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UNLOCK nd Edition Reading, Writing & Critical Thinking STUDENT'S BOOK Sabina Ostrowska and Kate Adams with Chris Sowton, Jessica Williams and Christina Cavage CAMBRIDGE UNIVERSITY PRESS CAMBRIDGE ‘Univer Printing Hows, Cambridge cas fs, Ud Kingdom 427 Wilnstown Ron, Prt Melbourne, 3207, saa 4-33. loo Pot, Splendor Frum, ol Distt Cae New Dah 13005 In 2 Anon Roa 26-040 Sngporeor906 Cambridge Unies Pris prt fhe Univers of Canbee eur he Uniram by dieing nage inthe prt of ‘education eaaig and scuch teh nertional vl of cence. cambria Tnforton on hie wwcambride e781 10861612 (© Camis Unerty Pes 2019 “Thispblaon naproxen ‘aca the rvison of ear colle lesing arenes, repeat a cy Fran tbe lace wit ere ‘Fermin of Camb Univer re ast plished 014 Seon Eon 20 Prt in Dual ty Orewa Pres ‘A ctl re for ths publi vale fom the Bs Lary ISH 978-108-663 Reng Wein and Cre Taking Set Book, ‘Mabie gp & Online Workbook t with Dewnlatable Veo ‘Cambrge Utes Pr rn pony forth persitnc o ccy ‘sf Uae rid puter weber ons plo, ‘docs not une that ny testo sich webs ol ea ‘carter apropie.Inomaton eading rcs, are nea, nd ther {atl information pen nhs work conet at hc nef St pring et Cambie Utes Pres does ot gunateethe eae of sch information theca CONTENTS Map of the book Your guide to Unlock UNIT] People UNIT2 Seasons UNITS Lifestyle UNITa Places UNITS Jobs UNIT6 Homes and buildings UNIT? Food and culture UNITS Transport Glossary Video seripts Acknowledgements Unlock Second Edition Advisory Panel 102 ma M6 168 190 204 207 208 MAP OF THE BOOK 1 PEOPLE Femen | Keyeading sl Family vocabulary Pevewngs te feat A pol of facut ee person Commun) | Grsestanng ley wcibday | ead? Avery tal ant | stare tsotepsing) Semnngtofedinforaten | | Raa fodeat | UnaestragteyYecbuay | | Sinem “regs oe | pez sa Vee ie ers eae SSenngtofnd infomation | “sour and sere Reacrg Anarelesboit he (eed ie cele ry nthe word ng yourirowindee Goose) Underage eabliy feat 1 Cobanciate Reading for ett Sd wether revewng ecconlog) Sri 3 LIFESTYLE Teorotorin |i ean or fem fescng Met he Kb aera veer fr sty (btecpcogy) ira your inode Red 2 Star timetable Uncanny socbuy (eeiogy/ Eesti Scanned normaton eng or ainiess Frevewng Symes Treconatr | Keyring ite aoa ences: fiveico | Rex orman idas fang A wedi of rape Adina ats (09) rserndng ey socbuy esc The Males Prevewng (6eoga0h bheaing ‘Seg finan fesng or det (ing your nowede Syibesing ‘Acar ning si ‘ting pe erences snigect er * capa eters | Ftastops | ig aes | Wie deserpie sentences ‘Cheong relevant infomation 5108S Visonic tay ee ae ene repo Coane argonen ital fare diay owed rcs anew costing vc coe ren earn era GRETND en Se | Re ae oe ne: SE as, ae taser a een iia SS tees ee ee, fanaa ieicenos tons ae TROODAND [ender | grmodaea Vesta tried 7FOOD A one pore Bere taney Tac Aven cee tie) et a feng Tt hee Saar aay wate ve er Pet mene) ee Ses eration fate = 8 TRANSPORT (Modern metros: eee ‘Transport collocations eee ees eens ees — fees raeoripce petal toner rong Sept in woth The videos dowloadable fom the + Allthe video from the course Resources tab on the CUMS ado Alte aud fom the couse +The adios downloadable fom the fescrces tab onthe UMS an fom : combs org/nloc COMPONENTS Teacher components ‘Teachers Manual |~ One manual covers Levels -5 ‘and Development. \¢ contains flexible lesson pans, leszon objectives, ational activities and common learner errors as well as professional development for teachers, Beveloping erticat tanking skis In your students + Ttcomes with downloadable audio and video, vocabulary worksheets and peer-to-peer teacher traning | worksheets Presentation Plus Software for interactive ‘whiteboards so you can present the pages ofthe Students Books and easly play audio and video, | and check answers The aucio, vdeo and wrksheets are downloadable from the Resources tab on the CLMS and from eSouree via the cede inside the front cover of the manual ~ lease contact yur alse for Codes to dorlond Presentation Pus femesoure ited ag ee de ren ie ers eter LEARNING OBJECTIVES watch and understand awdeo about people who catch Watch and lsten Reading sl tical thinking Grammar fh indifferent counties preview atert cole information. use nouns and verbs; use subject pronouns se the verb be; use possessive adjectives. rite simple sentences. ‘wit a profile sO) gn 4 WATCH AND LISTEN PREPARING TO WATCH | Work with a partner and answer the questions. ACTIVATING YOUR KNOWLEDGE 1 What do you like to eat? How often do you eat fish? = 2 Think about people who live by the sea. What jobs do they have? ‘What do they do in thei free time? 3 Where can you buy or eat fish? PEDIC TRG) 2 Match the sentences (I-4) with the pictures from the video. CONTENT USING 1 The fishing boat ison the sea, VISUALS 2 The fisherman is smiling. = 3 They are fishing from a bridge. 4 They are eating fish in a restaurant. ‘coast the land close to the sea ‘et (a thin ind of cloth fr fishing ‘population (al the people who live na county relax (i to become happy and comfortable fishing rod (3 long plece of wood thats used for fehing WHILE WATCHING UNDERSTANDING 2 @ Watch the vdeo. Tick () the information that you hear (MAIN IDEAS (111 Fishis a healthy food, a 2 Fishing isa dificult ob. Im Sl ctte Set opteneses drainer 4 For some people, fishing is a job E15 Fich and chips is popular in the UK. Il fet reg ees rere ene 4 Q watch agin. Circle the words you hen. UNDERSTANDING 1 We eat 100,000 kilograms / tonnes of fish every year. DETAIL 2 Most fishing boats are small slow. ee an 3. The fishermen in India use fishing rods / nets to catch their fish, 4 There are more than 10,000 / 100,000 fish and chip shops inthe UK. 5 Tick (V) the true statements from the video. [11 Fishermen are catching more ish today than in the past fil a hicatcing Gea have ond one cetemren omen [7] 3 most ofthe people on the bridge ae ishing fr Fun, not as their ob [1 4 You can find a fish and chip shop in many towns in the UK, [D5 These are different ways ta eatch fic 1 6 Most fishing boats are big. [MAKING INFERENCES DISCUSSION 6 Work witha partner and answer the questions 1 Do you think fishing s an easy or hard job? Explain your answer. 2 Would you like to live ina vilage or town near the sea? Why / Why not? 3 Do you think ishing is a good job for a man or a woman? Why / Why not? READING 1 PREPARING TO READ Previewing a text Previewing means looking at a text before you read it. When you preview a ‘text, look at the text and think about these questions: 1 Are there phatas? 2 What isin the photos? 3 What isthe title of the text? 4 Whereis the text from? (a book? a magazine? a website?) 1 Look at the photo and the text on page 18. Ask and answer the questions PREVIEWING with a partner, 11 What do you think the text is about? 2. What is a profile? Where can you find profiles? 3 Look at the photo. Who do you think Moeen Allis? TNDERSTANDING 2 YOUare going to read a profil ofa famous cricket player. Read the words UNDERSTANDING and examples in the table. Then write the bold words from the table in SEY VOCABULARY the sentences (1-6) below. languages Spanish, Urdu, Russian city ‘New York, Dubai, Tokyo, Istanbul date of birth | 4 May 1998 country Saudi Arabia, the United Kingdom, China, Thalland job teacher, doctor hobbies reading, watching football, running 1 London isa very big in England. Many people live there. 2 I speak three —__: Turkish, Arabic and English. 3 Morocco is a______in North Africa. Its close to Algeria and Spain 4 My is 7july 997 5 Ihave a great __. | ama teacher. 6 Ihave many like running, reading and watching cricket. ea @ Ey Moeen Ali Mosen Ali Date of birth: 18 June 1987 9 City: Birmingham ‘Country: United Kingdom ® Languages: English, Urdu, Punjabi Ii Job: Cricket player Munir All Kader Ali, Omar Ali Firoza Hossain ‘Abu Bakr 4 Hobbies: reading, watching cricket, I'm Moeen Ali, | am from Birmingham, playing with my son in the United Kingdom. | speak three languages: English, Urdu and Punjabi, am a cricket player. | have won many matches. My brothers also play oricket. Their names are Kadeer and Omar. My father is a cricket coach. He is from the UK. His father is from Pakistan. [like reading and watching cricket. ‘SKIMMING ‘SCANNING TO FIND INFORMATION READING FOR DETAIL WHILE READING '3 Read the text on page 19 quickly. Write the words from the box in the ‘gaps in the text. Contact information My hobbies and interests My family My life 4 Read the text again. Circle the correct words to make true sentences. 1 Moeen is from Pakistan / the United Kingdom. 2 Moeen’s brothers play football / cricket. 3. Moeen’s hobbiee ara playing football ond reading / wotching cricket and reading. 4 Moeen speaks English / Arabic. 5 Kadeer is Moeen's brother / father. 6 Moeen’s email address is / Mofans@info.cup org 7 His wife / father is a cricket coach 5 Read the summary and circle the correct words ‘Moeen Ali isa cricket / football player. He is from ©) Birmingham / Manchester in the United Kingdom. His date of birth is 18 June ® 1987 / 1997. He has two (© sisters / brothers. His father is © Abu Bakr / Munir Al. DISCUSSION {6 Ask and answer the questions with a partner, 1 What is your date of birth? 2 Do youhave any brothers or sisters? 33 What are your brothers’ and sisters names? 4 What languages do you speak? 5 What are your hobbies? READING 2 PREPARING TO READ 1 Lookat the text and photos on page 22. Then choose the correct 1 The man in the photo is a ata shop, b inhi home, inapark 2 The text is about a a farm b cricket player very tall man 3 The text is from a a bank bb magarine, ¢ website ‘You are going to ead an article about an unusual man, Read the sentences (+8). rite the words in bold next tothe correct defiitions ah). /VOTRSTANOING KEY VOCABULARY 1 That is an unusual job! | have never heard of it. Se 2 Lama student at an English university live in London. 3 Lama teacher. | work in a school. 4 Andrea is interested in languages. She wants to learn Japanese. 5 like to listen to music. lke the sound of the piano. 6 I wateh TV at night: lwatch cricket and other sports, 7 Ona normal day, | go to work. Then | come home and eat dinner with my family 8 My family is big. have a mother, a father, four sisters and three brothers 2 ya pop of pole reted ech oer sichasa Iota chen sa ray ance tithe youre saree iaiimarng ten mare sou someting eins anse nae ype tunes {jateen snot oen away onchi veneer cre _Ajeosinb cpl te ob youd opt mney Wiech sone ne G PLUS | AVERY tall man! Sultan Kosen is from Turkey. He lives in Mardin in Turkey. He lives with his family. Sultan has a wife, three brothers and one sister. Sultan is farmer. His hobby is TV. He is His height? is He i251 em tall that is very tall. Sultan i the tallest man in the world. His mother, brothers, sister and wife are height Sultan works on the farm. He has a tractor. His life ls not easy, People look at him in the street. Normal clothes and shoes are too smal, His clothes and shoes are very big. Sultan speaks Turkish and English. He went to London, Madrid in Europe in 2010. He went to New York, 1g0 and Los Angeles in the United States in 201 Read the text and cirle the correct words in the profile below. | ee First name: ® Sultan / Késen Last name: ® Sultan / Késen Country: Turkey / the United States Cty: # Marain / New York Family: © three sisters and one brother / one sister ang three brothers Hobby: ® watching TV / working on a farm Read the text again, Write the correct words from the text in the gaps. 1 Sultan Kosen _ from Turkey. 2 He in Mardin in Turkey, 3 He lives with his 4 Sultan a farmer. 5 His hobby is W. 6 Sultan “Turkish and English Work witha partner. Use information from Reading 1 and Reading 2 to answer the following questions 1 Sultan’ life is not easy. Why? 2 What is Moen interested in? What is Sultan interested in? 3. What can you learn from a profile? a 4 Do you lke reading profiles? Why / Why not? PLUS © LANGUAGE DEVELOPMENT FAMILY VOCABULARY 1 Write the nouns from the box in the correct columns in the table, brother daughter grandfather mother uncle 1 grandmother father 4 son 5 sister 3 aunt NOUNS AND VERBS Words for people, places or things are nouns. Words for states or actions are verbs. Sentences have nouns and verbs. nouns: Sultan is a farmer. He lives in Mardin. He works on a farm verbs: Sultan is a farmer. He lives in Mardin. He works on a. farm. 2 Read the sentences. Write the bold words in the correct colurnns in the table on page 25 ‘Moeen Ali's grandfather is from Pakistan, Sultan Késen lives on a farm, Moeen Al's brothers like cricket. Sultan Késen works in Turkey. He is interested in music, Moeen Ali plays with his son, Sultan speaks two languages oO Plus Singular and plural nouns ‘Nouns are singular or plural. Singular means one, Plural means more than on. For most nouns, adds at the end ofthe singular form to make the plural form. singular nouns: Ray has one brother. His brother is a farmer. plural nouns: Fernando has two brothers. His brothers are farmers. Some plural nouns have ireguar forms: person ~* people 3 Read the sentences and circle the correct words. 1 My mother has four sister / sisters. 