Planning Guide - Korea Factory Production Elevators - en

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SNS GUIDE KOREA FACTORY PRODUCTION Contents PRODUCTLNE-UP. PASSENGERELEVATOR LINEN 110-25, NEW YZER 1. Bere Room es) DDS THE EL 16k | ULTRA“ ACH SPEED HN SPEED 30-TaRae, ‘OBSERVATION ELEVATOR KEN 11 SOE/2 SOESTIE, [30s noun, Lue, NW YZER bse RoOM eT SDE 2SDESTIPE |. acne Room est NUDES FREIGHT ELEVATOR (GENERAL TE 125,20, AUToMORILEELEVATOR (eNERAL IVE 124,30 ENTRANCELAYOUT (eNERAL IVE | 705010200, [OMYFORTOP F.OOROFTHEWALELBITORS | CPG,CR21C? moi 2 PANEL CENTER OPENING DOOHS 1150, 2-PANELSDE-OPENING BOOK 12550, |4P9NEL CENTER OPENING DOORS | 25.0, 2 PANEL/3 PANEL UP SLIDNGDOORS [20/3 a 8 28 Ey ELECTRIC POWER REQUIREMENTS LUATOR | VR chin Rae) ELEVATOR 10-25 me} IIa acne Reo) LEVATOR BD-190m iva. Wachne ores) LAATOR(10-25 med [eck /AsTOVBLE LEVER BAO mee WoRKTO RE DONEBY OTHER CONSTRUCTIONS, [REQUIREMENTS FOR FIREFIGHTERS LIFTS (ENS1-72), n PRODUCT MAP MRL (Machine Room Less) Selection of Elevator System PLANNING GUIDE ‘The selection of elevators should be made in consideration ofthe building type/scale, tenant characteristics elevator usage and the anticipated passenger carrying capacity atthe building's traffic peak time. Hyundai elevators are available from machine-room-less elevators to low-medium and high-speed elevators, covering the full range of vertical transportation requirements. [And a variety of functional and attractive designs per usages, such as passenger, service, observation, freight and automobile elevators are offered {or architect's and customer's flexible applications. “——~ PRODUCT LINE-UP ELEVATORS 20 loots orless Machine Room Machine Room Less fa Speed LUXEN 10-2.5mvsec NEW YZER 10-2.5mvsec 1XEL 30-40misec THEEL 5.0-10.0m/sec SIGNATURE PROJECTS 50 loots orless 50 floors ormore Machine Room 1. BUSAN INTERNATIONAL FINANCE CENTER (KOREA) Thirty-two elevators were installed, Including two 10 mvsecunits (Korea's fastest tee m/sec units, and eight 8m/sec units, a5 wellas fourteen escalator 2 GALLERY WEST (INDONESIA) Twenty-three 4 mvsec elevators were Installed, aswell as twelve escalators 3. PARKHYATT BUSAN (KOREA) Eleven elevators were install, including ‘wo 6 msec units and three 4 m/sec unit, 4 METROPOL ISTANBUL (TURKEY) ‘One hundred twenty-seven elevators were installed eluding sbe6mvsec units, ‘one .& m/sec unin twenty-eight 44 im/sec units, aswel as wenty four escalators, KEANGNAM HANOI LANDMARK TOWER (VIETNAM) ‘Twenty-nine elevators were installed, including two 4 m/sec units as well as twenty-seven escalators KL GATEWAY (MALAYSIA) “Twenty-seven elevators wer insale, including eight 35 msec units, as wellas forty-nine escalators and an auto parking system. 