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Understanding enzyme action on immobilised substrates

Peter J Halling1, Rein V Ulijn2 and Sabine L Flitsch3

With increasing interest in automated synthesis and screening substrate is bound. A comparison is illustrated in
protocols, solid supported chemistry and biochemistry are Figure 1.
attractive technologies. Studies with surface-immobilised
substrates have been carried out to analyse enzyme Several enzymes have evolved naturally to attack solid-
accessibility, kinetics and thermodynamics. Several interesting phase substrate groups, such as cellulases and lysozymes.
new methods have been developed to monitor enzyme action These will have special features aiding them to function
on substrates attached to a solid phase such as polymer beads this way, such as separate surface-binding domains.
glass or gold surfaces. These include fluorescence Enzymes specially adapted to work on solid-phase sub-
measurements, MALDI-TOF mass spectrometry, and the use strates will not be dealt with here, but recent reviews can
of quartz crystal microbalances to measure weight changes of be found [1–3].
immobilised molecules directly on the surface. Approaches
that allow spatial resolution in single beads have also been More recently, enzymes that are normally used with
reported. The ability of enzymes to reach the inside of beads is dissolved substrates have been used to catalyse reactions
becoming better characterised and new supports have been on substrates attached to a solid phase, such as a polymer
developed that allow improved accessibility. The equilibrium bead or a modified glass or gold surface. There are
position of reactions on the solid surface can be substantially several motivations for studying such systems. With
shifted compared with reactions in solution, and this can be increasing interest in automated synthesis and screening
usefully exploited using hydrolases in reverse. Research is also protocols, solid supported chemistry and biochemistry
starting to tackle the way in which kinetics are modified when are attractive technologies. Thus, enzymes are useful for
the substrates are surface immobilised. selected steps in solid-phase chemical synthesis. Their
Addresses selectivity and ability to act under mild conditions may
Department of Pure & Applied Chemistry, University of Strathclyde, be exploited in the removal of protecting groups [4],
Glasgow G1 1XW, UK cleavage of linkers at the end of a synthesis [5], or to give
School of Materials, University of Manchester, Manchester M1 7HS, selectivity in a particular coupling step [6,7,8–12].
School of Chemistry, University of Manchester, Manchester M1 7HS,
There are several reports of on-bead screening of
UK enzyme substrates made by combinatorial solid-phase
synthesis [13]. More generally, enzyme assays can con-
Corresponding author: Halling, Peter J ( veniently be carried out with solid-phase substrates
[14,15,16–22], especially on microarrays for the rapid
identification of substrates or inhibitors in parallel. There
Current Opinion in Biotechnology 2005, 16:385–392
might also be relevance to many processes in vivo, in
This review comes from a themed issue on which substrates are attached to surfaces in living cells
Protein technologies and commercial enzymes and tissues [23,24]. The attack on immobilised substrates
Edited by Bernhard Hauer and Brian K Kay
by enzymes normally acting in solution may be signifi-
Available online 6th July 2005 cant, especially in various disease states such as arthritis
0958-1669/$ – see front matter
# 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Most published studies have concentrated on exploring
DOI 10.1016/j.copbio.2005.06.006 the scope of applications in synthesis or screening. Rates
and/or yields of biocatalytic reactions on solid-phase
supports are generally disappointing compared with reac-
tions in solution, as some authors have noted. (Yield can
Introduction sometimes, but not always, be improved by using a large
Traditionally, enzyme action is studied with both catalyst excess of enzyme.) Such low rates and yields have
and substrate in solution. The use of immobilised prompted more detailed fundamental studies of the
enzymes is also quite familiar, particularly in light of kinetics and thermodynamics of biocatalytic reactions
their applications as practical biocatalysts. In this case, on immobilised substrates. These studies form the core
the dissolved substrate molecules must diffuse to find the topic of the present review, which discusses several
enzyme attached to a solid phase. This review is con- issues: how to monitor enzyme catalysis on solid phase;
cerned with a third type of system, in which the substrate how to define and measure kinetic and binding constants
moieties are attached to a solid phase. Now the dissolved when the substrate is attached to a solid phase; how
enzyme molecules must diffuse to the sites where the accessible is the substrate to the enzyme; and how will Current Opinion in Biotechnology 2005, 16:385–392

