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National Officers and Administrative Staff

Information Guide
ADB HeADquArters

National Officers and Administrative Staff Information Guide

ADB HeADquArters
Human Resources Division January 2010

NAtioNAl officers AND ADmiNistrAtive stAff iNformAtioN GuiDe


INTRODUCTION ABOUT ADB our members What We Do Where Youll find us our organization APPOINTMENTS PROMOTION OPPORTUNITIES IDs AND ACCESS DUTIES AND OBLIGATIONS OFFICIAL HOLIDAYS, WORK HOURS, AND OVERTIME WORK official Holidays Work Hours lunch and cafeteria services overtime transportation scheme for staff rendering overtime BENEFITS Dependency Allowance leave Annual leave sick leave

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family leave maternity leave extended maternity leave emergency leave miscarriage leave special leave Discretionary time off expanded Discretionary time off occasional Absence insurance Group medical insurance Plan sponsored Group medical insurance Plan Group life insurance Plan Accidental Death and Disability insurance Workers compensation insurance Plan Group Disability insurance Plan Dependents life and Disability insurance Plan travel Accident insurance for Dependents Housing loan Program medical and Health services medical and Dental clinics in-House Pharmacy medical emergencies Ambulance service medical evacuation facility staff retirement Plan Provision for contingencies multipurpose loan facility emergency travel Death Grant

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SALARY AND BONUSES STAFF DEVELOPMENT OPPORTUNITIES STAFF ASSOCIATION/STAFF COUNCIL ADB EMPLOYEES MULTIPURPOSE COOPERATIVE SPORTS AND HOBBY CLUBS LEARNING AND RESOURCES CENTER OTHER STAFF SERVICES emergency response emergency contact system staff emergency information system counseling services legal Assistance ADB e-mall vehicle Advice Banking miscellaneous services SMOKING APPENDIXES close relatives of Bank Personne spouse employment Guidelines information on fixed-term Appointment

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this information Guide gives you key information about the Asian Development Bank (ADB): its mission, what it does, how it is organized, and how you can be a part of and grow with this organization. You may also visit our website at to learn more about ADB. We hope that you will decide to join us. We will organize a personalized orientation program for you upon your acceptance of our invitation. Keep this Guide even after you have joined ADB as it also provides links to various intranet information and resources that may be of further interest to you. thank you and welcome to ADB!

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ADB is a multilateral development finance institution owned by 67 members, 48 from the region and 19 from other parts of the globe. our vision is an Asia and Pacific region free of poverty. our mission is to help our developing member countries reduce poverty and improve the quality of life of their people. established in 1966, ADB pursues a strategic agendainclusive growth, environmentally sustainable growth, and regional integration. ADB partners with governments, the private sector, nongovernment organizations, development agencies, community-based organizations, and foundations to assist its developing member countries. ADB serves a very large region, with more than half of the worlds population living in Asia and the Pacific.

Our Members as of December 2009

Afghanistan; Armenia; Australia; Azerbaijan; Bangladesh; Bhutan; Brunei Darussalam; cambodia; Peoples republic of china; cook islands; fiji islands; Georgia; Hong Kong, china; india; indonesia; Japan; Kazakhstan; Kiribati; republic of Korea; Kyrgyz republic; lao Peoples Democratic republic; malaysia; maldives; marshall islands; federated states of micronesia; mongolia; myanmar; Nauru; Nepal; New Zealand; Pakistan; Palau; Papua New Guinea; Philippines; samoa; singapore; solomon islands; sri lanka; taipei,china; tajikistan; thailand; timor-leste; tonga; turkmenistan; tuvalu; uzbekistan; vanuatu; viet Nam

Austria, Belgium, canada, Denmark, finland, france, Germany, ireland, italy, luxembourg, the Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, spain, sweden, switzerland, turkey, united Kingdom, united states

What We Do
As set out in strategy 2020, ADBs long term-strategic framework, ADB focuses on five core areas of operation: infrastructure environment, including climate change

