Precalculus 4TH Quarter

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Module 1: Sequence and Series Fourth Quarter

Malasiqui Catholic School, Inc.

Malasiqui, Pangasinan
SY 2021-2022


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1. illustrate a series; and
2. differentiate a series from a sequence.
3. use the sigma notation to represent a series
4. differentiate a arithmetic sequence from geometric sequence.

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Module 1: Sequence and Series Fourth Quarter


Let’s find out how much you already know about this module by answering the items below. Take note of the items
that you were not able to correctly answer and look for the right one as you go through in this module. Good luck!

Multiple Choice
Directions: Encircle the letter of the correct answer.
1. What are the center and the radius of the circle whose equation is (x − 5)2 + (y + 3)2 = 16?
a. (−5, 3) and 16 c. (−5, 3) and 4
b. (5, −3) and 16 d. (5, −3) and 4
2. The number of degrees in the sum of the interior angles of a pentagon is_________.
a. 72 c. 54
b. 360 d. 720
3. The coordinates of the endpoints of AB are A(0, 0) and B(0, 6). The equation of the perpendicular bisector of
AB is _______
a. x = 0 c. y = 0
b. x = 3 d. y = 3
4. A sphere is inscribed inside a cube with edges of 6 cm. In cubic centimeters, what is the volume of the
sphere, in terms of π?
a.12π c. 48π
b. 36π d. 288π
5. Which line is parallel to the line whose equation is 4x + 3y = 7 and also passes through the point (−5, 2)?
a. 4x + 3y = −26 c. 3x + 4y = −7
b. 4x + 3y = −14 d. 3x + 4y = 14
6. In a given triangle, the point of intersection of the three medians is the same as the point of intersection of the
three altitudes. Which classification of the triangle is correct?
a. scalene triangle c. equilateral triangle
b. isosceles triangle d. right isosceles triangle
7. Which type of triangle can be drawn using the points (−2, 3), (−2, −7), and (4, −5)?
a. scalene c. equilateral
b. isosceles d. no triangle can be drawn
8. Which reason could be used to prove that a parallelogram is a rhombus?
a. Diagonals are congruent. c. Diagonals are perpendicular.
b. Opposite sides are parallel. d. Opposite angles are congruent.
9. For a triangle, which two points of concurrence could be located outside the triangle?
a. incenter and centroid c. incenter and circumcenter
b. centroid and orthocenter d. circumcenter and orthocenter
10. Given three distinct quadrilaterals, a square, a rectangle, and a rhombus, which quadrilaterals must have
perpendicular diagonals.
a. the rhombus, only c. the rhombus and the square
b. the rectangle and the square d. the rectangle, the rhombus, and the square

Are you ready to learn about series and sequence.? If so, then you may start this module by completing the
table in activity 1.
See attached Activity 1 Entry Card on page 6
The next part of this module will help build your knowledge about series and sequence. Read the
concept notes and do activities that follow

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Module 1: Sequence and Series Fourth Quarter

Sequences and Series

A sequence is a function whose domain is the set of positive integers or the set {1, 2, 3, . . . ,n}.

Consider the following sum: 1/2 + 1/4 + 1/8 + 1/16 + · · · + 1/2 i + · · · The dots at the end indicate that the sum
goes on forever. Does this make sense? Can we assign a numerical value to an infinite sum? While at first it may seem
difficult or impossible, we have certainly done something similar when we talked about one quantity getting “closer and
closer” to a fixed quantity. Here we could ask whether, as we add more and more terms, the sum gets closer and closer to
some fixed value.

A series represents the sum of the terms of a sequence.

If a sequence is finite, we will refer to the sum of the terms of the sequence as the series associated with the
sequence. If the sequence has infinitely many terms, the sum is defined more precisely in calculus.

A sequence is a list of numbers (separated by commas), while a series is a sum of numbers (separated by
“+” or “−” sign). As an Illustration, 1,-1/2,1/3,-1/4 is a sequence, and 1-1/2+1/3-1/4=7/12 is its associated

The sequence with nth term a_n is usually denoted by {a_n}, and the associated
series is given by
S=a1 +a2 + a3+ ⋯+ an .

Determine the first five terms of each defined sequence, and give their associated series.

