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Prepared by: Jeah L. Travero BEED 3-BLOCK 1

At the end of the lesson the Grade 4 pupils will be able to do the following with 90% accuracy:
a. name the So-fa syllables ;
b. identify the So-fa syllables use in Kodaly hand signal
c. demonstrate the So-fa syllables using Kodaly hand signal with 90% proper execution;
d. locate the Kodaly hand signal body height level; and
e. value the importance of so-fa syllables and Kodaly hand signs in music.


Topic: So- fa syllables and Kodaly hand signals
Reference: “MAPEH 4 book
Materials: laptop, PowerPoint, visual aids
Value Integration: cooperation


Teachers’ Activity Pupils’ Activity

A. Preparatory Activities

a. Greetings
Good morning my Grade 4 pupils!
How are you today? Good morning, Teacher Jeah!
That’s great! We’re okay.
b. Prayer

Kindly stand up for the prayer. Are you ready to pray? Yes, Teacher we are ready.
Please no unnecessary movement. Let’s bow our head and offer In the name of the father....
ourselves to the Lord. (the pupils will pray)
c. Checking of Attendance

I will check your attendance. Listen carefully and say present if

your name is called. ( the pupils say present)

d. Review

Let’s have a recap of what we have discussed last meeting?

Who can tell me what we tackle last time?
Very good! About the pitch names .And what are those pitch About pitch names, Teacher
names by the way? The first 7 letters of the alphabet namely
Well said! They are the first 7 letters of the alphabet namely A,B,C,D,E,F and G
A,B,C,D,E,F and G
It seems that you are ready for our next lesson.
Are you ready to learn? Yes, Teacher

2. Motivation

Before we start our discussion, do you want some energizer? Yes, Teacher

Are you familiar with traffic lights? Yes, Teacher

Good to know, can you give me first what are the color of
traffic lights? Red
Very Good! Yellow

What is the meaning of each color for the three lights?

Stop for red, ready for yellow and go for

Well said! It’s stop for red, ready for yellow and go for green
Now everyone kindly stand up, let’s have an energizer. If I said
yellow you will clap your hands, if I said green you will stamp your
foot and lastly if I said red you will stop moving. Understand? Yes, Teacher

Very good! ( pupils are participating)

(time of the energizer)

Thank you for your cooperation.

Please go back to your seats

Have you enjoyed ? Do you feel energize now? Yes, Teacher

Why is it important following traffic lights? To avoid accident ,Teacher

Right. It is important following traffic lights to avoid accidents

and make the flow of traffic smoother.

B. Development Activities
1. Presentation
In connection of that in our subject for today, which is music ,
Being familiar with the various musical symbols and signage like
traffic lights will allow us to perform music well. In this lesson will
let you acquire musical symbols and signs in learning singing.

Now my question is, are you ready to learn?

Yes, Teacher
Our lesson for today is all about the So-fa syllables and the
Kodaly hand signals

Are you familiar with so-fa syllables?

Okay ,These are the so-fa syllables kindly read it No, Teacher
The So-fa syllables are Do-Re-Mi-Fa-So-La-Ti-Do.

The So-fa syllables are use as vocal exercise to sing a scale,

phrase, or a song . These syllables are used by singer in
practicing their vocal tone .

a. Activity

As we mentioned earlier the traffic lights have corresponding

colors with its meaning just like the pitch names from our previous
lesson they are connected with the so-fa syllables that we will
discuss for today.

Now we will make a short activity. Group yourselves into 2

group. Group 1 I want you to put the missing so-fa syllable of
each pitch name. And for the group 2, I want you to arrange the
so-fa syllables according to the order of the pitch name from A to
Do you understand?
Any question? Yes, Teacher!


Thank you for your cooperation, kids let’s check your work
Group 1 the missing so-fa syllables are what? FA, TI & DO , Teacher
Correct its FA, TI & DO. Very good group 1.
Okay group 2 what are the alphabetical order of the so-fa Its
syllables. LA,TI,DO,RE,MI,FA,SO
Is it right , kids? Yes, Teacher
Yes it is right.

Now let’s read the pitch names with their corresponding So-fa

C is for do
D is for re ( the pupils will read it)
E is for mi
F is for fa
G is for so
A is for la
B is for ti

Very good! Do you have any questions about so-fa syllables? None, Teacher

Now we already know the so-fa syllables but I know we want to

remember them easily , right? how? by the use of its hand signals
called Kodaly hand signals
Kodaly hand signals are design so that each tone in solfege
system is given a shape for the singer while singing. Here are the
hand signs look like
These hand signals are also used at different height levels to
show the relative pitch intervals between the solfege pitches.

Do = in front of belly button

Re = In front of chest
Mi = Shoulder level
Fa = Mouth level
So = Eye level
La = Forehead level
Ti = Top of head level
High Do = Just above head level

Now, l will perform the following Kodaly hand signals and I want
you to imitate me. Understand?
Yes, teacher

(The pupils imitate what’s the teacher’s
Good job, kids

b .Analysis
Now I want you to watch this short video.
What did you see in the video? A man playing guitar , Teacher

Is he did it perfectly? Yes, Teacher

How did he come up to do that then? By practicing, Teacher
Exactly by practicing Yes, Teacher
Why is it important to have practice? It is important because practice makes
Well said! thing perfect .
Like in singing we need to practice exercising our voice with the
so-fa syllables to enable us to better learn pitch relationship. As
well as the Kodaly hand signals , to help connect inner hearing
and reading of pitches with musical performance.
Do you understand? Yes, Teacher

c. Abstract
Let’s have some review, if you really understand our lesson for

What are the so-fa syllables? DO,RE,MI,FA,SO,LA,TI,DO

Very Good!

How about the Kodaly hand signals can anyone tell me what’s this
sign means in so-fa syllable.

(the pupils will answer)

(Showing different hand signals)

Good job, kids!

Where do we place kodaly hand signal, Re in the body? In front of the chest level
How about the Ti? Top of head level
Good job!
d. Application

In this point, please stand up everybody and let sing the so-fa
syllables with the Kodaly signals proper body execution and
height level. Are you ready? Yes, Teacher

The pupils perform it


Well done! Keep it up , kids you learn so fast, Let’s give a round
of applause for everybody. (Applauding)

e. Assessment

This time, kindly get your music notebook and answer the
following questions. After 20 minutes we will check that okay? Yes, Teacher

Activity 1
Identify the so-fa syllable that goes with the hand signal

Activity 2
Matching type: Match Column A so-fa syllable to its corresponding
kodaly hand signals body height level found in Column B

A. B
1.Re. a. shoulder level
2.Mi. b. Forehead level
3.Fa. c. Eye level
4 So. d. Mouth level
5. La e. in front of the chest


In your assignment notebook, list down the 6 different voice classification and their meaning.

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