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Manual on

Barrages and Weirs

Permeable Foundation

Publication No. 179

Volume II


Malcba Marg, Cbanakyapuri, New Delbi·ll0021

October 1985 New Delhi

NOTE: The statements and opinions expressed by the authors are their own and not necessarily those of
the Central Board of Irrigation and Power.
Printed at A k printers, karol Bagh, New Delhi.

The Central Board of Irrigation· and Power has been issuing a

number of Manuals for the guidance of the practicing engineers in
persuance of its mandate to pool the available technical knowledge and
experience, and utilise the same for further advancement of knowledge
and realising planning, design and construction of Irrigation
and Power Projects. The recent Manuals on Canal Linings (Technical
Report No. 14), Irrigation and Power Channels (Publication No. 171) and
Hydraulic Tunnels (Publication No. 178) have been welcomed by the
profession. In. view of this response, the CBI&P has planned to prepare
and issue many more manuals covering various aspects of Water Resources
Development and Utilisation. The present Manual on Barrages and Weirs
on Permeable Foundation is one of this series.

This manual is intended to serve as a guide for the practicing

Engineers in the layout and design of barrages on the basis of examples of
diversion structures already built and experience gained so far. The present
Manual in two volumes covers both head works and appurtenant works.
including regulators, silt excluders, fishways, guide bunds, etc. Recent
trends in the design of such structures have been given a good coverage.
Relevant drawings of some of the important projects have been included in
this Manual.
This Manual on Barrages and Weirs on Permeable Foundation has
been prepared by the Central Water Commission. The CBIP is thankful
to the officers and staff who have assisted in the preparation of this Manual.
It is hoped that the Manual would be found to be useful by our designers
and field engineers.

(C. V. J. VARMA)
Member Secretary
NEW DELHI Central Board of Irrigation and Power


Irrigation has been in vogue in India for over a number of

centuries. It was a common practice to construct temporary diversion
works across rivers and divert the river flow through canals for irrigation.
Subsequently, diversion works of a permanent nature were constructed.
Thus, the grand anicut across river Cauvery is believed to have been cons-
tructed during the second century and the structure is still in service with
improvements carried out a few times. This was truly a master-piece in
engineering during those times.
The Moghul rulers also took keen interest in constructing canals
for irrigation. However, these were built without any permanent head-
works and there were many failures experienced. Again during the 19th
century, diversion works across major rivers were constructed. There were
two distinct types of construction. In one type, only dry stone rubble was
used without any mortar. The Okhla weir across river Yamuna in Delhi,
the Jobra and Birupa weirs in Orissa State are examples of this type. In
the other type, stones with lime mortar were used for construction. The
famous Krishna ani cut and Godavari anicut built by Sir Arthur ~otton
fall into this type.
During the early part of the 20th century, a number of barrages
were built, particulailyin Punjab across the Indus river system. The
practice of design of barrage during this period was to adopt a formula
similar to Bligh's theory for determining the overall dimensions of the weir.
The difference of water-level between the upstream and downstream of the
structure used to be small. A few of these structures collapsed either due
to piping or due to excessive scour downstream on account of the hydraulic
jump sweep-out. This led to the scientific investigation into the causes of
the failure of structures on permeable foundation, particularly by Dr. A.N ..
Khosla. The Central Board of Irrigation and Power brought out a publi-
cation on the "Design of Weirs on Permeable Foundation" in 1936.
After India attained Independence in 1947, a good number of
diversion structures have been constructed and are under construction. In
order to serve as a guide for the planning, layout and design of barrages on
the basis of examples of diversion structures built and experience gained so
far, this "Manual on Barrages and Weirs on Permeable Foundation" has
been prepared. The Manual includes both headworks and appurtenant
wor ks including head regulators, silt excluders, fishways, guide bunds, etc.
This Manual is intended to serve only as a guide and to indicate the recent
( vi)

trends and factors used in the design ·of such structures. The relevant
drawings of some of the important projects like. Kosi Barrage. Gandak
Barrage, Yamuna Barrage, Khanabad Barrage, Godavari Barrage, etc., are
included in this Manual.
Any suggestions for the improvement of the Manual in the future
editions of the same wHI be gratefully acknowledged.
The Manual on Barrages was. prepared in the Barrage & Canals
Designs Directorate-I of the Central Water Commission by Shri N.
Suryanarayanan, formerly Deputy Director.

The efforts of the officers and staff who have assisted in the
preparation of the manual are greatly appreciated and my sincere thanks
to them for bringing out this long awaited "Manual on Barrages and
Weirs on Permeable Foundation."

Member (D & R)
Central Water Commission

CHAPTER I-Silt Exclusion 1
CHAPTER 2- River Training Works 9
CHAPTER 3-;-Fish Pass 27
CHAPTER 4- Navigation Facilities 35

CHAPTER 5 - Head Regulator 43

CHAPTER 6-Gates Stoplogs and Trashrack 47

CHAPTER 7 - Model Tests 51
CHAPTER 8-Instrumentation 57

CHAPTER 9-Construction 65
CHAPTER 10- Maimenance and Operation 68
CHAPTER ll-Effect of Divel'sion Structure'on the Regime of the River 72
CHAPTER 12 - Failures of Barrages and Weirs 73
CHAPTER 13-Some Special Problems 76
CHAPTER 14-Bibliography 80

( vii)

Silt Exclusion

1.0 Introduction ling basins. Of these, the first One is preventive and
others curative.
Rivers flowing in erodible valleys carry heavy 1.0.3 Sediment Extractor: Sediment extractor (or
sediment load, particularly in the rainy season. In ejector) i. the d.evice sited across the canal bed
the river; the heavy detritus rolls along the bed. the downstream of tlle head regulator aud is intended for
coarser particles are concentrated in lower layers and removing a portion of bed sediment which has already
the comparatively lighter onCe are suspended in upper entered into the canal. It is a measure and primarily
layers. The' high sediment charge if passed from meant for extracting the sediment moving . along
the river into the off-taking artificial channel, whether the bed by extracting and ejecting it. If necessary
irrigation, power Or navigation, is always a sourCe of and provided suitable sites exist, more than one
great trouble. It is. therefore, essential to provide extractor can be made for a channel. In case it is in-
measures for controlling the sediment in the off-taking tended to remove certain portion of lhe suspended
channel. sediments also, it will be necessary to provide some
sort of settling basin or stilling pool upstream of the
1.0.1 It is never possible, and nsually never necessary extractor.
to eliminate the sediment completely from a channel.
The sediment load permitted in a channel should be 1.0.4 In this Chapter, sedimenl/silt excluders of the
restricted so as to be within its sediment carrying preventive type only are discussed. Silt excluder is a
capacity. Hven if tile load is within the transporting device located just in front of the canal head regulator
capacity it may sometimes become necessary to remove and its function is to exclude the lower layers of river
portion of it depending upon the specific purpose for water which carry the comparatively coarses particles
. which the channel is to be used. Thus in the case of and prevent them from being diverted into the canal.
irrigation channels, coarse sand particles should be
eliminated as these are detrimental to the fields. On 1.1 Basic Facts in Silt Exclusion
the other hand, fine silt should be allowed, a~ this
adds to the fertility of the fields, helps in preventing The silt exclusion takes advantage of the basic
weed growth in the channel and reduces seepage facts that:
losses. In the case Of hydropower channels, it may
be necessary to remove even fairly fine particles as (i) In a flowing stream, the concentration o( silt
these cause damage to the turbine bearings. charge as well as the size of silt in the lower
layers is higher than that in tbe upper ·ones.
1.0.2 The various devices used for controlling sedi-
ment are classified as preventive and curative. Pre- (ii) The silt gets agitated due to obstr.uction or
ventive devices are those which help in preventing sudden cbange in flow condition.
entry of the sediment into the channel and are
located on tbe upstream of the bead regulator. Cura- (iii) The higher the velocity, the more is tbe bed silt
tive devices are those which are used for extracting thrown up. '
from the channel some portion of the sediment which
has already entered it and are provided at some Con- 1.2 Requirements of Silt Exclusion
venient site in the channel itself. The devices mainly
used are sediment or silt excluders, sediment or silt The requirements of satisfactory silt exclusion
extractors or ejectors, sand and gravel traps and sett- .can thus be mentioned as :

{i) It should draw relatively sdt-free water from the top (ii) Entry of water should be smooth so as to avo
layers and exclude heavily laden bottom layers turbulence in water arlO agitating of silt;

(iii) It should provide a smooth surface by pavi,

or by plastering the bed and the sides to .TedUi
frictIOn and give chance to the silt in the upp
layers to settle down in the layers adjacent t
the bed from where it is led away downstream

(iv) Velocity should be reduced in the pocket so ,

to altract silt load in lower layers.

1.3 Various Methods of Silt Exclusion

For regulating the supplies illto the canal wit

the silt excluded as much as possible, there are diff,
rent methods including the use of special device,
These are mentioned below:

(a) The unde"luices may be partially opened t,

release the surplus water over the crest 0

I through silt exlnders of undersluices so as t,

draw clearer water into the regulator. TIl'
velocity in the pocket is generally kept lov
(0.3 to 0.6 misec) so as to keep the silt ladet
water in lower layers. Crest level of tbe beat
regulatur is kept higher than the crest level 0:
, '"<0

~ Vl
undersluices so as, to draw clearer water inte
the canal.