386 Protein technologies and commercial enzymes

Figure 1 There are obvious attractions to methods that enable the

‘optical sectioning’ of beads. This is offered by various
(a) microscopic techniques in which an image is constructed
Substrate and enzyme soluble of a thin section inside an intact sample, formed by
S collecting just photons that originated in that section,
without physical cutting. Typically, the level of the
section can be moved up and down to create a full
three-dimensional image. Such methods allow investiga-
Immobilised enzymes tors to study where enzyme activity takes place within the
S interior of single beads. Reaction rates and extent can
differ in different parts of the bead, because of varied
E E E enzyme accessibility, for example. One such method —
confocal fluorescence microscopy — gave artefacts and
cannot be used to monitor reactions throughout a bead.
Solid-phase (immobilised) substrates Kress et al. [26] used confocal Raman microscopy to
monitor the release of a CN-labelled peptide by protease
E action, on various bead types. This method has the
potential to follow a reaction at different locations within
Current Opinion in Biotechnology
the bead. Bosma et al. [27] recently demonstrated that
two-photon fluorescence microscopy could be used for
Different systems for enzyme action. (a) Both enzyme (blue) and
spatial and temporal quantification of protease-catalysed
substrate (red) are free in solution. (b) The enzyme is immobilised and peptide hydrolysis on polyethylene glycol acrylamide
the substrate is in solution. (c) The substrate is immobilised and the (PEGA) beads. The reaction was stopped at various times
enzyme in solution. and the liberated amino groups labelled with a fluoro-
phore (Figure 2).

the reaction equilibrium be affected. We also present a Salisbury et al. [14] and Zhu et al. [15] independently
brief survey of some recently developed applications. describe the use of a coumarin substrate attached to the
solid phase in such a way that an immobilised fluorophore
New methods to monitor enzyme action on is generated at the site of any enzymatic reaction
immobilised substrates (Figure 3). This approach was applied with an array of
The extent of reaction has normally been monitored by substrates on a planar surface, which could be used to
analysis of the material released into solution — either screen the activity and specificity of proteases [14,15]
directly by the enzymatic reaction or by subsequent and other hydrolases [15] (esterase, phosphatase and
cleavage of a linker. Such approaches typically release epoxide hydrolase). We have been able to show that such
only low concentrations of material, so that analysis may an approach can also give real-time monitoring of reaction
be laborious and/or inaccurate. Some new methods ana- rates at different sites within a bead, using two-photon
lyse directly what is present on the surface, and may even microscopy with optical sectioning (A Lalouni et al.,
give spatial resolution. unpublished).

Figure 2

Fmoc-Phe-Phe- H2N-Phe-

S NH-Phe-

Current Opinion in Biotechnology

Spatially resolved kinetics of thermolysin-catalysed hydrolysis on PEGA1900. The proteolysis reaction was stopped at various times and the
liberated amino groups labelled with dansyl fluorophore. Two-photon microscopy images of the dansylated product are shown on the right
(images were taken at 5, 10, 20,45, 60, 90, 120 and 240 min). (Figure based on the work of Bosma et al. [27].)

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Enzyme action on immobilised substrates Halling, Ulijn and Flitsch 387

Figure 3

Enzyme Fluorogenic
recognition moiety Fluorescent

X = O or NH

Current Opinion in Biotechnology

The generation of an immobilised fluorophore by enzyme action. A surface-immobilised coumarin is rendered non-fluorescent by covalent
modification of an amino or hydroxyl group. An enzyme able to recognise the modification can catalyse its removal and thus induce
fluorescence. Fluorescent regions generated on a planar surface indicate where enzyme and recognition moieties are complementary.
(Figure based on the work of Salisbury et al. [14] and Zhu et al. [15].)