7 FRE TOWER (PANAMA) Twenty elevators were installe, including five m/sec units, two 25 m/sec uns, and sie? mvsecunit 8 FRF TOWER (PANAMA) Five 4 misec elevators were installed 9 LGU" YONGSAN OFFICE BUILDING (KOREA) ‘Ten elevators wer installed including 35 m/sec double deck units Korea's frst) and four 4 m/sec uns as wellastw0 cxcaators 10 VARVAP MERIDIAN (TURKEY) Fifty-three elevators were install, Including seven 4 misec units and five3S msec unite (06 “UNDA LEVATOR PLANNING GUIDE PRODUCT LINE-UP 0S RU) 4B iepeserounanae PLAN OF HOISTWAY SECTION OF HOISTWAY STANDARD DIMENSIONS & REACTIONS Deon Gains WeiivyintieWnina Roane Woon Rendon PaRenion Canc gut opeig rh ‘oo ma a) Persons kg Ee AXE OY mn Re PRI PRE = . a tee Soa : iH #69 Ti Ts 0 aso 00 sI00 i — i nae wax at can s00 7 foo : W 7 1600, 8504 ose 13600 10400, 1s-co 1 ae Ta oA woe. . Can nian ye iio Ha WT clon U 4 enc = Fastin om 7 Se a 25-50 * Se TH OVERHEAD & PIT DEPTH = Sa ot {Unmet 7s 20 oe SSNS aD it ‘Capacity Speed ‘Overhead (OH PitDepth M/CRoom Height“ "\0'** | Above cimensons are appiec base on FNS) } BENST 20. cl ao °° See 1400 x 2400, 2350 x 2850, 7850x4000 18100 tks) __imn/sech ENS -ENST 20 (MH) 2 Regarding the Qveshead (OHI: 2 1800, See 2850, B50 rea50 Ono CHRO 3 pled a conatens the Ovehead (OH shuld nase 3000 300 See 260550 — P80 HOO 5000 ate é so ‘o atesatve ge tr apiedenegen eden once, “rte The aif mewtnsape nda andl or Foret oae code nd perequremen lee ante ‘eorehendBintwae med bso dap fey gtr en cuneate plese cota ExHN O40) E81 20.8 200mm Lifappirihreugn 80 degree type plese conv th ur srt eaters Pdephshecsbe aretha 20 ‘itapcty bel nga hen rp aca depo eed 0mm please cost wis $c room height sta beinceased 20mmin ease ofthe actor 5.fonysnglcarsloeatein the hasty andrated speeds Sse, the hasty ses cifleret rom above able, eas contac vo machcwthanrtenpe ‘itumclbaberlbnetequsedsconpevstenpesptem Hose ep mabe ceed ast Sonn ‘ Nadine oom emgerte shoud marae bow ACh $ aa tracac Seperate Bramall} pick Apples wth OP0mm tar? Omisect2 Se ‘ect wane nny chy eon OL ‘eusctaipes pases hasan: betnen cand cor mere an 00mm fet secre plese tala md parstn nhl «the neiphternon top foersover inact reer its: S.The estway dimensions wth depth are based on esr menien 2mm herent tolerance ver the ttl his he " GF ena eh mineneanah wot secccoleemenney ei 06 NDA -LMOR PLANNING GUIDE tueviron 07 PLAN OF HOISTWAY NEW YZER Per an MRL (Machine Room Less).0-2.5m/sec SECTION OF HOISTWAY | TOP FLOOR 1S-co I ag 7 i - Thy J TYPICALFLOORS é poe oy | TOPFLOOR 25-50 OVERHEAD & PIT DEPTH unt) Copaciy Speed = oe ts) (ise) egering he Overhead) - plea condone he Overhead (OH shold be increase by 00m {arto te Overhead (OH sua be meses ew {8120 oF 208mm 200nmtosppythecompensaton deve ‘fap teller ge hoe fora te wh ENS). OH 8 ‘hou be nested 20010 preach, Sitheheight afrarsop ori ve tmin caffe ities consturartotheneadorenergen ext STANDARD DIMENSIONS & REACTIONS 2 apply he safety gear on Counterelght ede Hostway Width) needed to add Gor, 1 for exacts. case of conrl pane! bor s2e 60s in Hal ie Mn waltishegtucknes AOS te needed, etwas concalanl Piehasaion Grey ental __CPinHoitway__Boxsizein Hall ‘tal ras 1 od © ra sem Se ‘100 _€ SSS Tastee sO 600 eae ae ago tseremsce sos 7008800 end Tao eae aeoacso SORT sel inves 7800800 2 a0 SS ee auc ea ao ESRD TIBOR ag tenon Ta TEE seats psoas — rome 5 goo 0 SS ca z = mee inneray Hwee Pease refer to layout crowing fer exact box hole sze eatin, S.apaly hrougte0 degree) type pleare cans th 6. The Hostway dmenslons weth depth