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Note for Parents (Diwali Special Activities & Celebration): 2022

Dear Parents, we have the immense pleasure to announce that to make this Diwali more colourful and
gorgeous for your wards, SMI is going to arrange some special Diwali Activities to be accomplished by
their tiny talents. Please follow the schedule of activities which has been given below:

I) Classes: I to VIII
Date: 19/10/22 (Wednesday).
Activity: Diwali Special Craft Activities.
Required materials (which are to be brought to school by your wards): Gift wrapping
papers, glue and other necessary accessories which will be needed to complete the

II) Classes: I & II

Date: 20/10/22 (Thursday).
Activity: Decoration of Diyas.
Required materials (which are to be brought to school by your wards): At least two diyas
and Poster Colour for painting [all the materials are to be brought on 19/10/22
(Wednesday), positively to submit those to their Class Teachers in advance].

III) Classes: V & VIII

Date: 20/10/22 (Thursday).
Activity: Candle Making with Doll.
Required materials (which are to be brought to school by your wards): One Plastic Doll
(length: maximum: 4 to 6 inches), Wax: 200 grams, Thick Thread: 2 inches [all the
materials are to be brought on the same day, i.e. on 20/10/22 (Thursday)].

IV) Classes: I to IV
Date: 21/10/22 (Friday)
House Competition of English Recitations (Poems which are to be recited & all the rules
and regulations of the competition will be intimated by the respective House-in-Charges in
due time).

V) Classes: V to X
Date: 21/10/22 (Friday)
House Competition of Rangoli Making (all the rules and regulations of the competition will
be intimated by the respective House-in-Charges in due time).

VI) Date: 21/10/22 (Friday)

Grand Celebration of Diwali Festival.

Happy Diwali to you all in advance!!!


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