(ACOT'22) Part 1 - Bronze Tier Solns

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Bronze Tier




Round 1 Multiple Choice September 26 - October 2, 2022

Maximum: 1 hour

Additional Materials: Multiple Choice Answer Sheet, PEC Packet / USNCO Reference Sheet


Write in a black or dark blue pen, or a pencil.
Do not use staples, paper clips, glue or correction fluid.
Write your name, date, CIN, and your proctor’s name in the spaces at the top of this page.

There are twenty questions on this paper. For each question there are five possible answers A, B, C,
D and E.
Choose the one or two options you consider correct and record your choice in pen or pencil on the
separate Answer Sheet.

Read the instructions on the Answer Sheet very carefully.

Each correct answer will score one point.

A point will be deducted for a wrong answer.
Partial credit will be awarded if a correct answer is chosen, where there are multiple correct
answers. Partial credit will also be awarded if some answers chosen are correct, while some
answers chosen are incorrect.
Any rough working should be done in this booklet.
The use of an approved scientific calculator is expected, where appropriate.

Once completed, immediately inform your proctor and

ensure that they write down the time taken.

This document consists of 11 printed pages.

CODS 2022 ACOT/01/BronzeACOT/22 [Turn Over]

Problems & Grading Information

Problem No. Topics Assessed Problem No. Topics Assessed

1, 2 Stoichiometry / Solutions 11, 12 Equilibrium

3, 4 Descriptive / Laboratory 13, 14 Oxidation - Reduction

5, 6 States of Matter 15, 16 Atomic Structure / Periodicity

7, 8 Thermodynamics 17, 18 Bonding/Molecular Structure

9, 10 Kinetics 19, 20 Organic/Biochemistry

Note that exactly five (5) of the questions contain two correct options.
Scores are weighted as 80% accuracy and 20% speed.

● Yiwei Liang (David Liang#1288), USA (Q1, 6, 12, 18)
● Ihor Kholomieiev (Igeru#8910), Ukraine (Q2, 9)
● Nishaant Jacobus (Akash#8593), USA (Q3, 4, 10, 14, 15)
● threeandninequarters#9092 (Q5, 13, 17, 19)
● lof#4839, USA (Q7)
● Ray Zhou (R7Z7#8063), Canada (Q8, 16)
● Lim Dillion (TheOrangeJuice#8426), Singapore (Q11, 20)

The bolded question numbers after the authors’ names are the questions which they

Quality Assurance:
● Nicolai Bogø Stabell (Stabell#6680), Denmark
● Lasse Johansen, Denmark
● Ihor Kholomieiev (Igeru#8910), Ukraine
● Lim Dillion (TheOrangeJuice#8426), Singapore

● Elizabeth Davis (AyameElizaSuzuki#6175), USA
● Nicolai Bogø Stabell (Stabell#6680), Denmark
● Jeremy Tinana (Jerdan1980#8056), USA
● Lim Dillion (TheOrangeJuice#8426), Singapore
● Ihor Kholomieiev (Igeru#8910), Ukraine

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Problem 1:
Assume that NH3 is an ideal gas. When 1 mole of N2 reacts with 1 mole of H2, the maximum
amount of product that can be formed is/are:

a) 1 mol NH3
b) 11.3 g NH3
c) 45.4 dm3 NH3 gas at standard temperature and pressure (0°C, 1 bar)
d) 2.00 × 1023 NH3 molecules
e) 5.6 g NH3

Problem 2:
The logo of ACOT22 features a molecule called cucurbit[6]uril
(see picture), named for its resemblance to a pumpkin (in Latin
- cucurbitus). It can be synthesized using the reaction shown
below. It is a polycondensation reaction from 3 simple organic
molecules - glyoxal, urea, and formaldehyde shown in the
equation below.

Find the sum of the unknown coefficients of the different reactants (K+L+M+N+O+P)
needed to create the final product. (Note that in the first step you need to make N
molecules of the intermediate product, enough to make 1 molecule of cucurbit[6]uril)

a) 60
b) 54
c) 64
d) 48
e) 72

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[Turn Over]
Problem 3:
To find the molarity of KOH in a 25 ml solution, a student titrates it with 1 M HCl. The
student uses a pH probe to measure the pH of the solution. When the pH of the solution
reaches 7, the student thinks that the equivalence point has been reached and records the
volume of titrant added. They then use this volume to calculate the molarity of KOH. Which
of the following errors would lead to a calculated KOH molarity that is too high?

a) The student accidentally used 2 M HCl, not 1 M HCl.

b) The student used 1 M HF instead of 1 M HCl.
c) The base in the analyte was actually NaOH, not KOH.
d) The student used 30 ml of KOH solution instead of 25 ml.
e) The pH probe was incorrectly calibrated and displayed a pH that was 2.0 units
lower than the actual pH.