Nishino et al. [28,29] report the use of a quartz crystal systems reactions could also be monitored by matrix-
microbalance to monitor in real time enzymatic catalysis assisted laser desorption time-of-flight mass spectrometry
on substrates immobilised on the quartz. This method (MALDI-TOF MS). Mrksich and colleagues [31] have
relies on the very sensitive measurement of mass also used MALDI-TOF MS to analyse the phosphoryla-
increases and decreases on the nanogram level. Micro- tion of peptides by kinases and in a two-step enzymatic
balance measurements allowed monitoring of both the modification of an oligosaccharide, which was immobi-
initial increase in mass as enzyme bound to the surface, lised as self-assembled monolayers on gold. Furthermore,
and the subsequent decrease as glucoamylase or glycogen MALDI-TOF MS was used to determine the time-
phosphorylase released sugar residues from their sub- dependence of enzymatic galactosylation, which demon-
strates (Figure 4). strates that this technique can provide kinetic information
on biological activities [32].
Yeo and Mrksich [30] have developed self-assembled
monolayers of cutinase substrates that become electro- Self-assembled monolayers on gold were also used by
chemically active upon cutinase hydrolysis. Thus, biolo- Houseman and Mrksich [33] for the generation of carbo-
gical activities are translated into electric signals that can hydrate arrays and to measure the subsequent glycosyla-
allow for kinetic measurements. On the same monolayer tion using a galactosyltransferase. Both the substrate and

Figure 4

Add enzyme

∆m (ng cm–2)



0 10 20 30 40
Time (min)
Current Opinion in Biotechnology

Time-course of mass changes followed using a quartz crystal microbalance. The first addition was glycogen phosphorylase, which binds to the
immobilised amylopectin substrate causing the mass to increase. The second addition of AMP activates the enzyme, starting progressive
catalytic dissolution of the substrate and mass decrease. (Figure redrawn from data of Nishino et al. [29].) Current Opinion in Biotechnology 2005, 16:385–392

388 Protein technologies and commercial enzymes

the product of the enzymatic reaction could be monitored used successfully with several enzymes. Kress et al. [26]
looking at lectin binding using fluorescence spectroscopy investigated the accessibility of various solid supports
and surface plasmon resonance spectroscopy. (TentaGelTM, PEGA1900, and beaded CPG) to a range
of enzymes. Using confocal Raman microscopy (see
Ability of the enzyme to get close to the above), they showed that none of the investigated
substrate sites (‘accessibility’) enzymes could enter the polymer matrix of TentaGelTM.
Before discussing this topic it is important to define PEGA1900 was compatible only with the two smallest
clearly what we mean by ‘accessibility’. In this section enzymes (35 kDa), while CPG with 100 nm pores
we deal with the ability of the enzyme to approach within was successful even with a 90 kDa enzyme, proving its
1 nm or so of the substrate moieties. Such accessibility is superiority over other materials in terms of accessibility.
essentially a problem encountered with porous solid
supports that are commonly used in solid-phase synthesis. Bosma et al. [27] recently used two-photon fluorescence
Porous supports generally have a high loading of func- microscopy to monitor rates of protease-catalysed peptide
tional groups, which are distributed over surfaces inside hydrolysis at different locations in PEGA beads. Thermo-
the pores so that enzymes need to penetrate the pores for lysin (33 kDa) took as long as 1 h to reach the centre of a
successful catalysis. These accessibility problems should PEGA1900 bead, and complete conversion was observed
not arise where substrates are attached to a planar surface. after 3 h. The enzyme reaction rate was an order of
The issue of how substrate presentation on surfaces can magnitude less than that of the equivalent reaction in
affect biocatalysis is considered part of reaction kinetics, solution. Similar reaction times were observed when
although it has been termed accessibility on a molecular studying both enzymatic synthesis and hydrolysis reac-
scale. tions by two different proteases of similar size, suggesting
that enzyme diffusion through the pores and not enzyme
It was realized early on that many of the support materials kinetics is rate limiting [22].
commonly used in solid-phase chemistry do not permit
enzyme access to their interior pores. Such polymers were Some new support materials have been presented as
developed to provide high loadings of pendant groups offering better enzyme accessibility. By including per-
(i.e. effectively high surface area), which has led to very manent charges in the PEGA support the bead swelling in
small (effective) pore sizes. In addition, most of these aqueous media was increased and enzymes of opposite
supports were designed for organic synthesis applications net charge could be attracted into the support resulting in
and hence are hydrophobic and do not swell in aqueous higher catalytic yields [34,35]. A new resin (EXPO3000)
media. A major breakthrough in this area was the devel- could be used in chemical synthesis steps in a relatively
opment of the PEGA range of support materials first used compact form until selective cleavage of a silyl-based
by Meldal [13]. PEGA-based polymer beads have been cross-linker expands the polar resin to render it pene-
promoted as suitable for enzyme reactions and are popu- trable to enzymatic reaction [36]. Other silicon oxide
larly used because they are compatible both with condi- materials, organically modified xerogels, were demon-
tions used in solid-phase synthesis as well as aqueous strated to be partially accessible to small proteases such
systems for enzyme reactions. PEG is also known to resist as thermolysin and almost completely inaccessible to
non-specific protein adsorption to the surface and there- penicillin G amidase (88 kDa) [37]. Finally, Basso et al.
fore limits enzyme denaturation at the solid–liquid inter- [38] report a non-swelling organic polymer support that
face. has pores able to provide a reasonable loading of reactive
groups, but which also allow enzyme access.
Another porous polymer that can swell both in organic
and aqueous solvents is TentaGelTM, a co-polymer of Effect of the solid support on the equilibrium
polystyrene and PEG. In aqueous environments, Tenta- position of the enzymatic reaction
GelTM has generally been found to be less accessible to At first sight it may seem a little surprising that the
enzymes; however, a high-yielding enzymatic reaction on equilibrium position of the catalysed reaction can be
TentaGelTM has been reported by Altreuter et al. [6] affected by immobilisation of the substrate. However, a
using an organic medium (10% tetrahydrofuran in iso- major shift was observed when peptide hydrolysis on
octane). The swelling of these beads is solvent-depen- PEGA1900 was studied in detail (Figure 5) [7,39]. When
dent and must allow better access in organic media, phenylalanine (attached to PEGA1900) was incubated
perhaps because of the behaviour of the polystyrene core. with the protease thermolysin and an Fmoc-protected
The chymotrypsin catalyst used in this study was an ion- amino acid such as Fmoc-glycine, the dipeptide was
paired complex that must be larger than the free enzyme formed in 99% yield as opposed to the 2.3% yield found
(22 kDa). for the equivalent reaction in solution. This was not a
simple mass action effect, as the same concentrations of
Of the non-swelling support materials, controlled pore free Fmoc-Gly were used in both cases. Two possible
glasses (CPGs) have proved most useful and have been explanations for the equilibrium shift were discussed: a

