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Chapter 10: 

 Understanding Work Teams

Why have teams become so popular?
Teams typically outperform individuals when the tasks being done require
multiple skills, judgment, and experience.
Differences Between Groups and Teams
Work Group – the goal is to share information, neutral
synergy, individual accountability, random and varied skills
Work  Team – the goal is collective performance (greater than the sum of
individual inputs), positive synergy, individual and mutual accountability,
complementary skills
Types of Teams
·        Problem-solving teams - usually 5-12 members from same department
meeting to improve quality, efficiency and work environment
·        Self-managed work teams - usually 10-15 members who take on
responsibilities usually associated with management
·        Cross-functional teams - members come together from different work
areas or departments to accomplish a task
·        Virtual teams – use on-line technology to tie together members in different
geographic areas.  They are made up of physically dispersed employees
who use computer technology to achieve a common goal.
Creating Effective Teams
The value of teams can be powerful!  Consider these four general
§          Context (adequate resources, leadership, climate of trust,
performance evals and rewards)
§          Composition (abilities, personality, roles & diversity, size, flexibility,
preference for teamwork)
§          Work design (autonomy, skill variety, task identity, task significance)
Process (common purpose, specific goals, team efficacy, conflict, social
Turning Individuals into Team Players
Be sure to understand cultural difference and prior reward systems (i.e. are
individual achievements valued?) prior to introducing teams into your
organization.  If you do introduce teams, consider…
 Care should be taken to ensure that candidates can fulfill their team roles as well
as technical requirements.
 A large proportion of people raised on the importance of individual
accomplishment can be trained to become team players.
 Reward systems needs to be reworked to encourage cooperative efforts rather
than competitive ones.
Q:  If you had a choice, would you rather work on your own or in a team
environment?  Why?
Teams and Total Quality Management
–    TQM  requires management to give employees the encouragement to
share ideas and act on what they suggest.
BEWARE: Teams aren’t Always the Answer!
·        Can the work be done better using more than 1 person?
·        Is there a common goal for ALL members which is greater than the sum of
each individual’s goal?
·        Are the members interdependent?
ex) The Sac State women’s basketball team needs
interdependence.  The     golf team does not (they just add all the scores of
each individual)
Summary: Consider the idea that “Teams benefit both employees & the
organization” …do they really?....
Additional Information for Your Enjoyment
Consider the following “Point/Counterpoint”
Point: Teams are great!
The value of teams is now well known.  The following are benefits that can
result from the introduction of work teams.
§         Increased employee motivation.
§         Higher levels of productivity.
§         Increased employee satisfaction.
§         Common commitment to goals.
§         Improved communication.
§         Expanded job skills.
§         Organizational flexibility.

CounterPoint: Teams are not so great!

A critical look at four assumptions which seem to underlay this team ideology.
 Mature teams are task oriented and have successfully minimized the negative
influences of other group forces. (What about apathy? Infighting?)
 Individual, group, and organizational goals can all be integrated into common
team goals.  (What about competition? Stress? Frustration? Individualistic
personality traits?)
 Participative or shared leadership is always effective. (Some people need
 The team environment drives out the subversive forces of politics, power, and
conflict that divert groups from efficiently doing their work.
 (What about special deals? Favoritism? Enemies? Teams can't stop this!)

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