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regional cooperation and integration finance sector development education ADB continues to operate on a more selective basis in health, agriculture, and disaster and emergency assistance. We provide various forms of assistance to governments and private enterprises. our main instruments are policy dialogue, loans, technical assistance, grants, guarantees, and equity investments, and knowledge sharing. our operations are financed by issuing bonds, recycling repayments, and receiving contributions from members. About 74.1% of our cumulative lending comes from ordinary capital resources. We also provide loans from special funds resources. Among them is the Asian Development fund, which provides concessional loans to our least-developed countries. We also manage several trust funds and channel financing of grants provided by bilateral donors. the work of ADB is aimed at improving the welfare of the people in Asia and the Pacific, particularly the nearly 1.7 billion who live on less than $2 a day. Despite many success stories, Asia and the Pacific remains home to two-thirds of the worlds poor. in 2008, ADB approved loans worth $10.5 billion, with technical assistance totaling about $275 million. Grant-financed projects totaled $811.4 million.

Where Youll Find Us

With headquarters in manila, Philippines, ADB has 27 offices worldwide and more than 2,500 employees from over 50 countries. We are helping. Afghanistan stay connected through increased telecommunications access in semi-urban and rural areas Bangladesh become empowered through mobile cellular phones cambodia receive more electricity fiji islands modernize its ports india recover from the devastating effects of an earthquake mongolia develop the best education for their childrens future

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Pakistan women receive more access to justice Papua New Guinea prevent and control Hiv in rural areas Philippines reduce noise and air pollution Peoples republic of china improve its environment solomon islands recover from conflict tajikistan rebuild its roads timor-leste improve its governance central Asia connect through better transportation systems Asia and the Pacific adapt to increasing climate change

Our Organization
Shareholders. of our 67 members, Japan and the united states are coequally the largest shareholders, each with 12.7% of total subscribed capital. forty-eight of our members are from the region and 19 are from other parts of the globe. Management. our highest policy-making body is our Board of Governors. it meets annually and is composed of one representative from each member country. our Governors elect the 12 members of our Board of Directors. our President, assisted by four vice-Presidents, a managing Director General, and the secretary, manages the business of ADB. Our National Officers and Administrative Staff. National officers and administrative staff at ADB headquarters are generally filipino nationals. National officers perform work of a para-professional or technical nature. Within their ranks are accountants, economists, financial analysts, lawyers, information technologists, engineers, and development practitioners. Administrative staff members, on the other hand, perform generally administrative and support functions to national officers and professional staff. ADB offers a competitive package similar to those offered by other multilateral institutions. compensation and benefits for filipino staff address various needs such as housing, health, recreation, retirement, and others. read on for more information. specific details will be provided once you have joined us.


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ADB staff normally receive a fixed-term appointment which is a full-time appointment for a specified period of 1 year or more. A fixed-term appointment may, at the option of ADB, be extended or allowed to lapse. Any extension would either be for an indefinite period or for a further fixed-term. employment on a fixed-term appointment may not exceed 5 years. A fixed-term appointment does not carry any expectation of, or imply any right to, extension or conversion to a regular appointment. Appointments in ADB normally have a probationary period of 1 year, which may be extended at ADBs option. confirmation of your appointment or extension of your probationary period will depend on the recommendation of your Department/office Head. You will receive advice on this before the end of your 13th month of service. once confirmed, you become eligible for annual salary increase.

When vacancies occur, applications are solicited simultaneously through internal advertisement and external search either through ADBs database of applications or external advertisement. internal and external applicants are reviewed simultaneously and the most suitable candidates are referred to the hiring departments for consideration.


All ADB employees and their dependents (7 years old and above) are issued identification cards (iDs). When in ADB premises, you and your dependents must wear your iD at all times. iDs are revoked when (i) they have expired, (ii) they are replaced, (iii) they are no longer needed to access ADB facilities, (iv) you leave ADB service, or (v) in the case of your child iDs, when his or her dependent status has ceased.


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You may not disclose unpublished information or engage in publication or public speaking without observing proper authorization procedures (Administrative circular No. B-2, section 3). You may not also engage in merchandising, moneylending, foreign exchange dealings, and other commercial activities, nor solicit donations, gifts, and other gratuities from firms and agencies that provide services to ADB (Administrative order 2.04, Disciplinary measures and Procedures).