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Enzyme action on immobilised substrates Halling, Ulijn and Flitsch 389

Figure 5

(a) + Fmoc-Gly
H3N+–Phe–O– Fmoc–Gly–Phe–O– 99%
H3N+–Phe–OMe Fmoc–Gly–Phe–OMe 2.3%
Current Opinion in Biotechnology

Thermolysin-catalysed peptide synthesis on PEGA polymers compared with aqueous solution. A saturated aqueous solution at pH 7.4 of
N-(9-fluorenyl methoxy carbonyl) glycine (Fmoc-Gly) was used in both cases. The percentage equilibrium conversion to peptide is shown
for the phenylalanine substrate (a) attached to PEGA1900 or (b) in solution [7]. There is a significant shift in equilibrium towards peptide synthesis
when the reaction is carried out on solid support.

hydrophobic effect of transferring the Fmoc-glycine out good yields. Of course the objective in a preparative use
of the aqueous phase and a suppression of the ionisation should be a genuine catalytic reaction, where many moles
of the amine as a result of mutual repulsion in the of substrate are converted for each mole of enzyme. In
immobilised state. More detailed studies [39] indicated this case the kinetics will be closer to conventional
that the hydrophobic effect appeared to be dominant in behaviour, but immobilization of the substrate will still
these experiments, contributing as much as a 10 000-fold cause some differences, which we are currently analysing
increase in the equilibrium ratio of amide to amine. The in more detail.
effect was greatest for amino acids with the most hydro-
phobic sidechains and/or protecting groups. Nishino et al. [28,29] report the analysis of quartz
crystal microbalance traces (see above and Figure 4) to
This effect may explain poor yields observed in hydro- determine kinetic parameters for the enzyme binding to
lyses on solid-phase substrates, where an unfavourable the substrate and for catalysis. In the first study with
equilibrium could be a real possibility even in aqueous glucoamylase, kinetic constants were estimated by fitting
media, contrary to normal expectation. an overall model. In the second study, the very low
activity of glycogen phosphorylase in the absence of its
The kinetics of enzymatic reaction activator AMP was exploited to measure enzyme binding
It has commonly been noted that even when the enzyme independently. Hence, the parameter estimates are not
can gain access to the substrate molecules, the observed dependent on the correctness of the full kinetic model.
rates seem to be poor compared with the corresponding The kinetic constants obtained could be directly com-
reaction in solution. Many applications use large enzyme pared with solution assays. The kcat values estimated for
concentrations, long reaction times or both, and several both glucoamylase and glycogen phosphorylase were in
recent papers provide new observations of this type good agreement with values previously determined for
[11,12,40]. Some recently reported work that makes the same enzymes with dissolved substrates. The pre-
use of new analytical methods specially tailored to look viously published Km for glucoamylase was some four
at reactions on solid-phase supports has investigated the orders of magnitude greater than the enzyme–substrate
reasons behind the reduced rates. dissociation constant calculated from binding and disso-
ciation rate constants. The authors point out that these
Turning to the analysis of kinetic data, Gutierrez et al. should not be expected to be equal, because the system is
[41,42] make an important theoretical point about very far from the regime (k 1  kcat) where this is found.
many solid-phase enzyme assays. They note that these However, calculating the expected Km for the simple
operate under conditions of enzyme excess, while a Michaelis–Menten steady-state model from their rate
significant fraction of the immobilized substrate is present constants gives a value two orders of magnitude greater
as the complex with the enzyme. As a result, the kinetic than the literature value for the reaction in solution. A
regime is quite different from most conventional solution similar calculation for the phosphorylase also gives a Km
reactions. Gutierrez and colleagues have developed value two orders of magnitude larger than the solution
model equations that describe the expected behaviour, value. There are clearly complexities in the kinetics of
and which point to important consequences for how these systems still to be understood. It should be noted
quantitative enzyme assays should be performed in this that both these enzymes are adapted to work on very large
solid-state format. These conditions undoubtedly apply molecule substrates, albeit more or less dissolved ones.
in many assay applications, including that with HIV
protease described by the authors. They might also apply A detailed study of kinetics was reported by Altreuter
in some preparative applications, where very high et al. [6] for an enzymatic solid-phase synthesis of
enzyme concentrations are used in an attempt to obtain dipeptides in organic solvents. For comparison, the Current Opinion in Biotechnology 2005, 16:385–392