2 Ihave only one aunt / aunts 3 Ihave a grandfather / grandfathers in Dubal 4 My grandmother has two son / sons in Scotland 5 She has five brother / brothers. 4 Read the sentences and write the words from the box in the gaps. brothers city languages lives reads sister 1 Moeen Ali___ boos. 2 Eka is my Shelves with me. 3 She speaks two: Arabic and Enelish 4 Thave a sister and tree 5 My grandfather in tanbul. os 6 Rio de Janeiro is big. My mother works there, iz fe eee Lai (ed [At the end of this unit, you ae going to wtite a profile, Look at this unit's writing task in the box below. Write a profile of your family. REMEMBER | Work with a partner, Ask and answer the questions about Sultan from Reading 2 on page 22. 11 What is Sultan’ last name? 5 What are Sultan’ hobbies? 2 Where does Sultan live? 6 What languages does Sultan 3. Who is in Sultans family? speak? 4 What is Sultans job? Collecting information Before you write, collect information. This information can come from your knowledge, books the intemet, people or other places, Use a table to record the information. Om 2 Use the table to write information about you. Cea aa hobbies 3 Work with a partner and use your table. Ask your partner questions lke the ones in Exercise |. Then answer the questions about you. GRAMMAR FOR WRITING SUBJECT PRONOUNS ‘Subject pronouns can replace nouns, Use subject pronouns before a verb ‘Subject pronouns are, you, he, she, it; we and they. | am Min Lee, (Always use a capital letter | I= Min Lee for the pronoun !) You are my sister, Laura. You= Laura Thomas is 26. He is 26 He = Thomas Sarah is a student. She is a student. | Sh yah Busan is a city in South Korea. Wbis @ | ig ely Busan Matt and | are brothers. We are brothers. | We = Matt and | ohanmed and Yusuf, you are my friends. | you= Mohammed and Yusuf Eduardo and Ana are from Colombia. | They = Eduardo and Ana They are from Colombia 11 Work witha partner. Write the words from the box inthe table. aunts brother daughter father grandfather : 2 Read the sentences and write the words from the box in the gaps. He It She They 1 My sister i tall, ___is 14cm, 2. My aunts are Mexican, are frorn Mexico City 3. My uncle likes basketball — plays every day. 4 Los Angeles isin California, is big city. THE VERB BE The verb be has three forms in the present simple: am, is and are. After I, use am, After you, we and they, use are. After he, she and it, use i. i am from Turkey. You are | all vou ae | students. He a student. They she is It | Use not after am / is / are to make negative statements, | am rot from Busan. He is vob tall. They are vot farmers Contractions Use contractions (short forms) in informal writing and in speaking. fa lam tm we are — we're youare youre youare~ youre eis hes they ate theyre she is she's iis ies ‘She's from Being, They're from Cairo Negative contractions Jam not + Fm not youare not you aren't / youre not he is not he isn't / he’s not, she is not “she isnt / she’s not itis not itisnt / it’s not we aren't / were not | youaren'/ youre not they aren't / theyte not ‘There are two negative forms. He is rob toll. = He isn’t tall. = He's not tal. We are not brothers. = We aren't brothers. = We're not brothers Read paragraphs A and B, and write am, is or are in the gaps. oa My name © Kal 1 om AL in, 1 B.A An ® in te ed s Arab Emirates. My brother's name. je ®. Faisal. He ®© older He ____ 26. My father's name. ® i 1 Min Lee from Busan, Busan © in Saute Korea. | tive with my mother, my Father and. my sister, My mother and. father from Seoul. My sister's name she © a 0. student. Her hobhies Paying basketball ard. Ha 4 Write am not, isnot or are not in the gaps. 1 |_______from Guangzhou. |am from Bejing. 2 Ana and Feride sisters, They are friends. 3 Ahmed is from Jeddah. He __ from Riyadh. 4 Daniella is From Mexico City. She. from Guadalajara. 5 My parents_______from China. They are from South Korea, 6 We. farmers. We are doctors. 5 Cortect five mistakes in the text below. ‘My name am Ibrihim, My family is from Tunisia, Ihave two eters and ane hrother My sisters fein school in Timi They are 11 and 12, My brother is 22. He area teacher in Spain, Ilive ‘with my brother. We is in Madrid are at university. I speak Spanish, Arabic and English {6 Rewrite the sentences. Use contractions. 1 Lam from Tokyo, 2 We are students in London 5 itis big cy. 4 You ae not tal 5 She snot a student 6 Heisa teacher. 7 You are students in my lass 8 It isnot a big school. 9 Weare not in Mexico, 10 Lam not at university Possessive adjectives show that someone owns or has something. They can also show family relationships. The possessive adjectives are: my, your his, her, its, our and their. Use possessive adjectives before anoun, ' my 1 atm from Turkey, My cy is stant a fa Yeu are from Eph, Your schol te i Mavandia he her Natalia ts fom aly. Wer father te frm Rome he fis Satan Unes tn Mardin. a fly i in Turkey it its Japan is a country in Asia. its capital is Tokyo. we ou We have a tig fail. Our ule t tn Dua they their Marta and. Luis have @ slater. Telr eater ts Lt a ears _ Read the sentences and write the words from the box in the gaps. | Her His its My Our Their 1 Ihave two sisters, _ names are Frances and Celia 2 Jenny Fielding is from Miami, _____ father’s name is Davi, 3. We go to school in London. school is very big 4 Ihave abrother and a sister. sister's name is Andrea. 5 Moeen Allis from the United Kingdom. from Pakistan, 6 live in abig city. grandfather is name is Tokyo. ACADEMIC WRITING SKILL! WRITING SIMPLE SENTENCES AA simple sentence has a subject and a verb. The sentence is about the subject. ‘The verb comes after the subject. subject verb noun: Suldan is from Turkey, subject vor noun phrase: His life is rot easy, subject vero subject vers pronoun: | am from Beijing. tb is a big cy Begin the first word in a sentence with a capital letter (A, B,C), Puta full stop (] at the end of the sentence, He watches TV, Remember: Sentences always have a subject and a verb. subject ve 1 Mocen Ali plays cricket. subject missrg ver X Mocen Ali cricket. 1 Put the words in order to make simple sentences. 1 Zhong Shan / My grandfathers name / is / 2 is/He/59/ 3 adoctor/He/is/ 4 Js from / He / Hong Kong / 5 two daughters / He / has / 6 my mother and father / lives with / He / a PLUS 2 Correct the mistakes in the simple sentences. Check for capital letters and full stops.Is there a subject and a verb inthe sentence? 1 my name is Gustavo, 2 iam from Ecuador 319 4 my fathers name Marcus, 5 she a teacher 6 hhe has two sons 7 my brother's name is Paulo, 8 isadoctor 9 she in Canada 10 Paulo’ hobbies playing with his son and watching TV WRITING TASK PLAN 1 Look back at your table inthe Critical thinkin section on page 26 CCheck your notes and add any new information to your profile, including information about your family. Think about: + your family’ names and ages + the languages your family speaks + your family’ jobs + your family’s hobbies 2 Read the Task checklst on page 34 as you prepare your profile. WRITE A FIRST DRAFT 3 Write sentences for your profile, Use the word inthe table below and the information from your table inthe Critical thinking section to help you. \ am_—__ | ateacher. My name tr. My family io from Kyoto. Mybrothersandaistes | _- | sudersin London My hobbies watching TV and playing basketball 1 my uncle. She tvels} with | ray mother and father. He Japanese They Spanish We Turlish speaks) Chinese. English Arabic and Engh, EDIT 4 Use the Task checklist to review your profile. TASK CHECKLIST v Make sure each sentence has a subject and a verb Make sue each sentence begins with a capa letter and ends with a fll stop. Use the correct form of be with subjects and subject pronouns. Use possessive adjectives (my, his, her) before a noun (brother, sister, uncle ‘Make sure people's names and places have capital letters Make sure the personal pronouns he and she are before the verb is Make sure the personal pronouns we and they are before the verb are 5 Make any necessary changes to your profile. ia OBJECTIVES REVIEW 1 Check your learning objectives for this unit. Weite 3, or I for each objective Bevery well 2=well 1=not so well Fean watch and understand a video about people who catch fish in different countries — preview a text. collect information, Use nouns and verbs. Use subject pronouns. — use the verb be (resent simple} — se possessive adjectives, — write simple sentences. vit a profile —_ 2. Go to the Unlock Online Workbook fr moe practice with this units Ome learning objectives ‘aunt (n) grandfather (n) music (n) © brother) grandmother (0) normal (a) © city (1) O hobby (n) sister (n) O country (n) @ interested in (adj phr) son (n) @ date ofbith(o) job (n) O uncle) daughter(o) @ language (o) © unusual (ad) family (n) O live () O watch (v) O father (n) mother (n) O work (vy) O = high-frequency words in the Cambridge Academic Corpus igh Frequency WATCH AND LISTEN PREPARING TO WATCH RCIATING Your”) Work with a partner and answer the questions KNOWLEDGE 11 Which seasons do you have in your country? = 2 Do you prefer hot and sunny weather or cold and snowy weather? Why? 3 Where in the word sit very cold? PrcICINE ee gee ee Vin nb ron COMET UGNG e statements. Correct the false statements. VISUALS 1 This part of the Earth is warm, 2 Part of the river is frozen. —— 3 There is ice and snow on the trees. —— 4 The trees die in the winter. temperature) how hot or cod somethings for example, O°C rive (9) long natural res of water that goes across the land Street / pine trees ores wth thin hard green lenves that stay gree all winter forest ra arge area with many trees growing closely together froexing (ad) very colt heavy snow np) alot of sow WHILE WATCHING. 3. @ Watch the video. Tick (7) the statements that you hear. UNDERSTANDING 1 C1 The days grow short and cold MAIN IDEAS 2 winter ishard here ae 3 [1] Water in the air, rivers and in plans tums toe 4 [1 Allof the pants die 5 [5] During the winter, heavy snow covers the tiga. 6 (2) old temperatures return in pring 4 Q Watch gun. Ciel the comect answer ee 1 Snow and cold temperatures move north / south. DETAIL 2 Fir trees ean live in very warm / cold temperatures. 3 The taiga forest has almost 20% / 30% of al the trees on Earth 4 Heavy snow / rain covers part ofthe taiga until the spring, 5 Read the sentences below and write the words from the box in the £8... nic INFERENCES difficult flowers near winter 1 The __is very long in the taiga forest. 2 The taiga forest is___the North Pole. 3 Living in the taiga forest is ____ in winter, 4 do not grow in winter in the talga forest. DISCUSSION 6 Askand answer the questions with a partner. 1 Do you think it is easy for people to live in the taiga forest? Why / Why not? 2. How long do you think winter isin the taiga forest? 3. Which season isthe longest in your country? “4 What things do you take with you when you go to a cold place? READING 1 UNDERSTANDING KEY VOCABULARY USING YOUR KNOWLEDGE PREPARING TO READ 1 You are going to read an article about a city with cold weather, Look at the words in bold. Match sentences 1-3 with ac. 1 Italy is warm, 2 Inwinter, the temperatures are freezing. 2 Sweden is cold, b In summer, everyone enjoys the sun. 3 Spring is before summer. ¢ Autumn s before winter. 2 Match the words (1-7) to the correct numbers (a-g) 1 eleven, a8 2 eighteen bis 3 twenty-one 6 4 forty-two aan 5 fifty e2i 6 eight fl T six 2 50 Look at the temperatures in the box. Ask and answer the questions with a partner. Orc H6°C 435°C 11 Which temperature do you ike best? Why? 2 What clothes do people wear outside for each temperature? '3 What isthe temperature in summer where you lve? What is the temperature in winter? 4 Look at the graph, photographs and heading in the article on page 4 Write T (true) or F (false) next to the statements, Correct the false statements, 1 Yakutsk isa city —— 2 Winter is very cold in Yakutsk. —— 3 Summer's very cold in Yakutsk —— 4 Svetlana has a café in Moscow. tee skating (ecemer-torende) ee 1 The temperature in your freezer scold. 3 ‘Life is dificult in winter, says Svetlana, Itis about -18 °C. The city of Yakutsk jut wee not sad” Svetlana isthe in Rusia is colder than your freezer. ‘manager ofa café*in Yakutsk. She has In winter, the average temperature! is two children, Her son Pavel is 11. 42°C! Her daughter Daria is 5. 