Vl -'
-' w
z (b) In the second method, called the Still Pond
'"zz 0
::;; Regulation, the scouring sluices are kept closed
::l l-
I- ~ when the canal is running. Only as much
"- x
0 supply enters the pocket as is required for the
0 canal and the surplus is escaped over some
z other section of the diversion structure. The
... '"
a. velocity of water in the pocket is, therefore,
very much reduced as a smaller discharge enters
Vl through the same waterway. The silt is thus
if> enabled to settle down and relatively clear
water enters the canal. This method is only
practicable where the crest level of the canal
"'" head regulator is sufficiently higher than that of
the upstream floor ot the undersiuices. The silt
is allowed to accumulate in the pocket till it
I reaches to within about OS m of the crest. The
canal is then closed and the sluices opened till
the entire deposit is washed away. Till the
scouring operations are over, the canal supply
would be interrupted. The drawback is that
the canal would have to be closed at periodic
intervals for c;;couring operations, resulting in
wastage of discharge and loss of irrigation to
that exteni.

(e) Special works may be constructed to control

sediment entering into the canal. These include
t'IGURE 1.1: General Layout of Khanki Type of Silt-Excluder. the preventive and curative devices. These
.( 3

( 1.4.2 The efficiency of any type depends on a com-


avoid are provided where these are coosidered neces- plex combination of f<lc'Vrs like approdch conditions
( sary. in the river, quality and quantity of the suspended and

(d) The location of the head works itself can be
:duce planned such that water is abstract.ed from the
oo'pper outside of a curved reach of the fiver sInce the
.it to river carries less sediment load at the outside
~Hm ; of a curve than the average sediment load of
the river and there is concentration of sedi-
ment on the inside of the bend. A curved
divide wall to provide a curved approach
as towards the canal he.d regulator is also some
times adopted.

1.4 °Types of Silt Excluders •,,

offe- The silt excluders which are in vogue in India
:ces. are classified into two types, vizo, Khanki type and
oKalabagh (or Trimmu) type. These two types have
derIved their names from the diversion structures where
to they have been provided.
to 1.4.1 In the Khanki type, the location of the up~
o lObe stream mouths of the tunnels is staggered so that the
~w length of the tunnels decreases in a series of steps, the a:
longest tunMI being nearest to the head regulator. In w
the Kalabagh type the mouths of the tunnels at the

oupstream end are in one straight lineo For the x

general layout of the two original works, see Figures "'
!.l and 1.2

.d ~
ed <:>
.1 oa:
oe >-

U/S R.L 205-18 Z

Ie toase·slone 7620x 1220-_ _-.. o
3355 e.Cone, blOCkS t I: 4: 8,
1220.111220)(840 over 610 loose ».,""-, X l-
,s C.:Conc. floor 6100)1( 91 V
IS 6100 U/S glacIs I in Vl "'

DIS glocis I in


FIGURE 1.2: General Layout of Kalabagb Type of Silt Excluder

bed sediment, discharge. elc. One type which may be
suitable for one set of conditions may be quiteineffi·

regulator. Typical layout of a silt deflector in a barrage is ,~

shown in Figure 1.4. .1
cient under another set of conditions. In general the
comparative merits and demerits of the two types are
,given in Table 1.1.
Comparative Merits and Demerits of Khanki & <D
Kalabagb Types of Excluders <>
N ~ •
. Kalabagh Type " ~
S1. Khank; Type ~
. I'

I. ~
1. Greater flexibility in de,ign Degree of flexi- , II
is available due to possibilities bility is less.
of varying the location of the II
upstream mouths and lengths II
of the tunnel. The positions
can be fixed to suit the appro- ~t:IZ:
acb conditions in the river. It
is Dot necessary that the tunnel •••
mouths may be uniformly j-
2. If the tunnels are designed for This is not so II II
a particular approach condition
which changes later on. the
sensitive to
changes in the
"II 1\
II II 1\
adverse effect on performance approach con- II
is usually more marked. ditions. "
3. Mouths of some of the tunnels All the mouths


are located in front of the are located well ~~
0" Ii
II " 11
head regulator and there is upstream of the ~o::
II II \I~ \1 II :: E
more possibility of sediment
thrown up in to suspension
head regulator
and the chances
" II
l!v \1
1\ ~ ,
1I'a 1\
". II ""II 11'0 1\ II -;;
due to .disturbance at entry in
to tunnel. being passed into
are compara-
tively less.
'II g. 1\ 1\ "II •

the canal. x:.c

0" I' ::'" II
"1\ '"
4. More complicated to Cons- Simpler to con- N'" II 1\ .e
truct. struct. II II .~
II 1\ c

1.4.3 Khanki type has been more commonly used, II '5
probably on account of its greater flexibility. Typical
layout of a silt excluder in a barrage is shown in
Figure 1.3.

1.4.4 In d iveesion structures across rivers with fairly

steep slopes which bring in big sized rolling stones,
it would be advisable to adopt silt deflectors with open "

top ingtead of silt excluder tunnels which may get

<:hoked up. These deftectors reduce the maintenance
problems. The crest level of head regulator should be
higher than the top of deftector by at least 0.5 to 1 m
so as to prevent entry of coarse silt into the head FIGURE 1.3 ; Silt Excluder Bays in a Barrage Typical Layout.

1.5 Layout of Silt Excluder and Silt Deflector paralJe! tunnels covered with a diaphragm slab, sited in
one or more bays of the undersluices adjoining the head
The layout of a silt excluder consists of a series of regulators .and running paralJel to their alignments.

I' 0012""1 }- OOI?' \

•a. - 0
•u OJ 0
NO •u "'0 0 on w L
o' " 0
·3 .", z .0 Z

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o c
Wi --


it ..:
E >
.... 0
a: .... 0 00
0 u on
u z
J a: U

'"+"" 0
0 0 M
0> '"

Q <0

g1 ..

.'"'" ~I~
o 0 'I
co .

