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Understanding Text about Author’s Opinion, Tone, Bias and Author’s Purpose

Read the passage and answer the questions that follow!

For number 1-5

I think the true discovery of America is before us. I think the true fulfillment of our
spirit, of our people, of our mighty and immortal land, is yet to come. I think the true
discovery of our own democracy is still before us. And i think that all these things are certain
as the morning, as inevitable as noon. I think I speak for most men living when I say that our
America is. Here, is Now, and beckons on before us and that this glorious assurance is not
only our living hope, but our dream to be accomplished.

1. What is the main idea of the paragraph?


2. Give the topic sentence!

The true discovery of our own democracy is still before us

3. What tone is the passage written in?

National spirit tone

4. What is the author’s purpose in writing?

To foster a sense of zest for life, especially to men

5. In what ways do you detect the author’s bias? With whom does sympathy seem to be?


NIM : 030839882

Comprehending Illustration Essay

Read the following text and then answer the question!

For number (1-6)

His family had been eaten by the great serpent, torn form their beds in the night to
sate its bloodlust. In accordance with their pact, those that would die within the month could
be consumed to save the tribes’ healthy from their horrible shepherd. Had they not all been
afflicted by the terrible wasting that came from holding the cursed, fallen star within their
belongings they would not have been eaten so readily. He himself was sickened from it, but
after, it harmed the others, he discarded it for the trickery that he saw as the snake’s curse.
The rest of the tribe tried to console him, to case his madness. He was a great hunter,
the young man. Before his illness, he was fleet of foot and strong of arm. Once, he was
capable of moving like one of the great cats through the tall grasses, invisible to the eye.
When enraged, it was said he could steal a meal from a lion and live. This was the sort of
man, they said, that had the makings of a chief of a proper elder.
Now he shook at times, when he tried to hold still. His once golden brown skin ran
pale. The boy was barely able to hold himself straight. He coughten often, and the sharp
expulsion of air would bring tears to his eyes. Unable to keep his heat, even in summer sun,
he wrapped himself in grass-tied furs, augmenting his original loin cloth. Other than these
furs, his only possession was a crude obsidian spear. Every night, he prayed to those who
walked before him to give him the strength to heft it when the time came to challenge the foul
beast that devoured his family.
The tribe burned his belongings and those of his famiy when he stated his intent to
slay the serpent for its curse. He was anathema, his will unthinkable. As cowards, they strove
to separate themselves from him as they traveled. The man kept with them, following the
camp, eating what they left behind. His moaning scared the children, and ruined hunts. He
became their curse, and to lift it, they would hurl stoned and dunk at him in a desperate
attempt to get him to leave. The ground where he walked was considered cursed. Sprinks he
drank from were seen as poison. Even only a week later, rumor said that he was no longer
man, but a revenant that would chase them to the ends of the earth for casting him out.
He just wished to eat what they gave and to live long enough to challenge the beast.
The poor child got his wish, and become the First.
Two weeks later, the great beast came from the sky, feathers and fangs. It stretched
out like a stream coming from the sun. The normal sounds of the village had faded in the
midday heat, replaced with reverent silence and a return to the shade afforded them by the
trees. Its great wings spread out enough to provide extra shade as it descended from the
heaven where it lived. It circled, showing its iridescent sheen to dazzle the on looking people
as it landed before the boy.
Shaking, the First lifted his spear, his steely, blooshot eyes focused on the serpent
looming before him. It appeared to be crafted from all of the primal elements, a beast of the
sky and earth, the heat of the sun and the cool of the moon. His eyes widened as he fought the
trembling in his body. As a hunter reborn in the moment, he lurched forward, throwing all of
his weight behind the spear. It struct the waiting serpent’s skin and stuck between two of the
brilliant scales but did not break through. No matter how much force the First put behind the
spear, it stood, unable to puncture the creature’s hide to end its tyrany.
The serpent was of infinite patience. It waited, understanding its prey’s impotent
plight. As the hour dragged, the First dropped his spear and fell to his knees, weeping.
Almost affectionately, the grand serpent wrapped itself around the fallen hunter, holding him
close. It