390 Protein technologies and commercial enzymes

equivalent reaction in solution was included in the study hydrolysis reactions starting from racemic mixtures of
and was found to be typically 1–2 orders of magnitude amino acids [8]. The feasibility of acylation reactions
faster, similar to the reduction in reaction rates observed on PEGA supports is not limited to proteases. It was
by Bosma et al. [27]. Salisbury et al. [14] compared the demonstrated that several lipases could be used for the
relative rates for different peptide substrates in solution kinetic resolution of racemic esters on solid-phase using
and on the solid phase. They found reasonable agree- an acylation/deacylation capture and release strategy.
ment, although they did not attempt to compare absolute The reactions exhibit enantiospecificity that is consistent
rates. with the operation of a parallel kinetic resolution process
[10]. Synthetic reactions on PEGA beads are not exclu-
Applications sive to hydrophobic substrates, as demonstrated recently
A wide variety of new applications of enzyme action on by the synthesis of disaccharides by a glycosynthase
solid-phase substrates has been described during the (51 kDa) on PEGA1900 [9]. It was recently demonstrated
review period [8–12,18,22,23,40,43–45], of which only that the primary specificity of proteases could be studied
an outline survey will be given here. by looking at the protease-catalyzed coupling of fluores-
cent-labelled amino acids to PEGA1900-immobilised
With the advent of microarray technology, substrates amino acids instead of the hydrolysis of peptides. This
immobilised on flat glass or gold surfaces are becoming method greatly simplified the screening process [22]. In
more important. In such cases good accessibility of the screening for enzyme selectivity, it is expected that gel
enzyme to the immobilised substrate is expected, and arrays will increasingly replace two-dimensional surfaces
indeed, complete enzymatic conversions have been for several reasons, including higher loading possibilities
described in several studies [30,32]. The main issue here and the avoidance of protein denaturation at the solid–
is compatibility of the surface toward non-specific protein liquid interface. One recent application demonstrated a
adsorption and, consequently, steric blockage of substrate bead array variant of the DNA chip where the polymerase
molecules and/or loss of enzyme activity. This is usually chain reaction (PCR) cycling took place on oligonucleo-
addressed by modification of the surface with protein- tide primers that were immobilized on individual beads
resistant molecules such as PEG (or by pre-coating the [40].
surface with an inert protein such as bovine serum albu-
min [14]. With the increased understanding of enzyme reactions
with immobilised substrates it is likely that these systems
Self-assembled monolayers (SAMs) of functionalised will find new applications beyond those in screening and
alkanethiols on gold provide structurally well-defined solid-phase chemistry described above. For example, Yeo
substrates which have several advantages in studying and Mrksich [30] recently demonstrated the possibility of
bio-interfacial science: they can be bio-inert; ligand using an enzymatic conversion to switch a surface from
density can be controlled by mixing functionalised with being redox inactive to redox active. A recent paper by
non-functionalised alkanethiols in precise ratios; functio- Chilkoti’s group [47] describes the use of an atomic force
nalisation of alkanethiols is straightforward; and several microscopy tip to deposit DNase onto immobilised DNA
analytical methods can be used to monitor the reaction, on a gold surface, thus allowing for hydrolysis of DNA in
such as radiolabelling, mass spectrometry (MALDI) [31] nano-sized patterns (enzymatic nanolithography).
and surface plasmon resonance spectroscopy. Interest-
ingly, it was found that yields of enzymatic reactions were Conclusions
dependent on ligand density and were affected by steric Valuable new methods have been described to follow
crowding of the ligand: yields of galactosylation reactions enzyme action on immobilised substrates. We can expect
of SAMS catalysed by bovine galactosyltransferase further improvement to offer greater ease, simplicity,
increased with an increase in ligand density up to 70% spatial resolution and real-time operation. The new meth-
and then decreased dramatically with larger densities [46]. ods have already given a better understanding of the issue
of enzyme accessibility to the bead interior, and this
The described shift in equilibrium position from amide should continue. The development of new supports
hydrolysis in solution to synthesis on solid support was should deliver a range suitable for enzymatic solid-phase
exploited in the protease-catalyzed synthesis of several reactions. The somewhat unexpected large effects on
phenylalanine dipeptides on PEGA1900 [7] and on syn- chemical equilibrium position are well established, and
beads [38]. These reactions were remarkably successful should continue to be exploited. We are still at a fairly
and complete conversions to dipeptides were observed in early stage of understanding enzyme kinetics when the
several cases. It was found that by tuning the reaction substrate is attached to a solid phase, but progress has
conditions, both acylation and hydrolysis reactions were been made. Applications of enzyme reactions on immo-
feasible. It was demonstrated that protease enantiospe- bilised substrates continue to grow and underlie the
cificity could be exploited in such systems to access both importance of better fundamental understanding of these
diastereoisomeric dipeptides via either acylation or systems.

