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30 August 2022

Defining project roles

● All project usually have this roles:

○ Project sponsors: The person who’s accountable for the project and who ensures the
project delivers the agreed upon business benefits.

○ Team members: The people doing the work and making things happen.

○ Customers: The people who will get some value from a successfully landed project.

○ Users: The people that use the product produced by your project.

○ Stakeholder: Anyone involved in the project who has a vested interest in the
project’s success. There are primary stakeholders who are directly impacted by the
project, and secondary stakeholders who are indirectly impacted by the project.

○ Project Managers: The person who plans, organizes, and oversees the whole project.

The importance of a project team

● The important thing is to understand the dynamics of the people who you are working with.
Key of program management is people and context, then you can apply skills that you

Completing a Stakeholder Analysis

● There are 3 (three) key steps of stakeholders analysis:

○ Make a list of all the stakeholders the project impacts;

○ Determine the level of interest and influence for each stakeholder; and

○ Assess stakeholders’ ability to participate and then find ways to involve them.

● Influence measures how much power a stakeholder has and how much this stakeholder’s
actions affect the project outcome.

● Interest how much are the needs of the stakeholder affected by the project operations and

● Power grid used to determine each stakeholder’s level of importance to the project based
on their influence and interest. Their position in the power grid determines their active role
in the project.

● There are 4 (four) types of active role in the power grid:

○ Key players (manage closely): High influence, high interest;

○ Meet their needs (consult & keep satisfied): High influence, low interest;

○ Show consideration (keep informed): Low influence, high interest; and

○ Monitor (minimum effort): Low influence, low interest.

● Stakeholder buy-in: The process of involving these people in decision making to hopefully
reach a broader consensus on the organization’s future.

● How to gain key stakeholder buy-in:

○ Clearly mapping the work of the project to the goals of the stakeholder;

○ Describing how the project aligns with the goals of the stakeholder’s department or
team; and

○ Listening to feedback from the stakeholder and finding ways to incorporate their
feedback into the project’s charter where appropriate.

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