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hi EXSUSTA LES Ys nenaryseetate ; @ (20g RIEBUND. cbs tern cand ene ee cartilage: joints aad \igaments. (4etols 20% oF body mass: 5 Two sechons +o the humdn skeleton » ) Axial Skeleton ~found in the head and torso - skull, vertebral cotumn vthorecic cage 2. Appendicular Skeletcn : HI = found in the appendages [fimos -AOms and lege , peivis shoulders 4- Skupy ~-*the skull cow 2 a) Cranial bones | protect the brain b) facdiel\ones’ - give Structure to the face =the skull Contains mainty ai Serrated Mines) catied sutures ~the cranium consists ef a vault (FEBWEAB) and | a base (top-down view) Si secsililadncsiickninimglecel The base is divided tnte three fossoe: 1. gydedior Cranial fsa 7 shece produce the 2. miadte evanigy fess@y YP crania’ cavity (neuses_ 3: posteior cranial foes the Wain) there are Sther cavines? a) ear cavities — b) nacal cavines <) orbits s (vouse athe eyes) Tan tooemer eens GQM expnia! cones + Frontal, sprencid, etnmeors , panetal (2 1, tempoval (2) ccnp alone they Bre com fed by sutures veins. “pass tneough - ait © Foran en “MAgnUM! (HIE Kor the Spinal Co ED jhere are SBE fieapeNimmeer nasa’ (2) eormaN (2) inferior Masat conchs (2),,. maxiiary (2), Mendis ane (2) , 2Qomatel2, S-shape- > supports everything £m the... - ie oy 4. Cervicay vertebrae = CCH sat 2- thors verte oraer= Tie 115) Be Lumbar. MV! _* ee Ngoments Keepin: The MAIN -ChES Oe Ane Seema cane sersning. eget. TomentSi MUNning down the Font and back of the col rpm the neck 40 ‘the cae —— rum. There are al Be nts th, S\se Shore: _ Sa ligame ot Connect adjacem vertebree as wellas Hy qnere Bre Ors of orrounded ‘> On SHUINSERIBHREUIS! with Kes epesllagen These Ore found in betucen each vertebra acting as shock disor bers when we run and jump. : 4 Gervice* vera have a Short bid “spinous process. these Wave 3 WargelWerrebraifere%i6 and the *rans= _Serce foie ACTER - Thoracic — nave & tong epinous cess wv. Demi connect x0 *he wis - - Lumbar verte | ave _ pedicies ‘and Vari oe) ave ror ans thick: Se 3.ThoYaGC cage 7. ie [sternum ribs , coctal Cartilage 2) - is a F134 bone right in she yidale of } nd vt ic made from three jy at have fused tover , Q ‘ ga) S+emunM soh\tes 4*noray , emailer boncs ths STRICTURE. CF Ine TERN < manubauM a me _vibs iG Vea - atte di Sty dete stone | —— Clanger) boise Seo ceenay — eam. en _______ the sternum via costal caail a these are called-featig sa ibeabecpilee rites sont tat cinis 1s co the _scapute , OY snoulder blade , which tooethe: chuctwe 40 thebehsulser Bie rly svtaching wie "ur _\wnos +0 the axial skeleton. The ciavictehas a stemal ‘ond Where ik Stes to +he manu a acromid\ end which jorns th la. the — Sapa) ts 3 thin, flor one ;yougy = I pons x ws 4 dial and cant epic =e % e adia\ 2nd coronad £ossd free \e3 ) Ard a *Mer Bre tw. I> loons, | the vadius and “the | Alnd- These re connected ail the may - wn ley the intecosseous membrane 3. fiexipie ligaments The ulna is Sti nae 12 gr: cenit crore! press. The radius goes From wide to nin the other way, with a thin head, sthe_*Odial tuberesity and a radial i Jo} c) Wand - the cacgals jor wrist, t¢ made of Sart short bones caued \S- are sca phoid,\unate ee sence at 3: “pews a the pecte \imbs +© the Sirdie Attaches +ne | Sower _| BYA\ skeleton. Payis ordre Starts as the sacrum ga with two hip \oones . These are re made of ones at lieth ich fuse tu but WE SHIN Aescvibe the ions of being “he Wun | ischivm ,ond pubic. 4 Nower Vim —y tnign Gamieg , foo - it_contains Very Thick bones, Allewing us to vn and jump effective ty- a) Knight) — ro made of a single 3 ice the | Ea mace oF B single loone jus! cs E arm , dnd tis ohe Is caied the femur Pe wine aoe pe loody - of Nnree s crauate B - Che by adufttad | Fe —— el 3 head with a all pit Called the fovea “capitis. Thee the qveater and _ yes Se8 ynchamter, the Iertrochatesc cress athe o\utcal abet line SES , MEAS! And (Steal Condy les , Sd Ae i dyles wtercendylar fossa, ard eprco' ZENG. ———i ontains two bones the tibia 6rd th HA Bexrween n ere Is an injeressecus . exw ; argertnbia we see Te Ahe Intermond- || | By) _membrane - \n the_\ medi? Gnd ISEB! Concyics 2 \ar emin ce, +i2i3' qubestsity , OT eo ar ay ‘al mma jedus and ftawlOe borer nas _ notch - a a ; se Tre Mibw\@ is much thinner with Me “vead ond lore) _| mallertus . c) "oot * - +Aavsus »MAde OF seven pones coNed tarcaic ine WiQKest {Wo ,the +a\ue and calenneut, mar || d up the an «le . then thee 6s the pos ¢ MAIC Or and the ynedi as intermedi ard \eerB a ome Gov mn - MetO+Arsus , with ve WG merore numpertd one “hrs tive - we see. §oGt=et an khvee per +o, except Awe Sor The lela tee, aise Known as he Watluy- Sunsan

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