(1) {2−n } (3){¿

(2) {1+2 n+3 n 2 } (4) {1+2+3+ ⋯+n }

Solution. We denote the nth term of a sequence by a n, and S=a1 +a2 + a3+ a4 + a5 .

(1) a n=2−n
First five terms = a 1=2−1=1, a 2=2−2=0, a 3=−1,a 4=−2, a 5=−3
Associated series: S=a1 +a2 + a3+ a4 + a5=1+0−1−2−3=−5

(2) a n=1+2 n+3 n2

First five terms=a 1=1+ 2∙ 1+3 ∙12=6, a 2=17, a 3=34,a 4=57 , a 5=86
Associated series: S=6+17+34 +57+86=200

(3) a n=¿
First five terms= a 1=¿, a 2=¿, a 3=−1, a 4=1, a 5=−1
Associated series: S=−1+ 1−1+1−1=−1

(4) a n=1+2+3+⋯ +n
First five terms= a 1=1, a 2=1+2=3, a 3=1+2+3=6, a 4=1+2+3+ 4=10, a 5=1+2+3+4 +5=15
Associated series: S=1+3+ 6+10+15=35

An arithmetic sequence is a sequence in which each term after the first is obtained by adding a constant (called
the common difference) to the preceding term.

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Module 1: Sequence and Series Fourth Quarter
If the nth term of an arithmetic sequence is a n and the common difference is d, then
a n=a1 + ( n−1 ) d .
The associated arithmetic series with n terms is given by
n (a1 +a n)
Sn= =n ¿ ¿

A geometric sequence is a sequence in which each term after the first is obtained by multiplying the preceding
term by a constant (called the common ratio).

If the nth term of a geometric sequence is a_n and the common ratio is r, then
a_n=a_1 r^(n-1).

The associated geometric series with n terms is given by

n a1
Sn= a1 (1−r n) if r=1, if r ≠1

Example 1: Determine whether the sequence is geometric. If it is geometric, find the common
(a) 2, 8, 32,128, ..

Solution (a): In order for a sequence to be geometric, the ratio of any term to the one that precedes it should be
the same for all terms. If they are all the same, then r, the common difference, is that value.

Step 1: First, calculate the ratios between each term and the one that precedes it.

Step 2: Now, compare the ratios. Since the ratio between each term and the one that precedes it is 4 for all the
terms, the sequence is geometric, and the common ratio r = 4 .
Solution (b):
Step 1: Calculate the ratios between each term and the one that precedes it.

Step 2: Compare the ratios. Since they are not all the same, the sequence is not geometric.

Similar to an arithmetic sequence, a geometric sequence is determined completely by the first term a, and the
common ratio r. Thus, if we know the first two terms of a geometric sequence, then we can find the equation for
the nth term.

Sigma notation is a method used to write out a long sum in a concise way. In this unit we look
at ways of using sigma notation, and establish some useful rules.

Sigma notation is a concise and convenient way to represent long sums. For example, we often wish to sum a
number of terms such as 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 5 or 1 + 4 + 9 + 16 + 25 + 36 where there is an obvious pattern to the

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Module 1: Sequence and Series Fourth Quarter
numbers involved. The first of these is the sum of the first five whole numbers, and the second is the sum of the
first six square numbers. More generally, if we take a sequence of numbers u1, u2, u3, . . . , un then we can write
the sum of these numbers a
u1 + u2 + u3 + . . . , un.
A shorter way of writing this is to let ur represent the general term of the sequence and put

∑ ur

Here, the symbol Σ is the Greek capital letter Sigma corresponding to our letter ‘S’, and refers to the initial
letter of the word ‘Sum’. So this expression means the sum of all the terms ur where r takes the values from 1 to
n. We can also write

∑ ur

To mean the sum of all the terms ur where r takes the values from a to b. In such a sum, a is called the lower
limit and b the upper limit.

Example 1.

See attached Activity 2 Fill my Gaps on page 6

See attached Activity 3 The Real Purpose on pages 7
See attached Activity 4 Reflection! On page 7

Name: ____________________________________________Grade and Section:________________________
Contact Number:____________________________________Address_________________________________

5| P a g e Malasiqui Catholic School, Inc.