are based on car dimension -20mm horizontal tolerances over the ota hostay height ELEVATOR 08 Tera ed Err a8 PLAN OF HOISTWAY SECTION OF HOISTWAY STANDARD DIMENSIONS & REACTIONS cut ‘rom i freer sutton Drop a oY a i Grinaoe WadineRoom Sie -wiCReomReacion Pfeacion rm) is) 3) BO _M RTP sian acrcnpcpecanare ‘okie StS eae aa nadernet +See tenet tea Cesena cece OVERHEAD & PIT DEPTH (Wai) 4 aaa pal PADRE Reemtiagit” Ane Tease 250 ype wiinsated chin hottny sree contol su sbasd on NST 20 HENNY ppd plese const wh JPOSOTYPE JPIOOTYPE JP200 TYPE 26 YUNA -LEVATOR PLANNING GUIDE uevaTor 27 PLAN OF ENTRANCE JPO50 TYPE 3P100, 200 TYPE SECTION OF ENTRANCE JPOSOTYPE I JP100 TYPE [Ed bases snare db JP200 TYPE ENTRANCE PLAN OF ENTRANCE JP050 TYPE 4P100, 200 TYPE SECTION OF ENTRANCE JPOSOTYPE JPIO0TYPE JP200 TYPE ELEVATOR 29 rte 3 ENTRANCE DESIGN (2U) STRUCTURAL OPENING OF ENTRANCE (2U) TER rset woe gf oe PLAN OF ENTRANCE (2U) SECTION OF ENTRANCE 2-UP Mani entrance height 2obrim for reight elevator 3-UP Minimamertanceheight-180Omm oraulemeble elevator well Butts onthe ight wallfor eight elevators 2incateot astmoble levator, ca doors optional. ca doors 230“ UNDA LEVATOR PLANNING GUIDE MR (Machine Room) ELEVATOR (1.0~2.5 m/sec) (330 ECE Capacity Power Supply Capacity Power Cae Sze Tari Wire Sine oad Smad Maticapcty of bueng 0 co ‘oom’ nm TeeGate 20 i i Ea a 1 Note:The above table fr lengths of elec wie to SO meters rom the machine rom tothe bulng tanstorme Power feeder length) se X saeinthe above on Power Feder sen) 6 Forinstaling several elevates, apply the follwing formula Transformer CapucyRvAl~ Number af elevator Divert factor RunberafPevsier] 1 [2 [3] 2 [> THE OTHERS 31 ELECTRIC POWER REQUIREMENT: ELECTRIC POWER REQUIREMEN MR (Machine Room) ELEVATOR (3.0~10.0 m/sec) MRL (Machine Room Less) ELEVATOR (1.0~2.5 m/sec) wow sa an TS SS i) ie oe ee im = as ee ae ra = = ees ot ich Meggan __eeeiged__ TERRY ee ee ee ee a ee soe ese e ceeaenasaszan eet sere Se $ID HERA tecasorevcas — a 2 ifthecabielengthsabove someterst formula shuld be app er eer lengihin) Twasformer Capac RVA [DevestyFacer | [os [as [are Power Feder size (nn) = % saein the above i?) 2. The above power feeder thickness arebased on copper wer ure andmetactbing 5 Please consuus you need elec power requirements fr 201 or 4404 Class. “anetarer Capac Number of elevator Beret factor fNunberofEewior] 1 [2 [3] 4] 5 DeverstyFactor | 10a | oor_[ oes | oa | a7 222“ YUNDA-LEVATOR PLANNING GUIDE THE OTHERS 33 FREIGHT / AUTOMOBILE ELEVATOR (0.4~1.0 m/sec) et tee RY cad ert) (310¥) mary famed Mtcancty Cart cova nm an 7 Ter Tr 7 1300 os Tm 3 7 @ z 3 a 3 10) @ z io 2 CH 2 1 7 an os Tes 0 7 16 6 see os 2 cH FH 1 o se ws 30) Es a 3 a a Eo 3H 16 o “Notes: 1 Theabove power feeder sizes ar based ant masimurlengt Som ‘nce the fader ength om the transformer tthe elevtor machine rom exceeds SO, ppl the allowing fru 2. The feeder sices ar based on using coppe’ conductors and mata cond. Power feecerlengtn) 30 2. Forpowerrequements af? cars or mere, cont and Per Feder se ne) % sein the above ni) 4. Theheatemison ndvetlaton of machine oom en above mensions may vary sight wth the machine room se and peripheral envkonment 5. Conslt junds #yuneed elec power equrements for 220. 