Problem 4:
A scientist wants to separate a mixture containing only two solids, P and Q. P is insoluble
in water but highly soluble in dichloromethane (DCM), and Q is insoluble in DCM but highly
soluble in water. Both P and Q have a boiling point of 250 °C.

The density of DCM is 1.33 g/ml and the density of water is 1.0 g/ml, and DCM and water
are immiscible. Given this, which of the following methods is the best way to separate P
and Q?

a) Add P and Q to a separatory funnel, then add water and DCM to the separatory
funnel. Shake the contents, then let it settle. The bottom layer of liquid will contain
P, and the top layer will contain Q.
b) Add P and Q to a separatory funnel, then add water and DCM to the separatory
funnel. Shake the contents, then let it settle. The bottom layer will contain Q, and
the top layer will contain P.
c) Add P and Q to a separatory funnel and shake the funnel. P and Q will form
separate layers, with P on the top and Q on the bottom.
d) Add P and Q to a separatory funnel and shake the funnel. P and Q will form
separate layers, with Q on the top and P on the bottom.
e) Use fractional distillation to separate the solid mixture. The vapor of P will be
collected first, then the vapor of Q.

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Problem 5:
What is/are the force(s) or interaction(s) that must be overcome when a sample of
dimethyl sulfoxide, DMSO (pictured below) is vapourised?

a) Disulfide bonding
b) Ionic bonding
c) Dipole-dipole interactions
d) Hydrogen bonding
e) London dispersion forces

Problem 6:
Which of the following substances has the highest boiling point?

a) SF6
b) CF4
c) IF5
d) IF7
e) SiF4

Problem 7:
Consider the reaction below:

PCl5 (g) ⇌ PCl3 (g) + Cl2 (g) Kp = 0.523 at 25oC.

The ΔHf° of PCl5 and PCl3 at 25oC are -443.9 kJ/mol and -288.7 kJ/mol, respectively. What is
the Kp of this reaction at 100 oC?

a) 3.21 × 10-5
b) 4.97 × 103
c) 1.54 × 104
d) 1.52 × 105
e) 3.27 × 1025

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Problem 8:
Hydroquinone, a skin lightening cream banned by the FDA, may be produced by the
oxidation of 1,4-diisopropylbenzene, yielding hydroquinone and acetone as the only

The reaction is shown below:

Using the thermodynamic data of the following species at 400 K, calculate the ΔH for the
reaction above, where all species are in the gaseous phase.

ΔHf(acetone (l)) = -249.4 kJ mol-1

ΔHf(benzene-1,4-diol (g)) = -268.9 kJ mol-1
ΔHf(1,4-diisopropylbenzene (l)) = -132.3 kJ mol-1
ΔHvap(acetone) = +29.7 kJ mol-1
ΔHvap(1,4-diisopropylbenzene) = +56.3 kJ mol-1

a) -362 kJ mol-1
b) -413 kJ mol-1
c) -632 kJ mol-1
d) -472 kJ mol-1
e) -751 kJ mol-1

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Problem 9:
Kinetics of a reaction A+B+C→D was studied using the initial rate method. Using the
results in the table, determine the reaction order.
Note: For a rate equation r=kobs[A]k[B]l[C]m, reaction order = k+l+m.

Experiment [A], mmol/l [B], mmol/l [C], mmol/l Initial reaction

rate r, mmol
dm-1 s-1

I 1.400 0.1500 2.000 0.1464

II 3.806 0.1500 2.000 0.1199

III 3.806 1.500 2.000 11.99

IV 1.400 1.000 1.000 6.507

a) 1.5
b) 2
c) 3.2
d) 1.8
e) 3

Problem 10:
Tortoise shells contain calcium. Suppose a tortoise was born with 0.0020 mol of a
radioactive isotope of calcium in its shell. The calcium emits a positron to form a stable
potassium isotope that does not undergo further decay. The tortoise lives for 150 years,
during which time 6.68 × 10-7 g of positrons are emitted due to the decay of the calcium.
What is the half-life of the radioactive calcium species?

