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: College is something that everyone needs to strive for. It’s like a finish line that
many cross after running the twelve-year race that is the educational system. Going to
college, getting a job, settling down, and having a family but sometimes it costs more than
it’s worth. And sometimes it’s not the end goal.
➔ Gaining a better education
◆ College is a tool in education. We can learn and explore about the
things that we love and the things we don’t. College gives a lot of
information for about 4 years.
➔ More job opportunities
◆ Many jobs require at least minimum college education. And with a
diploma, that means that more high-paying and interesting jobs are
going to be available to you.
➔ New Experiences
◆ There will be countless people for you to meet and new places to go.
It will also allow you to be able to breath in the fresh air and be able
to try new things.
➔ Get outside of your comfort zone/boundaries ***
◆ When you go to college, you’re expected to be independent which
will help you grow and come out of your comfort zone. You won’t
need to have anyone to hold your hands the entire time, instead you
will have to learn things all by yourself. This will test your limits, and
while it can be stressful, you’ll find that you’re capable of so much
more than you expected.

➔ Debt/Student loans **
◆ College costs a lot of money, it’s expensive and causes future debt
such as student loans. Once you’ve graduated they’ll come back to
you knocking at your door with interest.
➔ Stress ***
◆ High schools are stressful and college is going to be more stressful
because it increases responsibilities, especially to the students who
are lacking in good time management. It's also bad for our health
because it causes sleeping disorders, eating disorders, and not
taking enough breaks for self-care.
➔ Jobs don’t require college education
◆ There are a lot of careers that don't require a college education.
There are a lot of jobs that pay well and offer you a steady income
and a way to have a comfortable life. (veterinary technicians,
opticians, and dental hygienists)
➔ Famous/rich people without college education
◆ There are a lot of people such as celebrities and entrepreneurs that
dropped without graduating who are now successful. (Bill Gates,
Mark Zuckerberg)


➔ Can be used to protect oneself ***
◆ It can help you feel safer, having a gun gives you a sense of feeling
more protected, no matter what the circumstances are. You’ll no
longer have to worry about someone breaking into your home and
putting your family’s life in danger. You’ll feel prepared if a crisis
occurs when you’re in public.
➔ Can be used to make a citizen arrest
➔ It can be a hobby for gun enthusiasts **
◆ Buying a gun for safety purposes and soon you’ll realize that
shooting becomes your new hobby. You may spend your free time
at the gun range to work on target practice.
◆ Shooting a gun can also be great for relieving stress.
➔ It can decrease the likelihood of home robberies
➔ It can give you a new food source **
◆ You’ll be able to hunt wild animals that you can bring back home for
a meal. You can also control the animal population and also serve
fresh meat on your dinner table. You just need to secure the proper
hunting permits by the local laws.
➔ It can help you teaches the kids about gun safety
◆ Most accidents occur when the child is unaware of the danger of
firing a gun. You can prevent this by teaching your children about
respecting guns and never pointing them at another person, and
never touching them without supervision of adult/

➔ According to some of my research, US’ mass shootings came from legally
purchased firearms.
➔ Increases the risk of violence which may lead to death.
➔ Can be use in such crimes like murder, robberies, homicide, and can cause
accidental shooting. ;)
(Para humaba HAHAHAHAHAHA)
◆ Can be used for murder
◆ Can be used for robberies
◆ Can be cause of homicide
◆ Can be the cause of an accidental shooting
➔ You can’t determine what are the things that others are thinking some may
think that it is good to protect themselves and some people do think that
they can use it to become superior to the people who doesn’t know on how
it works and commits a crime such as robberies, homicides, accidental
shooting and may lead death.
➔ It engaged the criminals to be able to commit violent crimes.
➔ A law that prevents ordinary citizens from owning a gun can end up easily
giving too much power to the government, thereby increasing the likelihood
of governments ruling the people with tyranny.