2 In2018, 1 visited Yakutsk. Why? 4 “The average temperaturein winter Because I wanted tose the coldest is-42"C. Some winters are colder. city in the world. I wanted to meet the [At-55 °C, the schools are closed, Daria people of Yakutsk and Pavel are happy Svetlana 5 People in Yakutsk like sport’. In spring Secanesina a er and autumn, the average :emperature cal ina cold ty is -21 °C. They go skiing and ice skating, In summer, itis warm. The average temperature is +20 °C. People take food and drinks to eat outside. "average tempers (aps) Row ht or cola place ‘soa wd od eer (ex game ctiviy which pape op WHILE READING Scanning to find information ‘Scanning means looking for information. When we scan, we do net read every word ina text. We can scan for information such as: + numbers + names of people + names of places Look for capital letters to find people and places SCANNING TO FIND > Match the facts (+6) to the correct numbers (@-f). INFORMATION 1 the average temperature in summer aac 2 the year the writer visited Yalutsk b 2018, 3 the average temperature in winter 5 4 Daas age dsc 5 the average temperature in spring e-a"c and auturnn F 20°C 6 the temperature when schools are closed TEADINGFORDETAL & Wht the words rom the born the ap to complete the suman of cold spring Svetlana warm —Yakutsk ‘The text is about _ and her family They live in the city of , in Russia, Winters are very ®. Sometimes school is closed. In ____ and autumn, people go skiing and ice skating. In summer, itis, DISCUSSION 7 Askand answer the questions with a partner. ia 1 Doyou want to live in Yakutsk? Why / Why not? @ G2 2 When is good time to visit Yakutsk? Why? 3. What do you do in cold temperatures? READING 2 PREPARING TO READ 11 Work witha partner. Talk about winter, spring, summer and autumn in “ USING YOUR Your yor own. Do yu have al for seasons? What months ein Oise January July February August March September April October May November June December 2 Look at Texts A Band C on page 44. Choose the correct answers fa-c)to the questions (1-3), a eee 1 Where are the texts from? a abook bb amagazine awebsite 2 Which text is about the weather in Cuba now? a Text A b Text 8 © Text 3 Which texts are about typical weather in Cuba? a Texts A and 8 b Texts Band C € Texts A and C 3 You ate going to read about the weather in Cuba. Read the definitions in UNDERSTANDING. the box. Then write the words rom the box inthe gapsin 4 eco dry (ac) with very little or no rain rainfall (0) the amount of rain that falls in one place season (7 one of the four parts of the year: winter, spring, summer fr auturnn climate (n) the weather that a place usualy has 1 The _____in spring is often high. It is good for the plants 2 Summer is my favourite like warm temperatures. 3. The desert is very __ Little rainfalls there. 4 The ____in the desert ishot and dry. as 4. Write the words from the box in the gaps in Text A. cloudy sunny rainy windy CUBA WEATHER HOME | WEATHER | SAN ee eee Topar MonDaY ‘russpay WEDNESDAY THURSDAY B® & K of © doudy and sunny and ‘sunny CUBA WEATHER HOME | WEATHER | See ee 1 Cuba in the Caribbean The climate in Cuba is good. thas ‘wo seasons: the dry season and the rainy season. The dry season and the rainy season each last for sbx months. 2 The dry season is from Novernber to April The average temperatures are between +22 °C and +25 °C inthe ery season. The average rainfall is 62 mm in the dry season. Is windy and sunny in the dry season. 3 The rainy season is from May to October In the rainy season, the average temperatures are between +26 °C and +28 °C. “The average rainfall inthe rainy seacon fz 146 mm. eis often cloudy. 4 The best time to visit Cuba is Apil or May CUBA WEATHER HOME | WEATHER | ene ee SEASON avenace AVERAGE WIND (HonTHs ‘Temperature AVERAGE RAINFALL ‘SPEED Dry (Nov-Apr) 3c 62mm Bkph Rainy (May-Oct) 427°C 146 mm 15 kph WHILE READING 5 Read the three texts (A-C) quickly. Match the facts (-6) to the correct SCANNING TO FIND numbers (a, INFORMATION 1 number of months in the dry season a6 = 2 average temperatures (°C) in the dry season b +31 3 average rainfall (nr) in the dry season 1B 4 average rainfall (nm) in the rainy season ds 5 temperature (°C) on Tuesday e6 6 temperature ("C) on Thursday fe 6 Look at Text B again. Take notes on the seasons inthe table DISCUSSION 7 Work with a partner Use ideas from Reading | and Reading 2 to answer the questions. 1 When sa good time to visit Cuba? Why do you think those months are good? 2 What are the seasons in Cuba? 3. Where can you find facts about the climate na country? 4 Why do people want to know about the weather and climate ofa place? ‘SYNTHESIZING PLUS NGUA\ DEVELOPMENT NOUNS AND ADJECTIVES Words for people, places or things are nouns. Words that describe people, places and things ae adjectives. We write adjectives before a noun. good. climate, cold. winter, happy child. Adjectives always go after is / are (not), Summer is wiee. lee skating and skiing are popular in my country. The rainy season is not dry 1) Match the adjectives (1-7) with their opposites (a-g) 1 difficult a warm 2 cold b dry 3 sunny hot. 4 cool d cloudy 5 rainy ‘e unpopular 6 popular F easy 7 happy sad 2 Underline the nouns and circle the adjectives in the sentences 1 The café is warm. 2 October is rainy 3 The climate is good 4 Summers are hot. 5 Winters are cold, 3 Read the sentences. Write the words from the box in the gaps. cloudy cold difficult happy sunny 1 in Yakutsk, life in winter. 2 The children are __. There is no school today, 3 Itiswarm and____ tod. 4 The winter isin Yakutsk. 5 The rainy season is _.. You do not see the sun for days. NOUN PHRASES ‘Announ phrase is anoun and another word that describes or defines the noun, When an adjective comes before a noun, its part of a noun phrase rroun phrases: Cuba. has a good. climate. The average rainfall is G2 mn Use has to show that the noun phrase belongs to the subject. Cuba has a dry season Use be to link the noun phrase with a word or phrase that describes it ‘The rainy season is from May to Oclaber. (Make a noun phrase frm the bold words in eat sentence, Writes in Ue gaps to make a new sentence, 1 Yakutsks winters are cold, Yakutskehas. 2 The season is dry from November to April The. is from November to April 3 In the rainy season, the rainfalls high. The rainy season has 4 Summers are warm in Yakutsk. 8 Yaletsk has PLUS Work with a partner. Correct the mistakes in the sentences, Check the adjectives in the noun phrases and after the verbs be and have. 1 Cuba has a season rainy 2 Yakutsk has a autumn cold 3 Insurnmer, we have weather sunny. 4 The dry season windy is 5 In spring the rainfall high is CRITICAL THINKING At the end of this unit, you are going to write about the weather. Look at ‘this unit’ writing task in the box below. VW Wirite about the weather in your city oF town, Categorizing information [After you collect information, the next step isto categonze it, or put the information in groups. Look at the headings in the table, A table is a good way to categorize information. It is easy to see facts and numbers March, April, May 1 Complete the table below about Yakutsk. Use information from the text Oe org March, April and. May “21°C 2 Work with a partner. Look atthe table in Exercise 1 on page 48, Ask and answer the questions. 1 Is Yakutsk cold in February? 2 Is Yakutsk warm in August? 3 What is the weather like in Apri? 4 When is auturnn? 5 Is spring warm or cold? dry season auturnn rainy season spring summer winter 4 Create a table for the seasons in your city or town. Ifyou don't know the information, write what you think its, '5 Compare your answers with a partner. Then use the internet to check and correct your information. GRAMMAR FOR WRITIN' PREPOSITIONAL PHRASES ‘The words about, in, from, between and for are examples of prepostions. ‘Apprepositional phrase isa preposition + a noun, Use prepositional phrases to say where, when and how long, and to give an estimate or range. where: Svetlana is from Yakutsk. Yakutsk is in Russia. when: It is warm in summer. Ik is cold. in January. hhow long: The rainy season lasts for six months. The rainy season lasts from May to October. estimate or range: It is about ~18 °C. The dry season lasts about six montis. The average temperatures are between +22 °C and, +25 °C. 1 Read the sentences. Write the prepositions from the box in the gaps. You can use one preposition more than once. about between for in 1 People ___Yakutsk like sport. 2 Iris windy ‘the dry season in Cuba, 3 The average temperatures are ____ +26 °C and +28 °C inthe dry season, 4 The temperature __your freezer is 18°C. 5 Winter lasts __ three months in Yakutsk 2 Answer the questions. Use the correct prepositions in your answers. 1 Where are you from? 2 When is it warm in your city? 3 How long is the winter in your country? 4 What is the average ternperature in May in your city? 5 When isthe weather nice in your city? Prepositional phrases and punctuation ‘When a prepositional phrase begins a sentence, use a comma after In the rainy season, the average temperatures are bebween +26 °C and. +28 °C tn spring and autumn, the average temperature is 21 °C. 3 Gite the prepositional phase inthe sentences 1 Inthe dry season, the average temperatures are between +26 °C and #28 °C 2 The average temperatures are between +26 *C and +28 *C in the dry season 4 Lookat the sentences in Exercise 3. Answer the questions. 1) Which sentence has a comma after the prepositional phrase? 2 What preposition is used to give a range in temperatures? '5 Write the prepositional phrases from the box in the gaps. Add commas If necessary. injuly in the dry season in the rainy season 1 Ieishot in Cuba 2 —__ the average rainfalls 46 mm. 3 The average rainfall is 62 mm. 6 Add five commas to the text. Dubal is a great place to visit. From November to March many ‘people go tothe beach, The weather is good. In these months the temperatures are between +24 °C and +35 °C. From January to March Dubai has a rainy season, but it does not rain a Jot. Summer is from April (o October: In summer Dubai is very hot. People do not go outside. In this season the temperatures, are t00 high. Put the words in order to make sentences. Remember to use a comma if ‘ prepositional phrase begins the sentence, ge/, / Ame / In/ autumn / rainfalls 5 Yakutsk / The / are / cold / winters / in 6 in/ summer / is/ The average temperature, 7 the dry season / 62mm / In /, / average rainfall / is / the. ACADEMIC WRITING SKILLS WORD ORDER Subject-verb-noun (phrase) / adjective ‘sentence is about a subject: The subject isa pronoun, anoun or a noun Phrase, Write the verb after the subject na sentence, Write anoun, a nour phase or an adjective after the verb be Noun or noun phrase: Svetlana is Ure manager. She is the mother of too children Adjective: Winter is cold. Life is difficult, 1 Circle the option that is true for you or your country, 1 tis / isnot cold in December. 2 Sking is / is net popular in my country. 3 am happy / sad in spring. 4 think the weather in my country is good / bad. 5 Itisrainy / sunny in August. 6 Itis warm / cold in Novernber. 7 The summer is / snot dry in my country. 2 Put the words in order to make sentences. 1 Is/in / Russia / Ice skating / popular / 6 diy /in August /1s// T windy /ie/Inwinter /is/ 2 PUNCTUATION Capital letters For the folowing types of words the fist letter is always a capital letter, names of months: April, May, June names of days: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday nationalities: Mexican, Egyptian, Korean names of people: Juana, Luis, Rodrigo names of places: Turkey, Cairo, New York ‘Commas Commas separate parts ofa sentence or things in alist: Use @ comma: + after a prepositional phrase at the beginning of a sentence + when listing three or more items In winter, we go skiing Im summer, we go swimming Ik is going to be windy on Monday, Wednesday, Thursday and Saturday. We do not usually use a comma before and, 3 Add commas to the items in the lists 1 It's spring in March April and May. 2 Itains in spring summer and autumn, 3 The coldest months are December January and February, 4 The warmest months are June July and August. 4 Correct the punctuation in the sentences. Add capital letters, commas and ful stops. 1 injanuary the weather scold in rusia 2 the average temperature is +21°Cinjuly 3 Inthe rainy season the average rainfalls 46 mm in cuba 4 the weathers sunny in summer 5 in dubai august is a hot month MU Tem at V Write about the weather in your ety oF town, PLAN 1 Look back at your table inthe Critical thinking section on page 49. Check your notes and add any new information you want to include. 2 Read the Task checklist on page 56 as you prepare your sentences. WRITE A FIRST DRAFT 3 Write information about your city or town in the gaps below. (city 0F town) is in country). feity or town) has ___ {number seasons. The seasons are 4 Write sentences about your city, 11 Write a sentence about the weather in one season It is windy / cold / rainy) 2 Say which months the season isin (April/May) 3 Waite sentence about the average temperatures inthis season. 4. Witea sentence about the weather in another season (tis windy / cold / rainy) 5 Write a sentence about the average temperatures inthis season. EDIT 5 Use the Task checkl review your sentences. Use adjectives before a noun or after the verb be. Use prepositional phrases to tell where, when or how long, or to give an estimate or range. Use commas after prepositional phrases which begin a sentence and for items ina ist. Capitalize the beginning of a sentence and names of months, clays, people, nationalities and places, 6 Make any necessary changes to your sentences. OBJECTIVES REVIEW 1 Check your learning objectives for this unit. Write 3, or Ifor each objective 3=very well 2= well T=not so well Jean. ‘watch and understand a video about the taiga forest. — scan to find information — categorize information, — Use nouns and adjectives, — se noun phrases. — se prepositional phrases. a use correct word order. — use correct punctuation, — write about the weather. — 2 Go to the Unlock Online Workbook for more practice with this unit's Dass leaming objectives. Sess autumn (6) rainfall (o) © sunny (ad) climate (n) © rainy (adi) warm (adi) O cloudy ad) season (0) © windy (ad) cold (ad) © spring (n) winter (1) O ry (a) © summer (0) © @ = high-frequency words in the Cambridge Academic Corpus 58D oe eds WATCH AND LISTEN PREPARING TO WATCH 1 Work with a partner and answer the questions, ‘ACTIVATING YOUR, KNOWLEDGE 11 Whereis your favourite place to go on holiday? Why? = 2 What do you ike to do when you travel? 