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AUDIO engineering society

Containing the Activities and Papers of the Society, and pub-
lished monthly as a part of AUDIO ENGINEERING Magazine
F. Sumner Hall . . . . . . President W. S. Pritchard . Central Vice-Pres.
P. 0. Box 12, Old Chelsea Str., Jerry B. Minter Executive Vice-Pres. .
R. L. Burgess . Western Vice-Pres.
New York 1 1, N. Y. C. J. LeBel . . ... . . . . . . . Secretary Ralph A. Schlegel . . . . . . Treasurer

Wide-Angle Dispersion
of High-Frequency Sound

A description of the design of a series of high-frequency horns with improved per-

formance in the horizontal plane and a minimum of diffraction in the vertical plane.

ever, wide-angle dispersion by itself is of irregular energy lobes as the fre-

not the optimum solution to high-fre- quency changes.
quencY radiation. The following three Figure 2A compares graphically these
attributes must prevail simultaneously. characteristics of for the three
a. Maintenance of the sound pressure of types of tweeter horns commonly known
the entire frequency range of the as the multicellular type, the pie-wedge
tweeter over the entire angular cov- type, and the recent univeisity " R ~ -
erage desired. verse Flare" type. The multicellular
b. The over-all effiliency of the horn
must not be sacrificed in making the characteristic shows regions of extreme
horn a wide-angle radiator. energy fluctuation. Such fluctuation
c. The angular response shall be free dekndent upon frequency and angle, is

A high degree of wide-angle dispersion
in one plane may be achieved by means
of a compound horn in which the primary
section allows wave expansion only into
the undesired plane. This creates a pres-
sure gradient along the horn walls defin-
ing the desired plane. The built up pres-
sure is subsequently allowed to expand
into the desired plane by reversal of the
direction of flares of the horn walls. This
reverse-flare device in conjunction with
a square horn m u t h provides wide-angle
radiation free from phase cancellation
and mouth diffraction effects.


A radiator is that the high-frequency

energy be distributed over a wide
horizontal angle. Failure to attain such
a characteristic results in off-axis loss
of level of the high frequencies. How-
* University Loudspeakers, Inc., 80 S.
Kensico Ave., White Plains, N . Y .

paper rests upon the author, and state-

ments contained herein are not binding Fig. 2. ( A ) Comparison of performance of reverse flare, multicellular, and pie-wedge horns. (B)
upon the Audio Engineering Society. Relative angular response in horizontal (solid lines) vs. vertical (dotted lines) radiation in
reverse-flare horn.