➔ Easier to convince people
◆ When you’re conversing with someone who disagrees with you,
communication over text or email can be ineffective and sometimes
causes a misunderstanding.
➔ Stronger Connections
◆ Trust isn’t built over a text message. If your teachers or classmates
never see your face it is not likely to feel the same connection to you
as someone who sees and can do hand shakes on a regular basis.
➔ Better non-verbal understanding ***
◆ It’s not just about talking, there are other important aspects of
communication such as body language. Non-verbal cues can tell you
a lot about a person, and that’s information that you can’t get over
email, over the phone, or even over video chat. Body language can
tell you how a person is feeling and how they’re inattentive to your
pitch. You can easily determine whether they are sincere or its just
an act.
➔ Quicker and more effective *******
◆ Doing problem-solving is done better face-to-face, personally I do
prefer face-to-face classes over online classes. I think my skills such
as critical thinking are better and will improve a lot. Online classes
make me feel lazy because we only do our classes at home and I
have an advantage to sleep and wake up whenever I want to as well
as attending the classes.
➔ More team participation
◆ Getting your team all in one room can be a hassle, but worth it.
People are more engaged and more collaborative in face-to-face
settings. Though some members of your team might go out on a limb
to send you an idea or a quick thought over email, others might only
do so if prompted.
➔ Allows reading of body language
➔ Builds trust and transparency
➔ Enhances productivity
➔ Allows discussion and conclusions

➔ Face-to-face conversation is not effective in communicating with large
audiences. It is very hard to get a message across to huge gatherings.

➔ Finding appropriate time
➔ Cost of facilitating a meeting
➔ Ineffective in large meetings

Many of us believe social media contact is as good as seeing someone face to
face. Social media has become ingrained in our daily lives, with 80% of the population
saying they use it up from 65% since 2021. It is the “new normal” in education, COVID 19
has triggered new ways of learning all around the world.

➔ Efficiency
◆ Online learning teaches an efficient way to deliver lessons to
students. It has a number of tools such as videos, PDFs, podcasts,
and teachers can use all these tools as part of their lesson plans.
Traditional textbooks are also included in online resources so
teachers are able to become more efficient educators.
➔ Accessibility of Time and Place
◆ Another advantage of online education is that it allows students to
attend classes from any occasion of their choice. It also allows
schools to reach out to a more extensive network of students, instead
of being restricted by geographical boundaries.
➔ Affordability ***
◆ It reduced financial cost. Online learning education is far more
affordable as compared to physical learning. This is because online
learning eliminates the cost points of students such as student
transportation, student meals, and real estate. This also does some
paperless learning which is more affordable and also beneficial to
the environment.
➔ Improves Student’s Attendance
◆ Since its online classes can be taken from home or any location of
choice, therefore there are fewer chances of students to miss out on
their lessons.
➔ Suits A Variety Of Learning Styles
◆ Every student has a different learning journey and a different learning
style. Some students are visual learners, while some prefer to learn
through audio. SOme students thrive in the classroom, and other
students are solo learners who get distracted by large groups.
◆ Online learning systems are created with a range of options and
resources that can be personalized in many ways. It is the best way
to create a perfect learning environment suited to the needs of each

➔ Inability To FocusOn Screens
◆ These are one example of the students biggest challenges in online
learning, they struggle on focusing on their screen for a long period
of time. There are bigger chances for the students to be able to be
distracted by social media or other sites. THerefore, it is imperative
for the teachers to keep their online classes engaging and interactive
to help students stay focused on the lesson.
➔ Technology Issues ^^^
◆ Online classes also struggle with internet connectivity. Especially
knowing that the Philippines is also one of the countries who has a
slow internet connection. Without a consistent internet connection for
students or teachers, there can be a lack of continuity in learning for
a child. This is detrimental to the education process.
➔ Sense of Isolation
◆ Students can learn a lot from being in the company of their peers.
However, there are minimal physical interactions between students
and teachers. This often results in a sense of isolation for the
students. It is imperative that the school allow for other forms of
communication between the students, peers, and teachers. This can
include online messages, emails, and video conferencing that will
allow for face-to-face interaction and reduce the sense of isolation.
➔ Teacher Training
◆ Online learning requires teachers to have a basic understanding in
using digital platforms of learning. However, this is not always the
case. Oftenly, teachers have a basic understanding of technology.
Sometimes, they didn’t even have the necessary resources and tools
to conduct online classes.
➔ Manage Screen Time
◆ Many parents are concerned about the health hazard of their children
because they do spend so many hours staring at a screen. This is
one of the biggest concerns and disadvantages of online learning.
SOmetimes students also develop bad posture and other physical
problems due to radiation.
◆ A good solution to this would be giving the students a plenty of
breaks from the screen to refresh their mind and their body.

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