Official Holidays
ADB has 10 official holidays at ADB headquarters. special holidays declared by the President of the Philippines are not observed as ADB holidays unless the ADB President declares them as such.

Work Hours
the regular work week consists of 40 hours, from monday to friday. this may vary if your work requires you to work in shifts. Division/unit may keep a time register for employees levels 7 and below to time in and out. An attendance coordinator is assigned in each unit. ADB headquarters has a flexible working hours scheme to help maintain a better balance between the needs of the organization and your personal and family needs. You will learn more about this during your orientation.

Lunch and Cafeteria Services

the cafeteria and executive Dining room are open for lunch from 11:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. to accommodate employees staggered lunch hours. coffee, tea, soda, and snacks can be purchased from service staff who come around the offices

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once every morning (8:1510 a.m.) and once every afternoon (2:004:15 p.m.). refreshments and snacks are available throughout the day at the snack Bar.

Administrative staff levels 7 and below are eligible for overtime pay. overtime pay is computed at 150% of your hourly rate during weekdays (or regular work days for employees assigned to shift work), and 200% of your hourly rate during saturdays and sundays (or off days for employees assigned to shift work) as well as official ADB holidays.

Transportation Scheme for Employees Rendering Overtime

if you are rendering overtime for at least 4 hours after your scheduled work day during the regular working days of ADB, you are entitled to reimbursement of your taxi expenses. You may also claim taxi expenses when you render overtime work during weekends and holidays, provided you work at least 12 hours.

Dependency Allowance
ADB gives dependency allowance to up to six of your dependents. eligible dependents are spouse, parents, parents-in-law, and children 19 years old and below who are unmarried and in full-time education. if your child is between 19 years old and 24 years old, unmarried and studying full time, you should submit proof of his or her attendance in full-time education annually. to apply for dependency allowance, you need to complete the Dependents status form and submit it to staff Development and Benefits Division (BPDB), including documents such as marriage certificate, birth certificate, certificate of employment, divorce or annulment papers as may be required and as applicable.


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Annual Leave. You are entitled to an annual leave of 26 working days per year during your first 5 years of service, 28 days per year during your next 5 years of service, and 30 days per year beyond 10 years of service, accrued daily. if you are on probation, your annual leave will be pro-rated and the entitlement up to the end of the year (at 2.17 working days per month) will be credited on your date of appointment. on 1 January of the following year and thereafter, your annual leave account will be credited with 26 working days. Sick Leave. You are entitled to 15 working days sick leave per year, accrued daily. if on probation, 15 days sick leave is credited on the date of your appointment. upon completion of your probationary period, sick leave is immediately credited to you for the remainder of the calendar year at the rate of 1.25 working days per month. on 1 January of the following year and thereafter, you are credited with 15 days sick leave. there is no limit on sick leave accrual but unused sick leave cannot be commuted to cash. Family Leave. You are allowed up to 5 days per year (charged to sick leave credits) to enable you to attend to family members (i.e., spouse, children, parents, and parents-in-law) who are sick in the duty station and who require your personal care and attention. You may also use this leave when assuming legal custody of a child in the process of adoption. male employees may also use this leave as paternity leave. Maternity Leave. female employees giving birth are given up to 12 calendar weeks of maternity leave with full salary, benefits, and applicable allowance, but only up to three deliveries. if you take your maternity leave while still under probation, your probationary period will be extended by as many weeks as your maternity leave. Extended Maternity Leave. female employees may apply and be granted additional maternity leave of up to 12 weeks without salary but with full benefits for the duration of leave.


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Emergency Leave. ADB provides 3 days leave, exclusive of travel time, to employees in the event of death of immediate family members, they being spouse, children, parents, and parents-in-law. Miscarriage Leave. female employees are entitled to up to 2 calendar weeks of leave in the event of a miscarriage or abortion of a fetus less than 28 weeks old. Special Leave. You may request to go on special leave, with or without pay, to study, to work in another international institution, or for other reasons. Approval of special leave will depend on the merits of your request. Your requested leave should also not fall within the scope of the other types of leave. Discretionary Time Off. if you are on official mission travel outside your duty station during a designated holiday observed in the duty station, you may seek discretionary time off equal to the number of duty station holidays missed and spent at work, subject to certain conditions. the unused discretionary time off is non-compensatory and cannot be commuted to cash. Expanded Discretionary Time Off.* if you have completed at least 14 continuous calendar days of extended mission or prolonged work period, you may also seek time off for up to 2 days per quarter. Occasional Absence and Extension of Work Hours. You may be absent from work from 30 minutes to 3 hours a day without this being charged to regular leave. this is referred to as occasional absence (oA). Alternatively, this absence can be made up by advancing or extending working hours. Accumulated absences of this nature should not exceed 8 hours within a given calendar year.

