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p-ISSN 2620-5009 Andragogi: Jurnal Diklat Teknis Pendidikan dan

e-ISSN 2623-1190 Keagamaan 

Vol. .., No. …, Month Year


First Author1, Second Author2, Third Author3 (11, Bold)
Updated First affiliation institution/agency, City (10, No Bold)

Jun 2020 Second affiliation institution/agency, City (10, No Bold)

Third affiliation institution/agency, City, (10, No Bold)
First email address; 2Second email address; 3Third email address (10, No Bold)
Submited: ………… | Accepted: ………… | Published: …………

Abstract (11, Bold)

The abstract contains a brief description of the purpose of writing, the method used, and the results and
conclusions. Abstract contains in a maximum of 250 words. Keywords need to be included describing
the scope of the problem being written down and the main terms that underlie the conduct of the study.
Keywords can be single words or combined words / phrases. The number of key words is 3-5 words..
(10, No Bold)

Keywords: example, example, example, example, example (10, No Bold)

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International


First author (Short title)  1

INTRODUCTION (11, Bold) 4. Location and duration of research, and
5. Description of checking the validity of
The introductory mainly consists: (1) research results.
background statement and research
question; (2) insight and problem solving RESULT AND DISCUSSION
plan; (3) the formulation of objectives; (4)
theoretical framework and literature 1. Result
review. State the selecting analysis of Results consist of the research
existing researches or literatures which is findings, including description of the
relevant to the topic of your article, collected data, analysis of the data, and
describe how it relates to your writing and interpretation of the data using the relevant
then explain how your article might fill the theory. It should be clear and concise. Data
gap and answers some questions in this analysis processes such as statistical
field of study. State the relevant theory and calculations and hypothesis testing
conceptual framework that would be used processes do not need to be reported. Just
for analyzing the data. This section the results of the analysis and the results of
sometimes also contains the expectations hypothesis testing need to be presented.
of the results and benefits of the research. Use tables and graphs to clarify the
The length of the introduction is about presentation of research results verbally.
fiften percent and is typed with 1 space. Tables and graphs should be commented
(PF Bulletin Sans Pro, 11, NO BOLD) on or discussed.
For qualitative research, the results
RESEARCH METHOD (11, Bold) section contains detailed sections in the
form of sub-topics that are directly related
State the data collecting method, data to the research focus and categories.
analysis, type of the research, time and Findings of realities in the field are
place of the research (if the article based integrated/linked with the results of
on the field research), mention the previous research or with existing theories.
hypothesis if your article has it (optional). For this purpose there must be a reference.
(PF Bulletin Sans Pro 11, regular, spasi In generating new theories, old theories
1.0, spacing before 0 pt, after 0 pt). can be confirmed or rejected, some may
Describe: need to modify the theory from the old
1. Research methode; theory.
2. Population and sample (research
target); 2. Discussion
3. Data collection techniques and Discussion should explore the
instrument development; significance of the results of the work, not
4. Data analysis techniques. For research repeat them. Avoid extensive citations and
that uses tools and materials, it is discussion of published literature.
necessary to write down the The discussion in the article aims to:
specifications of the tools and (1) answer the problem and research
materials. Tool specifications describe questions; (2) shows how the findings
the sophistication of the tools used, were obtained; (3) interpret/interpret the
while material specifications describe findings; (4) linking research results with
the types of materials used. established knowledge structures; and (5)
For qualitative research such as bring up new theories or modifications of
classroom action research, ethnography, existing theories. The research results must
phenomenology, case studies, and others, be concluded explicitly. The interpretation
it is necessary to add: of the findings is carried out using existing
1. The presence of the researcher, logic and theories.
2. Research subjects, .
3. Informants and ways to dig up
research data,
Abbreviations and Acronyms not written like the original text, but a
Common abbreviations do not need to summary or conclusion is made
be explained in length. Acronyms that are (paraphrase). A citation usually requires
not well known or acronyms created by the only the last name of the author(s), year of
author need to be given a description of publication, and, sometimes, page
their length. numbers. In matter of citation and
bibliographical style consistently use the
Figures and Table American Sociological Association
Picture, graph, figure, photo and (APA) style quote format/style. For this
diagram should be placed at the center. reason, it is highly recommended to use a
Number and title should be typed below Mendeley reference management
the picture, graph, figure, photo and application or the like, or to use the
diagram. Title of the table should be typed Citation & Bibliography menu available on
above the table and align text to center. Ms. Word.
Number of the table, picture, graph, As an example for reference at the
figure, photo and diagram should use an beginning or middle of a sentence: Tea
Arabic word (1, 2, 3 and so forth). (2009:105) stated that…...
Examples of writing tables and picture Another example of citation for the
captions are as follows, end of a sentence: Data collection
instruments, both in the form of tests and
Table 1. Example table format non-tests, must be valid and reliable in
Table Column Header order to obtain valid and reliable research
Table Sub- Sub- results. In the instrument in the form of a
Header column column test, internal validity must meet construct
header header validity and content validity (Sugiyono,
Contens Contens Contens 2007:350).
Contens Contens Contens
Contens Contens Contens
Graphics/figures displayed must be 1. Conclusion
able to provide information clearly. Presents a summary of the description
of the results and discussion, referring to
It is recommended to use the text box feature in the research objectives. Based on these two
MS Word to accommodate images or graphics, things, new ideas are developed which are
because the results tend to be stable to changes in the essence of the research findings/resluts.
formatting and page shifts compared to inserting
The main conclusions of the study may be
presented in a short sonclusions section,
images directly.
which should stand alone. The conclusion
section should lead the reader to important
Figure 1. Example figure format matter of the paper (answer of the
objectives of the study)
Transliteration System
Writing in Arabic texts are using 2. Recommendations
Arabic type Transparent or Traditional Recommendations are based on the
Arabic size 16. Arabic-Latin transliteration research findings that have been discussed.
is guided by the Library of Congress Recommendations may refer to practical
transliteration guidelines ( or action, the development of new theories, and/or further research. Recommendations
are practical messages addressed to
Citations and Referencing System institutions, positions or individuals.
All notes in the article must appear in
the text as citations. The quoted ideas are