+ +

The downstream openings of the tunnels are located (il'l Velocity and discharge through the tunnels.
ilt the crest of tne undersluice bays. The crests of the
head regulators are kept either slightli higher or at (v) Layout and shape of the excluder in plan.
the same level as the top of the diaphragm slab. For
cleaning and repmring of the tunnels wnenever neces-
(vi) Longitudinal sections of tunnels.
sary, grooves are provided at the entrance to the
tunnels through wllicn stop logs would be operated.
The underslUlce gates could be used to control the (vii) Cross sections of tunnels.
flow through the tunnels. [he portion of the silt
excluder tunnels' beyond the undersluice floor on the (viii) Longitudinal and side projections of dia-
upstream would be provided with seals at their junc- phragm slab over a tunnel.
tion with the portion over the undersluice floor. The
tunnel walls would be monulithic witb tbe base slab While full aspects of the designs are not covered
of the silt excluder. by theoretical background, some aspects .are deter-
mined by hydraulic calculations. Others are based on
1.5.1 The silt deflector consists of three or more previous experience and quite a few are fixed arbi-
deflector vanes with open top and fixed monolithic trarily. It is essential that iu case of major works,
with the base slab The top of the vanes would. be the salient features of the silt excluder tunnels are
kept at about 0 5 m below the crest level of the head finalised with the help of hydraulic model tests. Since
regulator. The alignments and spacings of the vanes the structure would remain under water most of the
are generally dec'ded with the help of hydraulic model time and occasions for inspecting it are rather less.
tests. The transition between the Vanes and the the design of the exclu.der must be simple and robust.
barrage piers will have to be smooth. The design criteria g~nerally followed for fixmg up
the broad dimensions of the excluder before ~ they are
1.6 Factors to be considered in the Design of Silt tested by models are outlined below.
1.7.1 Width of Excluder: Tho width of the excluder
While designing the silt excluder, the following should be fixed in relation to the number of under-
factors should be taken into consideration: sluice bays (length of undersluice portion) and dis-
charge of off taking canal. The discharge carried by
(i) Approach conditions in the river. These should the tunnels should be about 20 percent of the canal dis-
be carefully studied for a number of discharge charge. A minimum velocitv of J.8 to 3.0 misec
conditions, both at site and by model experi- muS! be maintained through the tunnels to keep them
free from sediment deposit. Hence the required
cross-sectional area can be obtained as discharge/
velocity. The height of the opening is determined by
(ii) Disch.rge through undersluices for various clearance available from the floor of the pocket up-
conditions. stream of the undersluiees to the crest of the head
regulator less the thickness of the roof covering.
(iii) Discharge through head regulator. Total width of the waterway through the tunnels
would be cross-sectional area/height. This width
(iv) Charge and grade of sediment in the river would be accommodated by the number of tunnels
water coming into the undersluices. plus the wall thickness and has to be adjusted so that
the excluder can be provided in one or more number
(v)· Charge and grade of sediment can be permitted of bays.
to go into the canal.
1.7.2 Number of Tunnels: While no definite rule
(vi) Head available for operating the excluder. exists, the size of the tunnel is generally fhed based
on the convenience of construction, rna intenance and
1.7 Design of Silt Excluder ease of inspection. The minimum size normally adop-
ted is about 2m X 1.5m. With the selection of the size
The type of silt excluder. viz., Khanki or Kalabagh of the tunnel. the" number of tunnels per bay can be
has be selected. Be,ides this. the following features worked out with the thickness of the walls of the
tunnel taken to be about 0.4 to 0 5 m.
of the excluder have to be decided: Hydraulic model tests on silt excluders have
(j) Number of bays of undersluices to be pro- indicated that the efficiency of an excluder of a given
vided with silt excluder tunnels. width increases slightly wilh increasing nUfl'ber of
tunnels uplo a certain limit beyond which it starts
(ii) Number of tunnels in each bay. falling. The optimum number which must take into
consideration both hydraulic efficiency and cost has
(iii) Location of the mouths of the tunnels. . to be worked out by trial and error.
7 Sometimes the silt excluder tunnels are mouthed both in plan and vertical section. The
arranged in two storeys as in the case of Nangal dam. widths provided at the entrance are gradually reduced
to the tunnel dimensions through suitable tramitioDs.
1.7.3 Location of the Mouth of Tunnels
1.7.5 Layout -I}nd Snapp (If Excluder in plan
The mouths of the tunnds should cover the entire
zone of inflow to the head regulator. For decIding The layout and shape are designed so as to com-
tbe location of the mouths, tbe model of tbe excluder mand entire zone oi inflow towards the heod regulator.
should b. tested for fiver approach as it wouid exist The layout has to fit in with the alignments of the
in final stable conditions. II is essential that the undersluic"s and the head regulator. All connecting
hydraulic model sbould be run.f?r a sufficiently long bends should be curves of large radii. AI! the tunnels
time to reproduce the final cond,t,ons. are now-a.days prOVIded with identical widths at the
entrance and at exit. Intermediate sections are
1.7.3. i In tbe Kalabagh type, all tbe mouths lie in .adjusted in plan. At the upstream .-nd, bl'il mouthing
one straight line. The exact distance of this line is provided.
upstream of the head regulator has to be fixed by
model tests. 1. 7.6 Longitudinal Section of the Tunnels L In the Khanki type, the mouths are spaced The longitudinal section of the tunnel has to
uniformly. In certain old design, tbe mouths were generally conform to the upper levels of the upstream
located at selected p0ints based on approach conditions side of underslu·ice bay floor .. If the crest of the
of the river. It was found that~ue 10 slight cbanges undersluice is higher than the upstream fl"or. the
in approacb, tbere was a sharp efficiency. Witb tunnels have reverse slopes near their tail ends. In
uniformly spaced mouths. vanatlOns m approach, such cases, in order to obtain accelerating. flow, the
conditions affect the performance to a much lesser height of the tunnels at the exit end is reduced as
degree. compared to the inlet end. But now-a-days, the crest
of the·undersluice bays in which the excluder tunnels
1.73.3 In certain old design, each tunnel was pro· are provided is lowered to the upstream floor level and
vided with one additional inlet in the side. This was the downstream glacis slope is modified by flattening it.
found to decrease tbeefficiency. In' recent practice,
only one inlet for each tunnel at its upstream end is
provided. The diaphragm slab is provided with an e1\i-
ptical transition in the vertical plane at the inlet.
1.7.4 Velocity and Discharge through Tunnels 1. 7.7 Cross-section of Tunnels
The velocity obtained in any tunnel should be sucb The variations of cross-section are achieved by
. as to flush out all tbe.sediment coming into it. It varies changing width in plan. These have to be calculated
from about 1.8 to 3.0 m/sec. There should be for each tunnel separately and necessarily involve trial
adequate hea1 available to produce this vel.oeity "nder and error solutio'ns. (n some cases, changes in the
all operatmg conditions and stages of the nver. beight of the tunnels may be necessary as discussed
in para 1.7.6. The tunnels normally run as pressure con-
duits. However, there could be situations when flow 1.7.8 Longitudinal 'and Side Projection of the Diaph-
with' free surface may take place near the tail end of ragm Slab over a Tunnel
the tunnels. For such conditions. it should be ensured
that there is no possibility of a hydraulic jump forming
inside the tunnel. The top slab of the excluder, besides being bell
mouthed, is projected beYond the noses of the tunnel Each tunnel must take the same di,charge divide walls by 0.3 to I m. The slab for each tunnel is
as others inspi Ie of their unequal lenglbs. 1 his is also usually projected on the side as a cantilever.
achieved by suitably adjusting the cross section at Generally these proVisions are adopted on the basis of
intermediate points such that the total loss of bead in experimental evidence of improved performance.
each is the same.
1.7.9 Values of Coefficient of Friction The diaphragm slab should separate the upper
and lower layer of waters with minimum turbulance. It is not necessary to make the floor inside the
This wonld be possible if the entire discharge below tunnels smooth, as most of the time it would be covered
the level of the diaphragm is taken into the tunnel. with coarser particles of sediment. For calculating the
frictional loss through the tunnels the value of Man- In order to prevent sudden changes in velocity ning's 'n' should be chosen for this condition. The value
..t the, diaphragm slab, the tunnel entrances are bell- of' n' usually adopted for shingle is of tbe order of 0.016 .


1.7.10 For the structural design of silt exclude'rs. 1.12 For typical design of shingle excluders. the·
load due to water of the pond and load due to the following design report may be teferred ;
silt deposited inside and out side the tunnel would be
considerec.!. The worst combination of tb.e loadings and "Design Report on Nangal Dam. Bhakra Nangal
moments, with one or more tunnels considered empty Project. (Chapter Xl)-DeSign of Shingle Excluder."
at a time and all vertical loads including the load of Pu\)lished in 1954 by the Irrigation Brancb. PWD.
water inside the other tunnels should be considered. Punjab.
TABLE 1.2 . The silt excluder has to be checked for
floatation and sliding also with no silt load on top of
Comparison between Silt Excluder and Ejector
the tunnels and no water inside all the tunnels.
1.8 Rel:ulation Scbedules S\. Silt Excluder Silt Ejector
The schedule for operation of the excluder should No.
be prepared after careful study. The tentative schedule
prepared can be modified later in light ofthe experience 1. The work of exclusion (pre- The work of extrac-
gained under actual operating conditions. ventive action) is heavy as it tion (curative action)
1.8.1 The most commonly ·adopted regulation arrange- is subjected to river action. is light as it is sub-
ment is tb.e 'Wedge' type wherein the undersluice bay jected to only canal.
containing the excluder is the last to be opened. discharge.
1.9 EffiCiency of Silt Excluder 2. Exclusion is secured only Multiple extra-
once. ctionsare possible·
The effiCiency "f a silt excl uder can be expressed as by increasing tbe
(qs), - (qs). number of ejectors.
'1 = --"'-"-"-;-:c:7'~­
(qsh 3. Good approach conditions Good approach
are not easily obtained. conditions in the
where (qs), is the sediment proportion in the canal canal are easily
without excluder. and (qs), is the sediment proportion obtamed.
in the canal with excl uder.
4. Canal head regulators are Canal head regula-
1.9.1 Studies have indicated that the efficiency not required to be widene.d tors are required to·
increases with increasing escape discharge through the beyond their normal capa- carry extra dis-
excluder upto a certain limit. but thau starts falling. city. charge also meant
The reason for this is that bringing in more e,cape for escapage.
discharge also means bring,ng in additional quantities
of sediment. If even a small part of this increased 5. Working bead for operation When the head
quantity of sediment goes into the canal. the efficiency of the excluder is always regulator supplies
will be adversely affected. available due to the pond. are decreased,
wor king head can-
1.10 Effect of Silt Excluders on tbe Regime of tbe not be obtained.
6. Exclusion work is concen- Separate outfall
It is always necessary to consider that grade trated at one place .. works leading to the
or quantity of silt that is suited to the regime of the river or naturaL
canal and regulate tbe silt entry accordingly. If the drainage near-by
excluders are designed properly and operated judi- are necessary which
ciously. progressive silting up of the canal can be even determine the
stopped and the canal restored back to its designed location of the
capacity. extractor.
1.11 Comparison between Silt Excluders and Ejectors 7. The approach channel The orifices of the
Sometimes. a question may arise whether to pro- being large. the excluder is ejector being small.
vide silt excluder or ejector or· both. A comparison not normally liable to be they are likely to
between the two is given in Table 1.2. blocked. be cho ked by sun-
ken debris and need
J.l 1.1 In light of merits and demerits of the exclu- a trash rack.
der and ejector. the suitability of each for the parti-
cular work has to be examined and adopted accord- 8. On the whole, only slight On the whole. the
ingly. In heavily silt laden rivers. there may be a extra cost may be involved. cost of ejector ·may
necessity for provision of both as in the case of Kosi be less than that
Barrage. of the excluder.