due to the phase cancellation of energy portant part in the dispersion of the that the horn designed for low cut-off
from the several individual sources of high-frequency energy radiated from the expands slowly, while the horn designed
radiation from the multicellular mouths. mouth of the horn. for high cut-off expands rapidly.
Where multicellular sources are absent, This provides a means of determining
as in the pie-wedge type of ho>n and in Horn Pressures in what geometric manner the sound
the reverse flare horn, there is no evi- pressures within the horn are distrib-
dence of these phase discriminatory can- All horns, including the reverse flare uted. For instance, in a horn with a high
cellations. However, it willbe noted that type, are pressure controlling devices. cut-off frequency which will necessarily
the pie wedge exhibits considerable At the throat of the horn (the narrow expand and flare out quickly, the fast
energy loss in the mid-band-pass region end), the sound pressure is the greatest, flaring walls of the hprn allow the wave
for increasing angle. The conventional while at the mouth of the horn (the wide front to spread out rapidly in a direction
narrow vertical dimension of the mouth open end), the sound pressure is the transverse to the axis. Consequently, the
of this type of horn gives rise to excess least. 'At any point along the axis of the total pressure of the wave front will be
diffraction of energy into the vertical horn between the mouth and the throat, distributed quickly over the enlarged
plane which is tantamount to energy loss the sound pressure & of some intermedi- area between the fast flaring walls. This
in the horizontal plane. ate value. The actual manner in which will result in a rapidly diminishing pres-
Where neither multicellular nor the sound pressure throughout the horn sure per square unit of the wave front
wedge-mouth devices are used, as in the varies depends upon the rate of growth surface. On the other hand, in a horn
reverse flare horn, high horizontal effi- of the area. of cross-section of the horn. with a low cut-off frequency where the
ciency performance is obtained, and This cross-sectional growth is deter- walls expand slowly, the wave front de-
there are no phase cancellation regions, mined by the law under which the par- velopment in a direction transverse to
as Fig. 2A indicates. The favorable ticular horn expands. the axis will be restricted. Accordingly,
ratio of horizontal to vertical radiation One of the most efficient of horn ex- the per unit area pressure distribution
for this type of horn is illustrated in pansions is the exponential type. This on the wave-front surface will diminish
Fig. 2B. horn is remarkably efficient as an im- slowly. Thus a knowledge of the cut-off
The reverse flare horns illustrated in pedance matching device between the frequency of the horn will determine the
Fig. 1 show that this type of horn first source of sound at the thrbat of the
expands-rapidly in the vertical direction, horn and the atmosphere into which the I
and as the mouth of the horn is ap- mouth of the horn radiates. Its cross-
proached it begins to expand also in the sectional area expands according to the
horizontal direction. Hence the name "natural law of growth," expressed by
"Reverse Flare" horn. The second fea-
ture of this horn is its square mouth
configuration (in contrast to the narrow
of reverse where
slit t v ~ e ) .This co~~lbination f,,= 'the designated cut-off
flareand square mouth shape prove es- frequency of the horn in
pecially effective in giving the horn its cycles per second
desirable performance. x = the distance in centi-
It is often stated that high frequencies meters between two J I
project in a narrow beam, while low points within the horn Fig. 4. Internal horn pressure configuration. The
frequencies spread out in a wide beam. and along the horn axis flaring upper and lower walls allow wave-front
The truth of the matter is that all sound A,, A, = the areas of cross-sec- expansion which reduces the pressure on these
spreads out in ever widening circles re- tion of the horn at the walls. The ncn-flaring vertical waus hstrict
gardless ef frequency, provided there is wave expansion causing build up of pressure
two designated points against these walls.
no restriction or obstruction in the way. along the axis
For instance, a pulsating sphere will 6 = base of natural loga- fashion in which the sound pressures in
give rise to a perfectly spherical wave rithms, 2.71828. the horn are geometrically controlled.
front regardless of the frequency of pul-
sation. On the other hand, a twelve-inch By choosing the cut-off frequency f, Sound Radiation
cone type speaker beams theihigher fre- desired, the physical expansion of the T o perform useful acoustic work,
quencies because of t h t radiation char- horn may be laid out. From this equa- these internal sound pressures must
acteristics of the diaphragm shape and tion it is seen that for a given &stance eventually emerge from the horn into
construction. I t is the combination of x between two points, and for low space. I n making this transition, the
radiator size, radiator configuration, and values of cut-off f,,, the exponential fac- sound pressures cross the mouth of the
freqzrency which determines how loosely tor 6 fco is smaller than for large values horn, which is its threshola into space.
or how tightly a particular high-fre- of cut-off frequencies. Consequently, the The mouth of the horn then becomes in
quency sound will be dispersed. Follow- ratios of areas at these points along the essence the sound radiator for the energy
ing the same laws of physical acoustics, axis are smaller for low-cut-off horns reaching it with a particular pressure
the horn size and shape will play an im- than for high-cut-off horns. This means variation dependent upon the horn flare.
Thus the size and configuration of the
horn mouth, the horn flare, and the fre-
quency involved will determine the de-
gree of wave-front dispersion. Standard
functional analysis of exponential horns
shows that in this combination of fac-
Fig. 3. Cross-sectional tors, fast flare means wide-angle dis-
area development of persion for highs, and large mouth
reverse flare horn. means narrow-angle dispersion for lows
One area progresses (provided the mouth diameter is at
from the preceding least one third the wave length of the
areaaccording to the
exponential expan-
sound being radiated).
sion for a given cut- In the practical application of these
off frequency. guiding factors of horn design, the re-
verse-flare horn finds it possible to
strike a unique balance between horn
flare and mouth size. I n brief, this is
accomplished as follows. By first re-
stricting wave expansion in one plane



/ as shown in Fig. 4. This HORN SECTION A HORN SECTION B

WIDE-ANGLE DlSPERSlON pressure configuration rep-

resents the state of affairs

[from page 251 concerning the i n t e r n a 1 x

pressures against the horn
-------- HORN AXIS
and then suddenly releasing the wave
front in that very same plane, it becomes
g !
:t ~ t ~ ~ f ~ f r ~ ~ o " , n ~ ~
the point at which it may X
possible to flare the horn more suddenly be desired arbitrarily to
near its mouth, which will result in reserve the pressure distri-
wider dispersion. Second, by choosing bution. For the moment,
the point at which wave front restriction let any such point be
changes directidlz, it is possible to ar- chosen along the horn axis
rive at a mouth opening Of at which to introduce this Fig. 5. Flare reversal of the horn walls turns the direction of
sufficient size to control the vertical reversal. the wave-front expansion from vertical to horizontal.
directivity as desired.
Since the angular dispersion is a par- Such a desired pressure reversal may
tial function of the geometric distribu- be accom~lishedbv restricting the flare thereafter to throw the 'desired ex-
tion of pressure within the horn, the of the upper and lower walls which have ponential expansion into the horizontal
reverse-flare horn must be examined been ex~andina.simultaneouslv flarine directiop near the mouth end of the
geometrically. Figure 3 indicates the out the vertical walls which up to now horn. a of this ex-
cross-sectional area distribution of the pansion, the horn expand much
have not been flared. This will permit faster , in the h,orizontal direction than
reverse-flare horn. The horn is, at all the side thrust pressures which have
times, exponential. Regardless of the would be the case if the horizontal ex-
been built up against these vertical walls, pansion were to have started back at
shape Of the cross-section, One area to suddenly burst out of their restrain-
progresses from the preceding area in a the original horn throat. ~h~ end
logarithmic fashion with distance x,
ing shell, so to speak, and to be impelled bf this faster physical flare for the new
actively along the direction of the new short horn section is an increased dis-
bounded strictly by the cut-off frequency
for which the horn is designed. Since flare. This action is illustrated in f i g . 5. persion angle for the high frequencies.
these areas are the product of the ver- In Section A of the horn the wave Having thus accomplished wide-angle
tical and the horizontal dimensions, the expansion is in the vertical direction, dispersion of the radiated sound into
horizontal dimension may be chosen to with. wave restriction in the horizontal the horizontal direction by means of
have any desired value. This will per- direction. At these restraining walls flare control, one additional step may be
mit primary restriction of the wave ex- there is a resultant boundary of in- taken prevent undue Or