Current Opinion in Biotechnology 2005, 16:385–392

Enzyme action on immobilised substrates Halling, Ulijn and Flitsch 391

Update A peptide is joined by an amide bond to a coumarin ring that is attached

by a linker to the solid-phase surface. The conjugate is non-fluorescent,
An interesting new application has just been reported by but protease-catalysed hydrolysis of the amide liberates a strongly
Su et al. [48]. Solutions of different protein kinases flowed fluorescent free aminocoumarin, still attached to the surface. An array
on a plane surface with different peptide sequences is used to screen
in microfluidic channels across a plane surface that had enzyme specificity with fluorescence imaging. The relative rates on
bands of different immobilised peptides arrayed at right different substrates were in reasonable agreement between the surface
immobilised and solution assays.
angles to the flow. Spots of reaction identified where a
kinase recognised the peptide on display. 15. Zhu Q, Uttamchandani M, Li DB, Lesaicherre ML, Yao SQ:
 Enzymatic profiling system in a small-molecule microarray.
Org Lett 2003, 5:1257-1260.
References and recommended reading A coumarin ring has an attached linker that will allow it to be coupled to
Papers of particular interest, published within the annual period of the solid surface. An amino or hydroxyl group on the coumarin is modified
review, have been highlighted as: with an enzyme substrate moiety, which renders the conjugate non-
fluorescent. The conjugate is then attached to the surface in array format.
 of special interest Enzyme action liberates the free amino or hydroxyl group, inducing
 of outstanding interest fluorescence. This may occur either directly (e.g. amide or phosphate
ester hydrolysis) or indirectly (e.g. enzyme reaction produces a diol that is
oxidized by periodate and then undergoes spontaneous b-elimination).
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125:13952-13953. work well on PEGA, while MMP-13 (42.5 kDa), Clostridium collagenase
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11. Kohli RM, Burke MD, Tao JH, Walsh CT: Chemoenzymatic route enzymes gave good cleavage on controlled pore glass particles with
to macrocyclic hybrid peptide/polyketide-like molecules. J Am nominal pore size 100 nm, while none worked with TentaGelTM.
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27. Bosma AY, Ulijn RV, McConnell G, Girkin J, Halling PJ, Flitsch SL:
12. Wu X, Bu X, Wong KM, Yan WL, Guo ZH: Biomimetic synthesis of
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13. Meldal M: The one-bead two-compound assay for solid phase After various periods of protease action, liberated amino groups on the
screening of combinatorial libraries. Biopolymers 2002, solid phase were derivatised with dansyl groups. The extent of reaction at
66:93-100. all sites inside the bead could then be determined by imaging using two-
photon fluorescence microscopy. It was found that the thermolysin
14. Salisbury CM, Maly DJ, Ellman JA: Peptide microarrays for the reaction at the center of a PEGA bead only reached a rate similar to that
 determination of protease substrate specificity. J Am Chem on the surface regions after 1 h. This is presumed to reflect the time taken
Soc 2002, 124:14868-14870. for the enzyme to diffuse through the bead. Current Opinion in Biotechnology 2005, 16:385–392