ADB provides various insurance plans for your and your dependents protection against sickness, disability, and death. Details about the plans are available in staff Development and Benefits online.
* Applicable to Professional staff 16, National officers, and Administrative staff who go on extended mission only. 15

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Group Medical Insurance Plan (GMIP). the GmiP provides you and your dependents (spouses and eligible children) worldwide coverage for medical expenses resulting from sickness, accident, and maternity. coverage begins on the date of your appointment although you should still submit the enrollment form to confirm enrollment. for dependents not eligible on your date of appointment, eligibility will be the date of marriage for spouse, date of birth for a natural-born child, and the date of approval of legal adoption of adopted child. the GmiP reimburses reasonable and customary medical expenses with participant share and stop-loss benefit. Sponsored Group Medical Insurance Plan (SGMIP). You may enroll your parents and/or parents-in-law in the sponsored GmiP (sGmiP) which provides similar protection as the GmiP except for higher participant share, deductible and no stop-loss coverage. Group Life Insurance Plan (GLIP). staff below age 65 is provided coverage equal to 1 years salary against death due to accidental or natural causes and may be extended up to age 67 with proof of good health, at full cost to ADB. coverage begins from appointment date. You may get additional coverage equal to 1 to 5 years salary at full cost to staff. submit the enrollment form within 61 days from appointment date to ensure coverage effective appointment date. if enrolling after 61 days, a proof of good health is required and coverage commences on the date of insurers approval. Accidental Death and Disability Insurance (AD&D). the AD&D provides coverage equal to 4 years salary against death or permanent disability (total or partial) due to accidental causes for those below age 65, at full cost to ADB. coverage begins on the date of appointment and ceases on termination of your employment or on your 65th birthday, whichever is earlier. if still employed at ADB, such coverage may be extended up to age 67 subject to proof of good health. Workers Compensation Insurance (WCI). the Wci provides you coverage equal to 4 years salary against death or total and permanent disability due to workrelated sickness (below age 60 for permanent disability), at full cost to ADB.

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coverage begins on the date of your appointment and ceases upon termination of your employment. Group Disability Insurance Plan (GDIP). the GDiP provides coverage equal to 14 years salary against permanent total or partial disability due to work- or non-work-related accident or illness for those below age 60, at full cost to you. coverage begins on the date of your appointment if you will enroll within 61 days after appointment date, or on the date approved by the insurer, if you will enroll after 61 days. Dependents Life and Disability Insurance Plan (DLDIP). the DlDiP provides coverage for your spouse (under age 65) and eligible children (under age 24) against death and permanent disability resulting from natural and accidental causes. Your children who are at least 1 year old and below 5 years may be enrolled for life coverage. on their fifth birthday, the coverage is automatically extended to include disability coverage except for disabled children. Your spouse may be insured up to the lesser of your GliP coverage or four times of your annual salary. each of your eligible children may be insured up to PhP50,000, at full cost to you. their coverage begins on your date of appointment if they are enrolled within 61 days after your appointment date, or on the insurers approved date if they are enrolled after 61 days. for dependents who will be eligible after your appointment date, effective date is date of marriage for spouse, first birthday for the natural child, or first birthday or adoption date for the adopted child. Travel Accident Insurance for Dependents. the travel Accident insurance provides coverage for your spouse and eligible children against death resulting from accidents while on ADB-paid travel, at full cost to ADB. the coverage is 1.5 times your annual salary for spouse, and 0.75 times your annual salary for each eligible child.