3 Do you enjoy activities that area litle bit dangerous? Why / Why not? Talk about a dangerous activity that you enjoy / don't enjoy. SSS} 2 eae the pictures from the video. Put the words in order to make CONTENT FROM ae VISUALS 1 the city from / the top of the CN tower / You can see / 2 of Lake Ontario / Toronto is /on the shore / 3 the main pod of the tower / This is / that people visit / 4 Five people are walking / of the CN Tower / on the outside / ‘popular (a something (x someone that many people ke ‘ped (o)a sal usually round, bling border (naline between two countries brave ac) not afd WHILE WATCHING 3 Q watch the video. Tick (¥) the tre sentences, (11 The CN Tower is Canada's most popular tourist attraction. [5] 2 The CN Tower isthe tallest building in Toronto. [1 3 The CN Tower was built to mark Canada's 100th birthday. (7) 4 You can see the city and lake from several different places in the CN Tower [1] 5 The Glass Floor son the same level asthe main pod. (1 6 You can walk on the outside of the CN Tower. 4 Q Watch again. Compete the sentences with numbers from the box. 360 160 6 1976 1 The CN Tower opened in 2 From the LookOut evel, there is a___-degree view of the city and Lake Ontario, 3. Niagara Falls is__ km from the centre of Toronto. 4 The EdgeWalk is. floors above the ground, '5 Match the sentence halves. 1. The main job of the CN Tower is. a from different levels of 2 You can see a view of the city the CN Tower, 3. Niagara Falls is b very exciting 4 The Edgewalk is ¢ communication d far from the CN Tower. DISCUSSION 6 Work witha partner and answer the questions. 11 Which part of the CN Tower would you like to visit the LookOut level, the Glas Floor or the SkyPod? Give reasons for your answer. 2 What place do people visit on holiday in your city? Describe i. 3. Have you visited a tall tower in another city? Describe what you saw. UNDERSTANDING MAIN IDEAS UNDERSTANDING DETAIL [MAKING INFERENCES READING 1 USING YOUR KNOWLEDGE PREVIEWING. UNDERSTANDING KEY VOCABULARY PREPARING TO READ 1 Askand answer the questions with a partner. 1 Imagine you do not have a smartphone or TV. What do you do? How do you spend your time? 2 Imagine there are no supermarkets or restaurants. What do you eat? 2 Which things inthe box can you see in the photos on page 63? Circle the: words. Use a dictionary to help you. awiter ahunter ajungle atreehouse aTV awebsite awatch 3 You are going to read about a book that shows you a different way of life, Read the sentences (8). Write the words or phrases in bold next to the correct definitions (2-H). 1 Ido not lke to wake up early. | get up around 10:00 am. 2 Ilike to eek my food at home, but many of my friends eat at restaurants. 3 Before | go to work, | have coffee and toast for breakfast every moming. 4 usualy eat lunch at my desk at work. | usualy have a salad or soup. 5 leat dinner after work Sometimes, leat with friends ata restaurant. 6 often travel to China and Japan for my work. 7 meet a lot of people in my job. really enjoy taking with new people. 8 | swim every Saturday. | have lessons at a pool near my house (a) the food you eat atthe end of the day {phr) to leave your bed after sleeping (v) to see and speak to someone for the fist time (a) the food you eatin the morning after you wake up (y] to move through water by moving your body (u to prepare food by heating it (a) the food you eatin the middle of the day (\] to g0 from one place to another, usually over a long distance is book shows Can you imagine your life with no smartphones or TV? With no cars or supermarkets? Can you imagine life in a tree house? 1 Inher book, A Life in the Trees, journalist’ Rebecca Moore travels 15,000 klometres (km) fm London to Papua New Guinea. n Papua New Guinea, Flebecca meets the Kombai people. She talks about ther ves in the jungle 2 Moore ved with the Kombi women and children for three ‘months. Kornbal fe is very different, The Kombai people have no walches® and no cars. There is no schoo! forthe children, Parents? teach their children to cook, hunt and swim. 3 The Kombai get up every moming at sunrise. Kombai men hunt inthe jungle. They can hunt for 12 hours. They also cut down sago palms. This trees important. The women cook the inside ofthe tree. The Kombai people eat this food for breakfast, lunch and dinner. 4 The most important part of Kombai fe is buling thot tree houses. The men, women and children all help buld tree houses. Each house is 20 metres () high. The stores inthis book show the Kombai people's ives inthe trees. ‘woman preparing a sago palm "our () someone whzes ob st we rts tr nawspepor, magazines to “parents rather and father . Kombai hunter WHILE READING “READING FOR 4 Read the text on page 63. Then match the sentence halves to create Ras complete sentences about the text. 1 InPapua New Guinea, Rebecca meets athe sago palm. 2 The Kombai women cook b the Kombai people. 3. The Kombal people have «€ build tree houses. 4 Themen, women and children help to da different fe 5 Read the text again to check your answers SCANNING TO FIND» © San the text forthe information in the table. Tick (¥} the person or INFORMATION people that do each action. Thare may be more than one answer. INFORMATION ___The first one has been done as an example, 1 hunt in the jungle y 2 travel 15,000 km 3 cook sago palms 4 eat sago palms 5 have no cars 6 teach children to hunt, cook and swim 7 build tree houses: 8 tel the story of the Kombal way of life DISCUSSION 7 Ask and answer the questions with a partner. 11 Why do you think the Kombai ive in ree houses? 2 What do the Kombal people teach their children? Why? GJS 2 Tetotes eer ase pansevec tres ars goodand iz bad about eating the same food all the time? DING 2 PREPARING TO READ 1 Read the sentences (1-8), Choose the best definition (a orb) for the ” UNDESEEE words in bold. KEY VOCABULARY 1 After lunch, like to go fora walkin the afternoon. aoe 2 the time between T2 pm and 6 pm b something you eat for lunch 2 Lam very busy at university. | take many courses. a having alot of friends b having alt of things to do 3 My timetable isthe same every day. | work and then go to school a aplace where you work to make money b alist or plan to show when you do things 4 I get up at 6 am every morning, | make coffee and eat breakfast. athe time between 5 am and 12 pm bb the place where you make food 5 Irelax after work. | watch TY. a to become calm and comfortable bb tohave many things to do 6 Inthe evening, | do my homework and read a book before bed. a aplace you go to relax b the time between 6 pm and Il pm 7 Ihave school on weekdays. | have to get up early. a the five days of the week when many people work b the two days ofthe week when many people do not work 8 At the weekend, | go cycling. | have fun with fiends a the two days of the week when many people do not work 3 b the five days of the week when many people work jz 2 Inyour country, what days are weekdays? What days are weekends? List the things you do on weekdays and weekends. Compare your list with a partner, Weekdays: = USING YOUR KNOWLEDGE Things I do on weekdays: Weekends: ‘Things I do at weekends: 3 Write the bold words from Exercise In the correct columns in the table, 4 Look at the timetable below and the text on page 67, Write T (true) or F (false) next to the statements, Correct the fale statements. 1 The timetable is for an Engineering student. —— 2 The timetable and the text are from a website 3 The text and the timetable are about Abdulah Taha, 4 Abdulat’s weekend is on Saturday and Sunday. PREVIEWING ‘Abdullah Taha 11 Abdullah Taha is a student in my class. He has a busy timetable. ‘Abdullah studies Engineering! at Cairo University. Abdullah takes five ‘courses. They are Physies*, Maths, English, Engineering and Arab History. His favourite subjects are Physics and Maths, 2 Abdullah is a busy student. He gets up at 6 am every weekday. He studies every evening. He has many classes, seminars and lectures every week 3 Abdullah has three classes every morning. He has Physics from 8 am 109 am, Maths from 9:15 am to 10:15 am and Engineering from 10:30 am to 11:30 am. 4 On Sunday, he meets his study group. His study group is from 12:90 pm to 1:30 pm, On Monday and Wednesday, he has English. His English olass is from 2 pm to 8 pm. On Thursday afternoon, he has Arab History from 2 pm to 3 pm, 5 Inthe evening, Abdullah studies in the library. In his free time, Abdullah relaxes with friends, Sometimes, Abdullah goes to the cinema, ‘Abdullah likes taking photographs. He is in the university Camera Club. 6 Abdullah says, ‘My university fe is very busy. | have a lot of exams and projects, but | always have time to relax with friends and famiy, especially at the weekend.’ ‘Engineering (nthe study of designing and building buildings, bridges, roads, et. 2Physis (the scientiie study of natural forces, such as energy, heat, ight, ec, Stistory (nthe study of evens inthe pest WHILE READING Annotating a text When you annotate, you mark the text For example, you can underline key words, Key words are the words or phrases which give the important Information in the text: Look at the underlined words in the paragraph below. ‘The reader has underlined the key words which give the most important Information and details. Inher book, A Life in the Trees, journalist Rebecca Moore travels 115,000 km from London to Papua New Guinea. in Papua New Guinea, Rebecca meets the Kuribal ueuuly, Ste tells aout the ‘ives in the jungle. 5 Read the text about Abdullah on page 67 again. Underline two or three key words or phrases in each paragraph. Then compare your key words with a partner. What isthe important information? Take notes ‘ANNOTATING 6 Use the text and your notes from Exercise 5. Circle the correct key words SCANNING TOTIND "to make true sentences about Abdul, INFORMATION, 1 Abdullah relaxes with friends every evening / on Thursday evening. 2 He isa student in Cairo / Riyadh. 3. He says that his life is busy / quiet. 4 He has three / five classes every morning, 5. He goes to the Camera Club / gym on Tuesday evening. 6 He studies Maths every morning / afternoon. 7 He gets up late / early 8 He takes three / five courses at the university. 9 He has an Arab History class on Tuesday / Thursday. 10 He studies in the Department of Engineering / English. DISCUSSION 17 Work with a partner, Use ideas from Reading | and Reading 2. Ask and answer the questions below. 1 When does Abdullah relax? What does he do to relax? 2 When do you relax? What do you do to relax? 3 Compare your life to the Kombai people and to Abdullah. What is the same? What is different? “4 Think about the things Abdullah and the Kombai people do. Which things do you like? Do you do them? Why / Why not? SYNTHESIZING NGUAGE DE’ (3 aS COLLOCATIONS FOR FREE-TIME ACTIVITIES A pair or small group of words that are often used together isa collocation (One type of collacation is a verb + a noun or a noun phrase. Ihave breakfast have + breakfast Hiroki and Ken play video games. | play + video games Abdullah studies English [ studies + English ‘Another type of collocation isa verb + a prepositional phrase. ‘Abdullah goes to the gym. goes + to the gym Abdullah studies in the library. studies + in the library ‘Abdullah relaxes with fiends. relaxes + with friends 1) Match the sentence halves, 1 Eunjung studies a coffee before work 2 Asif gets up bb Physics at Cambridge University 3. Melody and Ginger take ¢ at 6am, 4 ln the moming, | have d to the gym every Saturday. 5 My friends go the bus every morming. 2 Read the sentences and write the verbs from the box inthe gaps. do cooks eats go have meets relax take 1 Abdullah with his study group on Sundays. 2 |___ the bus to university every moming, 3 You______to the gym every day. 4 Melody and Ginger breakfast at 7 am! 5 LiMei her lunch in the café. 6 Sandra and Andreia with friends in the evening 7 My sister_____ dinner for my family as 8 You your homework in the evening. = VOCABULARY FOR STUDY 3 Read the names of the subjects. Tick (¥) in the correct box. Use the alossary on page 192 to help you. x Maths v Physics Literature English Economies Biology History Management Arabic Geography Chemistry At 4 Check your answers with a partner. Then ask and answer the questions. 1 Which of the subjects in the table do you study? 2 Which do you enjoy? 