pansion to be made as severe as desired. creased pressure. After section X-X, diffraction effects into the
If the horizontal dimension is to be kept Y-Y, the portion of the horn indicated
unchanged from the smallest value as ~ $ ~ . $ $ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
as B now flares rapidly in the horizontal relatively narrow dispersion, so a large
found at the throat of the horn, it will direction, while in the vertical direction
simply mean that the vertical height will mouth will reduce diffraction. We al-
there is practically ilo flare. B~~~~~~ ready have a slow flare in the vertical
do all the expanding. O r if it is desired the front can no longer expand
to let the horizontal dimension expand direction because of the vertical flare
slightly, then the vertical height need vertically, Pressure will be built up restriction near the mouth of the horn.
not expand as rapidly. l-he cross-sec- against these upper and l ~ w e walls.
r On Consequently, half the problem of re-
tional area may be proportioned in any the other hand, since the wave is allowed stricting the vertical dispersion is al-
way best suited to the desired result. to expand horizontally, the pressure will ready taken care of. The second con-
The purpose for the present is ac- dissipate itself over the horizontal trolling factor, that of mouth size in the
tually to restrict early horizontal spread angle. Thus, the pressure reversal has vertical direction, may be obtained if
of the wave front within the horn, but to been accomplished. that dimension is permitted to become
allow the wave front to expand freely in Because of this pressure reversal, the at least one-third Of the Of.
the vertical direction, within the horn. the lowest frequency to be radiated.
dispersion gain in the horizontal d!rec- Such a condition is accomplished in
Restriction of the wave front expansion tion is two-fold. ~h~ first element of
the plane gives rise to these reverse-flare horns by locating the
gain obtains from the manner that the point of flare reversal where the vgrtical
an area high wave-fr0nt pressures B section of the horn is energized. I t is
against the restraining vertical walls. dimension is close to the desired vertical
quite permissible to consider section mouth height, and from this point on
Conversely, freedom of the wave to ex- y-y as being the throat for a new horn
pand in the vertical direction will result providing but slight vertical expansion.
B, that the sound source which By such dimensional manipulation it is
in minimum wave-front Pressures feeds this horn to be the mouth X-X of
against the fast flaring upper and lower possible to terminate the horn in a
horn A . This new sound source X-X is square horn mouth, the vertical height
walls. As an analogy, picture a cylindri- one in which the driving pressure is
tube in which inserted pistons of which is sufficiently large to reduce
greatest in the direction of ultimate dis- diffraction in the vertical plane a
confine a gas under pressure. When persion, that is, in the horizontal direc-
these pistons are stationary, the con- minimum.
tion. ~h~~ the sound source is umatchedfi The end result of this flare reversal
fined gas pressure is distributed on a pressure configuration basis to the
over the walls of the tube and the piston nlay be summed up as follows: ~h~
shape of the horn which is to disperse mouth end of the horn is transformed
faces' If the pistons are
that pressure. Increased pressure dis- into a faster flare in the horizontal
apart' the confined gas pressure persion is thus obtained as compared direction; the pressure configuration
will tend to expand toward the piston
faces. ~f the pistons retreat fast enough, with the case where the throat of the within the horn is altered to match the
the expanding gas may never catch up horn is,fed from a source of symmetrical flare distribution; the vertical mouth
to them. Consequently, these retreating pressure distribution. size is proportioned to provide minimum
pistons, which allow the gas to expand The second element of gain stems diffraction and dispersion. This three-
in their direction, will have minimum from the much greater flare possible way attack on the ~ r o b l e mof high-fre-
pressure exerted upon them, whereas near the mouth of the horn, where it qUency distribution produces a
the restraining walls of the tube will ex-, counts most. By allowing but little hori- horns which exhibit a high degree of
perience the greater gas pressure. zontal expansion prior to the point of dispersion efficiency.
Returning to the horn walls, the dif- pressure reversal, and suddenly limiting
ference in wave front pressures against the vertical expansion severely after the
the vertical walls and the top and bottoill of expansion, it becomes possible
walls may be represented graphically,


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