Housing Loan Program

ADBs Housing loan Program aims to assist headquarters-based national officers and administrative staff with loans to buy or build homes within reasonable commuting distance from ADB, or to renovate their existing homes. to be

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eligible for this loan, you must (i) have had 3 years of continuous service with ADB; (ii) have performance ratings equivalent to meets or exceeds expectations; and (iii) have had no disciplinary action imposed on you during the 3 years preceding your loan application. You may borrow an amount equivalent to up to four times your gross annual salary subject to a ceiling that is reviewed and adjusted each year. interest is computed at 50% of the average housing loan interest charged by the three major mortgage lending banks in manila as reviewed every year. Principal and interest on the loan is repaid through payroll deduction. However, your total payroll deduction, including housing loan deductions, must not exceed 70% of your gross monthly salary at the time of your loan.

Medical and Health Services

Medical and Dental Clinics. ADB headquarters has fully equipped medical and dental clinics opened to staff only (except every third saturday of the month for the vaccination clinic and every saturday for the dental clinic, when the clinics are also opened to dependents). in addition, ADB-accredited medical and dental clinics in metropolitan manila can also provide medical and dental care to you and your dependents. some of their services are covered for free by ADBs retainer plans. In-House Pharmacy. You can purchase medicines from the ADB in-house pharmacy operated by a contractor. When you and your dependents who are members of the Group medical insurance Plan present a valid prescription, you may buy medicines on deferred-payment and vAt-exempt basis from this inhouse pharmacy. Your share of expenses is paid through salary deduction.

Medical Emergencies
Ambulance Service. ADB has a contract with a local provider for emergency ambulance service within metro manila for you and relatives residing with you. medical service fees and costs of consumables on board the ambulance are billed to the GmiP for staff members and their eligible dependents covered under the plan. charges for other household members who are not eligible dependents and for dependents not covered in GmiP will be billed directly to you.

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Medical Emergency Assistance Facility. When traveling in areas outside your duty station where medical facilities are unavailable or inadequate, this facility ensures that you and/or your dependents are promptly evacuated to the nearest adequate medical facility in case of emergencies requiring immediate medical attention. this facility is available 24 hours a day.

Staff Retirement Plan

the staff retirement Plan (srP) is a defined benefit plan that provides benefits upon normal or early retirement, termination of appointment, permanent incapacity, or death of a staff while in service. No mandatory contributions are required from you. ADB contributes a variable amount based on actuarial advice to keep the plan well funded. the normal retirement age in ADB is 60 with at least 5 years of service. early retirement is upon reaching the rule of 70, where your age and number of years of service add up to at least 70. for those not meeting the rule of 70, the standard rule is upon reaching age 55 with at least 5 years of service. the normal retirement pension is computed as 1.5% of the highest average remuneration paid during any 2 consecutive years of eligible service, times years of service. there is no reduction factor for early retirement under the rule of 70 but a reduction factor is applied for early retirement under the standard rule. lump-sum benefit is paid to those who leave ADB with less than 5 years of service, or to those who have 5 or more years of service but opt for this in lieu of pension. survivors pensions are paid to your spouse and eligible children upon your death while in service or after retirement. Disability pensions are paid to you upon permanent disability while in service. Pensions are indexed annually to inflation with a guaranteed rate of 3% per year. Pensions are paid in Philippine pesos. While in service with ADB, you can purchase either a lump-sum or pension benefit under the srP Discretionary Benefits (DB) scheme. to buy DB, you will need to make additional contributions to the fund with no matching contributions from ADB. Your contributions may be paid in lump sum or through semimonthly deductions from salary. Your contributions will earn applicable interest up to the date you elect payment of your DB.


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Provision for Contingencies

Multipurpose Loan (MPL) Facility. this facility can assist you in times of personal financial need. if you are on regular or fixed-term appointment, you are eligible for this. Please refer to the following schedule to find out how much you can borrow:
Minimum Length of Service* Repayment Period 12 months 24 months 36 months 48 months At least 60 months 2.3 months salary 4.7 months salary 7 months salary 8.7 months salary 10.5 months salary 24 months 48 months 72 months 72 months 72 months Loan Ceiling Maximum