392 Protein technologies and commercial enzymes

28. Nishino H, Nihira T, Mori T, Okahata Y: Direct monitoring of improved efficiency of solid-phase biotransformations. Chem
 enzymatic glucan hydrolysis on a 27-MHz quartz-crystal Eur J 2004, 10:1007-1013.
microbalance. J Am Chem Soc 2004, 126:2264-2265. The authors introduce a new type of support specifically designed for
Amylopectin substrate was immobilized on the surface of a quartz crystal enzymatic reactions. This rigid support has pores that allow good access
microbalance, then glucoamylase was added. An initial increase in mass by the relatively large penicillin G amidase (88 kDa).
could be attributed to binding of the enzyme to the surface, and a
subsequent progressive decrease to liberation of glucose into solution. 39. Ulijn RV, Bisek N, Halling PJ, Flitsch SL: Understanding protease
Fitting to simulated curves gave values of the rate constants for enzyme  catalysed solid phase peptide synthesis. Org Biomol Chem
binding, dissociation and catalytic reaction (kcat). 2003, 1:1277-1281.
The factors causing equilibrium shift with immobilised substrates were
29. Nishino H, Murakawa A, Mori T, Okahata Y: Kinetic studies of examined in more detail to distinguish three effects: excess dissolved
 AMP-dependent phosphorolysis of amylopectin catalyzed by substrate shows mass action; hydrophobic groups are removed from
phosphorylase b on a 27 MHz quartz-crystal microbalance. aqueous solution; and mutual electrostatic repulsion suppresses ionisa-
J Am Chem Soc 2004, 126:14752-14757. tion.
The same basic approach as described previously [28] was used to
study the binding and catalytic action of glycogen phosphorylase on 40. Dressman D, Yan H, Traverso G, Kinzler KW, Vogelstein B:
immobilized amylopectin. In this case, the very low activity of this enzyme Transforming single DNA molecules into fluorescent magnetic
in the absence of AMP was exploited to measure the rate constants and particles for detection and enumeration of genetic variations.
extent of binding in a first step. The AMP was added, and the resulting Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 2003, 100:8817-8822.
rate of mass decrease used to estimate kcat. Studying the effect of AMP
41. Gutierrez OA, Salas E, Hernandez Y, Lissi EA, Castrillo G, Reyes O,
concentration also gave a binding constant for this activator.
 Garay H, Aguilar A, Garcia B, Otero A et al.: An immunoenzymatic
30. Yeo WS, Mrksich M: Self-assembled monolayers that solid-phase assay for quantitative determination of HIV-1
transduce enzymatic activities to electrical signals. Angew protease activity. Anal Biochem 2002, 307:18-24.
Chem Int Ed Engl 2003, 42:3121-3124. In developing this assay using the cleavage of immobilised substrate
peptides, the authors point out a previously neglected feature of such
31. Min DH, Su J, Mrksich M: Profiling kinase activities by using a reaction systems. The enzyme is effectively in excess, while a significant
peptide chip and mass spectrometry. Angew Chem Int Ed Engl fraction of the substrate is present as the complex with the enzyme.
2004, 43:5973-5977. Hence the kinetic expression resembles the Michaelis–Menten equation,
but has the enzyme concentration in place of the substrate concentration.
32. Su J, Mrksich M: Using mass spectrometry to characterize self- Use of this expression allows a better quantitation of enzyme activity and
