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NAME:__________________________ SCORE:_________
GRADE & SECTION:__________ DATE:__________

GENERAL DIRECTION:This is a 70-item test,read each directions written in

every type of test,answer this test in one hour.


DIRECTION: Choose the letter of the correct answer and write it on the space
provided for aech number.

_____1The elderly are advice to avoid strenuous exercises.

a.complex b. easy c. expensive d. time- consuming
_____2.The criminal shows no repentance even though he was convicted of the crime.
a.feeling of regret b. gratefulness c. fearfulness d. worry
_____3.She felt remorse over the death of her pet that she left when she had her
summer vacation.
a.sad b. happy c. angry d. a feeling of being sorry
_____4.This imitated bag resembles the original one I saw I the department store.
a.looks like b. looks different
c.has the same price d. made from the same company
_____5.Do you know where the rumors originated?
a.came from c. were first taught
b. were first popularized d. were first documented
_____6.The computer key- board must be covered after use so that dust will not
a.gradually increased c. greatly increase
b.unlawfully acquired d. secretly saved
_____7.I feel nauseous every time I pass by the pile of garbage dumped on the
sidewalk. drinking c. like vomiting eating d. like sleeping
_____8.The sudden tremor brought the moviegoers in chaos. b. sudden dizziness c. strong waving d. slight shaking
______9.She always carries along with her a portable computer.
a.can be operated c. can be sold
b.can be carried easily d. most up- to- date
_____10.The kidnap victim belongs to a prominent family in Manila. b. political c. popular d. notorious
_____11.A water main downtown broke this morning, so several businesses had no
water for hours.
a. addition b. time c. comparison d. cause and effect
_____12.Even though most Americans are primarily concerned about AIDS as it exists
in the U.S., it should be remembered that it is now nearly a worldwide disease.
a. addition b. time c. contrast d. comparison

_____13.Larry will probably be a late bloomer socially, just like his older brothers.
a. time b. contrast c. comparison d. cause and effect

_____14.There are ways you can make boring tasks more pleasant. For instance, bring a
portable radio and listen to music on the earphones while you work.
a. contrast b. comparison c. illustration/example d. cause and effect

_____15.The lazy checkout clerk forced the six-pack of cola into the bottom of the bag,
tearing it. Then she shrugged her shoulders and said, “I guess you’ll have to carry the
bag from the bottom.”
a. time b. contrast c. comparison d. illustration/example
_____16.Science-fiction writer Arthur C. Clarke correctly predicted that satellites
would be used for communication. Moreover, in 1947 he correctly predicted that 1959
would be the year the first rocket to the moon was launched.
a. time b. contrast c. comparison d. illustration/example
_____17.Some people in New Jersey built their houses very close to the shoreline.
Consequently, they have had to spend a lot of money trying to protect their property
from the sea.
a. addition b. contrast c. illustration/example d. cause and effect
_____18.Running can make people more aware of their physical surroundings, such as
the scent of honeysuckle or the changing moods of the trees.
a. addition b. contrast c. illustration/example d. cause and effect
_____19.Residents complain bitterly about potholes in the streets and sloppy trash pick-
up, yet these same people resist paying higher taxes for the improvement of these
a. time b. contrast c. comparison d. illustration/example
_____20.Telephone interviewing allows for a large number of responses in a short time
and at relatively low cost. Moreover, the method permits interviewers to reach
respondentsat specific times of the day; this is an important consideration in the study of
radio and TV listening habits.
a. addition b. time c. contrast d. comparison
DIRECTION: Choose the correct transition word that best connect each idea,on
the box and write your answer on the space provided each number.

while unlike however both too Similar also because And suddenly

1.__________ of the cold winter,the lake was frozen solid.

2.My favorite subjects are Math,Creative writing,________ science.
3.The room was quiet,_________,there was a loud soundthat rang out into the air.
4.Jane brought a new dress last year,________he didn’t wear it.
5.John likes jazz music,Michael likes jass music,_________
6._________ Cheetahs,zebras,are herbivore animals.

7.New York is a huge city,Los Angeles city is __________ enourmous.

8._______ have a lot of population

9.__________ to Guanacaste,the atlantic coast in Costa Rica has beautiful beaches.

10.My friends were skiing in Aspen during their vacations___________my family And
I were enjoying the attractions at Disney Park


DIRECTION:Write T is the statement is true,and write F if the statement is

false.Write your answer on the space provided each number.
__1. In grammar, parallelism, also known as parallel structure or parallel construction.
__2. Parallelism is used with elements joined by coordinating conjunctions.
__3. The balance between two or more similar words, phrases or clauses is called lelism
in grammar.
__4. Conjunction devices are useful English language conjunctions, transitional phrases,
synonyms and pronouns that express ideas in a cohesive manner.
__5. A cohesive is the glue that holds words, phrases and clauses (both dependent and
independent) together
__6. Intonation is the relative emphasis that may be given to certain syllables in a word,
or to certain words in a phrase or sentence. Stress is typically signaled by such
properties as increased loudness and vowel
__7. The application of parallelism improves writing style and readability, and is
thought to make sentences harder to process.

__8. Pitch, in speech, the relative highness or lowness of a tone as perceived by the ear,
which depends on the number of vibrations per second produced by the vocal cords.
Pitch is the main acoustic correlate of tone and

__9. Voice is the strength of speaking or singing whereby the voice is used loudly and
clearly. It is a technique employed to command respect and attention, as when a
teacher talks to a class, or simply to be heard clearly, as used by an actor in a theatre.

__10. Volume projection is the perceived loudness of the speaker. Loudness is what the
audience actually perceives and it correlates with the physical strength


Direction: Identify the underlined word as to NOUN or VERB. Write your answer on
the space provided each number.
1. We made a swing with a tire and a rope.
2. I‟ll bring the juice drinks to the party.
3. The puppy drinks a lot of water after she plays.
4. The new boss fires the two employees due to negligence.
5. Before the evening comes, we cut all the vegetables.
6. There are two consoles inside our classroom.
7. The country imports rice and other products from neighboring
8. I found the present near the door.
9. Sahara is the largest desert in the world.
10. Grade 7 students will conduct a research about calabash fruit.
DIRECTION: Direction:Enumerate what are being asked on each following item.

1.Enumerate the four Techniques that will help when you skim.(4)

2..Enumerate the 5 instuctions or formats in making an outline.(5)


Discuss a short background about idiomatic expressions,and why we use them in our

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