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bound his arms and legs together, holding it still. The high grasses now hid them from the
village, which has resumed its daily rhythm now that the serpent was well out of sight.
As the serpent finished embrace, it looked into the eyes of the First who waited
patiently, his eyes now dry. The newfound resolve allowed hi to find his long-forgotten voice.
Firmly, he ordered the serpent, “Consume me, but remember where I came from. More will
rire to slay you. Remember their origins. When you are slain, relate to them story. It is my
legacy to my brothers”.
Unmoved, the serpent tensed its muscles along its body, runctuating the final words of
the First with his death. It made no sign of recognition, but it understood the last words. As it
unhinged its jaw to wrap it around its prey’s head, it took a moment to reflect. It was wild
then, untamed and small. Despite its size, it was the lord of all its lands. If a man had told the
story, it would say that the serpent felt dread in that moment, for it was mortal and feared
death. However, the serpent only thought of the weakness it found in saw the millennia of
future meals spread out before it.

1. How was his family?

a. it had been eaten by the great serpent
b. it was torn from their beds in the night to sate its bloodlust
c. it could save the tribe’s healthy from their horrible shepherd
d. it was seen as the snake’s curse.

2. the following statement was how the young man looked like, except ...
a. he wass fleet of foot and strong of arm
b. he was a great hunter, the young man
c. he was sly and weak
d. he was capable of moving like one of the great cats through the tall grasses, invisible
to the eyes

3. In the third paragraph tells about ...

a. how the boy manage his life
b. the condition of the boy’s family
c. the condition of the boy’s appearance
d. how other people describe the boy

4. He was considered trickery like ...

a. snake’s curse
b. the great serpent
c. horrible shepherd
d. a great hunter

5. Which one is illustration expression?

a. Unable to keep his heat, even in the summer sun, he wrapped himself in grass-tied
furs, augmenting his original loin cloth.
b. The boy was barely able to hold himself straight
c. Other than these furs, his only possession was a crude obsidian spear.
d. In accordance with their pact, these that would die within the month could be
consumed to save the tribe’s healthy from their horrible shepherd.

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6. Which of the following is not an illustration sentence?

a. Shaking, the First lifted his spear, his steely, bloodhot eyes focused on the serpent
looming before him.
b. It appearnce to be crafted from all the primal elements, a beast of the sky and earth,
the heat of the sun and the cool of the moon
c. His eyes widened as he fought the trembling in his body.
d. It struck the waiting serpent’s skin and stuck between two of the brilliant scales but
did not break through.

Read the following text and then answer the question!

For number (7-10)
Hay fever is sensasional allergy to pollens. The term “Hay Fever” however, is a less
than adequate description since such an attack can be brought on by sources other than hay
producing grasses and since an attack of this allergy doen not incur fever.
The causes hay fever be quite varied. Hay fever is highly caused by air-borne pollens,
particularly ragweed pollen. The amount of pollens in the air is largely dependent on
geographical location, wether, and season. In the eastern season section of the United Satated,
for example there are generally three periods when pollen from various sources can cause
intense hay fever suffering; in the springtime months of March and April, when pollen from
trees is prevalent, in the summer months of June and July, when grass pollen fills the air, and
in the end of August, when ragweed pollen is at its most concentrated levels.
What result from an attack of hay fever is not a fever. Instead, a person with high
fever will suffer symptomps such as red and itching eyes, a swollen and runny nose, and
repeated bouts of sneezing. (Taken from Longman Complete Course for TOEFL Test).

7. According to the passage, which of the following help to explain why the term “hay fever”
is somewhat misnomer?
a. A strong fever occurs after an attack
b. The amount of pollen in the air depends on gegraphical location
c. Hay fever is often caused by ragweed pollen
d. Grass pollen is prevealent in June and July.

8. Which of the following NOT discussed in the passage as a determining factor of the
amount of pollen in the air?
a. Place
b. Climate
c. Time of the year
d. Altitude

9. Which of the following is not true about hay fever in the eastern United States?
a. Suffering from hay fever is equally severe year-around
b. Pollen from trees causes hay fever suffering in the spring
c. Grass pollen fills the earlier in the year than ragweed pollen
d. Ragweed pollen is most prevalent at the end of the summer

10. Which of the following is NOT a symptom of a hay fever?

a. A high fever
b. A runny nose
c. Red eyes
d. Persistent sneezing

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