River Training Works

works:. they can be classifi.ed into (i) high water Irainr

2.0 Introduction mg~ .(11) low water trammg, and (iii) mean wate-
In all diversion structures, some form of ~ralDmg.
river training works are provided, Their objects
are to (i) prevent outflanking of the structures, 2.1.1 High, water training is related to the maximum
(ii) guide the river to flow axially uniformly through floods and alms at g!ving a satisfactory alignment and
the structure, (iii) minimise possible cross-flows height of dfiux bunos for dIsposal of floods and also
through the structure which may endanger its safety lllcludes flver channel improvement. Hence they .are
and 'the protection works. (iv) prevent flooding of the called training for discharge.
riverine lands upstream of the structure, and (v) provide
favourable curvature of flow at the head regulator 2.],2 Low water training aims at providing minimum
from the point of sediment entry into the canal. The depth of water for navigation during low water season.
problem of training the river in the boulder areas is Groynes are gener~]jy used for this purpose by cOlltra-
not as serious as in plane area. cHng the Widths 01 the river channel. This class of
2.0.1 The different river training works generally nver trammg can be called training for depth.
provided are (i) Guide bunds, (ii) Afllux bunds,
(iii) Approach Embankments, (iv) Groynes or spurs, 2.1.3 Alteration in the river cross-section and align-
(vJ cut-offs, (vil Pitching of banks and provision of ment must be done in accordance with that stage of
launching aprons, (vii) Pitched islands, and (viii) Sills. the rIver at which the maXImum movemellt of sedi-
ment takes place over a period of years. Only in the
2.0.2 River training is a difficult operation 'and mean stage between the high and low stages, the com-
requires a good knowledge of the behaviour of the bmed effect of forc~s causmg sediment movement and
river at various stages of flow. If tbe river t('aining the time for which such forces are maintained is maxi-
works are wrongly planned, there is likelihood of mum. This. stage influences the configuration of the
damages to the costly structure even quickly. Hydra- nver. Trammg works planned for this stage can be
ulic river model tes1s offer great help in the correct called training for sediment.
design of river training works. A well designed river
control system constructed on a permanent basis, 2.2 Guide Bunds
thougn costly in the first instance, proveo much Alluvial rivers in flood plains spread over a very
cheaper in tne long run than resorting to temporary larg~ area during floods and it would be very costly to
expedients from year to year. proVide bndges or any otller structure across the entire
natural spread. It is necessary to narrow down and
2.0.3 Based on the experience gained over the years, restrict its course to flow axialiy through the diversion
certalll parameters of the river training works can be structure. Guide bunds are provided for this purpose
worked out for their layout. However. these would of guiding the river flow past the diversion structure
need to be finalised with the help of three-dimensional without causing damage to it and its approaches.
hydraulic model tests for tlleir adequacy in providing They are constructed on either or both on tile up-
a satisfactory performance. stream and down stream of the structure and on one
20.4 A typical layout of river training works is or both the flanks as required.
sllown in Figure 2.1. ' 2.2.1 Classification of Guide Bunds
2 I Classification of River Training Works Guide bunds can be classified according to their
According to the purpose of the river train in g form in plan as (i) diverllent, (ii) convergent, and


,LO"""""' apron
1·00 max-
I m'eonder loOp

opron ·00 mox

-App"'" embonkmefll


(iii) parallel arid according to their geome!f oal shape hug the bunds all along their lengths whereas in the
as straight and elliptical with circular or multi-radii case of straiRht guide bunds, separation of !low is
curved head. These are shown in Figure 2.2. found to occur after the curved head, leading to obli-
quity of !low. Elliptical guide bunds have also been In the case of divergent guide bunds, the found to provide better control on development and
approach embankment gets relatively less protection extension of meander loop towards the approach
under worst possible embayment and hence divergent embankment.
guide bunds· require a longer length for the same
degree of protection as would be provided by parallel 2.2.2 Length of Guide Bunds
guide bunds. They also induce oblique !low on
to the diversion structure and give rise to ten~
dency of shoal formation in the centre due to larger The length of the guide bund on the upstream is
waterway between curved heads. However, in the case generally kept as 1 0 to \.5 L where L is the width
of oblique approaching !low, it becomes obligatory to between the abutments of the diversion structure. In
provide divergent guide bunds to keep the !low active order to avoid heavy river action on the guide bunds,
in the spans adjacent to them. it is desirable to limit the obliquity of flow to the river
axis not more than 30° as indicated in Figure 2. l. The convergent guide bunds have the disad- The length of the downstream guide bund is kept as
vantage of excessive attack and heavy scour at the 0.25 L to 0.4 L (Figure 2.2). .
head and sho ding all along the shank rendering the
end bays inactive. For wide alluvial belt, the length of· guide
bunds is decided from two important considerations. Paralle! guide bunds with suitable curved viz .. the maximum obliquity of the current and the
head have been found to give uniform !low from permissible limit to which the main channel of the
the head of guide bunds to the axis of the diversion river can be allowed to flow near the approach
structure. embankment in the event of the river developing exce;-
sive embayment behind the training works. The In the case of elliptical guide bunds, due to raoius of the worst possible loop has to be ascertained
gradual change in. the curvature, the !low is found to from the data of tbe acute loops formed by the river

during the past. Where river survey is not available, by 2.0 for a maximum discharge above 5,000 cumec.
the radius of the worst loop can be determined by
dividing the radius of the average loop worked out 2.2.3 Curved Head and Tail of Guide Bunds
from the available surveys of the r;ver by 25 for rivers·
having a maximum discharge. up to 5,000 cumecs and The upstream curved head guides the flow
River current

I I ,

I ~ J
I / I
Shoal I I _ I
.,..J ./
" I (=- >;S'

II I Corst::SSlble to.
{ 55
Multi radii

tI I* II
4 Axi~ _ _

J~oo R: O·45Pw


-- ,,/

l.,."lor<f possibJe


radiaus 45°..
embayment ....
Equation of
top Hne
x2 y2
02 b

./ I
t 1,-
/ ../ ,,//
+ I I
Iff rw~;;t possible
f I I
___ +- _-,1'-'.: t A xi s


FIGURE 2.2: Types aBd Geaeral Dimensions of Guide Bund.


smoothly and axially to the diversion structure keeping Accordiug to the river curvature, the angle of
the end spans active. The radius of the curved head sweep of curved upstream head ranges from 120° to
should be kept as small as possible consistent with the 145°. The angle for the curved tail usually varies
proper functioning of the guide bund. The downstream from 45° to 60°.
curved tail provides a smooth exit of flow from the
structure. In the case of elliptical guide bunds, the
elliptical curve is provided upto the quadrant of the From the hydraulic model tests conducted elhpse and is followed by multi-radii or single radius
for a number of projects over the past years, it has circular curve,' In case of multi-radii curved head,
been found that a radius of the curved head equal to the.larger radius adjacent to the apex of the ellipse is
04 to 0.5 times the width of the diversion structure generally kept lis 0.3 to 0.5 times the radius of the
between the abutments usually provides satisfactory curved head for straight guide bund with the angle
performance. The minimum and maximum values of sweep varying from 45° to 60° and the smaller
could be 150 m and 600 m respectively. The values radius equivalent to 0.25 times the radius of curve
suggested by Spring for the radii are given in Table 2.1 bead for straight guide bund with sweep angle of 30°
for guidance. However, the exact values are to be to 40° (Figure 2.2.)
ascertained from model tests. The radius of the curved 2.2.4. Design of Guide Bunds
tail generally ranges from 0.3 to 0.5 times the radius of
the curved head. After fixing up the layout of tbe guide bunds in
accordance with the guide lines mentioned in the
TABLE 2.1 foregoing paras, the details of the guide bund sections
bave to be worked out. The various dimensions
Radii of Curved Head and Tail of Guide Bunds worked out are top width. free board, sidesl9pes, size
of stone for pitching, thickness of pitchipg, filters and
hiuncbing. apron. The guide lines for the same are
Sand Probable Fall per km of given below. .
Standard River in cm
Abnormal 9 14 19 28
scour., At the formation level, the width of the shank of
in metres Radius of upstream . guide bunds isgeneraJly ~ept6 to 9 mto permit carri-
curved end of guide age of material and vehIcles for inspection. At tbe
.. bankinlnetres nose. of the guide bunds,' the width is increased
suitabiy in a bulb sbape to enable the vebeles to
take turn and also for staCking reserve of stone to, be
Very Coarse Un:der .. 6 75 90 105 120 dumped tn places whenever the bunds' arethre-
(25% of the. Above 6 90 :110' 130150 atened by .the flow.
whole reo.
IS : Sieve.
Coarse (80% Under 9 110 125 150· 200 . A free boardofito \.5m above the following men-
retained by Above 9,. 13() .... 1.55 " 175 210 tl?Ded tw.o water levels has to be provided and the
60 IS : Sieve) . :",,',
' " .'; , . 0'
hIgher value adopted as the top level of the upstream
Medium" Under 12 . j15 165 185 255 guide bund:
between Above 12 165 195 225 255 (i) Highes!.ilpod level for I in 500years. flood.
and Fine), (ii) A~uJ(ed water level in the rear portion of the
'175 gUIde. bank calculated after adding velocity
Fine (~,O% Under 15 200 230 255 head to HFL corresponding to the design flood
Passes 20 IS : Above 15 215 245 275 305 (I tn 100 year frequency) at lbe upstream nose
Sieve) of the guide bank.
Very Fine (20% Under 18 210 240 270 300
Passes 15 IS : Above 18 270 300 330 360
Sieve) On the downstream side also, a free board of 1 to
1.5 m. above the highest flood level for I in 500 years
flood IS to be adopted.' .,
Radius of downstream Half the above, with the
end of guide bund minimum. rad.ius such that SIDB SLOPES OF (lOIDE BUND
mainteniiiii,c( 'traillScan' tie
shunted. . The side slopes of tbe guide bund have to be fixed
from stabilIty considerations of the bund which depend

