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As of 2005, which continent was 'host' to the majority of ongoing UN

peacekeeping missions?
Answer: Africa
2. Who was the first secretary-general of the United Nations?
Trygve Lie of Norway
3. A flag containing a map of the world extending from the North Pole to 60
degrees South Latitude, with five concentric white rings and surrounded by olive
branches on a blue background - this is the flag of which association?
Answer: The United Nations
3. What countries composed the first ever security council in 1946?
Answer: Brazil, Mexico, Australia, Poland, Egypt and the Netherlands
4. Which of the following is not a permanent member of the Security Council?
Answer: Germany
5. The first UN peacekeeping mission was authorized in 1948. Today (in 2006) it
is also the longest running mission of the UN. With which conflict is it concerned?
Answer: Israeli/Palestinian
The United Nations Truce Supervision Operation (UNTSO) was established to
ensure the keeping of the truce after the Israeli war of independence. The truce was
effectively broken in the Sinai War (1956), the 6-Day War (1967), the Yom Kippur
War (1973) and the Lebanon Wars (1978 and 1982), and is constantly being
threatened by terror attacks from Palestinian side and ensuing retaliation from
Israeli side. The effective evacuation of Israeli settlements from the occupied
territories of Gaza and the West Bank in 2005 was a seminal step in the peace
progress that has started with the Oslo agreements of 1993 and 1995.
6.After which major war was the United Nations Charter established?
Answer: World War II
7. Who inspired the creation of the United Nations?
Answer: Franklin D. Roosevelt
8. When was the United Nations set up?
Answer: 24th October 1945
One of the main reasons for creating the United Nations was that world leaders felt
working together was the only way to prevent the tragedy of World War Two from
being repeated.
9. On what date was the United Nations formally established?
Answer: October 24, 1945
The UN Charter was signed on 26 June 1945, and following its ratification, the UN
formally came into existence on October 24, 1945.
10. What is the UN's predecessor organisation which failed after being created at
the end of WWI?
Answer: The League of Nations
11. Which UN organization has a flag that contains a variation of the Athens'
Parthenon above and below the initials of the organization upon a blue
Answer: UNESCO (United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural
UNESCO was established on the 16th November 1945 as the successor to League
of Nations' International Commission on Intellectual Cooperation. UNESCO now
has 193 member states and 7 associate member states, with its headquarters in the
French capital, Paris. Possibly the best known UNESCO activity is it World
Heritage Sites register, which registers those sites around the world that are of
great natural or cultural importance.

12.Who are the five permanent members of the UN Security Council?

Answer: US, UK, Russia, France, China
13. At the beginning of 'Operation Iraqi Freedom', how many member nations did
the UN have?
Answer: 191
14. How many countries were represented at the first session of the United Nations
General Assembly?
Answer: 51
15. This was the second multi-nation organization established in the 20th century.
What is the name of the first?
Answer: League of Nations
16. In which city was the United Nations created?
Answer: San Francisco
17. Which organization's flag contains an adult holding aloft a baby in front of a
world of latitudinal and longitudinal rings, flanked by olive branches on a blue
Answer: UNICEF (United Nations Children Fund)
UNICEF (or the United Nations Children Fund) was established on the 11th
December 1946, initially providing health care and food rations to those countries
that had been ravaged by the Second World War. Today, UNICEF provides long-
term humanitarian and developmental aid to mothers and children in developing
countries. The acronym UNICEF stems from the original name of the organization
- United Nations International Children's Emergency Fund.
18. Which Soviet states served in the security council even though it was not fully
Answer: Ukrainian S.S.R and Byelorussian S.S.R

