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Acts 19:21-28

Andrea Mae Begonia

The Return to Jerusalem

Acts 19:21-21:14

• Paul go to Rome which was also will go through Jerusalem (19:21). Paul was Willing to visit
Rome before heading to Jerusalem.
• Paul gives them a long farewell address (20:17)
• Paul will go to Jerusalem to do his mission, not knowing what's gonna happen to him there (20:
Then they all weep and hug Paul knowing that they would need see Paul again (20:38)
Paul's Journey would result in his execution. All Christians who met with Paul clearly expected that Paul
would be killed when he arrived.

Some people in the Chapter tried to stop Paul by going in Jerusalem:

• The Disciples told Paul through the Spirit not to set foot on Jerusalem (21:4)

• In Caesarea, Agabus the prophet tells Paul he will be bound in Jerusalem (21:11). Including the caesarean
believers beg Paul not to go to Jerusalem (21:12)

But his purpose was to go in Jerusalem, for the Holy Spirit told him (19:21)

• Not every prophecy is from a spirit though a church is under the holy Spirit regards on Agabus prophecy to
Paul going to Jerusalem. It was not prohibition but a declaration of what some to come.

Paul knew that he would be arrested, after which he would appeal to ceasar in Jerusalem. As a Roman citizen,
thus providing him with all the expenses paid by the Roman empire.
Paul's Arrest and
Imprisonment in
Judea (21:15-26:32)
Paul is arrested in Jerusalem. The actual charge
against Paul is that he brought a Gentile into the
temple (21:28), being arrested for something he didn't
do (21:29). And imprisoned by the Roman army for
disturbing peace (21:30-36). After some clarification
as to his identity (21:38-39). Paul convinces the
Roman the Roman army commander to let him talk
with the Gathered Jewish mob(21:40).
1 Paul's witness to the Jews

•Paul recounts his conversion experience (22:

6-16) and his vision of Jesus and his call to the
Gentiles (22:17-21).
• The Jews become enraged by Paul's
explanation of his mission to the Gentiles, but
they unbinds Paul, and put him back into
protective custody knowing that he's a Roman
Citizen (23:10).
Paul remains in "Protective" custody in
Jerusalem, and it seems that Paul's plan to
make it to Rome had been thwarted. But Paul
received a promise that he would be his
witness in Rome (23:11)
2 Paul's Imprisonment in Caesarea

• Paul is moved to a prison in caesarea, again

because of threats against his life. (The centurion
sends a letter with Paul to the Governor in
Caesarea, Felix.) As an evidence of innocence.
• in 24:21, Paul only emphasizes his belief in
resurrection, thereby making the dispute look like
the long-standing theological debte between the
Pharisees and Sadducees. Felix only keeps Paul
imprisoned because of his own corruption (24:26).
• Paul remains in Prison in Caeaaria for two years when a new
Roman Governor is appointed, Festus.
• In Acts 22, asks visiting Agrippa to help determine the charge
against Paul before he sends him to face Caesar.
• In Acts 22, Paul proclaims his personal experience with Jesus
rather than the Apostles. Paul proclaim that the old Testament
prophets had predicted a suffering Christ who would rise from the
Dead just like what he did in front of Felix(26:23).
• Festus and Agrippa both agree that it's only because Paul
appealed to Caesar tht they couldn't release him (25:25; 26:32).
Because Paul appealed to Caesar, his trial would take place
in Rome not Caesarea. He put on a ship with other prisoners
and they set sail to Rome. While in journey, they end up in a
storm and are shipwrecked on the island of Malta.

~ Luke shows Paul as a man innocent of the charges against

him. Paul is not a troublemaker, but an extraordinary man
possessing great integrity.
1 Paul warns the Roman Centurion in charge of the prisoners not to
sail farther during the winter (27:9-10)

2 An angel encourages the ship that all aboard would be saved, for
Paul must stand before Caesar (27:31

3 Paul warns the soldiers that if they abandoned the ship that they will
die, demonstrating his concern for his guards
4 Paul shakes off a deadly viper (28:3)

5 Publius' father healed (28:8)

6 Paul's heals many of the sick on Malta (,28:9)


Finally, after three

months they depart
from for Rome. He
placed under house
arrest, but is free to

Paul preached about

the kingdom of God

When those reject him begin to leave, Some believe and

Paul gives a parting word , quoting Isaiah some do not(28:24)
as a demonstration that their rejection
had been predicted (28:26-27), and that
it's for this reason that salvation
would be offer to the Gentiles
Progress Report #7
Luke ends the book demonstrating how it's that Gospel moved from
being a small jewish sect in Jerusalem to a Gentile movement find
throughout the empire and even in Rome itself. He concludes with
his seventh and final progress report (28:30-31).
Declaring that the message of the kingdom of God continued in
Rome with all openness,, unhindered." Even the might of the Roman
Empire could not stop the progress of the gospel!

Thank you and
God bless!


Andrea Mae Begonia

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