-------- - - - --
on the material of which the bund is made and also tinuation of the pitching. The different aspects to be
its height. Generally the side slopes of the guide bund lo?ked into are the size of the stones, depth of scour,
vary from 2: Ito 3: I (H: V). thIckness, slope of launched apron, shape and size of
launchi.og apron. SIZE OF STONE FOR PITCHING •
.- ~he required size of stone for the apron can be
The sloping surface of the guide bund on the water o btamed from the curves given in Figure 2.9. In case
side has to withstand erosive action of flow. This is of non-availability of required size of stones, cement
achieved by pitching the slope manually with stones. ·concrete blocks o~ stone sausages, prepared with
The size and weight of the stones can be approximately 4 mm GI wife 1D ""uble knots and closely knit and
determined from the curves given in Figure 2.9. It is securely tied, may be used.
desirable to place the stones over filters sO that fines
do not escape through the interstices of the pitching. The scour depths to be adopted io the calculations
For average velocities upto 2 mlsec, burnt clay brick for the launching apron would be different along the
on edge can be used as pitching material. For an length of the guide bund from upstream to down-
average velocity upto 3.5 mlsec, pitchiug of stone stream. These are given below in Table ·2.2. Refe-
weighing from 40 to 70 kg (0.3 to 0.4 m in diameter) rence may be made to Chopter 6 of Vol. I on
and for higher velocities, cement concrete blocks of Hydraulic Designs for Estimation of Scour Depth.
depth equal to .the tbickness of pitching can be used.
On the rear side, turfing of the slope is normally TABLE 2.2
found to be adequate.
Scour Depths for Design of Gui'O e Bund Apron THICKNESS OF PITCHING

The thickness of pitching is to be kept equal to the M aximuni Scour

Location Depth to be
size of the stone for pitching determined as mentioned Adopted
in para However, it should not be less tban
0.25 m. Wherever the velocities are bigb for which tbe
size of stone is greater than 0.4 m, cement concrete
blocks of thickness 0.4 to 0.5 or 0.6 m may be used. Upstream Curved Head of 2.5 D
Guide Bund PROVISION OF FIL')'BR Straigh Reach of Guide 1.5 D
Bund t t Nose of Down-
It is always desirable to provide an inverted stream o Guide Bund
(graded) filter below the pitching stones to avoid the
finer bund materials getting out through the inters-
tices .. The thickness of the filter may be 20 to 30 cm.
Filter has to satisfy the criteria with respect to While calculating the scour values, the discharge
the next lower size and with respect to the base corresponding to 50 to 100 years frequency may be
material: adopted. However, after construction and operation
of the diversion structure, the portions of the guide
(i) For uniform grain size filter, bund coming under attack of the river flo,,' sbould be
carefully inspected and strengthened as and when
R" = D5• of filter marerial = 5 to 10
D,. of base material
The thickness of apron of the guide bund should
be abou! 25 to 50 percent more than that required
(Ii) For graded material of sub-rounded particles,
for the. pitching. While the slope of the launched
apron for calculatidn of the quantity can be taken as
D,. of filter material
= .D,. of base material = 12 to 58 2: 1 for loose boulders or stones, it may be taken
as 1.5: 1 for c.c. blocks Or stone sausages.
_ D" of filter material
R15 - D'5 of base material. = 12 to 40 From the behaviour of the guide bunds of previously
constructed diversion structures, it has been observed
that shallow and wide aprons launch evenly if the scour LAUNCHINO APRON
takes place rapidly' If the scour is gradual. the effect of
the width on the launching of apron is marginal. Gene-
Just as launching apron i, provided for the main rally a width of 1.5 D has been found to be satis-
structure both on the upstream and downstream it has factory. For the shank or straight portions of the
to be provided for guide bunds also in the bed in con- gu;de bunds, the thickness of the apron may be kept
. 14

uniform at 1.5 T where T is the thickness of the stone such a length as would be necessary to protect the
pitching. To cover a wider area. for the curved head, canal/approach bunds from the high floods.
-'," the thickness is increased fro(ll 1.5 to 2.25 Twith
suitable transition over a lengtll of L, equal to one Affl'JX bunds are provided on upstream and down-
fourth of the radius of the curved head and provided stream to afford flood protection to low lying areal>
in the shank portion only. On the rear side of the as a result of floods due to afflux created by the cons-
curved head and nose of tne gUide bund. the apron truction of bridge/structure and to check outilanking .
should be turned and ended in a lengtn equal to about the structure.
one fo'!rth of the respective radius.
2.3.1 Layout of Afflux Bund
The details of the various dim1nsions for the guide
bunds are depicted in Figure 2.3. The alignment of the afflux bund on the upstream
usually follows the alluvial belt edge.of the river if the --
2.2.5 Typicallayout and sections of upstream and edges are not far off. In Case the edges. are far off. it
downstream guide bunds are shown in Figures 2.4 can be aligned in alluvial belt, but it has to be ensnred
and 2.5. that the marginal embankment is aligned away from
the zooe of high velocity flow. Since the rivers change
2.2;6 Salient dimensions of guide bunds of different their COllrse, it is not necessary that a particular .
projects are given in Table 2.3. '. mentsafe for a particular flow condition, may be
for a changed river condition. Hence the alignment
2.3 AWux Bund satisfactory and safe 'for a particular flow condition
(constructed initially) has to' be constantly reviewed.
AWux bunds extend from the abutments of guide after every flood and modified, if necessary.
bunds (usually) or approach bunds as the caSe may
be. The upstream affluK bunds are connected to 2.3.2 Top Width of Afflux Bund
grounds with levels higher than the afflux highest flood
level or existing flood embankments, if any. The Generally the top width of tbeaWux bund is kept
downstream alllux bunds, if provided. are taken to "' 6 to 9 m at formation level.

IF = Freeboard
R' .. Rise of (Iood above low woter level
o " Dept.h of scour for colculotion of apron slone
T '" Thickness of slope slooe
• = Thickness of $olil'lg (Filler I

R= 0·<4$ pw

e-, l. O·SloQ·SR

Ax.s of
I borroga


v.!Ullle o(s'e,.
sIOM/un.t leng'"
~olulf\e or.$IOp~ slone/ =2'·25TIR'tFI
unil' ...... glh= 2·25T(R+FI 6109m
1-- .......
T ,.


I1IP~E Z.3: lleJ!'Us. of GuIde Bond

, l

750 thick stone pitching

150 thick qUQsry !!pawls + 289:; 182·90 7~O thiel< stone pitching
I~O thick quarry spowl,
150 thick coo" sond
3__"""--- ~ G
150 thick coors sond

I5QO Excayctod 'ecrth "SC

+16-15 l-------__ --......MJ.9JL -i~
C.C.Toe wall
2440 thick stone protection apron C.C,Toe won


750thick slone pitching I-~ 750 thick stone pitching

150 thick quarry spowl!;. 150 thick quo .. ry spaw,s

\ ~
150 thick COOrs(! sond ______
+16-15 1--_.2133~~_ Excavated eQet!>
.~~,·.7 __ ·_ SL~_",
C.C_loo ""011
IG75thiek stone protection o~


-'-~~d,~~'; .,
750thick slone pitehil'lg TlJrtlng OV6i'"
1501llick Quarry spew!s_

150thick coorse sand"-----.


C.C. Toe wall

Excovated oorlll

S E' C T ION 3--3


l.220th,ck stQJ'\e protection apron


' . .l;'IS~

Foce I
_ ""'-l-:o. l-- ft'."
~I! -----____ _
,--1 :zt-- t-----f!5t--
0_ ~t p""., +'0',-_I
A""O-~- -

g -114910
- -- "'00
IIl~! I r-'----~".:"m
-'I!>Cfl - -
'n ,.
---L~ki!3!X' '_~?
. 1__
5 2.4
_ 00'
-+ .~'"
AprQ/\ rOlsed (
+<3 '0 ..... " com
. _ 152400
I 10<
<>vu !,';:>':::"vU 15<?:4QO


P LAN 2'33~B7.51 dO~

13715 38100

FIGURE 2A: Typical Layout and Sections of Upstrea", GuIde BUDd.