Ukraine was not independent until 1991. It was one of the 51 member nations who
signed the UN Charter, but was one of the four who weren't fully independent at
the time. India, the Philippines, and the Byelorussian S.S.R were the others. The
Philippines were independent in 1946, India got its independence in 1947 and
Belarus was independent in 1991.
19. What does the United Nations Charter call for?
Answer: To save succeeding generations from the scourge of war
20. Which of the following countries was NOT a founding member of the United
Answer: Switzerland
Switzerland did not join the UN until September 2002.
21. Which organization's flag contains a white circle, representing the world,
surrounded by five messengers corresponding to the continents (Americas, Asia,
Africa, Oceania and Europe), on a blue background?
Answer: UPU (Universal Postal Union)
22. Normally, the elected members of the Security Council serve two-year terms,
Which country is the exception to the rule?
Answer: Liberia
Liberia served on the Security Council only once, and that was in 1961 when it
took the place of a western European nation.
23. What does it mean to "table" a bill in the United Nations?
Answer: To place a bill to the side to come back to later.
24. Which of the following was NOT a European country with an ongoing UN
peacekeeping mission in 2005?
Answer: Bosnia
25. Which institution carries out the day-to-day running of the UN?
Answer: The Secretariat
26. The security council consists of 15 seats, of which five are permanent. Which
of these countries does not have a permanent seat?
Answer: India
27. How many active councils are there in the United Nations?
Answer: 5
They are the General Assembly, the Security Council, the Economic and Social
Council, the International Court of Justice, and the Secretariat. There was
originally a sixth - the Trusteeship Council - but that suspended all operations in
28. A white serpent wound around a wooden staff (the symbol of the ancient Greek
god Asclepius), in front of a map of the world, as seen from the North Pole,
extending to 40 degrees South Latitude, and flanked by two olive branches, on a
blue background is a description of the flag of which UN organization?
Answer: WHO (World Health Organization)
The ancient Greek god Asclepius was the god of medicine and healing, and his
symbol is still used as a symbol of medicine today (it is often seen on pharmacy
signs). The WHO was established on the 7th April 1948, with its headquarters in
Geneva. The organization works to provide healthcare on a global scale, with
major projects in immunization, medical education and the provision of essential
drugs to developing countries.
29. 2007 saw one seat on the council being contested by Guatemala and
Venezuela. They were forced to withdraw and endorse a new country. What
country was it?
Answer: Panama
30. The United Nations has its headquarters in New York City. It also has three
offices in other cities in the world. Can you name one?
Answer: Geneva
31. Who was the first woman appointed to the post of Deputy-Secretary-General of
the UN?
Answer: Louise Frechette
32. Which organization's flag is being described - A Rutherford model image
flanked by two olive branches on a blue background?
Answer: IAEA (International Atomic Energy Agency)
The IAEA was established on the 29th July 1957 in the Austrian capital of Vienna,
promoting the peaceful use of nuclear/atomic energy, whilst inhibiting its military
use. Although the headquarters of the IAEA are located in Vienna, the agency has
two safeguard offices in Toronto, Canada and Tokyo, Japan.
33. Which US President gave the United Nations its name?
Answer: Franklin D. Roosevelt
34. What do the initials UNESCO stand for?
Answer: United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation
Its main aim is to improve education throughout the world by building schools,
training teachers, supplying equipment and so on.
35. A pair of linked anchors behind the world as seen from the North Pole to 40
degrees South Latitude, with four white concentric rings, and flanked by two olive
branches on a blue background. This is the flag of which organization?
Answer: International Maritime Organization
The International Maritime Organization was established in Geneva in 1948 as the
Inter-Governmental Maritime Consultative Organization. The IMCO was later
changed in 1982 to the IMO, establishing its headquarters in London. The main
role of the IMO is to provide, develop and maintain international shipping