The mass of a positron is 9.1 × 10-28 g. Assume that each calcium atom emits only one
positron as it decays.

a) 111 seconds
b) 210 years
c) 111 years
d) 135 years
e) Radioactive decay follows second-order kinetics, so there is no half-life.

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Problem 11:
The equation for a reaction is shown below:
A + B ⇌ C + 2D

Substances A, B, C and D are either all in solution or are all gases.

The equilibrium concentrations of A, B, C and D are measured in three experiments. The

experiments have different starting concentrations and are performed under different
conditions. The results are shown in the table below.

Experiment 1 Experiment 2 Experiment 3

Pressure / MPa 100 100 200

Temperature / °C 30 40 30

[A] at equilibrium 0.043 M 0.033 M 0.062 M

[B] at equilibrium 0.034 M 0.023 M 0.037 M

[C] at equilibrium 0.049 M 0.044 M 0.042 M

[D] at equilibrium 0.059 M 0.052 M 0.080 M

Which conclusion(s) can be drawn from these results?

a) The reactants are all gases.
b) The reactants are all in solution.
c) The forward reaction is endothermic.
d) The forward reaction is exothermic.
e) Experiment 1 and 3 had the same initial concentrations of A, B, C and D.

Problem 12:
Given that the pKa of trifluoroacetic acid is -0.23, a 0.20 mol dm-3 solution of
trifluoroacetic acid has a pH of:

a) 0.46
b) 0.58
c) 0.65
d) 0.74
e) 1.02

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Problem 13:
In titrations, iodine may be generated in-situ by the equation below, showing the
comproportionation of iodide (I-) and iodate (IO3-) in an acidic medium:

__ I- (aq) + __ IO3- (aq) + __ H+ (aq) → __ I2 (aq) + __ H2O (l)

What is the smallest value for the stoichiometric coefficient of I2 (aq) if all the
stoichiometric coefficients are integers in the balanced equation?

a) 1
b) 2
c) 3
d) 4
e) 6

Problem 14:
In which of the following species do/does the transition metal have a negative oxidation

a) [V(CO)6]-
b) [Fe(H2O)3(OH)3]
c) [Mn2(CO)10]
d) (Na)2[Fe(CO)4]
e) MnCl3

Problem 15:
Which of the following is/are possible excited state electron configuration(s) of Fe2+?

a) 1s22s22p63s23p64s23d4
b) 1s22s22p63s23p63d6
c) 1s22s22p63s23p64s23d6
d) 1s22s22p63s23p64s43d2
e) [Ar]3d6

Problem 16:
Which complex(es) most likely do NOT absorb in the visible light spectrum?

a) [Co(Cl)4]2-
b) [Ni(NH3)6]2+
c) [Zn(CN)6]4-
d) [CrO4]2-
e) [V(H2O)6]3+

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Problem 17:
Which of the Lewis structure(s) of the following nitrogen oxo-anions is/are not valid?

a) d)


c) e)

Problem 18:
Bond energy can reflect the strength of bonding. The correct ranking of the following bond
energies from largest to smallest is:

a) F2 , Cl2 , O2
b) O2 , Cl2 , F2
c) Cl2 , O2 , F2
d) O2 , F2 , Cl2
e) F2, O2 , Cl2

Problem 19:
Which of the following organic compound(s) possess an odd number of double bond
equivalents (DBEs)?

a) d)


c) e)

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Problem 20:
Which of the following reactions occur with a high yield?






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ACOT: Round I
Bronze Tier Key
Correct % Correct Correct % Correct
Problem Answer Answer Problem Answer Answer

1 b 82.3% 11 c 21.0%

2 a 38.7% 12 d 30.6%

3 b&d 24.2% 13 c 58.1%

4 a 72.6% 14 a&d 41.9%

5 c&e 53.2% 15 a 27.4%

6 c 30.6% 16 c 35.5%

7 d 22.6% 17 b&d 25.8%

8 c 19.4% 18 b 46.8%

9 d 46.8% 19 a&e 14.5%

10 c 29.0% 20 d 6.5%

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