26 “UNDA -LEVATOR PLANNING GUIDE WORKTO BE DONE BY OTHER CONSTRUCTIONS Following construction and electric works are not included in our supply scope for elevators, escalators, and moving walks. ‘These should be carried out by the building construction companies. (Note : For elevators without machine room, please contact us.) ELEVATOR CONSTRUCTION WORK Hoistway 1 Forming hoes on the wal sureuning the enance on ech ar eran bs butlonha ater ee) pining the wa niall loan oe eestor rencing menting) >: Intaivonot ce tamerofihe hitgnsmbonsneenince Insalsion eforainspecion whee shrethe pt eptnnateceeing2 smn InsalsionerPracesdeorwnere epesestnereeds25m neces dor sce Den xh 20000) \Waerpooting wor ride theptandinhing werktterntalaonofthebute, Irtaaion eaten pron epraingbearsfnecetn) Femaungsiustepinsnerad thers ems ndestecon tne yout) Consnctionofcancsesucres thehoeiof Stam orsbove orsel secret tofithera oad 12 Supping rgeforcensructontot andmiteratecafcage 1-Dertucion ardfnhing of covet stucgehatarenet contucted incites 1? Intaisin of fing bean otk tats designs tlt she machine othe op af ‘Machine Room 1 Torning hes Yormachinesundrpes onthe lao sting on ender carte 2. Intastonaf ing aeamarhooken thet macherom 3 Intaatonoftenarceren 5m onthe menne oon lo neces) 4 Supolpnguateuretorcontractonfesoehage. 5. Supping torgetrconsvuctontoandmateraecafcnge ELECTRIC WORK Hoistway 2) avommuseaton dec th uoratcaly requests orhetemanansnce | Thenataslarsfelighingofthelneingrnshe vying oes shl be company or selsinsper shou be msl oreo cel wih the sition MewtSOhrat free, 2: ging tha tens of teas SO hut 1 abo te poor eters peroncansindand? mabovetnecsraaiathnisertc roses, 5. grag mth an erst fatless20k tre olehostvoy 4. Pingandvling wert monrorngpanetohostvay hen ranterng panels instuled Wirespeceatons ulPasmns perches 5. PaingaraiiingarkonenCCvisistaed 5. thers lems neesleeontne yout pi ‘eng warkan poner pte ne ney fo uapvngpaverand shine (ferthelyoplnfrsecies poveregurerer) ': IntaitonoFetrbton box fore ator nching Non elec rom Ona rear tieho stay eer thelyeutplantereecrclpenertequrere™s} 19 Conscucien fo power supa to manta he vorage reat of SsrbstOn sauceviten Seleanelipting tins? 10 Paingansiniengworonighingouieforatinspeeton 1 Suppipngpaserneededcunngintalaton nacormasaninsteeafemge 12 Ppngindwingsoikonemetgenycommankitoncescebeene tron pela cenalcnta com (WrespecteatensUTPOSmnx:>pereacheeo "canmnkstondevcethst connec: the nsdeanovte of eestor nae berate edundsty nthe es whee ne manag peso! satenee ‘eeuryoffex eect andcenalcanelrean) meaeat the baliyere ‘he managing pene saione in any ane pies, anh one communes MATTERS TO NOTE ini rceria imple tne aos incon the oe corunicton dies sfotberepaed tn cece than helo communion nes nen proviceddy ca ‘Machine Room (MR) 1 ping nding ark aie tne hsivay fhe talon of merger ccupmentinecom)inapaceatrertnnthemacrineroo7 2 Consrucioneghtngand ighing eter nspecion nmachne-06m, 2. Soppngponerneeded rng nnalsionsnécerimoning ee oferge. 