3 Do you know any other subjects for each group? Put the letters in the correct order to make the names of subjects V opypheng = G 2 sneghh 3 siphesy 4 iechtyes 5 ysoth 6 lobiogy 7 emieoocns Time expressions say when or how often something happens. One type of ‘time expression is every + a noun, | do my homenore every week. She has an English class every Wednesday afternoon. They sim every morning ‘Another type of time expression is a prepositional phrase for time. The preposition depends on the noun phrase that follows. + at + clock time / weekend: at 10 am, at 3 pm, at the weekend + n+ part of the day: in the morning, in the afternoon, in the evering + ons day of the week on Monday, on Tuesdays cn + day of the week + part of the day: on Monday morning, on Tuesday ‘afternoon, on Friday evening, on Sanday right Write at, in or on in the gaps 1 Simon swims _on__ Saturday moming —_@_8 am, 2 the evening, Abdullah studies in the library. Monday, | have an English class ___ 2pm, [talk to my family the evening. “Tuesday morning, Feride has Maths Tam, Kyoko goes to the university Monday and Thursday. Ido my homework the evening ‘Andrea goes to work —___7 am every day. the weekend, relax with my friends ‘Answer the questions. Use the correct time expression 1 When do you do your homework? 2. What time do you get up? 3. What days do you have classes? ee Nea tal NaN) [At the end of this unit, you are going to write about the life of a student in your class. Look at this unit's writing task in the box below. Sine 1) Work with a partner, Ask and answer the questions about Abdullah. IF you can’t remember the answer, look atthe text on page 67 for help, 1 What is Abdullah's surname? 2 What university does Abdullah go to? 3 What courses does he take? 4 When does he get up? 5 When are his classes? 6 When does he meet with his study group? 7 When does he go to the library? '& When does he relax with friends? ArPLY, 2 Now talk witha partner about his or her life, Ask and answer questions lke ‘the ones from Exercise 1 Write your partners answers in the timetable. What classes do you take? When do you relax with friends? REMEMBER 3 Now ask your partner to check the timetable and correct any erors, Choosing relevant information ‘When you write, make sure that the information you include helps to answer the question. Do not include information which does not help to answer the question. 4 Look at your partner’ timetable in Exercise 2.Find three important facts about his or her life. Tell your partner the facts. Does your partner agree or disagree that these are important? GRAMMAR FOR WRITING PARTS OF A SENTENCE EVALUATE Remember that a simple sentence has a subject and a verb, sxboct ve The Kombai men hunt, {A simple sentence can also have an abject, a prepositional phrase or both. An object isthe person or thing that receives the action of a verb. ject The women cook the food. propositional pre Prepastional pro Rebecca. Moore lived. with the Kombal people for three months tect prpostonal hase They eat this food. for breakfast 1) Work with a partner. Match the sentences (1-4) to the descriptions [a-<) 1 Abdullah relaxes 2 He has a busy timetable. 3 Abdullah studies Arab History at university. 4 The Korba lve in the jungle. a subject + verb + object b subject + verb subject + verb + prepositional phrase d subject + verb + object + prepositional phrase 2 Match the sentence halves. 1 Ido my homework 2 My friends 3 Mysister 4 My brother goes, THE PRESENT SIMPLE a have lunch at 1pm. on Saturdays to the gym at 8am, d eats breakfast at 7 am. Use the present simple to talk about dally ie, have breakfast every morning It the subject of the sentence is third person and singular (he, she, it), the verbs ‘ends with -s. [wn | every doy He | she [swims | every day te " | these spelling rules. ‘To make the third person singular form of a verb in the present simple, follow “ch or -sh fo fn erb form ‘Add -sif the verb ends ina consonant | cook — cooks ‘or consonant sound, live + lives ‘Add -esif the verb ends in-s,-z,-«, | pass passes relax + relaxes watch — watches wash washes Replace -y with “es ifthe verb ends in consonant +-y. study — studies ‘Add -es if the verb ends in a vowel £0 goes sound (a ¢, 0, ‘Add sf the verb ends ina vowel +-y. | say —*says Some verbs are itregular. Memorize their spellings, (have —* has, be —* is) '3 Write the thd person singular form of the present simple verb. getup 1 gets up travel 80 study stay have 4 Read the text. Circle the correct forms of the verbs. Xana) is/are student in my class This is / are her umetable She study / studies Management a the University of Brighton. She © get up / gets up at 6 am. She cat / eats breakfast at 6:30 am. On ‘Mondays and Wednesdays, Kana ® meet / meets with a study group at 11 am, She ® have / has ich at 12:30 pm every day. She ® study / suds in the library from 3 t0 6 pm. She go / goes othe gym with {Giends on Sundays Kana 45 / area serous student '5 Write answers to the questions about your partner’ timetable on. page 72. Use the correct verb form. 11 What does your partner do on Saturdays? 2 What does your partner do every day? 3. When does your partner relax? 4 What does your partner study? 5. When does your partner have classes? ACADEMIC WRITING SKILL! MAIN IDEAS AND DETAILS ‘A main idea says what a paragraph Is about. The details add information about the main idea. mah ie das Abdullah Taha is a student in my class. He has a. busy timetable, Abdullah studies Engineering at Cairo University. He takes five courses. They are Prusics, Maths, English, Engineering and. Arab History Hie fwrourite subjects ure: Physics and. Maths The rain idea is often at the beginning of the paragraph. Then the writer writes details after i. They give more information and explain the main idea, “The main idea in the example is that Abdullah ca student. The detals give more information about Abdullah’ life asa student. They talk about his school, timetable and courses. Remember that when you write, the details need to be about the main idea 1 Read the paragraph. Circle the main idea and undertine the details. ‘Then choose the correct answer (a-c) to the questions (1 and 2} Abdullah as three classes every weekday morning He gets up at 6 am_ every day'Then he has Physics from 8 am to 9 am, Maths from 9:15 am_ to 10:15 am and Engineering from 10:30 am to 11:30 am, 1 What do the detals tak about? a Abdullah’ weekday momings. bb Abdullah English class. « Abdullah's weekday afternoons. 2. What detail could the writer also include in this paragraph? «Abdullah meets his brother on Sunday afternoons as bb Abdulah studies inthe library in the evening. iz «Abdullah plays football on Wednesday afternoons. 2 Read the paragraph, Circle the main idea and underlie the details. Then add one more sentence to give another detail. Use your own ideas. At the weekends, Abdullah relaxes with friends, Sometimes, he goes to the cinema, He enjoys his busy life WRITING TASK Write about the hie ofa student in your dass. PLAN 1 Look back at the timetable you created for your partner inthe Critical ‘thinking section on page 72. Check your notes and add any new information you want to include in your writing, Use It to plan the details for your sentences, 2 Read the Task checklist on page 78 as you prepare your sentences. WRITE A FIRST DRAFT 3. Write answers in the gaps which are true for your partner. [student's name) is a student in my (subject class. This is ____ (his / her) timetable, 4 Write sentences which are true about your partner's schedule, 11 Write a sentence about the subject(s) he / she studies, 2 Waite a sentence about the time he /she gets up. 3. Write three sentences about his / her school or university timetable. 4 Write one sentence about his / her weekend or free time EDIT 5 Use the Task checklist to review your sentences, ‘TASK CHECKLIST v ‘Write a sentence which says the main idea Write other sentences which add details. Spel present simple third person verbs correcty. Use the correct collocations for free-time activities. Use the correct prepositions for time expressions. 6 Make any changes to your sentences OBJECTIVES REVIEW 1 Check your leaming objectives for this unit: Write 3, 20F for each objective Bevery well 2=well 1= not so well Jean watch and understand a vdeo about visting Toronto on holiday. annotate a text — choose relevant information, — Use time expressions. — recognize parts ofa sentence, —_ use the present simple. — write about main ideas and details — write about the life of a student in my class. — 2 Go to the Unlock Online Workbook for more practice with this unit's Ose learning objectives. afternoon (0) Economics a) meet Vy) @ Arabic (n) English (n) © morning (0) © Ast (0) evening (1) @ Physics (n) © Biology (0) © Geography (n) relax) breakfast (o) get up (pb Science (n) © Business (n) © History (0) © swim () busy ad) © Literature () timetable (n) CChemistry(n)@ ——_luneh() travel () cook \) © Management (0) ‘weekdays (n) dinner (0) Maths (0) ‘weekend () © = high-frequency words in the Cambridge Academic Corpus, Watch and listen watch and understand! video about cenoterin Mexico, ‘ x Reading skill, ‘read for main ideas. ital hiking lay topics and key word. ee sso pst ofthe he ling ‘se capital eters forces, country names and ‘Academic weting lls avonaites; wate topte sentences. Wing task write fets about your country eh det Ok. aw Xess) UNIT 4 : ee We eb bs Bh sulin [ACTIVATING YOUR KNOWLEDGE PREDICTING CONTENT USING VISUALS WATCH AND LISTEN PREPARING TO WATCH 1 Work with a partes and ansiver the questions, 11 What makes a place special? 2 Why do people like to visit special places? 3. What special place do you want to visit? Why? 2 Look at the pictures from the video. Put the words in order to make sentences. 1 amonkey / There is/ in the forest /. 2 inthe trees / a space / There is / 3 are growing / Plants / in the water / 4 in the water / is swimming / A man /. space [an empty area fall off pv) conning alt of things Uy pad (9) the age leaf of a water plan that oats on the surface of water, ferrargle, on alate or pond turtle (oan arma with fourlgs and a hardshell that usualy ves in water WHILE WATCHING 3 watch the video. Tick (¥) the true statements 1) [El There arent many ch, green forests heh ene 2 [E] The people in Mexico cal the holes inthe forests cefictee 3 L] These holes are made of wood. 4 L] The scientist studies the trees there. 5 L] In the Yucatén, cenotes are the only places to find fresh water. 6 [_] Most of the plants and animals live at the top of the cenotes, UNDERSTANDING MAIN IDEAS 4 Q Watch again. write the missing words in the gaps DR UNGERS ANDI 1 These amazing holes are the only spaces in the —__ DETAIL 2 For Olmo, the cenotes are very = 3 _____is very important in the Yucatan. 4 Cenotes help the and plants in the forest lve. 5. When Oimo swims far nto the cave it gets __ and dark 5 Circle the comect word or phrase. ane Rear 1 Cenotes are very / not important in the Yucatan. _—— 2 Animals and plants need / die inthe cenotes. 3. There is / iso life in the water 4 ‘tis safe / dangerous to swim far into the cave DISCUSSION 6 Askand answer the questions with a partner. 1 Are there any special places in your country tke the cenotes? What are they? 2 Do you want to vis the cenotes? Why / Why not? 3 Isitinteresting to swim in a cave? Why / Why not? READING 1 UNDERSTANDING KEY VOCABULARY PREPARING TO READ 11 You are going to read a text from a history book. Look at the photos and read the sentences (1-7). Choose the correct definition (aor b) for the words in bol, 11 The Great Lakes in the US are very big, but the lake by my house is small, a salt water that covers mast of the Earth 'b anarea of fresh water which has land all around it 2 Lakes have fresh water, but seas, ke the Mediterranean, have salt water a large areas of very dy land b large areas of salt water 3 Ido not lke to climb mountains. | do not lke to be up high a very high hills b land that is low, near the water 4 There are many trees in a forest. They are homes for birds and other animals. a a large area of salt water b alarge area of tres growing closely together 5. The Nile i the longest river in the world tis 6853 km long 2 water which flows across the land to a bigger area of water bb alarge area of land with many trees 6 There are five oceans. These are the biggest bodies of water in the world. a the five main areas of salt water on the Earth b anarea of sand or rocks next to water 7 People use maps to help them find places and understand an area a pictures which show a place and the rivers, lakes and other areas int bb boats, cars and other things that people drive 2 Look at the texts and the picture on page 86, Read the questions and choose the correct answers reve 1 Whats the book about? 2. What does the picture show? a the history ofthe world {8 amodem map ofthe world b the history of China b an old map of the world « the history of maps «¢ aphotograph ofthe world WHILE READING 3 Follow the instructions to annotate the text about al-ériss map. TS 1 Undertine the name of an important person in paragraph 1 2 Underline the name ofan important map in paragraph 2. 3. Underline the names of countries that the map shows in paragraph 3 4 Undertine the names of bodies of water the map shows in paragraph 4 4 Scan the text agun and find the continents and countries that are a aecaneaNG TEER? SCANNING TO FIND ‘mentioned. Circle them inthe table. Thea check your answers with SS aa a partner. ORM Asia Finland France Austala Spain Italy Europe Norway England Africa Canada India North America Morocco South America China Antarctica ‘The United States 5 Read Chapter 42. Write T (true) or F (false) next to the statements. LEADING roe REDE Correct the false statements, 1 Muhammad al-irisi was Algerian, 2 The Tabula Rogeriana is written in Greek. 