Your length of service is determined by either the date of your appointment or the date of your participation in the staff retirement Plan, whichever is later. the minimum amount you can borrow is P5,000. You may borrow up to three times per year subject to loan ceiling limitations. for more information, contact the Payroll section, controllers Department. Application for mPl can be done online. Emergency Travel. if you need to travel away from headquarters due to the death of an immediate family member, ADB will reimburse your or your spouses travel expenses at an amount not exceeding the cost of the most direct route to and from your destination, as determined by ADB. Death Grant. in the event of your death, the payable death grant will be equivalent to 3 months your salary but not exceeding $5,000.


salaries are paid in Philippine pesos on a semimonthly basis: on the 15th (or the last working day prior to the 15th if such falls on a holiday or a weekend), and

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the last working day of each month. salaries are credited to your payroll bank account. You are entitled to a midyear bonus paid in march and a year-end bonus paid in september, each equivalent to 1 months salary.


ADB supports your professional growth through enhancement of your skills and competencies. While career management and development remains your responsibility, the learning and Development unit (BPDB-l&D) is committed to partner with you in this responsibility by offering quality programs and learning opportunities that will meet your development requirements. In-house learning programs. learning programs and options for staff and departments conducted in headquarters aimed at addressing ADBs business needs. complete program listing is available on the intranet. External training events. seminars, training courses, and conferences to help expand specialized departmental priority areas which cannot be addressed effectively through in-house training. Participation in external training events is subject to BPmsDs approval following the external training guidelines. Education assistance. formal continuing education at duty station or on a distance learning basis leading to a diploma, certificate, or degree. In-house MBA. An in-house offering, in partnership with Ateneo de manila university in the Philippines for staff in headquarters leading to a masters degree in Business Administration. the ADBAteneo in-house mBA Program is open to all employees, including those newly hired. ADB advances payment to Ateneo and recovers the employees share through payroll deduction. the ADB library can purchase books in bulk and distribute these to enrolled employees who may either pay in advance or request ADB to advance the payment. When an enrolled employee withdraws from the course, ADBs 75% subsidy is revoked and charged to the employee through payroll deduction. Departmental retreat. A department-based business activity which focuses on building relationships, sharing knowledge, and setting direction.

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Resources available to staff. training resources, including program and financial assistance, are available to ADB staff. A. Program assistance. covers the design and delivery of customized in-house programs by skilled resource persons/ facilitators and the allotment of 10 days Development leave annually for staff participation in learning events and fulfillment of approved educational assistance requirements (thesis completion, preparation for examinations, papers, etc.) B. financial assistance. includes 75% subsidy for education assistance, at a maximum of $1,500 annually; departmental retreat funding at $20 per head per annum; and full subsidy for participation in external training events.


the ADB staff Association fosters a sense of common purpose and promotes and safeguards the rights, interests, and welfare of its members. the associations annual membership fee is P250.00, which is automatically deducted from your payroll, unless you wish to withdraw from the membership.


this cooperative was established by and is operated on a voluntary basis by filipino employees. membership in the ADBemc is open only to filipinos. it provides deposit and loan facilities as well as other credit facilities.


Participation in sports and hobby clubs in ADB help enhance staff morale and encourage interaction among employees. for this reason, ADB helps fund the activities of various sports and hobby clubs organized by staff. ADBs

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subsidy, however, does not cover all of the clubs activities or your dependents participation in them. Hence, these clubs collect membership dues to cover the costs of their programs. the list of these clubs is available on the intranet. the list which is updated periodically includes the names of contact persons and appropriate details for each club.


the ADB learning resources center, located inside the ADB library, can provide you with individualized, self-paced learning through various means, among them: computer-based, audiovisual, and audio-based training; self-instructional courses; and group film screenings.


Emergency Response
ADBs security and safety services contractor provides a 24-hour daily emergency response service. When you need immediate assistance, call the ADB security Detachment incident coordinator at 632 5220 or 0917 888 6333. some services are free. these include coordination by telephone with the proper authorities in medical emergencies, vehicular accidents, and criminal activities; coordination with companies that can provide appropriate services such as vehicle towing and lock opening; coordination with the contracted provider for an ambulance in the event of a medical emergency outside headquarters premises; assistance at the scene of a vehicular accident within the area of ortigas center Association, inc. (ocAi). security services not mentioned are charged a set fee. to learn more and to arrange for such services, contact the liaison officer for miscellaneous security services. Beyond office hours, you can call the incident coordinator at ext. 5220.

