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Questionnaire for Compensation Policy

(Adopted from Influence of Compensation Policy on Employee Commitment at Teachers

Service Commission in Kenya by Jennifer Nageli Koitalek (2016)

Direction: On a scale of 1-4 please indicate in the table below the degree to which you agree with
the description of compensation policy at ____________________

Forms of Compensation Policy Strongly Strongly

Disagree Agree
Gross Pay – Cash Rewards Disagree Agree
1 2 3 4
1. Cash rewards are reflective of individual
skills and effort
2. Cash reward compares favorably to that
of similar organizations in the market
3. Cash rewards includes allowances for
extra duties and responsibilities
4. Cash rewards are regularly revised to
accommodate individual, organization or
market changes
5. I’m satisfied the cash rewards

Benefits – Non Cash Rewards 1 2 3 4

1. Benefits in the compensation policy
adequately cover most of the needs
2. Benefits in the compensation policy are
inadequate for most of the needs covered
3. Benefits in the compensation policy are
competitive in the market to similar
4. Employee contributes more than the
employer to the benefits in the
compensation policy
5. I’m satisfied with the benefits offered by

Compensation Administration 1 2 3 4
1. Compensation policy recognizes skills,
effort, responsibility and commitment
2. Compensation policy is openly
communicated to all the employees
3. Changes in the compensation policy are
after consultation and participation
4. Seniority plays an influencing role in
administration of compensation policy at
5. I’m satisfied with fairness and equity in
administration of compensation policy

Recognition 1 2 3 4
1. Management recognizes performance or
input of individuals or work teams
2. Recognition is forms part of cash rewards
3. Recognition is openly communicated to
4. Recognition is documented and is part of
performance appraisals
5. I’m satisfied with the recognition practice
at ____________________

Performance 1 2 3 4
1. Pay for performance policy is adopted in
the compensation policy at
2. Compensation policy influences
employee performance at
3. Performance is evaluated on an individual
as opposed to team
4. The performance link to compensation is
5. I’m satisfied with compensation-
performance link at

Comments/ Suggestions:
Questionnaire on Three Component Organizational Commitment
(Adapted from Commitment to Organizations and Occupations: Extension and Test of a Three-
Component Conceptualization by Natalie Allen and John Meyer on 1993)

Direction: Listed below are comments about how people may feel about their organizations.
Using the four-point scale provided, please indicate your level of agreement or disagreement
with each comment. An “(R)” denotes a negatively phrased and reverse-scored item.

Section 1. Affective Commitment Scale Items

Strongly Strongly
Agree Disagree
Number Statement Agree Disagree
3 2
4 1
I would be very happy to
spend the rest of my career
with this organization.
I enjoy discussing my
2 organization with people
outside it.
I really feel as if this
3 organization’s problems are
my own.
I think that I could easily
become as attached to
another organization as I
am to this one. (R)
I do not feel like ‘part of the
5 family’ at my organization.
I do not feel ‘emotionally
6 attached’ to this
organization. (R)
This organization has a
7 great deal of personal
meaning for me.
I do not feel a strong sense
8 of belonging to my
organization. (R)

Comments: _____________________________________________________________
Section 2. Continuance Commitment Scale Items
Strongly Strongly
Agree Disagree
Number Statement Agree Disagree
3 2
4 1
I am not afraid of what
might happen if I quit my
job without having another
one lined up. (R)
. It would be very hard for
me to leave my
organization right now,
even if I wanted to.
Too much in my life would
be disrupted if I decided I
wanted to leave my
organization now.
It wouldn’t be too costly for
4 me to leave my
organization now. (R)
Right now, staying with
my organization is a matter
of necessity as much as
I feel that I have too few
6 options to consider leaving
this organization. (R)
One of the few serious
consequences of leaving
7 this organization would be
the scarcity of available
One of the major reasons I
continue to work for this
organization is that leaving
8 would require considerable
personal sacrifice—another
organization may not match
the overall benefits I have.

Comments: _____________________________________________________________
Section 3. Normative Commitment Scale Items
Strongly Strongly
Agree Disagree
Number Statement Agree Disagree
3 2
4 1
I think that people these
1 days move from company to
company too often.
I do not believe that a
person must always be loyal
to his or her organization.
Jumping from organization
to organization does not
seem at all unethical to me.
One of the major reasons I
continue to work for this
organization is that I believe
that loyalty is important and
therefore feel a sense of
moral obligation to remain.
If I got another offer for a
better job elsewhere I would
not feel it was right to leave
my organization.
I was taught to believe in the
6 value of remaining loyal to
one organization.
Things were better in the
days when people stayed
with one organization for
most of their careers.
I do not think that wanting to
be a “company man” or
“company woman” is
sensible anymore. (R)

Comments: _____________________________________________________________

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