assembled monolayers presenting peptides, proteins, and estimation of inhibitor potency.
carbohydrates. Angew Chem Int Ed Engl 2002, 41:4715-4718.
42. Gutierrez OA, Chavez M, Lissi E: A theoretical approach to some
33. Houseman BT, Mrksich M: Carbohydrate arrays for the  analytical properties of heterogeneous enzymatic assays. Anal
evaluation of protein binding and enzymatic modification. Chem 2004, 76:2664-2668.
Chem Biol 2002, 9:443-454. The authors develop the kinetic model previously introduced [41]. In
particular, they show the consequences for optimal assay sensitivity of
34. Basso A, De Martin L, Gardossi L, Margetts G, Brazendale I,
choices of enzyme concentration, reaction time and data analysis
 Bosma AY, Ulijn RV, Flitsch SL: Improved biotransformations
method. They also consider inhibitor effects and the optimal conditions
on charged PEGA supports. Chem Commun (Camb)
for quantitation of these.
PEGA-type supports were made carrying quaternary ammonium groups 43. Kim JH, Hong JA, Yoon M, Yoon MY, Jeong HS, Hwang HJ: Solid-
to give a permanent positive charge. The charge made the beads swell phase genetic engineering with DNA immobilized on a gold
more in aqueous media and gave much better action with the 88 kDa surface. J Biotechnol 2002, 96:213-221.
enzyme penicillin G amidase, presumably because the negatively
charged enzyme was attracted into the beads. 44. Guillaumie F, Sterling JD, Jensen KJ, Thomas ORT, Mohnen D:
Solid-supported enzymatic synthesis of pectic
35. Basso A, Ulijn RV, Flitsch SL, Margetts G, Brazendale I, Ebert C, oligogalacturonides and their analysis by MALDI-TOF mass
De Martin L, Linda P, Verdelli S, Gardossi L: Introduction of spectrometry. Carbohydr Res 2003, 338:1951-1960.
permanently charged groups into PEGA resins leads to
improved biotransformations on solid support. Tetrahedron 45. DiTursi MKW, Cha JH, Newman MR, Dordick JS: Simultaneous in
2004, 60:589-594. vitro protein synthesis using solid-phase DNA template.
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36. Tornoe CW, Meldal M: EXPO3000 — a new expandable polymer
 for synthesis and enzymatic assays. Tetrahedron Lett 2002, 46. Houseman BT, Mrksich M: The role of ligand density in the
43:6409-6411. enzymatic glycosylation of carbohydrates presented on
A cross-link can be cleaved in this new polymer, allowing it to swell more self-assembled monolayers of alkanethiolates on gold.
and making it suitable for an enzymatic reaction. It was shown to facilitate Angew Chem Int Ed Engl 1999, 38:782-785.
reaction with the protease subtilisin (27 kDa).
47. Hyun J, Kim J, Craig SL, Chilkoti A: Enzymatic nanolithography
37. Basso A, De Martin L, Ebert C, Linda P, Gardossi L, Ulijn RV, of a self-assembled oligonucleotide monolayer on gold. J Am
Flitsch SL: Organically modified xerogels as supports for solid- Chem Soc 2004, 126:4770-4771.
phase chemistry. Tetrahedron Lett 2003, 44:6083-6085.
48. Su J, Bringer MR, Ismagilov RF, Mrksich M: Combining
38. Basso A, Braiuca P, De Martin L, Ebert C, Gardossi L, Linda P, microfluidic networks and peptide arrays for multi-enzyme
 Verdelli S, Tam A: Nonswelling macroporous synbeads for assays. J Am Chem Soc 2005, 127:7280-7281.

Current Opinion in Biotechnology 2005, 16:385–392

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