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Emergency Contact System

the online emergency contact system allows ADB personnel to record and update personal information, such as emergency contacts, as well as travel-related information relevant to the administration of passport, visa, travel preferences, etc. Data are stored on the ADB network and are fully encrypted for security and privacy. ADB staff must participate and provide the required information in the system. ADB personnel must take personal responsibility to ensure that their emergency contact information is complete and continually updated.

Staff Emergency Information System

A feature of the staff emergency information system (seis) is the group text messaging capability, used to communicate emergency security and safety information or work-related advisories. You are encouraged to enroll in this system although your participation will be voluntary. You will be able to enroll up to two cell phone numbers. the system provides adequate security for the stored data and uses ADBs unique caller and message codes for message authentication.

Counseling Services
ADB has engaged the services of an external counselor to assist employees needing confidential advice on personal, family, or work-related concerns. the counselors may also refer employees to other therapeutic professionals when required.

Legal Assistance
A retainer law firm can provide you and your dependents with legal advice should you be faced with a legal issue or problem.

ADB e-Mall
An online bulletin board, intended to assist staff members to sell or otherwise dispose of their personal property and to obtain necessary personal services.

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However, advertisements that exploit the service for profit, trading, or commercial purposes shall not be allowed. only ADB staff and dependents are authorized to post in the e-mall.

Vehicle Advice
ADB provides an intranet site where you can view or download listings of vehicles for sale. You can also access a directory of manila car dealers or post your own notice when selling a vehicle.

three commercial banks are housed in the ADB headquarters building for your and your dependents banking convenience.

Miscellaneous Services
Within the premises are a number of miscellaneous service providers such as travel agencies, insurance companies providing personal, car, and household insurance; a notary public; a laundry and dry cleaning shop; a bookstore and convenience shop; courier services; personal car sales service; postal services; messenger services; and telecom counters.

smoking is not allowed inside the headquarters building. employees may smoke only in designated areas outside the building.
Note: this information guide is not intended to amend, revise, or supersede ADBs existing Administrative orders, Administrative circulars, and its other rules, regulations, and issuances.


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(reference to A.o. No. 2.01, revised 21 August 2009)

Close Relatives of Bank Personnel

for purposes of all types of employment covered by this Administrative order, i.e., regular, fixed-term, short-term, part-time, directors advisor and young professional, the following persons, in addition to the spouse and children of staff members, are hereby considered to be their close relatives:
mother father Brother sister Niece Nephew Grandmother Grandfather Granddaughter Grandson Aunt uncle cousin* stepmother stepfather stepsister stepbrother mother-in-law father-in-law sister-in-law Brother-in-law Daughter-in-law son-in-law

relationships by adoption are equated to relationships by blood. spouse for the purposes of this Ao and no other purpose, means: (i) a person to whom a staff member is legally married under the law of the country where it has been contracted and under the law of the staff members home country, or (ii) a person who is in a common law, de facto or spousal relationship with a staff member. for the purposes of consideration of the close relatives the relatives of a spouse defined in paragraph (ii) shall be deemed to be in-laws or step, as the case may be. for family leave, emergency leave, and emergency travel, the definition of close relatives is restricted to spouse, children, parents, and parents-in-law.
* child of an Aunt or uncle.


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(reference to A.o. No. 2.01, revised 21 August 2009)

Spouse Employment Guidelines

spouse employment does not cover National officers and Administrative staff. it is limited to a spouse of a professional staff (or a candidate for a professional staff position) applying for a professional staff position.

Information on Fixed-Term Appointment
(National officers and Administrative staff) this section is intended to ensure that staff members on fixed-term appointments gain an accurate understanding of the meaning of their fixed-term status and a realistic view of their prospects of being converted to a regular (indefinite) appointment upon expiry of their fixed term. included, for information, is an overview of the normal departmental processes for providing fixed-term staff with relevant and timely feedback and for developing a consistent and reliable basis for making decisions on possible conversions.

