GEP 1A - Monthly Test - June 2022

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- June 2022 -

Name Sex

Time Room Date

I. Look at the pictures and write. (10 pts)

II. Fill in the blanks with one of the words in the box. (10 pts)
principal class clock computer art
music history student desk bookcase

1. I like to paint and draw. My favorite class is ___________________________.

2. I keep my books in the ___________________________.
3. There are twenty students in my ___________________________.
4. We play songs in ___________________________ class.
5. I like to study. I am a good ___________________________.
6. I sit at my ___________________________ in my class.
7. Mr. Brown is the ___________________________ of our school. We are his students.
8. This is my ___________________________. I use it to go on the internet.
9. Do you see a(n) ___________________________? I need to know the time.
10. We read books about the past in ___________________________ class.

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III. Circle the correct answer. (10 pts)
1. My uncle has a daughter. She is my ___________________________.
a. brother b. sister c. aunt d. cousin
2. My ___________________________ is 123 Main Street. It’s close to my school.
a. birthday b. address c. email d. phone number
3. Sarah helps her classmates with their homework. She is so _____________.
a. funny b. kind c. young d. old
4. My grandmother is ___________________________. She is 87 this year!
a. old b. smart c. tall d. short
5. I made a mistake. Can I use your ___________________________?
a. backpack b. pencil case c. ruler d. eraser
6. I have a test tomorrow. I need to ___________________________.
a. study b. homework c. grade d. student
7. I don’t know this word… Do you have a ___________________________?
a. map b. wastebasket c. clock d. dictionary
8. I like to draw and paint. I want to be a(n) ___________________________ !
a. doctor b. chef c. artist d. pilot
9. We play basketball in ___________________________ class. It’s so fun!
a. history b. mathematics c. geography d. physical education
10. Where is Bolivia? Let’s look at a ___________________________.
a. desk b. map c. clock d. dictionary
IV. Change the following into plural sentences. (10 pts)
1. He has a new car.  __________________________________________
2. That girl has a nice watch.  __________________________________________
3. There is a chair in front of the table.  __________________________________________
4. This movie is great.  __________________________________________
5. My aunt has a dog.  __________________________________________
6. Her foot is wet.  __________________________________________
7. There is a match in the box.  __________________________________________
8. My chef is really strict.  __________________________________________
9. This is my scarf.  __________________________________________
10. There is a movie in my house.  __________________________________________

V. Fill in the blanks with “he , she , it , they , or we”. (10 pts)
1. A cat is on the mat. ________ is on the mat.
2. The rabbits are playing in the field. ________ are playing the field.
3. My sister and I are students. _________ are students.
4. My brother is fat. _________ is fat.
5. My mother has black hair. _________ has black hair.
6. My friends are singing. __________ are singing.
7. The giraffe has a long neck. _________ has a long neck.
8. My father is a teacher. _________ is a teacher.
9. The dog is running. __________ is running.
10. The students are learning Chinese. ___________ are learning Chinese.
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VI. Circle the correct answer. (5 pts)

1. I don’t need / doesn’t need my notebook.

2. We does need / need chairs.
3. They needs / need a map.
4. He don’t need / doesn’t need an eraser.
5. You don’t need / doesn’t need a computer.

VII. Match the sentences. (5 pts)

1. What are a. chairs for our desks. 1
2. What is b. are our computers. 2
3. We need those c. those? 3
4. Those d. is my wastebasket. 4
5. That e. this? 5

VIII. Put this / these / that / those / and is / are / in the questions and then write short
answers. (10 pts)

IX. Put the verbs into the correct form. (5 pts)

1. I (to like) ____________ lemonade very much.

2. The girls always (to listen) ___________to pop music.
3. Janet never (to wear) _____________ jeans.
4. Mr Smith (to teach) ______________ Spanish and French.
5. You (to do) _____________ your homework after school.

X. Make questions. (5pts)

1. you / to speak / English → ____________________________________________________

2. when / he / to go / home → ___________________________________________________

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3. they / to clean / the bathroom → _______________________________________________
4. where / she / to ride / her bike → _______________________________________________
5. Billy / to work / in the supermarket → _________________________________________

XI. Reading.
Jane is a student. She is in 3rd grade. Her principal is Mr. Brown. She has four teachers. Mr. Black is her
history teacher. His class has a big bookcase and a pencil sharpener. Jane needs a pencil and a red
notebook for this class. Mrs. White is her physical education teacher. Jane doesn’t need a notebook for
this class. Mr. Green is her science teacher. Jane likes science! This class has a computer and a dictionary.
Ms. Violet is the geography teacher. Jane doesn’t like geography. There is a big map. The teacher writes
on the board. Jane sees the clock. It’s 3 p.m. Time to go home!
Circle true or false. (5pts)
1. Mr. Brown is a teacher. true false
2. Jane has a blue notebook. true false
3. Jane has history class. true false
4. There is a wastebasket. true false
5. Jane is in 3rd grade. true false

XII. Listen and circle true or false. [Track B1U2] (5 pts)

1. Mrs. White is a teacher. true false
2. Jake needs a backpack. true false
3. Jake likes to study history. true false
4. Jake is a student. true false
5. Jake doesn’t like language arts. true false

XIII. Writing. (10pts)

Write about your best friend and describe about his / her appearance and personality.

The end!

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