ruckblick auf die Verwaltung

15, where we read ``of the destruction of Nineveh, which

ranked with the highest Portuguese nobles, and, according

29-30; A. Perez, Relaciones (Geneva, 1654), pp. 86-88.

1905): Sir F. R. Wingate, Mahdism and the Egyptian Sudan (London,

UNITED STATES The source of admiralty jurisdiction in

purposes the ``ordinary'' methylated spirit is mixed with .357%

peninsula of Zarzis, of Mactar, Sbeitla (Sufetula), Gigthis

down. This is par excellence the African formation,

to profit by the achievements of science was in several

of the time, devoting himself wholly to learning. His chief

which he gave to Harvard, for the museum of comparative zoology

and of the kingdom of Shoa, in 9 deg. 1' N., 38 deg. 56' E., 220

a vowel sound, the vowel thus represented was not short and

Collecting station.

evidence to show that it is a practice of great antiquity.

is noteworthy that in this case, at least, a burial was not

spent at Winchester; but his writings for the patrons of

well and solidly built, good stone being obtained near at

fell to the senate, and was henceforth administered by a

of one frenzied and altogether unsuccessful attempt, no

expeditions to explore it. One of them (1867) claimed to

1 A considerable fragment of his epic Hecale

civil wars and excitements hindered his advancement. His

(3) Gigartininae--3 families, 54 genera, 409 species.

ALLOXANTIN, C8H4N4O7.3H2O, a product obtained by the combination

Adonis should spend a third of the year with Persephone and

natural razor strops, and the expressed juice of the leaves

Criminal cases.

1730-173i, a further act was passed prescribing a penalty for

may momentarily vary from a few amperes up to 200 or 300.

character of the Fox-hunting Squire, who is introduced as the

literature of the middle ages; one of these, the De planctu

the advertising pages, with the certainty that they will be

their new home they were not safe from Athenian rancour.1 A

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