3 South America is not on the map. 4 India ison the map. 5 There are lakes on the map. Table of contents Introduction First maps of the world “Theancient world Greek maps Roman road maps China Early maps from Qin State Han Dynasty maps i Xi map of Asia Arab maps Book ofthe appearance of the Earth by al-Khwarizmi Muhammad al-Ldrisis world map Exploring the world Discovering America Ribeiro’ fist scientific world map Maps and satellite photographs Index igure 45: Wold map by Muharad a Id, 1154 “Muhammad al-Ls came from Morocco. He studied in North Africa and Spain. Asa young man, he taveled in Spain, North Asics, Panes, England and pats of Aa. In 1154, he began working for King Roger of Sicily AI Tdris crested ir map of the wold then, AL-Tdsis’s map ofthe word i called the Tabula Retina in Europe > Chanter .2 ‘he maps in Ane A-Ldis wsed information fom ener Arb nd Greek maps He slo used information from explorers. These men were sent tothe diferent counties to draw and second what they saw, Tis ‘nap helped peopl travel from eountry to country. The map shows North Afica, Europe and South and Fast Asa. Thre sre many European countries on the map. Der s Norway in the north, ‘Spain inthe west and Tay inthe south. The map alo shows India and Chins, “Tere are forests, rivers, lakes, mountains, seas and oceans on the map. A-List map shows the Mediterranean Sethe Indian Ocean and the river Nile DISCUSSION 6 Askand answer the questions with a partner. 1 How did al-idrisi make his map? 2 What can you lear from a very old map? as 3. When do you use maps? = READING 2 PREPARING TO READ 1 Aakand nove the uate th pater —— 1 Wate mpotan bss your county? ae 2 How many pepe he your corey? era 3 Wherein te your cosy? 4 What languages do people speak in your country? 2 Youae ganged fc feo ana couny Red he serancs Pol netic vochn bedrest tothecorecaitea(es) | ENORSTNR 11 Mauritius is an island inthe Indian Ocean, 2 Riyadh isthe eapital of Saudi Arabia 3 Many people enjoy the water and sun at the beach. 4 Modern cities have new buildings, parks and businesses, 5. Arizonais famous because it has the Grand Canyon. Many people Visit there. 6 I visited Rome asa tourist because its a beautiful place. 7 My schools international. There are students from all over the world. 8 Coffee with milks popular in my country. Everyone drinks it. Its really good (ela person who travels and visits places for fun fad made with new ideas and designs fo) land with water all around it In) an area of sand or rocks next to a sea, ocean or lake —[n) the most important city ina country, where the government is £ —_____{ad) many people know it 8 {adi} mary people ke it 3 h {ad relating to or involving two or more countries 2 FACT FILE AN OVERVIEW 1 The Maldives are islands in the Indian Ocean. The islands are near Sri Lanka. The Maldives are famous for their good climate, beautiful beaches and warm seas. 2 There are 440,000 people in the Maldives. Most people live on small islands. 3. The capital of the Maldives is Malé.Itis a modern city with an international airport and a big harbour 4 People in Malé speak English and Dhivehi English is useful because many tot come here. ‘Tourism and fishing are very important businesses in the Maldives. There are many tourist hotels. Many people work there. Others work as fishermen or in fish factories? The currency is the rufa harbour ar of water ext to land for ships and boats actress rg number of things or Peureney “industry ype of busnemee MEET THE LOCALS WHILE READING Reading for main ideas Many texts have paragraphs. paragraph is part of along text. Each paragraph has one topic ‘or main idea. When we red forthe main ideas ina text, we read each paragraph to find: + the topic eg. family, weather, university) + the important information about the topic (eg. the number of brothers and sisters a person has the average rainfall in surnmer; the reason a student wants to study) Tourism and. fishing are very important businesses in the Maldives. There are mary tourist hotels. Many people work there. Others work as fishermen or in fish factories. The currency is te rafiyaa. ‘The topic here is tourism and fishing. The important information about the topic i that they are very important businesses in the Maldives. 3 Read the text on page 88. Write the topics from the box next to the paragraph numbers inthe table. Then write the important information about the topics READING FOR (MAIN IDEAS languages the population hobbies and sport the capital city where the Maldives are a young Maldivians home traditional food tourlsmm-and fishing 5 Taam and, Fang [Uy we very ingrid usnesses We Mldves SYNTHESIZING DISCUSSION 4 Work with a partner, Use ideas from Reading I and Reading 2. Ask and answer the questions 1. Why do tourists go to the Maldives? 2 Do you want to visit the Maldives? Why / Why not? 3 Why do people travel to different countries? What’ important to know about a country? Oo JAGE DEVELOPMENT NOUN PHRASES WITH OF (One type of noun phrase is a noun + of + anoun, Bogota is the capital of Colombia, Madrid is in Une centre of Spain ‘The noun phrase noun + of + noun answers the question What? This book is about hiatory, (The history of what?) This book is about the history of Japan a Plus 11 Match the sentence halves. 1 The capital 2 The dollars the currency 3 The main languages 4. Abidrisis map shows parts 2 of the United States b of Asia «¢ of Canada are English and French, d of the Maldives is Male 2 Work with a partner. Use a noun + of + noun to answer the questions 11 What country is Lisbon the capital of 2. What i the capital of your country? 3. What isthe currency of your country? 4 What are the main languages of your country? \Write the words from the box in the correct places (1-10) on the picture. beach cliff desert farm field forest hil mountain sea valley 2 CRITICAL THINKING [At the end of this unit, you are going to write about your country. Look at ‘this unit's writing task in the box below. Wo write fics about yourcountry Classifying topics and key words Classifying means putting words nto groups withthe same top. Classifying helps you to plan your writing ‘A writer thinks about words to describe his or her country. tourism language fishing Dhivehi industry English Then the writer clasifies the words to organize and plan, industry tourism fishing language English Dhivehi geography | islands climate food Indian Ocean _ near Sri Lanka language English Thai Dhivehi industry tourism fishing cooking currency diving ase 2 Find the paragraphs in Reading 2 with the topics inthe table below. Then list the key words top oa capital population 3 Think about your country. Choose five topics from the box and write these in column A capital climate currency food geography. industry language population spore y words 4 Think of key words for the topics and write them in column B. awe 5 Without showing your table, tell a partner your key words. Can your partner guess your topic? If your partner Is wrong, you may need to choose different key words, GRAMMAR FOR WRITIN' THERE IS / THERE ARE q Plus You can use there is/ there are to say that something exists. Use there before singular nouns and there are before plural nouns. singular There ie an airport in Malé. There is 0. mosque on Ahmed Faiz’s island. ‘There is o. popular fish soup in the Maldives. plural There are many countries on al-ldrisi’s map. There are many tturst resorts in the Maldives There are 440,000 people in the Maldives 1 Read the sentences, Write There is / There are in the gaps. 1 many different kinds of businesses in my country 50 states inthe USA, three airports in my city a big art museum in Seoul. a beautiful park in my city 2 Read the sentences, Tick (¥) the correct sentences and put a cross (X) next to the incorrect sentences, 1 There are many different people in London, 2 There is mountains in Switzerland, 3 There is many parks in Tokyo, 4 In Thalland, there are many islands. 5 There have many people in Buenos Aires. 6 There are many tourists in Pars. 7 They are many lakes in italy, 1B There are a big river in my city. 3 Correct the incorrect sentences in Exercise 2 ARTICLE Use erties before a noun or before an adjective + noun, Indefinite articles (a / an) A/ Anisthe indefrite article, Use a/ an with singular countable nouns. Use a before consonant sounds. + a river, @ lake, @ sea, a mountain + a hig river, a small lake, a cold. sea, a tall mountain Use an before vowel sounds + an ocean, an island, an hour + an old city, an ancient tap Definite article (the) Theis the definite article, Use the before the names of singular or plural places: + rivers the river Davube, the viver Nle, the river Thames seas the North Sea, the Mediterranean Sea, the Black Sea oceans the Pacific Ocean, the Atlantic Ocean, the Indian Ocean many famous places the Galata. Tower, the Eiffel Tower, the Pyramids ‘united! countries ~ the United. Arab Emirates, the Urited. Kingdom, the United. States of America + groups lands the Maldives, the Azores + groups of mountains - the Andes, the Alps, the Himalayes + plural countries— the Philippines, the Maldives: Zero article Use no article (the zero article) before the names of: + continents Asia, North America, Evrepe + most countries - England, China, Turkey + cities Abu Dhabi, Bangkck, Shanghai, + lakes Lake Superior, Lake Baikal Read the sentences and write a, an, the or & (zero article) in the gaps. 1 My grandparents’ house is next to lake, 2 My parents live on island in Mediterranean Sea, 3. My family comes from Chile. 4 Chile isin South America, 5 We live near ____acific Ocean, 6 —____Andes are the highest mountains in my country. 7 My sister lives in_____ United Kingdom. 8 She works in__Tokyo. She lives in srmallvilage. 5 Correct the mistakes in the sentences. 11 I come from the india 2 Paris is an popular city with tourists 3 There is very tall building in Abu Dhabi 4/1 goto an university in Dublin. 5 United Kingdom is in a Europe. G ive by big ake 7 Ural Mountains ae in Russia, 8 He studies in a United Kingdom. 9 The Turkey isa beautiful country. 10 There is big mountain near my city. 6 Work witha partner, Answer the questions. Use the correct articles. 11 What sea or ocean is close to the country you lve in? 2 What place do tourists visit in the country you live in? 3. What island do you want to visit? 4: What countries are close to the country you lve in? ACADEMIC WRITING SKILLS SPELLING AND PUNCTUATION Capital letters The fst leter ofthe name of a city, the name of a country and the adjective fora nationality is always a copital letter. 1 Look at the country names and write vowels (, ei, 0, u)in the gaps to make the correct nationality names. China India Egypt Saual Arabia “The United Arab Emirates Algeria Japan Thailand Turkey France ‘The United Kingdom ‘Canada Crd in 2 Correct the punctuation in the sentences. Add capital letters and ful stops. 1 Lam from cairo 2 there are many beautiful beaches in portugal 3 the climate is good in the maldives, 4 there are four main islands in japan 5 chicken is very popular in malaysia PARAGRAPH STRUCTURE, Paragraphs are groups of sentences which talk about one idea. This is called the main idea. Good paragraphs have three parts: a topic sentence, supporting sentences / details and a concluding sentence. The topic sentence usually comes frst. The details, also called the supporting sentences, come next and give more information about the main idea. The paragraph ends with a concluding sentence. Hive on an island south of Malé Lifeonmy | There are some | We speak Dhivehi, Island is very | shops and there is_| but we also learn simple. ‘one mosque. English in high school. Itis anice place to live, Topic sentences “The topic sentence tells the reader what the paragraph is about. It tells the ‘main idea of the paragraph. In the paragraph above, the topic is ‘an island south of Malé: The main idea in the topic sentence is that itis where the writer lives. The topic sentence is usvally the first sentence in a paragraph ‘Then the following sentences add details to the topic. 3 Read each group of sentences. Underline the topic sentence in each, 1 The Maldives are islands in the Indian Ocean. The islands are near Sri Lanka, The Maldives are famous for their good climate, beautiful beaches and warm seas 2 Tourism and fishing are very important businesses in the Maldives. ‘There are many tourist hotels. Many people work there. Others work as fishermen or in fish factories. The currency isthe rufyaa. 4 Read each group of sentences (1-2). Choose the correct tople sentence (@-¢). Then compare witha partner. 1 The mountains are beautiful, but people also enjoy the forests and lakes in Canada. It's a popular tourist place. 2 Toronto is a big city in Canada. b Many people come to visit Canada every year. € Canada is a large country, 2 There are many restaurants and there is a public market. You can buy fresh fish, vegetables and other delicious food there. Everyone loves eating in Rome, a Eating isan important part of visting Rome. b You can do many things in Rome, Rome is the capital of Italy. 