Intentions and expectations regarding fixed-term staff

it is the current policy of ADB to maintain a large proportion of its staff members on an indefinite basis, through regular staff appointments. initially, however, new staff members are hired on a fixed-term basis for 3 years. While the practice of ADB has been to offer conversion to regular status to the majority of staff when their terms expire, this experience cannot be construed as a commitment in any individual case.


NAtioNAl officers AND ADmiNistrAtive stAff iNformAtioN GuiDe

ADBs legal obligation does not go beyond the initial term, unless and until a formal written commitment to a conversion has been made in accordance with the procedures outlined below. No supervisor or other ADB official has the authority to commit ADB outside these procedures.

Considerations in ADBs decision making

the conversion decision depends in large part on the assessment by the department or office of the staff members performance during the fixed-term appointment and the related judgment about the individuals potential for a successful career with ADB. there must be a clearly positive assessment for taking the important step of committing ADB to providing a career opportunity for the individual. However, the short- and long-term staffing needs of ADB are of paramount importance in this process. currently, substantial changes to the business processes and organizational structure of ADB are under way which are expected to entail far-reaching implications for the staffing and skills-mix requirements of ADB. therefore, staffing requirements at the time of possible conversion may not justify a positive decision that would otherwise have been warranted solely if made on the grounds of performance and potential.

Overview of monitoring and decision-making process

the mutual objective during the fixed-term appointment is to enable the staff member to perform at full capacity as quickly as possible, not just to maximize the contribution to ADBs work but also to provide an opportunity for the staff member to demonstrate potential for the future. the supervisor should endeavor to provide suitable assignments, appropriate guidance, and timely feedback. However, the fixed-term staff member must be prepared to seek such assistance from the supervisor(s). the Human resources Division also stands ready to assist upon request, should the staff member or the supervisor find this necessary. the monitoring process includes a formal probationary period. the purpose of such probationary period is to determine whether the staff member is suitable for service in ADB. such determination is generally made on the basis of the staff members first 12 months of service. the performance of the staff member is


NAtioNAl officers AND ADmiNistrAtive stAff iNformAtioN GuiDe

first reviewed after 6 months of service. A second review is conducted before the end of the 13th month of service. At this time, ADB will decide whether or not to confirm the staff members appointment through a full written evaluation of his or her performance. Prospects for conversion to a regular appointment may be discussed at this time, but no commitment can be made at this early stage. in exceptional cases where it is considered that more time is required to fully evaluate the staff members performance, the probationary period of the staff member may be extended by ADB. in such a case, a third review of the staff members performance is carried out before the end of the 18th month of service on the basis of which the decision on the confirmation of appointment is taken. After the confirmation of appointment, the staff member will receive a full written evaluation of his or her performance following each calendar year. After 2-and-a-half years, the staff members office or department will inform him or her and the Human resources Division whether or not it recommends an extension and conversion to a regular appointment, while giving its underlying reasons in terms of performance, potential, and office or departmental staffing needs. the final decision will be made by Director General of the Budget, Personnel, and management systems Department based on the recommendations of Director, Human resources Division and your own department or office. there is normally no basis for questioning this decision, which is considered final and taken on behalf of ADB as a whole. if ADBs staffing requirements do not justify a conversion of the staff members appointment or if a department or office finds that it has inadequate information upon which to base a final decision about a fixed-term appointees conversion to regular staff, the department or office may request only once an extension for up to 2 years. A staff member receiving such an extension should not take the extended affiliation with ADB as any kind of indication, in itself, regarding the prospects for eventual conversion.


About the Asian Development Bank ADBs vision is an Asia and Pacific region free of poverty. Its mission is to help its developing member countries substantially reduce poverty and improve the quality of life of their people. Despite the regions many successes, it remains home to two-thirds of the worlds poor: 1.8 billion people who live on less than $2 a day, with 903 million struggling on less than $1.25 a day. ADB is committed to reducing poverty through inclusive economic growth, environmentally sustainable growth, and regional integration. Based in Manila, ADB is owned by 67 members, including 48 from the region. Its main instruments for helping its developing member countries are policy dialogue, loans, equity investments, guarantees, grants, and technical assistance.

Asian Development Bank 6 ADB Avenue, Mandaluyong City 1550 Metro Manila, Philippines Publication Stock No. ARM091218

Printed in the Philippines

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