;a,.~..;:. ~ ~ ~= ~
==- -=-~~~~=~~ =, ~~ o,-=~c~E~lcc,~.=-c,,"~.,;c~;;.,",.~~ ___ ,"c= --~,='. "=~~

;Sa1ient Dimen<;tons of Glllde Bands of Projeets

Up stream Guide Bund

Right Bank Left Bank

SI. Name of Design Water way
No. structure discharge provided Projected Straight Radius of Straight Radius of Sweep
cumecs Lengt~ shank curved head Sweep Projected Shank Curved head Angle
Angle Length

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ~11 12

1. Gandak Barrage Guide bund Guide bund con·

Project (Bihar) 24100 742 998 continued as 570 tinued as Afflux
~fflux bliDd . Bund
2. Yamuna-(Del~i) 8500 553 . 331 226 75.6 60'
3. Kosi (Bihar) 27000 1150 1025 457 518 90· 644 457 152.5 120·
4. Wazirabad (Delhi) 7081 613 56.7 84 90' 81 51.8 90·
5. Sone (Bihar) 41000 1407 885 427 480 120' 625 183 480 75·
6. Girija Barrage
(i) For Hydraulic.
(m For Free
716.0 955 Nil 305 30· 547 425 122 120·
7. Lower Sarda
Barrage .
at Sardanagar 232 30·
Lakhimpur Kheri 11400 408 693.99 Nil 232 30' 428 Nil
8. Narora Barrage 16980 906 792 492 300 90·

9. Upper Sarda
Barrage (at 16980 605 Straight bells bund combined with afflux. bund (Straight bell bund with no curved head)

10. Phika Barrage 1048 107.90 129.54 53.34 76.20 120' 215.80 139.60 76.20 120·
II. Kemri 1982 162.76 87.48 91.44 178.92 87.48 91.44 120'
12. KHO 2830 203.00 30,50 30.50 90·

13. Ram Ganga 7360 408.00 582.71 362;71 219.46 120· 582,17 362.71 '219.46 120°
14. Dakpathar 14447 516.33 685.80 563.88 121.92 90°, 624.84 (TOE) ·220.98 60·
15~ , Ahsan 4500 287.73 2S0·00 165.00 125·00 900 358.00 Joined with 200.00 50·&40
high bank 100.00
r -~r· .
. --~ .
Down Sfream GuideBund

Right Bank Left Bank

Projected Straight Radius of Sweep Projected Straight Radius ot Sweep REMARKS

Length Shank· Curved Head Angle Length Shank Curved Head Angle


13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21

185.8 48.8 91.5 90° 185.8 48.8 91.5 90'

200 61.6 100 100°

192 152.5 90° 192 152.5 90°
48 20 75° 54.3 30.5 90°
183 91,5 122 65° 183 91.5 122 65°
161.4 75 122 450 133.3 47.1 122 45~ U/S/(Right)
Divergent U.S.
Radius curved head
VIS/ (Left)
Parallel straight
Elliptical with single with single Radius
curved head
93.75 40.75 75 45° 91.25 38.2~ 75 45° ElliPtical with single Elliptica I with
radius curved head single radius
curved head

300 173 180 45° 300 173 180 45° Canal head Regu~ Bell Tupe
lator and Colony
(no Guide Bunds on
RT Bank)

No Guide Bund (Masonry Core walls provided)

53.11 25.68 27.43 1200 53.11 25.68 27.43 120' PARALLEL PARALLEL
54.86 36.57 18.29 90°. 54.86 36.57 18.29 90°
" "
75.99 54.42 30.50 45° 23.92 39.00 58° Joined wilh circular curved head with
right abutment of bridge at 0.2 km
86.24 32.36 76.20 45' 86.26 32.36 76.20 45° PARALLEL PARALLEL
202.69 111.25 91.44 90° 202.69 111.25 91.44 90' . "
175.00 100.00 75.00 90° 153.00 100.00 75.00 45° Parallel with
Multi Radii


TABLE 2.3 (Conld)

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

16. Kosi 5100 138.50 287.00 52.00 43' IOS.Z0(TOE) 40.00 30'

17. Harike (l)unjab) 15010 636.12 438 253.59 60' 586.74 190.5 60'
18. Ferozpur (Punjab) 12745 596.19 822.96 0' 822.96 0'

19. Madhopur No Guide Banks Qr marginal bunds arc provided, as these Barrages have natural high ground as its abutments Straight

20. H~sdeo Barrage 1'>822 ! 4 Bays of laO metre J20 metre 9 metre 3D" to 1030 M 80M It is not 850 MeTte
(M 1'..) 18.'87-1\-1 . from Barrage from Barrage Semi~ djvidt.:: wall Uniform Thro.ughout 00
axis at 30° to aX15at30" to circular curved
divide waJl divide wall
21. Khodashi weir 66830 Cusecs 1133 f' .145.34 3200 ft. mea~ 140 ft on UIS 735 f( not provided
across Krisbna i.e. It>9L29,1 meters (i.c:. sured length
River cluniSec. length of weir) as record is
New Bombay not available

22. Pick up weir on 31130

Mahi river at M'ljStc.
Wanakbori 674 M 38.43 Mts 40.26 Mts 50.65 Mts. 1340 30.95 Mts. 29 M . 180'
23. Wasna B~u'(age 2!738 M:1i"St'c, 548.1,4 451.20 M 182.88 M 243.84 M 69° 1554 .. 50 M 1554.50 M
---------"---. -.-.---~-.-~.


TABLE 2.3 (Contd.)

13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21

70.48 57.75 18.00 45· 57.73 45.00 18.00 45· Diverging Elliptical
joined with High
.Rank on right

243.84 O· 182.88 o· PARAl.LEI. Diverging

\, 201.17 O· 201.17 O· PARALLEL
Straight Straight

. Nil 10 M Not Rockfilr with soft Earth fill

Uniform core

90' Masonr~
no DIS guide No Guide Bund Earthan with U/S

bund (only flood (only masonry Dry Rubble

protection on wall wall below H.F.L. Pitching
of Khodashi village is provided to
of 90' DIS from protect the bank
weir (Straight) is near Trolly shed)

76.25 Mts. stl aight 180· 60,24 MIS. Straight 180 0 76 ems Thick MasoDry Wall
Rubble Pitching

Earthen Dam Earth~ti-Dam

with C.O.T ..and With C.O.T. and
impervious zone j mperviolls zone
frorn the rnain channel of the river. Hence they are not
2.3.3. Free Boardfor Afflux Bund usually subjected to strong river currents. In such
The top level of the afflux bund is fixed by provid- cases, provision of slope pitching and launching apron
ing a free board of I to 1.5 rn over the affluxed highest are not considered necessary. However, it is desirable
flood level for a flood of I in 500 years frequency. to provide a vegetal cover or turfing. In reaches where
strong river currents are likely to attack tbe. afflux.
2.3.4. Slope Pitching and Launching Apron bunds, tbe slopes rnay be pitched as for tbe guide
Generally, the afflux bunds are constructed away bunds.
750 thIck stone pi1ctWl9 18290 (
150 thick quarry spawls
150 thick coarse sand

.1- 1+ 10'67
2415 i':
1525x2745c c. Toe Wal!
2415 thiCk stone
protectiOn apron 18290
750 Ih;ck sl01"l9 pitchinQ'----,
ISO thick quarry spowls Turfing OVer 300
150 thick coarse SQl'ld good earth
N.S. L.
~_ _ __'3!.!8C"IO~O"'-_ _ _-j1525
L r
2A\Slhic'K stone
prote clioI' apron
1525~2745 Toe Woll

rAX1S of 80r'-0ge


21F'~ 11'"75 I ?81OP

13715 30400
FIGURE 2.5 : Typical Layout and Sections of Downstream Guide Bund.

2.3.5. Typical layout and section of afflux buud are 2.4.7. PrOl.ision of Filter
shown in Figure 2.6.
Generally filters are not provided below the pitch-
2.4. Approach Embankments

Where the width of the river is very wide in an

alluvial plain, the diversion structure· is constructed
with a restricted waterway for economy as well as
better flow conditions. The unbridged width of the
river is blocked by means of embankments caHed
Approach embankments or tie bunds.
2.4.1. Layout of Approach Embankment

In case of alluvial plains, the river forms either a

single loop or a double loop depending upon the dis-
tance between ·the guide bunds and the alluvial belt
edges. Hence the approach embankments on both the
flanks should be aligned in line with the axis of the
. diversion structure up to a point. beyond the range ir
of worst anticipated loop. SometimeS the approach I
embankments may be only on one flank depending l

on the river configuration. j


2.4.2. Top Width of Approach Embankment

The top width of the approach embankment is :'

usually kept as 6 to 9 m at formation level. ,
2.4.3. Free Board of Approach Embankment ~


Free board for the approach embankment will follow

the guide lines given for guide bunds in para

2.4.4. Side Slopes of Approach Embankment

The side slopes of the approach embankment will

follow the guide lines given for guide bunds in Para On the canal side, the section of the embank-
ment would be designed for the condition of high flood
level on the upstream side and no water on the down- z
stream side. For the other side, i. e., where canal is not o
laidout, the design condition would be affluxed high ~

flood On the upstream and retrogressed water level on '-'

the downstream. '"
~ ~T:
~ 'j!: '"ocr'"
2.4.5. Size of Stone for Pitching

Velocities for 40 percent of the design discharge "L

would be estimated and the size of stone for pitching
would be determined as for guide bunds given in para aU'I.{o",~