Module 1: Sequence and Series Fourth Quarter
Subject Teacher: Jude T. Mamaril_________________
Important!!! DETACH AND SUBMIT ONLY PAGES 8 - 9 to your Subject Teacher!

Activity 1: Entry Card
Directions: Jason’s classroom is on the second floor of the school. He can take one or two steps of the stairs in
one leap. In how many ways can Jason climb the stairs if it has 16 steps?

Number of steps Number of Ways

in the Stairs To Climb the Stairs

Activity 2: Fill my Gaps
Directions: Write SEQ if the given item is a sequence, and write SER if it is a series.

___________1. 1, 2, 4, 8, . . .
___________2. 2, 8, 10, 18, . . .
___________3. −1 + 1 − 1 + 1 − 1
1 2 3 4
___________4. , , , , ⋯
2 3 4 5
___________5. 1+2+22 +23 +24
____________6. 1 + 0.1 + 0.001 + 0.0001 2

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Module 1: Sequence and Series Fourth Quarter
Activity 3: The Real-Life Purpose!
Directions: Answer the following:

1. Find the sum of the first 30 terms in the arithmetic series -25, -19, -13, . . .

2. Find n for an arithmetic series for whicha 1=−3 , d=2.5 ,∧S n=31.5

3. Find the sum of the geometric series ∑ 5 ¿
k =1

4. Suppose one sunflower produces 500 seeds. Each of these seeds produces a sunflower which produces
500 seeds, and so on. If no sunflower dies, how many sunflower seeds will be produced at the end of
four generations if the first generation starts with 30 sunflowers?

Activity 4: “REFLECTION”
Directions: Your goal in this section is to apply your learning to real life situation. You will be given a practical
task that will demonstrate your understanding. How will you apply your knowledge and skills regarding the
lesson? Write your reflection regarding the topic in not less than 5 sentences.
1. How do you relate the idea of sigma notation in expanding your time in a day in order for you to do your
daily task as a student?

Module 2 – Binomial Theorem


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Module 1: Sequence and Series Fourth Quarter
1. 1. Illustrate Pascal’s Triangle in the expansion of (x+ y)n for small positive integral values of n.
2. Prove the Binomial Theorem.
3. Determine any term of (x+ y)n , where n is a positive integer, without expanding.
4. Solve problems using mathematical induction and the Binomial Theorem.

Let’s find out how much you already know about this module by answering the items below. Take note of the
items that you were not able to correctly answer and look for the right one as you go through in this module. Good

Multiple Choice
Directions: Encircle the letter of the correct answer.
1. What are the center and the radius of the circle whose equation is (x − 5)2 + (y + 3)2 = 16?
a. (−5, 3) and 16 c. (−5, 3) and 4
b. (5, −3) and 16 d. (5, −3) and 4
2. What is the number of degrees in the sum of the interior angles of a pentagon?
a. 72 c. 54
b. 360 d. 720
3. The coordinates of the endpoints of AB are A(0, 0) and B(0, 6). What is the equation of the perpendicular
bisector of AB?
a. x = 0 c. y = 0
b. x = 3 d. y = 3
4. A sphere is inscribed inside a cube with edges of 6 cm. In cubic centimeters, what is the volume of the
sphere, in terms of π?
a.12π c. 48π
b. 36π d. 288π
5. Which line is parallel to the line whose equation is 4x + 3y = 7 and also passes through the point (−5, 2)?
a. 4x + 3y = −26 c. 3x + 4y = −7
b. 4x + 3y = −14 d. 3x + 4y = 14
6. In a given triangle, the point of intersection of the three medians is the same as the point of intersection of the
three altitudes. Which classification of the triangle is correct?
a. scalene triangle c. equilateral triangle
b. isosceles triangle d. right isosceles triangle
7. Which type of triangle can be drawn using the points (−2, 3), (−2, −7), and (4, −5)?
a. scalene c. equilateral
b. isosceles d. no triangle can be drawn
8. Which reason could be used to prove that a parallelogram is a rhombus?
a. Diagonals are congruent. c. Diagonals are perpendicular.
b. Opposite sides are parallel. d. Opposite angles are congruent.
9. For a triangle, which two points of concurrence could be located outside the triangle?
a. incenter and centroid c. incenter and circumcenter
b. centroid and orthocenter d. circumcenter and orthocenter
10. Given three distinct quadrilaterals, a square, a rectangle, and a rhombus, which quadrilaterals must have
perpendicular diagonals?
a. the rhombus, only c. the rhombus and the square
b. the rectangle and the square d. the rectangle, the rhombus, and the square
Are you ready to learn about Binomial Theorem? If so, then you may start this module by completing the
table in activity 1.
See attached Activity 1 The Great Pyramid! on page 8
FIRM UP 2 – Binomial Theorem
The next part of this module will help build your knowledge about Binomial Theorem. Read the concept
notes and do activities that follow