5 Read the sentences below and wirlte your own topic sentence. ‘Then compare with a partner. ‘Many people live in the capital. There are lots of things to do and see, Iisa busy and interesting place to live. WRITING TASK V Wirt fac about your country PLAN 1 Look back at the notes you created about your country in the Critical thinking section on page 93. Choose three topics to write paragraphs about. Check the key words and phrases you will use and add any new information you want to include in your vriting. 2 Read the Task checklist on page 100 as you prepare your paragraphs. WRITE A FIRST DRAFT 3 Write a paragraph for each topic. Write atopic sentence and one or two supporting sentences for each topic. Use the key words to help you. The capital of my ccuntry is Bangkok. It is a famous city in Thailand. There are. more than eight million people living there. EDIT 4 Use the Task checklist to review your paragraphs. ‘TASK CHECKLIST Write three short paragraphs, Write @ topic sentence for each paragraph. Write one or two supporting sentences for each topic sentence. Use there is before singular nouns and there are before plural nouns. Use the before the names of rivers, seas, oceans, some countries and famous places. Use the zero article before the names of continents, some, Countries and cities 5 Make any necessary changes to your paragraphs. OBJECTIVES REVIEW 1 Check your learning objectives for this unit. Weite 3, or for each objective 3=verywell 2= well 1= not so well ean. watch and understand a video about cenotes in Mexico. — read for main ideas. _ clasiy topes and key wows use noun phrases with of. —_ use there is/ there are. — use articles. —_ use capital letters fo ities, country names and nationalities. write topic sentences —_ write facts about my country. — 2 Go to the Unlock Online Workbook for more practice with this units ORE leaming objectives. beach (o) hallo) © popular fa) © capital) © international (ad) @ river (o) elif (o) island (0) © sea(n)O desert} lake (r) © tourist (n) famous ad) © map (1) O valley (0) © farm (o) O modern (ad) O field (o) © mountain (0) forest (n) © ocean (n) © = high-frequency words in the Cambridge Academic Corpus, \ WS —_ |] Lf Lal &, mi 2 " a ry \ , fl ( Te NY . Ae Wat ng VT eS Waa et S77 Vi 5 | BARA aan XM Ww WATCH AND LISTEN PREPARING TO WATCH 11 Work with a partner and answer the questions "ACTIVATING YOUR KNOWLEDGE 1 Do you work? What do you do? = 2 What are some unusual jobs? 3 What are some dangerous jobs? 4 Would you lke to have an unusual job? Why / Why not? 2 Look at the pictures from the video. Match the sentence halves. PREDICTING CONTENT USING 1 Thereis alarge ‘a much bigger than the man VISUALS 2 The truck is carrying _b are flying in the air. 3 The truck is hole in the ground. 4 Theearth and rocks d allot of rocks and earth copper (rsa red brown metal ‘mine 7} hole inthe ground where people get gold alt, es produce (i to make or grow something wire (0) along. very thin pece of meta digi 0 ake a hoe inthe ground fant acl very bie WHILE WATCHING 3 watch the video. white True) or F false) next to the statements Correct the fle statements 1 The Bingham mine iin Utah, —— 2 The mine produces enough copper wires for all the homes in Canada, —— 3 We use copper wires in a lot of different places. —— 4 The trucks work 12 hours a day 4. Watch aga. ile the words you hea. 1 eis the largest longest mine of ts kind inthe word 2 It is almost one mile / two and a half miles deep. 3 The rocks contain lage / small amount of copper. 4 They also use sorething stronger / weaker to gt the rocks nd copper out ofthe ground. 5 Tick (V7) the true sentences about workin the Bingham mine 1 C1 tris difficutt. 2] tecanbe dangerous 3 LF The truck drivers workin the office for half of the day. 4] The operations manager has an important job. 5 L1 Finding copper can take a long time. 6 [7] There are many mines in Utah DISCUSSION 6 Ask and answer the questions with a partner. 1 Is working in the Bingharn mine an interesting job? Why / Why not? 2 Are there any mines in your country or region? What do they produce? 3 Do you know any other dangerous jobs? What are they? UNDERSTANDING ‘MAIN IDEAS UNDERSTANDING DETAIL MAKING INFERENCES READING 1 USING YOUR KNOWLEDGE PREVIEWING. UNDERSTANDING KEY VOCABULARY PREPARING TO READ 1 Askand answer the questions with a partner. 11 What makes someone good at his or her job? 2 What information do you want to know before you take ajob? 3 Where are good places to find information about different types of jobs? 2 Look at the texts on page 108, Where are they from? {a awebsite about travel b awebsite for obs. «¢ a website for teachers 3 Youare going to read online job adverts Read the sentences (1-8). Choose the correct defnitions (a orb) for the words in bold 1 Lam fit. |run 5 kilometres every day. a in good health strong b have alot of money 2. My mumisa doctor. She works at a hospital. a aplace where people who ae sick or hurt go for help bb aplace where people goto study and learn 3 Miriam needs two teaspoons of medicine, She isnot feeling well, a a sandwich or a salad bb something you take to feel better 4 Osearisa pilot He can fly planes and passed a flying test. a person who teaches children bb aperson who flies an aeroplane 5 Football players get good pay. They make millions of pounds a year. a the money you receive for doing a job b the feeling you get from doing good work 6 Ihave friendly teachers. They always say ‘hi’ and smile when I see them, a nice and kind bb not nice orkind 7 The nurse checked the boys temperature, He was not feeling well a a person who helps doctors and cares for people bb apperson who helps children leam at schoo! 8 Lam healthy. | eat food which is good for me. sleep well | go to the gym. a quick to understanc: inteligent b being well: not sick WHILE READING. SCANNING TO FIND 4 Scan the texts on page 108, Write words from the texts in the gaps (I-8). INFORMATION 2. Which countrys the job in? [Po ” —__[ Japan | 3 Where is the work? Renji Hospital o Kitahiroshima Primary School ar 5 What are the hours? fulltime (including | part time o weekends) Reading for detail Reading for detail means looking for key words which give more information about the main ‘idea, One way of reading for detalis to fotow the steps below: + Aska question: What is the ob at Renji Hospital? + Scan the text to find key wares looting for, hospital teach, nurses, + Read the sentences inthe paragraph with the key words to find the corect answer: «are looking fora nurse to work atthe hospital and teach student nurses 5 Read the texts again, Write T (true) or F (false) next to the statements. Correct the false statements, 1 The pilot at FyHigh must speak three languages. READING FOR DETAIL 2 The teacher at Kitahiroshima Primary School has to teach grades +2 —— 3 The nurse at Renji Hospital must have ten years’ experience. 4 Teachers at Kitahiroshima Primary School are friendly. 5 Pilots at FiyHigh are paid per hour. —— 6 The nurse at Renji Hospital must speak two languages. FIND_MY_JOB.COM EIB [262 | [moron o ee n Renji Hospital Ron} Hospitals in Shang. We tan and each doctors ad nurses. |We ae looking fora nurse to work at th hospital and teach student | ruse, You have to work early morings and le nights, You must ‘ako ave medicine to patios, You must hav tn years exparince!. You must also speak Chinese and Englsh. Pay: CNY 16,800 per month Hours: Fulltime inching weekends) Location’: Shanghai, China eee rT Area(s): Aviation FlyHigh Air Transport Company Jobjs): Pit yh s a smal company in Murti, rsa. We have pate? WZEmaii me it ars ‘We ao looking fora pilot. Al our lotsa friendly and speak Engi, Hing and Urdu, Location: Mumbai, India __Youmust have two years! experience, You have to work ‘weekends. You must be ft ang healthy. Pay: INF 200,000 por Journey Hours: Pact tine FOE a Area(s): Education Kitahiroshima Primary School Jobjek: Teacher Itahoehima ia prvate Engh schoo, Or toachers ae tendly i andinrested teaching cco femal. mejobs this | Wo ae ot for a as teahe ttc grad 1-3. Dass Fecds You must have a university eduction. You must spesk Engi. Location: Kiahiroshima, Pay: JPY 220000 per month Japan Hour: Fal tr “ecaton a pace “experience (what you know rom doing yourjeb ‘private fac) longs o one person or rou DISCUSSION 6 Ask and answer the questions with a partner. 1 For which job do you need to speak more than one language? ‘Why do you think they ask for that? @ a 2. Which job from Reading Ido you want to do? Why? Ey READING 2 PREPARING TO READ 1 Think about the emails you write to your friends. USING YOUR 1 Why do you write ther? KNOWLEDGE 2 What do you write about? 3 Is your language the sarne when you write as when you speak? ‘Work witha partner on page 108. Compare your answers in Exercise 1 ‘What is the same? What is different? You ae going to read emails about job searches. Read the sentences (1). ‘Write the words and phrases in bold next to the correct definitions (2). UNDERSTANDING KEY VOCABULARY 1 Science is very interesting. There is so much to learn and know. 2 I work for @ company which makes computers. 3 Yusuf works at a gym. He teaches people to do exercises 4 My sister is very good at cricket. She isthe best player on the team, 5 Ineed to do well in high school so I can go to a good university, {6 My mum isan engineer. She plans and builds parts for cars. 7 School is great. | really lke it and I'm learning alot. t's going well —_[n)aperson who designs and builds things {nln organization which sells something to make money {nla schoo! for children from about 12 to 18 years old [adi able to do something well {nla place with machines where people go to do exercises fad) very good: excellent g (ad) exciting not boring PLUS Hi Apmadl Ive found a great jo for you. ts fora fume ftnss instruct, Tho|ob is at David Alen's sh Gym in Manchostr Youhave 1o gt un ary inthe morning, Tere ae 12 stents in each group. You have to bo vary onal ana good at sports. The pay is vary good - they pay £28 an hour You dont have to work on rays, | think you" He thi jo. Heros the Ink wuld co.uketngsntnitor “Takto you soon! ve found great for you ts n Oso and know you wart ove there, Heres the ies ‘wicomoa2 crabs F know tis company. ‘Tho ob Is fora software? engineer. They pay £4,180 per month ‘You rust have studed Computer Science at university and you have to have two years? ‘experience. also says that you must know some Norwegian. You dot have to speak Norwegian alt, 608 OK for yeu Lt me know what you tink! Love, Deer Dara, [hope you'r wel. have a great ob for you. tink youl ke t's South Korea know youlove Korean food. ‘Tre job sin Suncheon. t's a smal ty inthe south ofthe count ‘Theo Isat a high school. You have to teach Engish and French to grades 10 to 12 ‘Yeu speak Engish and French (and Russia) ‘You don't have to speak Korean, so this isa great jb for you. You have to work mary hous every day. But you ae avery sorous teacher. | know you work hard Here's the Ink wow skorsajobs conm/Eduoaon SM anguages Good luck ower ‘instructr ir senbody who teaches lnk (2 word or peas on 8 webate whlhkes you to ance wate software grate wich you use to ako a compute do dro things VHILE READING ‘Scan the texts on page 0. Write the correct information inthe gaps. 1 The email to Ahmad is about ajob asa 2 There are_______ students ina class at the gym, 3 The email to Eriks about a job as a —= 4 The pay for Erik’s job is per month, 5 The job for Daria isin. 6 Daria must teach grades to Read the texts again. Choose the answer that best states the main ideas, a Each emails from a company. The company gives information about job. bb Each email is about a teaching job. The emais talk about the languages the person needs to speak. «Each emails from a family member or friend, The person talks about ajob. «Each emails from a person looking for ajob. The person says why the job is great Read the texts again, Write A (Ahmad), E (Erik) or D (Daria) next to the statements 1 He/ She must be good at sport 2 He/ she has to teach two languages 3 He / She must have two years’ experience. 4 He / She has to get up early. 5 He / She must work many hours every day. ‘Ask and answer the questions with a partner. 11 Which jobs from Reading 2 are you interested in? Why’? 2. Do you want to move to a different country for ajob? Why / Why not? 3. What information did the job adverts in Reading 1 and emails in Reading 2 include about the jobs? What other information is important to know when you look fora job? © LANGUAGE DEVELOPMENT VOCABULARY FOR JOBS 1 Make sentences about jobs. Write the verb phrases from the box in the correct places in colurnn 8 of the table. ‘grows food and looks after animals writes news stories plays a sport in a team teaches chicken gives peoplemedicine _manages people teaches people to do exercises cares for sick people makes software for computers teaches languages B 1 Afamer ona farm 2 Amanager 3 Adoctor {gives people medicine - 4 Ajournaist inanoffe. 5 Asoftware engineer 6 A football player in big cities. 