2.4.6. Thickness of Pitching

. The Guide lines for determining the thickness of ''''",

~itching would be the same as for guide hunds men-
tioned in para The velocities would be esti-
mated for 40 percent of the design discharge. FIGURE 2.6 : Typical Alignment and Section of Afflux BUDd.

ing stones in the case of approach embankments. trees. The toe of tb, spur would be protected by a
However, if the section of embankment is heavy, mattress of stones or other material. As the perme-
filter may be provided as mentioned for guide bunds able spurs slow down the current, silt deposition is
in para . induceed. These spurs, being temporary in nature, are
susceptible to damage by floating debris. In bouldery
2.4.8. Launchillg Apron or gravelly beds, the spurs would have to be put up by
weighing down timber beams at the base by stonos
or concrete blocks and the. other parts of the frame
TheprovisioGS of size of stone, thickness of apron would then be tied to the beame8 at the base.
and sJop(."'"of hp.JDehed apron would be similar to those
of guide bunds meDticI' cd in para But the
depth of scour for the approach embankment may be 2.5.\.3 The head of the spur causes the current to
taken as 0 5. to I.O. Dn~ax. The Width of the laul1ch~ be deflected in a diversion nearly perpendicular to
illg apron flom the abutment to the distance covered itself. This current of water coming in to contact with
by the curved head of the guide bund may be taken the pool of still water area adjacent to the area causes
as 05. Om... and beyond thn the width may be formation of vertical boring eddies and deep scours.
increased to 1.0 Dm.x with suitable transition in the When the spur is inclined downstream. the scour hole
former reach. is formed closer to the ban k than the 'one caused by
the spur inclined slightly upstream. Hence the former
is called attracting spur and the latter repelling spur.
2.5. Groynes or Spurs Hence for bank protection and deflection of current
away from it, either perpendicular or repelling spurs
Groynes or spurs are constructed transverse to the are used. The former is used mostly on convex
river flow extending from the bank in to the river. This banks.
form of riYer training works perform one or more
functions such as training the river along. the desired
course to reduce the concentration of flow at the point In Denehey's groynes. cross groynes at the
of attack, creating a slack flow for silting up the area head are provided giving them T-shape. The cross
in the vicinity and protecting the bank by keeping the groyne protects the main groyne on the same principle
flow away from it. as the main groyne protects the bank.

2.5.1. Classification of Groynes or Spurs In the Hockey spurs, their lower ends are
shaped like hockey sticks. They accentuate the attrac-
Groyes or spurs are classified according to (i) the ting tendencies of the spur and are not likely to be
method and materials of construction (ii) the height useful for bank protection or repelling of the current
of spur with respect to water level (iii) function to be away from the bank (Figure 2.7.).
performed and (iv) special types. These are (i) perme-
arle or impermeahle (ii) submerged or non-snbmerged 2.5.2. Layout of G,'oynes or Spurs
(iiil attracting, deflecting repelling. and sedimenting
and (iv) T-headed (Denehey), hocky type, burma type, Groynes are much more effective when constructe d
kinked type. etc. The different types of spurs are in series as they create a pool of nearly still water
shown in Figure 2.7. between them which resists the current and gradually
accumulates silt forming a permanent bank line in Impermeable spurs do not permit appreciable course of time. The repelling spurs are constructed
flow through them whereas permeable ones permit with an inclination upstream which varies from 10° to
restricted flow through them. Impermeable spurs may 300 to the line normal to the bank. In the T-shaped
be constructed of a core of sand or sand and gravel or groynes, a greater length of the cross groyne projects
soil as available in the river bed and protected on the upstream and a smalier portion downstream of tbe
sides and top by a strong armour of stone pitching or main groyne.
concrete blocks. They are also constrncted of balli
crates packed with stone inside a wire screen or rubble 2.5.3. Length of Groynes
masonry. While the section has to be designed accord-
ing to the materials used and the velocity of flow the
head of the spur has to have special protection The length of groynes depends upon the position
(Figure 2.7.). of the original bank line and the designed normal line
<if the trained river ch":nnel. In easily erodible rivers,
too long groynes are hable to damage and failure. Permeable spurs usually consist of timber Hence. it would be better to construct shorter ones
stakes or piles dnven for depths slightly below the in the beginning and extend them gradually as silting
anticipated deepest sconr and joined .together .to form between them' proceeds. Shorter and temporary spurs
a framework by other timber pieces and the space in constructed between long ones are helpful in inducing
between filled up 'Ii ith brush wood or branches of silt deposition.

2.5.4. Spacing of Groynes mined from 'the formula T = 0.(16 Q'f' where Q is
the design discharge in cumecs. The thickness of
Each groyne can protect only a certain length and stone need not be provided the same through-out the
so the primary factor governing the spacing between entire length of the spur. It can be progressively
adjacent groynes is their lengths. Generally, a spacing reduced from the !lose as given in !h~ T:!ble S.4.
of 2 to 2.5 times the length ofgroynes at convex banks
and equal to the length at concave banks is adopted.
Attempts to economise in cost by adopting wider
spacings with a view to insert intermediate
a later date may not give the desired results as the
training of river would not be satisfactory and main-
tenance may pose problems and extra expenditure.
T-shaped groynes are generally placed 800 m apart
with the T-heads on a regular curved or straight line.

2.5.4 I. Apa rt from the length, the width of the river,

location of the groynes and type of construction also cour nole
govern the spacings. For wide rivers, the ratio of spac- -:0-::'
ing to length of groyne would be larger than that for
a narrow river for the same flood value. For convex
banks, the spacing would be larger than that for con-
cave banks. Intermediate values would be adopteil
for straight reaches. Spacing of permeable spurs
would be larger than that of impermeable or solid
spurs. REPr-:LL.'NG SPUR

2.5.5. Design o/Groynes or Spurs

The design of the groynes or spurs include the

fixation of top width, free board, side slopes, size of
stone for pitching. thickness of pitching, filter and
launching apron. Top WIDT'H OF SPUR

The top width of the spur is kept as 3 to 6 m at

fprmation level. FREE BOARD

The top level of the spur is to be worked out by "'~I
: !
giving a free board of I to 1.5 no above the highest : )
flood level for I in 500 year flood or the anticipated ____ilL....
I __
highest flood level upstream of the spur, whichever is ><;':','<I:D SPUR
EUore. .

The slopes of the upstream shan k and nose is gene· Provision of filter sati sfying the nlte:- crIteria he.s !o
rally kept not steeper than 2: I the downstream be"roade'below the pitching at nose and on the up!',·
slope varies from 1.5 : I to 2 : 1. tream face for a length of 30 to 45 m from the Dose.
The tbickn,ss of the same Illay be 20 to 30 em. The SIZE OF STONE FORE PITCHING thieknes~ 'of filter for the next 30 to 45m on the ups-
tream face may be reduced' to about 15. cm and
The guide lines for determining the size of stone beyond that, it can be omitted.
for pitching for guide bunds hoJd good for spurs also. LAUNCHING AFRO» fOR GROYNES OR THICKNESS OF PITCHING SPURS

The thickness of pitching for spurs may be deter- Just like guide bunds, launching apron has to be

provided for groynes also, The important di,mensions D,.... and would be continued up to 60 to 90 m
to be determined are the Size of stone. depth of scour,on the upstream or for a length up to which the river
thickness, slope of launched apro." shape and size of action prevails (whichever is more). The width may
apron. be reduced to 1.0 DmaX for the next 30 to 60 m. on the
upstreamwith suitable transition For the remaining
The.size of stone for launching apron would be length of the spur on the upstream, nominal apron or
similar to those for guide bands. The scour depths no apron may be provided depending on the flow
to be adopted in va.rious reaches of the spur for conditions. On the down-stream side, beyond thll
calculation of the apron are given in Table 2.5. nose, the width would be reduced from 1.5 Dwu
The thickness of the launching apron would be 25 to 1.0 Dmax over a length of 15 to 30 m and continued
to 50 percent more than that for the slope pitching. at 1.0 Dm•• for the next 15 to 30 m. If the return
The slopes of the launching apron would be similar to flow prevails beyond the above specified reach, the
those for guide bunds. In the semi circular nose apron length may be increased to cover the region of
portion, the width of the apron would be equal to 1.5 return flow. .

30 to 60m 301045 m " ' .

High bonk or
embankment 1·0 D

0-3'D thick t. r--2/3 thick h-Tthick stone

I stone pitching~ stolle Pitchin9---j' over graded

3 to6m
2/3 thick
<fl I
pitching-_--------t_ stone pitching

P L A 'N

Graded' filter 20 to 30 cm
T thick stone p;,1 ch;"g.,
s:-,/-::>:;.-I·O to '·5 mfree board H. F..L.

I. 1·50 max I I 1·5 D max I

_~a=H:E·~~~fu2B:~Zi3~~3::J·:::EE::EL' -I- LWL
Loun'ching apron, in stone -c.,.25 101·5 T
wir.e .crotes.or C· .Conc.
b'locks \·5xl·5xl·O·to 1·5m
i.n ·tw~ I ayers
(:,'1'1 , ,_ I to I·~ m free board
-f!~'-3 m thick stone pHching H,F.L.