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Module 1: Sequence and Series Fourth Quarter
Binomial Theorem
A binomial expression is the sum, or difference, of two terms. For example,

x + 1, 3x + 2y, a – b

You will be familiar already with the need to expand brackets when squaring such quantities. You
will know, for example, that

(x + 1)2 = (x + 1)(x + 1)
= x2 + x + x + 1
= x2 + 2x + 1

If we want to raise a binomial expression to a power higher than 2 (for example if we want to find (x+1)7) it is
very cumbersome to do this by repeatedly multiplying x +1 by itself. In this unit you will learn how a triangular
pattern of numbers, known as Pascal’s triangle, can be used to obtain the required result very quickly.

Pascal’s triangle
We start to generate Pascal’s triangle by writing down the number 1. Then we write a new row with the number
1 twice:
1 1
We then generate new rows to build a triangle of numbers. Each new row must begin and end
with a 1:
1 1
1 * 1
1 * * 1

The remaining numbers in each row are calculated by adding together the two numbers in the
row above which lie above-left and above-right.
So, adding the two 1’s in the second row gives 2, and this number goes in the vacant space in
the third row:
1 ւ
1 2 1
1 * * 1
The two vacant spaces in the fourth row are each found by adding together the two numbers in
the third row which lie above-left and above-right: 1 + 2 = 3, and 2 + 1 = 3. This gives:
1 1
1 2 1
1 3 3 1

We can continue to build up the triangle in this way to write down as many rows as we wish.
The Key Point below shows the first six rows of Pascal’s triangle.

Module 2 – Binomial Theorem

Using Pascal’s triangle to expand a binomial expression

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Module 1: Sequence and Series Fourth Quarter
We will now see how useful the triangle can be when we want to expand a binomial expression. Consider the
binomial expression a + b, and suppose we wish to find (a + b)2.

(a + b)2 = (a + b)(a + b)
= a2 + ab + ba + b2
= a2 + 2ab + b2
That is,(a + b)2 = 1a2 + 2ab + 1b2

Observe the following in the final result:

1. As we move through each term from left to right, the power of a decreases from 2 down to zero.

2. The power of b increases from zero up to 2.

3. The coefficients of each term, (1, 2, 1), are the numbers which appear in the row of Pascal’s triangle
beginning 1,2.
4. The term 2ab arises from contributions of 1ab and 1ba, i.e. 1ab + 1ba = 2ab. This is the link with the
way the 2 in Pascal’s triangle is generated; i.e. by adding 1 and 1 in the previous row.

If we want to expand (a + b)3 we select the coefficients from the row of the triangle beginning
1,3: these are 1,3,3,1. We can immediately write down the expansion by remembering that for
each new term we decrease the power of a, this time starting with 3, and increase the power of b. So

(a + b)3 = 1a3 + 3a2 b + 3ab2 + 1b3

which we would normally write as just

(a + b)3 = a3 + 3a2 b + 3ab2 + b3

Thinking of (a + b)3 as (a + b)(a2 + 2ab + b2 ) = a3 + 2a2b + ab2 + ba2 + 2ab2 + b3 = a3 + 3a2b + 3ab2 + b3 we note
that the term 3ab2 , for example, arises from the two terms ab2 and 2ab2 ; again this is the link with the way 3 is
generated in Pascal’s triangle - by adding the 1 and 2 in the previous row.

Example Suppose we wish to find (a + b)4 . To find this we use the row beginning 1,4, and can immediately
write down the expansion.

