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The Concept of Education in Islam

I'd heard that Islam has an educational notion, but my understanding and knowledge of

Islam's educational system is very limited. It is limited because I grew up in a Christian place

and I’ve been there for 17 years. I knew that it was my fault why I didn’t have enough

knowledge when in fact that nowadays, there is a lot of ways to gain knowledge and to be

knowledgeable enough about Islam. Actually, this subject is new to me, and I believe it

differs from my previous completed L.A/Minor subject in that I quickly became accustomed

to it and was able to solve and adapt to it. I find it difficult at the same time I felt that this

subject is interesting and I will learn a lot of knowledge before this semester end.

The lecture discusses Islamic education and the key parts that make up education, including

Process, Content, and Recipient. The Process, which stands for the approach or strategies

that the educator would employ to be effective and efficient as a teacher, is the first aspect of

education in Islam. The second key ingredient is Content, which is the most crucial since

content must be correct and true. Which is here indicated as ‘something’ and that something

is the knowledge that will impart to the mind of the learners/pupils. To my mind, the reason

why content is one of the most crucial parts it is because the educator must teach correctly,

and the sources he uses must be reliable and appropriate for the learners/pupils.

If the content is followed correctly, the learners will learn a lot, they will be able to bring and

share the knowledge that they received and acquired with others. It is really needed that the

knowledge that will impart to the mind of the learners/pupils are correct and true cause they

will bring it where ever they go.

Also, we future educator is one of the factors that may affect the learning of the pupils since

we are one of those people that will mold and impart knowledge to them. If the

learners/pupils learn a lot and the time will come that she/he will acknowledge the knowledge

the she/he acquired.

Acknowledgement is something that hard to do when the learners are not fully mold or there

is something wrong on the process of imparting the knowledge. If the process is consistent

and progressively the knowledge that they acquired, they will acknowledge, share and bring

it where ever they go. Finally, the last aspect that the author mentioned is the Recipient, and

that recipient is ourselves because people or human are capable of comprehending, thinking,

analyzing, judging, realizing, discriminating, distinguishing, criticizing, and clarifying the

information or knowledge that we acquire or learn. We have a mind and heart (qalb) that we

can use to understand more and process the knowledge in our mind. We have the capability

to distinguish the reality/truth (haqq) to falsehood (batil), to seek justice (Adl), to have

wisdom (Hikmah), to reason (nutq) to discipline the body, mind & soul (adab) is the

discipline of body, mind and soul; the discipline that assures the recognition and

acknowledgement of one’s proper place in relation to one’s physical, intellectual and spiritual

capacities and potentials; the recognition and acknowledgement of the reality that knowledge

and being are ordered hierarchically according to their various levels (marÂtib) and degrees


In addition, the author discussed the importance of education and his thoughts on the subject.

"Education is something that is progressively instilled into man," he says. That quotation, in

my opinion, has a deep meaning that we must comprehend, and I believe that education is

progressing as time passes. He also stated that "Purpose of knowledge is to produce good

man” which is right.

The purpose of seeking knowledge in Islam is to inculcate goodness in man as man and

individual self. The end of education in Islam is to produce a good man, and not—as in the

case of Western civilization—to produce a good citizen. By ‘good’ in the concept of good

man is meant precisely the man of (adab) in the sense here explained as encompassing the

spiritual and material life of man. My parents used to tell us that the reason why they let us go

to school and learn is because I need to learn and apply what I've learned so that I can share

what I've learned with others and contribute to our society.

I also agreed with that statement because a good man equals a nice and healthy society. Every

school must produce a good man to be the next great and good leader that will lead and guide

to our society and also, we students must learn and study hard to learn more so that we can be

a great leader someday. It is very nice to live in a good and healthy society because it

encourages and motivates the next generation to seek out more knowledge that is useful and

applicable. He also mentioned that “there are many definitions describing the nature of

knowledge, but what is of relevance here is the epistemological definition, since it is

important to understand what the Islamic epistemological context involves and implies” We

Muslims we must always think that knowledge comes from God (Allah s.w.t)

He also stated that “Education is process of instilling something into human beings.”

That quote is very well said and we all knew that in field of education, the process is always

there to absorb and acknowledge the knowledge. In this answer ‘a process of instilling’ refers

to the method and the system by which what is called ‘education’ is gradually imparted;

‘something’ refers to the content of what is instilled; and ‘human beings’ refers to the

recipient of both the process and the content.

Overall, I learned a lot from this topic, and I find it interesting. I gained a lot of knowledge,

techniques, and strategies that I can use in the near future. Also, I gained few Arabic words

such as haqq (reality and truth), batil (Falsehood), adl (justice), hikmah (wisdom), maratib

(Level), darajat (degrees), ta’allum (learning), ma’na (meaning), ilm (knowledge), amal

(action), nutq, (reason), nafs (self) and adab (discipline of body, mind & soul)

In Shaa Allah I will do my best to learned a lot and I’m looking forward for those upcoming

topic/lesson that I will learn from this subject. In Shaa Allah I will convey and share this

information that I’ve learned with my family, potential babies lol, and future learners in the

name of Allah. But before I finish my Critical Comprehension Paper, I have a few questions

that I'd want to address here.


1. When can we say that a teacher produced a decent/good man?

What are the foundations or criteria that we must take into account?

2. What about the process, if the content is the most important aspect in the fundamental


Because process refers to a method or strategy, and that method/strategy is also significant

because no two students are alike. Every learner is different, and each one has their own

manner of learning and understanding.

3. Why are there still a few schools in Marawi City that do not require students to learn

Arabic, Hadith, Islamic Studies, and other Islamic subjects. Even though our city is known as

an "Islamic City," but only few schools use integrated learning. It's unfortunate to say that we

take for granted the opportunity to study as early as possible, focusing solely on western

education. I didn't mean anything by this inquiry, but it prompted me to think about it and ask


4. Why is it that there are still a few schools in Lanao that perform Friday classes?

We all know that every Friday is special and that we must do everything we can for Allah's

sake, and that we will treasure that day as much as we can, but instead of doing good deeds,

following the Sunnah, performing salah, and doing "Kapanadumtadum," but other students

can skip it due to their Friday classes.


Presented to
Mr. Mohammad - Yusoph P. Mapia, MIE, MPA
Faculty of Department of Education
Philippine Integrated College Academy Foundation Inc.
Biaba-Damag, Marawi City

In Partial Fulfillment
Of the Requirements for the Course
IS104 (Islamic Education

Sitie Aina S. Maca-umbos


April 2022

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