36. Which countries will be serving on the Council for the first time in 2008?
Answer: Croatia and Vietnam
37. What date is United Nations Day?
Answer: October 24th
38. Who authorizes UN peacekeeping missions?
Answer: The UN Security Council
39. In Model UN, what do you call it when you correct a Chair or delegate's error
in parliamentary procedure?
Answer: a point of order
40. In which four world areas was the United Nations undertaking peace keeping
operations in 2002?
Answer: Africa, Asia, Europe and The Middle East
41. What is the name of the United Nations specialized agency which is committed
to protecting children's rights and improving the health and education of young
Answer: UNICEF
It also protects children from war and exploitation and provides help in times of
42. In which city would you find the headquarters building of the United Nations?
Answer: New York, NY
43. As of February 2006, which country has suffered the most fatalities in UN
peacekeeping missions?
Answer: India
India lost 115 peacekeepers in UN operations, 39 alone in the United Nations
mission in the Congo (ONUC, 1960-1964). The total number of fatalities sustained
by UN troops between 1948 and the beginning of 2006 was 2,242. Most fatalities
occurred in UNIFIL (Lebanon, 257), followed by ONUC with 250.
44. Which of the following is not one of the main 'organs' of the United Nations?
Answer: Humanitarian Affairs Council
The main organs of the United Nations are the General Assembly, the International
Court of Justice, the Secretariat, the Security Council, the Economic and Social
Council and the Trusteeship Council.
45. In countries where there has been a war, the UN can send in soldiers to help
prevent any more violence. What do we call these soldiers?
Answer: Peacekeeping Troops
46. In order to become a member state of the UN, a state must be recommended by
which body?
Answer: Security Council
The Security Council recommends a state for membership if it ""Membership in
the United Nations is open to all other peace-loving states which accept the
obligations contained in the present Charter and, in the judgment of the
Organization, are able and willing to carry out these obligations." According to
Article 4, Chapter 2 of the UN Charter.
47. Which of the following is a specialized agency of the United Nations?
Answer: World Health Organization
The United Nations has fourteen specialized agencies coordinated by the
Economic and Social Council. Some of the best known are the United Nations
Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), and the World
Health Organization (WHO).
48. Who became the Secretary General of the UN on January 1st 1997?
Answer: Kofi Annan

The Secretary General is the head of the Secretatiat. He co-ordinates the work of
the UN. Kofi Annan started his second term as Secretary General January 1st 2002.
49. A blue hand clutching at corn, flanked by olive branches on a white
background is the flag of which United Nations organization?
Answer: WFP (World Food Programme)
The WFP is the largest international food-giving organization providing food to
around 90 million people every year, the vast majority of which are children. From
its Rome headquarters, the WFP moves to eradicate malnutrition and hunger, with
the final goal of removing the necessity of food aid, with every country being able
to sustain itself in terms of food.
50. What are UN peacekeeping troops popularly called?
Answer: Blue Helmets
51. What is the name of the document which sets out the main aims of the UN and
the rights and obligations of each member state?
Answer: The United Nations Charter
Each country has to sign the Charter when they become a member of the UN. The
main aims of the UN are: to keep peace throughout the world, to develop friendly
relations between nations, to work together to help get rid of poverty, disease and
illiteracy, and to encourage respect for each other's rights and freedoms.
52. In what year was the flag of the United Nations officially adopted?
Answer: 1946
The United Nations emblem, a map of the world centred on the North Pole with a
wreath of olive branches and five concentric circles is shown in white, centred on a
light blue background on the official flag. It was formally adopted on December
7th 1946.
53. A United Nations entity, UNAIDS is an acronym for what?
Answer: Joint United Nations Program on HIV/AIDS

In February 2003 the Executive Director of UNAIDS stated that realizing human
rights is fundamental to the global fight against AIDS and went on to say that
action to combat discrimination against people living with HIV/AIDS or AIDS-
related issues were to be discussed in Geneva.
54. Where does the International Court of Justice sit?
Answer: The Hague, Netherlands
The principal judicial organ of the United Nations sits at the Peace Palace in The
Hague and began working in 1946, when it replaced the Permanent Court of
International Justice which had operated from the Peace Palace since 1922.

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