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1. C Thomas Carlyle
2. J Impression Management
3. G Contingent Rewards
4. I Channel
5. N Departmentalization
6. M Inspirational Motivation
7. F Filtering
8. K Fiedler Model
9. E Arbitrator
10. H In-Group & Out Group
11. A Laissez faire
12. Q Grapevine
13. P Span of Control
14. D Reference Power
15. L Material Symbols


1. Transformational leaders inspire followers to shift expectations, attitudes, and motives in

order to strive toward common goals by leveraging their vision and personality. There are
four components of transformational leadership:
 Intellectual stimulation
 Inspirational Motivation
 Idealized Influence
 Individualized Consideration
This type of leader tends to lead groups that are both successful and loyal. They are
creative, passionate, supportive, and trustworthy, and they care profoundly about the
group's ability to achieve its goals. Being real, passionate, supportive, and trustworthy are
all crucial attributes that will assist drive followers to support your group's purposes.
Transactional leadership styles are more fixated with keeping things running smoothly.
Employees are motivated to perform at their best by transactional leaders who deploy
disciplinary power and a variety of rewards. A transactional leader isn't concerned with
strategically leading a firm to market leadership instead, these managers are focused on
ensuring that everything operates properly. One of the biggest drawbacks of this approach
is that it discourages group members from finding solutions to problems or contributing

In passive avoidant leadership managers trust their staff and are confidence in their
capabilities, therefore this type of leadership is fairly hands-off. They provide direction and
take responsibility when necessary, but their leadership style allows subordinates and team
members to take the lead.

Bill Gates is a co-founder of Microsoft, the world's largest personal computer software
corporation. Bill Gates gained trust, loyalty, and respect from his followers through
employing idealized influence. Bill Gates, as the CEO of Microsoft, inspired his employees
to pursue new ideas and ambitions. Several Microsoft Windows apps developed by the
company are the result of ideas adopted by the company's employees. Bill Gates has gained
a reputation as a transformational leader as a result of his intellectual stimulation.
But as a transactional leader, he was well-known for his adherence to the chain of
command. He delegated and guided his employees on what he needed and how it could be
accomplished, affording them with very little independence. Bill Gates was always focused
on completing the task at hand in order to reach the goal in a timely and efficient manner.

2. In my opinion, politics behavior is a must in organization. Despite its negative reputation,

organizational politics are an unavoidable element of one's professional life. Every
organization's business climate is heavily influenced by power and politics. There is no
disputing that, despite the fact that many individuals dismiss political behavior, it is
frequent in all organizations. Effective managers, in fact, are frequently those who are able
to use proper political techniques to achieve their organization's objectives.
If individuals tend to be reluctant to involve in politics it will cause harm to others as a
result of his lack of understanding of formal political rules. As a result, he is often unaware
of the benefits and downsides of many parts of his employment.
3. The personality, background, and ideals of a company's founder or founders, as well as
their vision for the organization's future, are inextricably linked to its culture, particularly
during its early years. When creativity and develop one’s own firms, the rules of the
organization, the structure of the company, and the people they hire to work with them are
all determined by how they wish to do business.
Employees are transmitted with culture through the infusion of specific ideals in their
mindset and the procedures they engage in on a daily basis. This can be accomplished
through regular team meetings and programs that encourage staff to work in groups and
participate in discussions.
4. There is a relationship between organizational culture and job stress, if it has a corporate
organizational culture that is included in the passive / defensive category. Employees are
more likely to follow the rules and provide a great first impression. Furthermore, the
organization has the traits of being obedient and following orders from superiors. This has
an effect on the emergence of various work qualities that are distinct from one another. The
demand for completion of work that is limited in time makes the workload felt by
employees is quite high. Employees have a lot of work to do since there is a lot of pressure
to do work in a short amount of time.

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