4 insalaionetighingerpowersstenand age. and eanstucionofmachne‘eem Incomngpanelandiswangtoeregeney2a%er 5 iging win asin of at 200 ator level everywhere pron needs towotkandSOlaafoeevlt-novebetwetn wring ett ‘Machine Room Less (MRL) 1. Powe sipped png ra wiing wore the conte nel andae-arenty Insle igteng tran reset 200Lutonenaromefecoolssne, 1. Eetformschnerom snuidbe madestfir protmetlandsholdbe natn setae tnt doesnot pices 2. Donathsal ducer pipes ore’ puposes eee. water gshylandon tne 2, Lowerprel shout edt rscncmpithn efor ether puoi 5. Tenpestureinmachneroen moutbe Freserice active! ry lee nthe bung ended be wie by Hegir ga acess tone fexsgtere 1, Then ie othe fier Maen Wat whe tedoadof60k9&00rm ofentance with 2. Whee the mended use of he fefghtes is to ncude ciate, co rnmoeitesies reas tetchererbedhenshe nna ae anbeon odrmgs2oommhatharaes sea! kg Abinmofenrnes et 5, Thereighes ifs beabetoresentrehgret aningtabeseredinfet hie opeatonsomthelreseniceacessevelnihndds fematethecosngofheit oor Frigher al han 20. thew reich ne hghet dng hy be Ineteeedy oreex Sm seaenlsielheg) Minimum desopenegsze 05m 07m fase 300A x05m) 5. Aadzonslucdesinicetousdectazepovdedtatceseescinetonthel tet 65: Frefoper f ten tn pcogram lbe oated atthe te vce ee reste il beocteitin sana fem netsh fe ta heght 2. Freseraceacessevessalhweapesionndter 226. UNDA LEVATOR PLANNING GUIDE ay randuse Fd Oo 3 i 5 J 4 PROVISION OF LADDER MATERIAL AND INSTALLATION (BY BUILDER) "Under A) orB)withladerboxand Considering C) 2) Considering) [Reseuefromoutsidethe car) 2 Porable acess 8) Sate opessses wher safe ung pontsforterescue means srepeided he ventvoteshlinang NOT awever a suenmeanscameunceritereiponityatine oes Ashore: sect ian: [amples der bos ble ‘arangedshedceboxen nee! leu hrunemaiororiveeningutherdo oeetgnes sno be abla recog the aca ofthe lade ores te ndrgencance Provengonelsiderboxperoneettor (atorBimurtbeinesclndderdor ys Co Cc tuedladdernsderrehossvay AneaseofanyFeesofexceessivormneght (lerthinm) eferatnepetze) [Selfreseue rominsidethecar) Toerleteiegterareesethe unde dorackdevee atone 2) Fedde ehosiay fincas ofan Faercofeceed 422g) (lerathinm eteratrepeee 2 ‘helesheght snot excess H12500mm sald wether atachee omideotee % C-carheghtinudngceing > Fed adder Theres nea one hind odin enyreichatnetop end ‘hele anace things fon hesiotheandagentancesbove Picture 1. R fescue from outside the car ‘He orwens 37 HYUNDAI ELEVATOR CO., LTD. HEAD OFFICE &FACTORY SEOULOFFICE GLOBAL SALES DIV) 2091 yeongehung die Bia enero yerg9-€0 738K Sf eg ve Grup, 19 olab a ong-g ems 09127 Ks GLOBAL SALES & SERVICENETWORK Arnica monsour russia come va oa Pinna miooiseast Tenses ASIA “ owart howe Me baneAnesn emorsacis Ce Twas osasousn a Dnt oeatace wemerzsan fees een Fee sponses te Toraeset oRTWsOUTHAMERICA soe peesetan etn Peo sate ToRancccney Depending on tetiing tthe prosucton fprnted-atrs hee may bea iference betwen te content nth ei produto nme speciestos may neta changed guy mpevrent when puthasing pode tere glance OSs War "Sietonconnd rte nae nance ontymameretandcpeatcns aie) a ee Tire nano ‘Edited date: 2020.07

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