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Vehicle anti-theft is always a major problem in car industries, and a closer look to address this
problem, improve the security of the car is of great interest in the field. To allow a vehicle
system to distinguish between legitimate users and others. A considerable amount of effort such
as use of infrared remote controller as the electronic car key has been implemented but the
method proved to be a failure as car thieves have found some ways to defeat sophisticated locks
by use of jammers to interfere the locking system thus an intelligent identity authentication for
vehicle security system probe to be a possible solution to the problem.

To design an authentication system of an intelligent vehicle which focuses on security aspects of
entry level access to legitimate owners.
To use electroencephalogram biometrics which combines human genetics and clinical
neurophysiology for personal identification, authentication, and authorization of a vehicle.
To use CarAu which uses both car keys and user identity to confirm the identity of the key owner
To implement Authenicap and deep visual feature learning to authenticate owner of the vehicle

To combine CNN and biometrics in order to come up with an intelligent vehicle access
authentication system
To come up with a system that identify the key owner is the legitimate user or the illegitimate
Alert the legit user in case of a breach of the vehicles security system

Problem statement
Current authentication systems in vehicles use portable keys or biometrics or touch based inputs.
They can be outwitted by stealing the keys or by copying the biometric information and
analyzing the touch marks. An expensive property, would be lost in non-authenticated hands and
also wrong permitted access could unleash heavy machine power to inexperienced drivers
without a driver’s license increasing risks of road accidents. The manufacturer had no provision
for freedom and responsibility to the driver, by giving him the option to choose his own unlock
pattern. An excellent recognition rates for multiple string patterns.
System literature
System design and Analysis
Design based on electroencephalogram biometrics
The design of the new key for implementing the access control system (ACS) is developed using
a model that actually works with various parts as shown below

Users through the interface of ACS control the authentication application software. Software
directly calls BCI middleware to achieve the core functions. The user’s EEG signals are also sent
to the middleware through the electrode cap. The middleware also exchanges data with the
algorithm library and the pattern library. a 40-channel neuroscan amplifier was used to collect
EEG signals, and scan 4.3 software is adopted. Data from all electrodes were referenced to two
electrically linked mastoids at A1 and A2, digitized at 1000 Hz from a 32-channel electrode cap
(including 30 effective channels and two reference channels). The sampling frequency is set to
1000 Hz: 200 Hz low-pass and 0.05 Hz high-pass
Data analysis
Thus, the establishment of different types of data sets, the calculation of fuzzy entropy or logic,
the analysis of features, and the calculation of fisher distance. A signal analysis of the two types
of EEG data from both self- and non-self-photographed responses, to realize the identification of
human identity, we calculate the fuzzy entropy of the EEG signal. The formula of fuzzy entropy
is shown as follows.
The following depicts the middware architecture based on android

The upper layer is the application interface, these applications include dentity EEG, BCI,
detection EEG, polygraph EEG, and so on.
Each layer is called a layer of content, also a call, end users only need to call the application
interface to complete the development work, without understanding how the EEG signal
acquisition, processing, and classification process.
Prior to recording the user’s EEG to authenticate him or her.
After the EEG is collected through the signal preprocessing, feature extraction, and other steps,
the system will produce a series of characteristic values.
If the current operation type is the feature collection, these features will be saved to the feature
database through several procedures, such as feature selection, feature classification, feature
storage, and so on.
Once the identity of the operating system begins to match the characteristics and features of
library data. If the match is successful, the engine can be started, otherwise, the system displays
‘login failed’, then the system restarts the identification process.
If failed five times, the system access will be denied and an email is sent to the legit user.
The main function of the system is realized by the vehicle-mounted mobile device as depicted

As shown the system is composed of driver, mobile terminal equipment, EEG acquisition,
analysis module, engine control unit (ECU), and engine.
Mobile terminal devices will show real time EEG signals and stimulation photos. The EEG
signals of drivers are evoked by the photos stimuli, EEG signals are collected and analysed after
being sent to the mobile terminal equipment and ECU, ECU will identify the results into a signal
to control the start of the engine
Design based on wireless signals CarAu
CarAu leverages wireless signals to identify the key owner based on human identification,
received signal strength and channel state information.
CarAu has a transmitter and a receiver that are separately used to transmit and receive wireless
signals. The transmitter and receiver are commercial-off-shelf devices and can be equipped in the
central control desk of the vehicle as shown below and detect multiple path effect of an
individual which is unique.
Different multipath may cause different constructive or destructive interference, which will lead
to different multipath profiles, also called CSI measurements. Multipath profiles can be
leveraged to identify the user. The subcarrier effect is also unique.

When a user performs activities, the receiver continuously collects CSI measurements. Since
CarAu system relies on the collected fingerprints, which are set as the training set in
authentication and identification phase.
There will be no various variations on CSI measurements while the target walks towards car
compared to other CSI applications in LOS scenes.
Data analysis
We found that compared to subcarrier amplitude, adjacent subcarrier difference can be used to
detect the target’s walking, we calculated subcarrier difference of adjacent subcarriers and it can
be calculated according to the following equation:
ANN is composed of input layer, hidden layer and output layer. The input of ANN is extracted
features, and the output is predicted results.
To minimize the loss function, the weight value and offset value need to be constantly adjusted
to make the actual output closer to the expected output to reduce the loss error
The human authentication model learns from the training data how to map a CSI measurement to
legitimate user and illegitimate user while the user identification model learns how to map a CSI
measurement to n known car users.
To collect CSI, use XiaoMI Note2(antenna) as the transmitter and use Intel 5300 NIC equipped
with a mini PC as the receiver.
Results obtained from the EEG modules and Wireless signals CarAu is analysed by a
microcontroller of the vehicle if user is authentic ignition can be switched on else the vehicle
remain idle.

Space and frequency may be two decisive factors of the problem of using electroencephalogram
biometrics and wireless CarAu but combined with multi-users recognition and considering more
interference factors in vehicle systems, CarAu system and EEG can be more intelligent thus
mitigating unlawful access, implementing the system is time consuming and tedious in training
based database thus a combination of artificial intelligence and machine learning will be a future
opportunity for an intelligent vehicle design that recognize its owner project enhancement.

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