(a + b)4 = a4 + 4a3b + 6a2b2 + 4ab3 + b4

We can apply the same procedure to expand any binomial expression, even when the quantities a and b are
more complicated. Consider the following examples.

Example Suppose we want to expand (2x + y)3 . We pick the coefficients in the expansion from the relevant row
of Pascal’s triangle: (1,3,3,1). As we move through the terms in the expansion from left to right we remember to
decrease the power of 2x and increase the power of y. So,

(a + b)(a2 + 2ab + b2) = a3 + 2a2b + ab2 + ba2 + 2ab2 + b3 = a3 + 3a2b + 3ab2 + b3

We note that the term 3ab2, for example, arises from the two terms ab2 and 2ab2; again this is the link with
the way 3 is generated in Pascal’s triangle - by adding the 1 and 2 in the previous row.
Suppose we 2 – Binomial
wish to find (a + b)4Theorem
To find this we use the row beginning 1,4, and can immediately write down the expansion.

(a + b)4 = a4 + 4a3b + 6a2b2 + 4ab3 + b4

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Module 1: Sequence and Series Fourth Quarter
We can apply the same procedure to expand any binomial expression, even when the quantities a and b
are more complicated. Consider the following examples.
Suppose we want to expand (2x + y)3.
We pick the coefficients in the expansion from the relevant row of Pascal’s triangle: (1,3,3,1). As we
move through the terms in the expansion from left to right we remember to decrease the power of 2x and
increase the power of y. So,

(2x + y)3 = 1(2x)3 + 3(2x)2y + 3(2x)1y2 + 1y3

= 8x3 + 12x2y + 6xy2 + y3

Suppose we want to expand (1 + p)4.

We pick the coefficients in the expansion from the row of the triangle beginning 1,4; that is (1,4,6,4,1).
As we move through the terms in the expansion from left to right we remember to increase the power of
p. This example is simpler than the previous one because the first term in brackets is 1, and 1 to any
power is still 1. So,

(1 + p)4 = 1(1)4 + 4(1)3p + 6(1)2p2 + 4(1)p3 + 1p4 =

1 + 4p + 6p2 + 4p3 + p4.
Either or both of the terms in the binomial expression can be negative. When raising a negative number
to an even power the result is positive. When raising a negative number to an odd power the result is
negative. Consider the following example.
Expand (3a − 2b)5.
We pick the coefficients in the expansion from the row of Pascal’s triangle beginning 1,5; that is
1,5,10,10,5,1. Powers of 3a decrease from 5 as we move left to right. Powers of −2b increase.

(3a − 2b)5 = 1(3a)5 + 5(3a)4(−2b) + 10(3a)3(−2b)2 + 10(3a)2(−2b)3 + 5(3a)(−2b)4 + 1(−2b)5

= 243a5 − 810a4b + 1080a3b2 − 720a2b3 + 240ab4 − 32b5

Either or both of the terms could be fractions.


Expand .
We pick the coefficients in the expansion from the row of Pascal’s triangle (1,3,3,1). Powers of 2/X
increase as we move left to right. Any power of 1 is still 1.

Module 2 – Binomial Theorem

The binomial theorem
If we wanted to expand a binomial expression with a large power, e.g. (1 + x)32, use of Pascal’s
triangle would not be recommended because of the need to generate a large number of rows of the
triangle. An alternative method is to use the binomial theorem. The theorem enables us to expand (a +
b)n in increasing powers of b and decreasing powers of a. We will look at expanding expressions of the
form (a+b)2, (a+b)3, . . . , (a+b)32,. . . , that is when the power is a positive whole number. Under certain

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Module 1: Sequence and Series Fourth Quarter
conditions the theorem can be used when n is negative or fractional and this is useful in more advanced
applications, but these conditions will not be studied here.

Key Point
The binomial theorem:
When n is a positive whole number

n(n − 1) n(n − 1)(n − 2) 3

(a + b)n = an + nan−1b + an−2b2 + an−3b
2! 3!
n(n − 1)(n − 2)(n − 3)
+ an−4b4 + ... + bn

Note that this is a finite series (that is, it stops after a finite number of terms) and the last term is bn.

