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1. She was in a hurry riding her bike, so she carried her viola across the handlebars.

She failed to see the rock on the street in front of her.

a. The girl got off her bike to take a break
b. The rock did not get in the girl of her way
c. The viola did not fall off the bike
d. The girl fell of her bike
e. The girl stands beside her bike.
2. I ran as fast I could, passing all the other runners in the race.
I wasn’t even tired, either.
a. I won the race
b. I decided to run the last lap of the race again
c. I came in the last place in the race.
d. I stopped at the store for a snack, since I was ahead everyone else.
e. I failed the race.
3. The tree fell in the middle of the road because of the high wind.
What is the cause of the sentence?
a. High wind
b. Because
c. Tree fell
d. In the middle of the road
e. The wind
4. Michael Aliando forgot his math book, so he was unable to complete his homework.
The cause of the sentence is . . .
a. To complete his homework
b. He was unable to complete his homework
c. He forgot his math book
d. Math book
e. Homework
5. Many species of wildlife are becoming extinct . . . the rainforest are being destroyed.
a. Therefore
b. Since
c. So
d. Consequently
e. As
6. Hemp can be used to make paper,____it could reduce the need for logging.
a. Therefore
b. So
c. Due to
d. Because
e. Thus
7. Stefani couldn’t find the cookies because his father hid them in the cupboard.
The cause of the sentence is . . .
a. Stefani couldn’t find the cookies.
b. His father hid the cookies
c. The cookies in the cupboard
d. Because
e. Stefani hid the cookies in the cupboard.
8. My sister was very tired because she stayed up past midnight.
What is the effect of the sentences?
a. She was very tired
b. She was stayed up past midnight
c. Past midnight
d. Because
e. She was sleepy.
9. I can’t come to your house . . . it is rain.
10. Shinta makes a cake . . . her mom likes it.
11. We will join that community . . . you.
12. We were bored _______ the space was too long.
13. . . . we never realize him anymore in our life.
14. I don’t bring umbrella . . . it is not rain.
15. She lets me go ______ she never cares with me.
16. That girl is so smart . . . she never be lazy to study.
17. Diana can’t come to the party _______ her mom never let her.
18. _____ the weather was bad, she stayed at office.
19. I am not happy . . . the film is not so good
20. Alex was worried . . . the rain.
21. I am so happy _____ I always with you here.
22. . . . this cake, he loves me so much.
23. I will wear a jacket _______ the weather was so cold.
24. We were bored _____ the speech.
25. His unhappiness ____ his English bad scores.
26. Her loss of appetite was due to a stomachache.
27. Her father anger was ____ her failure.
28. ____ the lack of water, young flowers don’t grow well.

Scientist and doctors say that about 34 million American are too fat. Why is this? One can
cause is the kind of food Americans eat. Many Americans like “fast food”. These foods (such as
hamburgers and ice cream) often have fattening things in them. Another cause is the way Americans
eat. They often eat little snacks between regular meals. These extra foods add extra fat on the body.
A third cause is not enough exercise. Americans like driving everywhere, instead of walking. They
often have machines to do a lot work. Some Americans are also too heavy because of health
problems. But for most of those 34 million Americans, the problem is the American life-style.

29. The topic of the paragraph above is about . . .

a. The way Americans eat
b. American’s favorite food
c. The kinds of American food
d. Why many Americans are fat
e. The causes of health problem.
30. The main idea of the paragraph is . . .
a. Fast foods make the majority of Americans fat.
b. Many Americans are fat because of their way of life.
c. Being fat, many Americans do not have enough exercise.
d. Eating snacks between regular meals add extra fat on the body.
e. 34 million Americans have, health problems caused by too much fat.

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