The bibliography contains all reference used in this manuscript. It is arranged alphabetically and the
way of writing is adjusted to the rules specified in the journal. It is highly recommended to use a
reference management application such as Mendeley or similar. It is also highly recommended to
include DOI/URL address of article (if available). (10, No Bold)

De Porter, B., & Mike, H. (1992). Quantum Learning. Membiasakan Belajar Nyaman dan
Menyenangkan. (A. Abdurrahman, Trans.) Bandung: Perbit Kaifa.

Horshit. (2014). Evaluation of Training and Development: An Analysis of Various Model. Journal of
Bussiness and Management, 5(2), 16-17. doi:

Latifah, F. A., Samsudi, & Masrukan. (2014). Model Supervisi Akademik Kelompok Berbasis Think
Talk Write Untuk Peningkatan Kemampuan Guru Menyusun Karya Tulis Ilmiah. Educational
Management, 3(1). Retrieved from

Marwan, A. (2017). Membangun Gerakan Literasi. Retrieved September 7, 2019, from

Pusdiklat Tenaga Teknis Pendidikan dan Keagamaan. (2018). Dokumen II Kurikulum Diklat Teknis
Substantif Pendidikan. Jakarta: Pusdiklat Tenaga Teknis Pendidikan dan Keagamaan.

Sugiyono. (2007). Statistika untuk Penelitian. Bandung: CV Alfabeta.

Suparno. (2000). Langkah-langkah Penulisan Artikel Ilmiah. In A. Saukah, & M. Waseno, Menulis
Artikel untuk Jurnal Ilmiah. Malang: UM Press.

Tea, T. (2009). Inspiring Teaching: Mendidik Penuh Inspirasi. Jakarta: Gema Insani.

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