EEE 3309 - 311 Lecture 7

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EEE 3309/311

Lecture 7: Chapter 3
Z Transform (Part II)

 ZT Review: Definition and ROC with examples on Exponential signals

 Section 3.2 ZT Properties: Linearity, Time shift, Convolution

 Table 3.3: ZT Pairs

 3.3 Rational function: Poles and Zeros

 3.3.3 System Function H(z)

 3.4.3 Inverse ZT from partial fraction expansion

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ZT Review
 For a given sequence x(n), it’s Z-
transform is given by X(z) as
 Here z is a complex variable; z=
Re(z)+j Im(Z)
 To compute X(z), the infinite
summation has to yield finite
values for X(z) as a function of z
in a given area in the z-plane
 This defines the region of
convergence (ROC) in which X(z)
provides finite values as a
function of z

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ZT for mixed signals
(causal & non-causal)

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ZT Properties

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Table 3.3 ZT Pairs

 You can also use this table to find

Inverse ZT, i.e., to get x(n) from
X(z) knowing the ROC

 Example: X(z) from line 3 for two

different ROCs

X(z)= z-2
We know delta(n)→ 1 by ZT

Thus, X(n)= delta(n-2)

By time shifting property
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Rational function:
Poles and Zeros
 Any X(z) can be
expressed as a ratio of
two polynomial
functions of B(z) and
A(z) in powers of z-1.
 B(z): Polynomial of
degree M and
determines zeros of
Z-0=0…zeros, z1=0
 A(z): Polynomial of Z-a=0…pole, p1=a
degree N and
determines poles of
 Need to change to
positive power of z to
find poles and zeros 8/4/2020 7

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System Function H(z)

 We know that y(n)= h(n)*x(n)

 Using convolution property we have Y(z)= H(z)X(z)
 System transfer function: H(z)= Y(z)/X(z)
 Alternatively we can have a difference equation

 If we take ZT of both sides we have

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Example 3.3.4

H(z)= 2z/(z-1/2)
Zero: z=0
Pole: p=1/2

ROC: Z>1/2
h(n)= 2(1/2)^n u(n)

Find Poles and Zeros of H(z) and using ZT pairs find h(n)

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