Mock Summative Test

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Mock Summative Test

I. Identification.

__________ 1. It is the technique by which decision and conclusion are to be made from the population
observed using only the representative samples. It includes both parametric and nonparametric tests
which are more both with generalizing information or making inference about the population through
representative samples.

__________ 2. It is a finite number of objects chosen from population. It refers to the method of getting
a small but representative cross-section of the population.

__________ 3. It refers to some techniques which are concerned with presentation and collection of data
or information. This includes frequency distribution, measures of central tendency, measures of central
location, measures of dispersion or variation, graphs, skewness, and kurtosis.

__________ 4. It refers to the numerical characteristic of the population like the population mean,
population standard deviation, population variance, and many more. It is a characteristic of a population.

__________ 5. It is used in getting the value for the median, quartiles, deciles, and percentiles.

__________ 6. Is the process and methods of gathering information by experiments, observations,

interview, questionnaire, and documentary analysis

__________ 7. It is concerned with quantitative or any kind of numerical data such as figures on sales,
ages, tax returns, population, births, deaths, and many more.

__________ 8. These are properly organized and classified data such as the use of frequency distribution

__________ 9. He developed the equation for normal curve.

__________ 10. Two other mathematicians applied probability principles to astronomy.

__________ 11. He had the greatest effect upon the introduction and use of statistics in the social
sciences. His contributions in the field of heredity and eugenics, psychology, anthropometry, and

__________ 12. He is a famous American psychologist who studied in Europe in 1880 and contacted
Galton and other European statisticians.

__________ 13. These are categorical data, which take the categorical or attributes such as gender,
course, year level, religion, etc.

__________ 14. Numerical data are obtained from measurements like heights, weights, ages, scores,
temperatures, IQ, and other measurable quantities.
II. Fill in the blanks.

1. ________ is very ________ in ________ as it helps in collecting, presenting analysis and interpreting
data. It also helps in drawing general conclusion.

2. ________ plays a crucial ________ in the economy of developing countries, and provides the main
source of food, income, and employment to their rural populations.

3. ________ need to be able to utilize ________ methods to conduct research, analyze data, interpret
results, and report their findings.

4. These are new ways of looking at player ________ to get a more complete understanding of a player's
actual effect on the most important aspect of ________: Wins and losses.

III. Enumeration

1. List the qualities of a good statisticians

2. Two major functions of statistical investigation

3. Two types of data

IV. Write the symbols of the following.

1. Summation

2. Upper Limit

3. Quartile 3

4. Summation of Scores

5. Number of cases in the sample

6. Frequency Distribution

V. Solve the following:

X1 = 2 X2 = 2 X3 = 4 X4 = 1
Y1 = 3 Y2 = 1 Y3 = 1 Y4 = 2

1. ∑𝑖=1 𝑋𝑖

2. ∑4𝑖=1 𝑌𝑖
3. ∑4𝑖=1 𝑋𝑖 𝑌𝑖
4. ∑4𝑖=1 𝑋𝑖 −𝑌𝑖
5. ∑4𝑖=1(𝑋𝑖 −𝑌𝑖 )2
6. ∑4𝑖=1
Answer Key:


1. Inferential Statistics

2. Sampling

3. Descriptive Statistics

4. Parameter

5. Cumulative Frequency

6. Data Collection

7. Statistical Data

8. Grouped Data

9. De Moivre

10. La Place and Gauss

11. Francis Galton

12. James Mckeen Cattel

13. Qualitative Data

14. Quantitative Data


1. Statistics, important, education

2. Agriculture, role

3. Psychologists, statistical

4. statistics, sports


1. Scientific, Talented, Active, Tenacious, Innovative, Skillful, Terrific, Inventive, Creative, Interpretative,

2. Descriptive Statistics and Inferential Statistics

3. Qualitative data and quantitative data


1. ∑

2. UL

3. 𝑄3

4. ∑X

5. n

6. FD


1. 9

2. 7

3. 14

4. 2

5. 6

6. 6 1/2

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