A simpler form of the theorem is often quoted by taking the special case in which a = 1 and b = x. It is
straightforward to verify that the theorem becomes:

Key Point
The binomial theorem:
When n is a positive whole number

n (n − 1) 2 n (n − 1)( n − 2) 3 n (n − 1)( n − 2)( n − 3) 4

(1+ x )n =1+ nx + x + x + x + ... + x n
2! 3! 4!

We shall apply the binomial theorem to expand (1 + x)2.
We use the theorem with n = 2 and stop when we have written down the term in x2.

We now apply the binomial theorem to expand (1 + x)3.
We use the theorem with n = 3.

Module 2 – Binomial Theorem


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Module 1: Sequence and Series Fourth Quarter
Suppose we wish to apply the binomial theorem to find the first three terms in ascending powers of x of
(1 + x)32.
We use the theorem with n = 32 and just write down the first three terms.

With some ingenuity we can use the theorem to expand other binomial expressions.
Suppose we wish to find the first four terms in the expansion of .y
We use the theorem, replacing x with and letting n = 10. This gives

Suppose we wish to find the first three terms in the expansion of (3 − 5z)14.
We shall apply the binomial theorem in the original form given on page 6 with a = 3, b = −5z and n =14.

See attached Activity 2 Fill my Gaps on page 14

See attached Activity 3 The Real Purpose on page 15
See attached Activity 4 I AM INVENTOR!! on page 15

Module 2 – Binomial Theorem

Name: ____________________________________________Grade and Section:________________________
13| P a g e Malasiqui Catholic School, Inc.
Module 1: Sequence and Series Fourth Quarter
Contact Number:____________________________________Address_________________________________
Subject Teacher: Jude T. Mamaril_________________
Important!!! DETACH AND SUBMIT ONLY PAGES 6 – 7 to your Subject Teacher!

Activity 1: The Great Pyramid
Directions: This is Pascal's triangle but you need to fill it in. Down the left and right sides, the blocks will have
number 1's. Then, to fill in the other space, add the two numbers right above it (slightly to the right
and to the left). For example, the colored number 3 comes from adding the 1 and 2 above it.

After filling in the triangle, add the numbers in each row and make a list.
What do you notice about the row sums?
The sum of row 1: 1
The sum of row 2: 2
The sum of row 3: 4
The sum of row 4: ________
The sum of row 5: ________
The sum of row 6: ________
The sum of row 7: ________
The sum of row 8: ________
The sum of row 9: ________
The sum of row 10: ________
The sum of row 11: ________
The sum of row 12: ________

Activity 2: Fill my Gaps
Directions: Use Pascal’s triangle to expand the following binomial expressions:

___________1. Coefficient of x2 in expansion of (2 + x)5

___________2. Coefficient of x in expansion of (x + 3)

___________3. Coefficient of b in expansion of (3 + b)


___________4. Coefficient of x3y2 in expansion of (x − 3y)5

Module 2 – Binomial Theorem
___________5. Coefficient of a2 in expansion of (2a + 1)5

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Module 1: Sequence and Series Fourth Quarter
Activity 3: The Real-Life Purpose!
Directions: Answer the following:

5. Express (1.1)4 as a binomial of the form (a + b)n, and evaluate it.

6. Imagine you have rods of unit lengths as in the following diagram.

Find out how many different rod trains can be made from any length of rod. For example, you can make these 4 trains
for the 3 rod.

Activity 4: I AM INVENTOR!
Directions: Let’s apply all our lessons in real-life situations. I want you to draw some architectural structures that is
present in our time today that has connection with Circle, Parabola, Pascal’s Triangle or Binomial Theorem. After you
draw those structures, state the reason why that structures has the Circle, Parabola, Pascal’s Triangle or Binomial
Theorem and what are the functions of that structures. You need to make prototype structure base on your drawing. Write
your explanation below the drawing. Be creative and resourceful. Here are the rubrics for your output.


15 %
(It must contain Circle, Parabola, Pascal’s Triangle or Binomial Theorem )

(The structures must be out of indigenous materials.

(The product must be presented neatly)

(It must contain relevant information regarding the application and the guide 50%
questions should be answered correctly and relevant)

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