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Application Development Using JAVA

Important Questions(From UNIT -1)

Part –A

1. Explain the versions of Java.

2. What is the contribution of java to the World Wide Web.
3. Explain the data types in Java with ranges with examples.
4. Explain the operators in JAVA.
5. List out ten major differences between C++ and Java.
6. Write down the properties or distinct features of Java Language.
7. Write the control statements in JAVA with example.
8. Distinguish between procedural language and OOPs?
9. Discuss the different levels of access protection available in Java.
10. Discuss about CLASSPATH environment variables.

Important Questions(From UNIT -2)

Part –A-7M

1. What is OOPS? Explain briefly the main features of OOPS in JAVA?

2. What is a Class? What are objects? How are they created from a class? Give example.
3. What is a Constructor? Give properties and example.
4. Explain various Access specifiers in JAVA in detail.
5. What is inheritance? Explain the types of inheritances with example for each.
6. What are interfaces? Explain with a program to implement multiple interfaces.
7. What is a package? Explain the procedure to create a package with the help of example.
8. Discuss the packages of Java Language.
9. Explain the significance of public, protected and private access specifiers in inheritance.

Part –B(Short)

1. Difference between Static and Final .

2. Difference between Private inner class and static inner class
3. Differentiate abstract class and Interface.
4. Name any two four java packages. Give any two classes of a package.
5. Write the advantages or features of packages.

Important Questions(From UNIT -3)

Part –A-7M
1. What is a Applet? Explain the Applet Life Cycle.
2. Explain the process of Creating Applet.
3. How to pass parameters in Applets. Explain with Example
4. Explain Applet Methods.
5. Write an Applet program to draw a String, Rectangle, Oval and Arc using Applet Methods.

Important Questions(From UNIT -4)

Part –A-7M

1. What is File? To create a File in Java.

2. What are the Basic FILE Operations? Give Example for each.
3. What are the various methods used in File Operations.
4. What are the various methods used in JAVA NIO File
5. Write a program to create a file using NIO File.
6. What are a stream Classes. Explain the Types
7. *Explain the different types of Byte-Stream Classes.
8. *Explain the different types of Character-Stream Classes.
9. *What are the methods available in the Byte-Streams? Discuss.
10. *What are the methods available in the Character Streams? Discuss.
11. * Distinguish between Byte Stream Classes and Character Stream Classes

Part –B(Short)
1. What is difference b/w IO and NIO File.
2. What is difference b/w Blocking IO and Non-Blocking IO
3. What is difference b/w Stream oriented and Buffer oriented
4. Define Exception?
5. Distinguish between exception and error?
6. Write benefits of exception handling

Part –c(Programs)
1. Write a program to read all Lines in a file into List.
2. Write a program write all Lines in a file from a list..

Important Questions(From UNIT -5)

Part –A-7M

1. *Explain AWT Hierarchy or various components in AWT

2. *Write a short note on the following-
a. Event
b. Event Source
c. Event Listener
d. Event Handler
3. What is a Event Handler? How it handles Events?
4. *Explain various Event Handling Mechanisms?
5. *Explain different Event Classes and Listener Interfaces supported by Java?
6. What are the methods supported by following Interface? Give example for each.
a. Action Listener Interface
b. KeyListener Interface
c. Mouse Listener/MouseMotion Listener Interface
7. How Event-driven programming is different from procedure oriented programming.
8. *What is meant by control? Name various controls supported by AWT. How controls
are added or deleted.
9. *Explain the following AWT Controls.
a. Button b. Checkbox C. TextField d. TextArea
e. Label f. List g. Scrollbar h. Menu
10. *What is the Task performed by Layout Manger. Explain the following layouts-
a. Border Layout
b. GridLayout
c. FlowLayout
d. CardLayout
e. GridBagLayout
Part –B

1. With the help of an example program explain how you handle all mouse related events?
2. With the help of an example program explain how you handle all Keyboard related
3. Explain the following with example
a. Drawing Rectangle
b. Drawing Oval
c. Drawing Arcs
4. What is an Adapter Class? Describe various adapter classes in detail.
5. How can we use Adapter Class to make programming the handling of events easier.
Give example.


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