Elastic Methode of Tank

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Elastic Analysis (Beam Analysis )

Radial Delection
B Foundation Factor
C Reduction Factor to account for The Partial expansion due to Temperature Change
D Tank diameter
Ds Flexural Rigidity of tank wall
E Young,s Modulus
Eip Flexural rigidity of Bottom Plate Per Unit width
G Specific Gravity of liquid
H Design Liquid
K Foundation Modulus
Kc Stress Concentration Factor at shell-to-Bottom
Mbp Inelastic Moment in the Bottom Plate
M0 Moment at the Bottom of the shell
Mp Plastic Moment Capacity of the Bottom /Annular Plate
N Number of Load cycle estimated for the design life=Capacity of Tank
q Hyd.test pressure
R Tank raduis
S Aletranating Stress Range in the Bottom Plate near shell to Bottom Joint
S sb/2
Sb Peseudo Elastic Bending Stress
Sx Stress in Bottom Plate in the radial Directions
tb Annular Thickness
L Annular Length
Material A841 M
Young,s Modulus 200,000 Mpa
Yield stress 345 Mpa
Design Stress 194 Mpa
Hyd.test stress 208 Mpa
Specific Weight of Liquid 9.81 KN/m3
Stell Density 77.1 KN/m3
Poissonms Ratio 0.3
Shell Theory

γ Unit weight of Liquid =G*9.84 *10 -6 0.00000981 N/mm3

G Specific Gravity 1
ρ Liquid Density 1000 kg/m3
v Poissonms Ratio 0.3
R 25 m
ts 35 mm
tb 10 mm
D 30 m
H 25 m
β (shell Parameter ( 3(1-v2) / R2t2s ) 0.25 0.04
C Factor defined by Karcher 1
The Radial Deflection of shell
ΔT change in temperature 50
E Young,s Modulus 191000 Mpa
Materail ASTM A 516 GR 70 290 Mpa
α coefficient of thermal expansion 0.0000117 /0 C
Assuming afully Plastic Annular Plate Moment at the shell Bottom
M0 = 2Mp for concrete Ring Foundation ,where Mp Plastic Moment

γR 2/ Ets 9.171653E-10
βCαΔTEts /γ R 692922.8722
β 3SYt 2 b /2γ 121,285.50
θS -0.000524286 rad.
The pseudobending stress (strain range) at the Bottom plate
Sb =6M /tb 2
S = 0.5 Sb
Where :Sb is the max. stress occurs in the annular Plate at the Shell-To-Bottom Jun.

B = Foundation Factor 2 ( for concrete Ring )

0.028D2 tb0.25b/ts 1.280361175
58 HG /(Dts )0.5 44.74797149
26.2 C ΔT ts 0.25
/D 1.5
4.8 B SY t2b /(Dts )1.5 8.182486215
S 105.9254015 Mpa

eq.(1) Allicable 90.9133621 8.18249

Beam on Elastic Foundation

Width of Annular ring 1100 mm
Proj.inside Tank 985 mm
Liquid Pressure 0.24525 Mpa
Mbp = q L2/4 58594616.51 N-mm
Mpb inelastic moment in the bottom plate
IP Moment of Ineria 417.2122852 mm3
Annular OD 32200 mm
Annular ID 30000 mm

21452852 Mpa

2. 536γH 0.000621954
R / H ts
βCαΔTEts / γR 692922.8722
β 3SY t 2b /γ 242571.0099
S =Sb/2 10726425.88 Mpa
N (Life cycle ) =(9700/Kc*S ) 2.44 0.0000000
Kc Stress concentration factor 4 (lap welded bottm/Butt -welded Annaular)

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