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What are the advantages and disadvantages for companies of product

1 raise brand awareness
+When a well-known name is endorsing products or services, it creates a trigger in the
mind of the consumer. Every time they see that person somewhere, there is a chance that
they’ll think of the product being pitched.
Jisoo associate with Dior jennie associate wih Channel

2.It speeds up the time required to establish a market footprint.

+ KOL, influencers or celebrities’s social pages, posts, videos,vv… receive a great deal of
attention and curiosity of consumers which  can be extremely lucrative for a company. Using
a well-known face to endorse a brand also attracts a whole new target audience of people
who may not previously have cared about a product but will try it because their favorite
actor or sports personality uses it.
Biti's hunter created a craze by inviting a lot of KOLs like H'Hien Niê, Son Tung MTP,

…:as brand ambassadors to boost sales.

3.Builds brand credibility

A common belief is that a product introduction from endorsers or an advertisement with his/her
appearance will be more valuable because they have expert opinion extensive knowledge about
certain field. When customers feel more trustworthy about product, they willingly
purchase products:
1. The image of an endorsement changes over time:
.If celebrities and endorsers during the campaign implementation are involved in a scandal, the
image of the brand will be seriously affected. Even the products were boycotted, the amount of
consumption was suddenly reduced.
When Son Tung MTP was involved in an love scandal, M-TP Entertainment has received
hundreds of 1-star reviews.
2. expensive to hire people to endorse products.
Booking KOL, influencers always require the company to weigh in with the budget. If they
don’t estimate carefully, it will leave heavy financial disasters to the brand.

2. How can company create brand loyalty?

1. Be unique:
Customers are looking to identify with your brand’s mission and core values. Therefor,
company should remain their personality in every single marketing campaign and promote
their strengths by upgrading the quality of product, service, creating new product,
+Apple, for example, is quite consistent with its use of white throughout its entire brand palette
in order to evoke cleanliness, simplicity and elegance. Moreover, they often release new

product each year:

2. Build up credibility
Credibility is the key factor to create loyalty. Company can build credibility through
customer service. For example, communicate to custmer by social media, directly
contact to them, or make Customer survey about the product. With loyal customer,
you can give them discount voucher, special gift, member card, and events,…
Gucci gratitude to loyal customers using promotional giveaways and luxurious marketing
gifts and invite them to Gucci private fashion show

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