7 A school teacher 8 A fitness instructor 9 Anurse a Pus 10 A language teacher 2 Write the prepositional phrases from the box in the correct places in column C of the table. You can use some phrases more than once. Remember to write the full stop. Inahospital. in an office. ina school. inagym. ina company ADJECTIVE PHRASES ‘An adjective phrase describes the subject of the sentence. The adjective phrase comes after the verb be, ‘One type of adjective phrase is very + adjective. Softmare engineers are very intelligent. Nurses must be. very kind. ‘Another type of adjective phrase is adjective + and + adjective. Filness instructors are fib and. healthy. Nurses have to be kind. and. helpful Adjectives with prepositional phrases ‘Another type of adjective phrase is good at + noun or good with + noun, ‘The teacher is good ab Maths. Nurses must be good. with people. Usually people are good at a subject and good with a person or object. 3 Read the sentences and circle the best words and phrases. 1 Fitness instructors have to be interesting / heathy and strong. They are moving around all day! 2 Doctors must be very intelligent / very healthy and strong. There s alot to know about medicine. 3 Nurses have to be feienly / strong. They work with people. 4 Farmers have to be strong / friendly. They work with animals and G equipment PLUS Circle the correct preposition in each sentence. 1 A primary school teacher has to be good at / with children, 2 software engineer needs to be good at / with computers. 3. Anurse needs to be good at / with people. 4 French and Spanish teacher needs to be good at / with languages. 5. A journalist needs to be good at / with waiting CRITICAL THINKING ‘At the end of this unit, you are going to write an email, Look at this unit's ‘writing task in the box below. V/ Write an email about a job. ‘Analyzing and evaluating opinions {tis useful to loom what people think about # Lope. Tiss hee opinion, THhen you can use the information to make decisions. One way to get people’ opinions is with a Likert scale, InaLkert scale, people read a sentence and then circle the answer that s true for them. ‘Their answer shows how they feel. (am gee at Eris ws @'s 3 = neither agree nor disagree 4 = agree 5 = strongly agree x © a Tare Read the sentences and circle the answers which are true for you. O tom heathy. 1203 4 © tam tt ana strong. vos a {© 1am good wih people. 123 4 © 1m very inttigent. ron 3 a (© tam kind ond help voz 3 4 © |.am good with chron 1203 4 5 5 5 5 5 5 © tam very good atfootbo roe 3 4 8 © 10m good at Mans. ro2 34 © tom good a wing. ro? 3 4S @ tom good win computers, roe 3 4 8 D 1am good with enim. 1203 4 8 ® tom good at languages ro. 3 4 6 2 Work with a partner. Underline the adjective phrases in the sentences. in Exercise 1 3 Look at the jabs (1-10) in the table. For each job, write the adjective sestenclcaniucncackgheteteronnt edn Anz for you. 1a farmer geod. with avimals 2 amanager 3 adoctor 4 ajounalist 5 a software engineer 6 a football player 7 aschool teacher 8 a fitness instructor 9 anuse |t0 a language teacher 4 Work witha partner. Read your partner's answers to Exercise 1. Then look EVALUATE at the table in Exercise 3 and choose the best job for your partner. Does your partner agree? GRAMMAR FOR WRITIN' MUST AND HAVE TO Use must + infinitive or have to + infinitive to say that something isnecessary Doctors must be, intelligent, Doctors have to be intelligent. Use must +infitive for | yous he, she, it, we and they. They must be kind. Never use must to + infinitive. Arrurse-must-to-be-kind-and-Helpfule + A nurse must be kind. and. helpful Use have to + infinitive for you, we and they. Managers have to be good. with pecple, They have to be good with pecre. Use has to + infinitive for he, she and it A manager has to be good. with pecpe. He / She has to be good with peor. 1 Correct the mistakes in the sentences, 1 A football player musts be strong and healthy. 2 Pilots have work at night. 3. Amanager have to be helpful 4 Teachers must good with people. 5A software engineer must to be good at Maths 6 Farmers have good with animals 7 Journalists must to good at writing 8 Alanguage teacher must good at speaking and writing Do not have to / Does not have to Use do not have to / does not have to+ infnitive to say that something is not necessary. You can use contractions for do not (don't and does not (doesnt) Use do nat have to + infnitive for I, you, we and they. Farmers do not (don't) have to be good with computers. Use does not have to + infinitive for he, she and it ‘A language teacher does nob (doesn’t) have to be good. at: Matis. Do not use must not + infinitive to say that something is not necessary ‘Ajournalict-mast-nob-be-qood-with-arimals + A jourvalist does vob (doesn’t) have to be good with animals 2 Put the words in order to make sentences. 1 does / have to / A farmer / with people / not / be good / 2. Asoftware engineer / doesnot / be / patient and / kind / have to/. 3 with animals /have / not /do/Nurses/ tobe good/. 4 be strong / You/ not / have to / do/ 5 A French teacher / have to / good / at Maths / be / does not / 6 good / You / do not / have to / be / at French / THE PRONOUN YOU Use the pronoun you to say something to someone. You have to work many hours. You are 0. very serious teacher ‘You can be singular or plural. The verb does not change. Itis the sare form You are a good teacher You are great students | ou = I person) | rou = more than 1 person) You can also mean people in general. In this case it does not mean any one particular person, This meanings often used in job adverts You have to be kind. (People in general have to be kind) There is a job for a. Ainess instructor. You must. be fit and healthy. {People who want to bea fitness instructor must be fit and healthy) 3 Rewrite the sentences, Use you as the subject: 1 He must have three years’ experience. 2. She is kind and good with people. 3 We have a university education, 4 They speak Chinese, 5 Altan and Elf speak Turkish. 4 Look back at Reading 2 on page TIO. Circle the examples of you where it means people in general ACADEMIC WRITING SKILLS JOINING SENTENCES WITH AND Simple sentences, A simple sentence has a subject anda verb. ject wb bec ve You are friendly. You are good. with people. \When the subjects and verbs in two sentences are the sie, you can jon these ideas with and in one sentence. You only need the subject once. and You are friendiy-You-are good. with pele. = You are friendly and. good with people. Compound sentences When the subjects are different in two simple sentences, you can join these ‘together with and in one sentence. This is called a compound sentence. You need both subjects. Put a comma before and. blest verb abet er The pay is good. The job is interesting and, + The pay is good’ The Job is interesting +The pay is good, and the jeb is interesting Iti important to have both simple and compound sentences in your writing, This makes your writing more interesting, 1 Rewrite the simple sentences. Ifthe subjects are the same, join the ideas with and in one sentence. Ifthe subjects are different, write one ‘compound sentence with and, 1 You must be intelligent: You must be good with people. 2 You have to be healthy, You have to be strong, 3 Football players have to be fit, You are ft. 4 The job isto teach English, You are an English and French teacher. a Plus 5. You have to be good at Maths. You have to be friendly WRITING AN EMAIL Begin an email with a greeting. are happy or excited. 1H, Ahmad! | Use Hi for people you know. Use an exclamation mark to show you Erk, Use a person’ fst name, followed by a comma for most situations. Dear Daria, | Use Dear for people you do not know very wel. End an email with a closing. Write your name after the closing alk to you soon! | Use this expression for people you talk to often Karel Love, Use ths for close family and friends ‘Mum Good luck! Use this phrase to wish someone good luck. Oliver ‘You can use contractions in informal emails to family and friends. ‘You do not have to work at weekends. + You don't have to work at weekends. 1 tine you will Uke this job. —> | Brink you'll. tis Job Ue is in South Korea. > Ws in South Korea. 1 hope you are doing well. > | hope you're. doing well | have. found. a. great job for you. + Ive found. & great job for you. We do not usually use contractions in academic writing. 2 Rewrite the information as emails with a greeting, contractions and a ‘losing, Then compare your work with a partner. 1 To:Allen Sentences: | am excited to see you. | think you will like my news! From: Max 2 To:Jen Sentences: You do not have to worry. | found a job for you. Iris in London! From: Carmen 3 To: Chuanwei Sentences: tis great that you found a job! You will be so happy there. From: Tao WRITING TASK VW Worive an email about a job OO PLAN 1 Look at the job you chose for your partner in the Critical thinking section ‘on page TIS Think of details for the job and fil in the table. Who is the job for? What isthe job? ‘Whereis the job? ‘What does he / she need to be good at? ‘Why is your friend good for the job? What is the pay? When does he / she work? 2 Show the table to your partner. What other details can you use? ‘Add them to the table. 3 Read the Task checklist on page 122 as you prepare your email WRITE A FIRST DRAFT 4 Now use the information from your table to write an email to your partner about the job, (Wite your greeting) | hope you're well. | have a great job for you. (Write sentences about the job with information from Exercise 1. Use must and have to with adjective phrases.) ‘Here's the link: 1 (Closing) ite your nar) EDIT 5 Use the Task checklist to review your email. ‘TASK CHECKLIST Describe the job and explain why itis good for your partner. Use agjective phrases to describe the person for the job. Use must and have to to say that something is necessary Use the pronoun you and contractions in your email. Use a greeting and closing in your email. {6 Make any necessary changes to your email. OBJECTIVES REVIEW 1 Check your learning objectives for this unit. Write 3,2 or T for each objective. 3=very well 2=well_T=not so well Jean. ‘watch and understand a video about a mine. — read for detail, analyze and evaluate opinions, Use adjective phrases, se must and have to. Use the pronoun you. — join sentences with and. write an email write an email about ajob. 2. Go to the Unlock Online Workbook for moe practice with this units OR learning objectives, company () great ad) © medicine () © doctor (n) gym (n) nurse (n) O engineer (0) O healthy (ad) @ ——_offce(o) © farmer (0) bigh school) PaO fied) © hospital (o) © pilot (0) © fitness instructor (n) __interesting (adj) @ school (n) football player (n) journalist (n) school teacher (n) friendly (ad)) © language teacher (n) software engineer (n) 00d ata) manager (0) © | = high-frequency words in the Cambridge Academic Corpus, atch and Reading sil Cra thinking ‘eaderiew predict content ving analyze data ‘we pronouns ws adjectives: compare quantities, se comparative acject vith double consonants correctly, write supporting sentences and deta en HOMES AND BUILDINGS | this city tke or not like WATCH AND LISTEN PREPARING TO WATCH ACTIVATING YouR 1 Work with a partner and answer the questions KNOWLEDGE 1 Are there a lot of tourists in your town or city? Where do most of them come from? 2 What kind of homes do most people in your city live in fa house, flat, etc}? 3 What do you know about Singapore? Whereis it? Tell your partner what you know: Sa 2 Match the sentences (1-4) to the pictures from the video. CONTENT FROM 1 This big ity is on an island. VISUALS 2 Inside these tall buildings there are thousands of flats 3 The port is always busy. 4 This famous hotel is more than a hundred years old ‘transport (0) wala ca, bus, ship or plane to get you rom one pce to another pert (2 place near the water where shipe ave anc leave fom traditional (a doing something nthe old vay wary hotel (oa very expensive and comfortable hotel ‘own to have: when you own something tis yous WHILE WATCHING 3 Q Watch the video. write T (True) or F (False) next to the statements orca he ser coe ier 1 gpocta tn baen on — 3 Most people in Singapore live in houses. —— 4 Singapore has a lot of hotels. 4. Watch again. circle the conect word or phrase ee eerie cee eee ten 2 Space / transport isa problem in Singapore. 3 A hundred yeas ago, many people in Singapore lved on farms / above shops. 4 About 50% / 80% of people in Singapore lve in tall buildings 5 Most hotels in Singapore are traditional / modern. 5 Complete the sentences with words from the box. plane close home shopping MAKING INFERENCES 1 People live very ___ together in Singapore, 2 People in Singapore can go to school and go near their homes 3. Most tourists come to Singapore ina car or 4 Buying a____is important in Singapore. DISCUSSION 6 Work in a small group. Discuss the questions. 1. Would you tke to vist Singapore? Why / Why not? 2 How ts Singapore like your city? How ist different? 3 Do you lve in ahouse or a flat? What are some good things about ‘each kind of home? What are some bad things?

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