2 2 -='~:.=-.
,r: ::11
I I:~ D' ~O'x I I
River. I j,25T

Launching apron in stone

wire crates or C. Conc.
blocks 1·5x '·5 x I·Om in

FrGURE 2.8 : Det~i1s of Spur.


TABLE 2.4. form of river training works wherever needed.

Thickness of Pitching for Groynes or Spurs 2.7. Bank Pitcbing and Launching Apron

51. Reach Thickness of Pitching Thougb bank pitcbing bas tbe limited function of pro-
tecting a given stretcb of bank from erosion and since
No. both bank pitching and. river training works influence
each.other, it is treated as one of the training measnres.
1 S'mi circular nose and 30 to The banks after the abutment and return walls are cut
4.5 m of upstream sbank from to stable slopes varying from I : 1 to 2: 1 and tben
T pitching is provided. Usually stones are used for
pitching thougb local materials could also be
2. Next 30 to 45 m of upstream
shank 2/3 T 3 ," I I I

3. Rest of the length of ups-

tream shank up to the bank 0.3m
F- Bank rope
I I.
4. 30 to 60 m length beyond nose I 7 ~ r::: I O3 .",
on the downstream shank 2/3 T 0·8 ~ Bank slope
2: I
I , := "'
5. Rest of the length of down- E 0·6
'i/ =

-... /
stream shank up to the bank. Nominal thickness i- 2 0

"'': I o
'- <J)
of No pitching 0.4 7
Bank co
d epen ding on flow E I

conditions and
material of coustrn-
.., o

. 0·2
;1 illl -
I;;; I o
ction. c
;:; 001
1= -
... o

I .0 0
TABLE 2.5. 0·08 /I 1=
Scour Depth for Spurs
I~I ~
Sl. Reach of the Spur Maximum Scour Depth 0·03 7 11/, J I I
0·7 2 4 6 810
Velocity m /s
I. Nose 2.0 Oto 2.5 0
2. Transition from Nose to
3 , ,
shank and first 30 to 60 m 2 4
in upstream
3. Next 30 to 60m in upstream
i- ., ll: ~
4. Transition from Nose to
I oc:~~ / - 103 :g-
shank and first 15 to 30 m
0·8 ~- f1' V\

-?l7'1 ~th 102 :;'""

in downstream 1.00 0,6
. The details of the various dimensions for spurs are
depicted in Figure 2.8.
F- i/;.o!' 7 f-- ! ~ -

~[7Sl · ...-
E 0·2 '" I o ..c
2.6. Cut-olf. o
Cut-olfs as river training works are to be care-
fully planned and executed in meandering ri verso The
O. I
t ;;

c';!t-off is artificially induced with a pilot channel to I ,0 0

dIvert the river from a curved flow which may be .c
~ndangering valuable land or property or to straigbten
0,06 I -
: 0·1 0>

Its approach' to a work or for any other purpose. As

the cut-off shorten. the length of the river, it is likely
7 I ,o I
to cause disturbance of regime upstream and down- 0.7 2
stream till readjustment is made. A pilot cut spreads 4 6 810
out the period of readjustment and makes the process Velocity m Is
gradual. Model tests come in handy in finalising this FIGURE 2.9: Dimension of Pitching and Stone Aprons.

considered provided safety of slopes against erosion is . to reduce undue concentration on the opposite side or
ensured. The cement concrete block protection of to direct and maintain the approach to some epgineer-
the diversion structure both on the npstream and down- ing work in the desired direction. Since experieDce
stream beds can be continued on the bank slopes and on the use of pitched islands is rather limited, help of
then stone pitching beyond the C.C. Blocks. . model tests must be utilised if sucb measures are to be
adopted. . .
2.8. Pitched Islands 2.9. Sills
A pitched island is an artificially created Sills, also called wbmerged sills or sub-
island in the river bed protected by revetment or merged dykes are used to counteract tbe tendency to
stone pitching on all sides. On account of excessive scour and large deptbs in a part ofth. river
the turbulance created by the islands in their vicinity, cross-section. lhis msy happen at a sbarp curve or
the river channel is depended and the concentration of adjacent to natu"l or artifici.llength vf hard inero-
·fiow is increased in their direction. They may thus dible bank in a river otherwise consisting of easily
be utilised to attract the current towards themselves erodible material.

Fish Pass

3.0. Introdnction has to be properly planned for the type of fish-pass to

be adopted, location and size of openings, height; etc.
Fisll Ladders or Fisll Locks are components It shonld not be just a passage connecting upstream
of Diversion structures wherever tne problem of and downstream for the movement of the fish. The
migratory fish exists. [n large rivers certa in passage has to be smooth and there should not be any
species of fisb. always move from one reach to the undue exertion needed for the fish to mOVe about.
other. They even travel from sea to a. consider- Improperly designed fish-pass may not even attract
able distance along the river to the upstream and the fish to effect the migration and sometimes may
vice versa. Tne species of fish leave the cold prove fatal also to the school of fish. For planning and
water of tile upstream reaches during winter and designing an effective fish pass, certain data should be
move down to relativelY warm water in the plains. collected after thorough investigations and the data
Sdore tne start of monsoon, tlley move again ups- analysed. Important among tllem are given in the list
tream to clearer waters. Some fisll-spend their adult below:
life in the sea and migrate up tne e,tuaries and fresh
W:ltef riveiS for spawning. Wnen a diversion structure 3.2.1. Type of fish, their characteristics, habits, ins-
is coastructed acros< tlie river, tlle passage of tb.e fish tincts and environmental behaviour.
is ob,tructed. Hence for the protection of fish, especi-
ally of migratory types, it would be necessary to con- 3,2.2. Place of spawning-whether at particular spots
struct suitable fisb. pass as a C0mponentof tile diver- or anywhere.
sion structure. Aspects relating to their location,
investigation and data to be collected, type of fish- 3.2,3. If anadromous in nature, location map of tbe
passes, design requirements, etc., are discussed in this river/streams showing the migratory ronte and spa wing
Chapter. grounds,

3.1. LocatiOD 3.2.4, Timing of upstrean and downstream migra-

tion, nature of river flows, turbidity and temperature
of water during these periods.
Tile fish pass sllould be provided ne~r
the deep eb.annel through which they always move
about, The enterance and exist of the fish-pass should 3.2.5, Maximum number of fish passing per hour
be away from the range of heavy over fall of water during peak migration period.
from the diversion structure .. The fish pass is usually
located near the divide wall of the structure between 3.2.6. Requirement of water per fish when confined
the sluice bays and spillway bays since water would to keep it in normal condition.
always he available near the divide wall. It can also
be provided at one or both of the abutments, but the 3.2.7. Nature of migration: Whether in groups or
availability of water and tile velocity of flow near .the in line .
. a,butmeHts and the regulators would have to be con-
side red. 3.2.8. The number of fish passing upstream of the
proposed structure for the previous periods say for a
3.2. Invest.igatioDS and Data ReqUired period of 30 years.

The fish-pass to be provided in the diversion stru cture 3.2.9. Commercail value of the fisheries they





, 100 I i-- gi
300)(300 Opening 212x2120pening 22


FIGURE 3.1: Types of Fishways

contribute-to work out economics of having a fish 3.3.1. Fish-Loci<;

pass or not. The operation of fish lock is similar to that of
3.2.10. The normal swimming speed of fish, its navigation lock. A group of fish is admitted in to
darting speed and preference for swimming or the lock at a time and transferred eitber to upstream
jumping or downstream as the case may be. Tbe lock is gene-
rally located next to the divide wall.
3.2.11. The stimulii of fish-Whether it is attracted
by large volume of water or greater velocity. 3.3.2. Fish Ladders
A fish ladder usually consists of a series of pools with
3.2.12. The norm.l time that fish takes from Gown- smail drops in water surface at the cross walls. Drops
stream to spawning grounds and the delay which it is in water surface are generally about 0.3 metre, but
capable of withstanding without and detrimental could be as great as O.6m at sbort ladders where only
effect on its biological functions. a few jumps are necessary. Long ladders are often
provided with intermediate rest pools. The migratory
3.2.13. The size of downstream migrants. fish jump from one step to the other. The different
types of ladders are briefly described belew :
3.2.14. The nature of spawing grounds and the river
condition at the time of spawning, viz, velocity, depth, POOL AND JET FISHWAY
turbidity and temperature of water.
The pool and Jet fish way consist of a series of
3.3. Types of Fish-pass pools in a stepped ·arrangement from tail water 10vel to
the upstream water level. The pools may also be
The fishpass can be of tWO types viz., fish ladders connec.(ed by short sloping channels if the fi$hway is
and fish locks. The fish ladders can be further sub- cut in rock or they can be formed by a series of
divided in to four types as (j) Pool and Jet fishway obstacles or dams placed in a sloping channel. In the
and (ii) Paired obstacle fish way (iii) Alternate obstacle latter case, the flow from pool to pool may be over
fishway and (iv) Deni! fishway. A description of solid obstacles or through notches or orifices in the
these are given below: obstacles or a combination of these.
Each pool affords a more or less adoquate .resting
place for the ascending fish accordmg to, the sIZe and
desian of the pools. When the obstacles have sub-
merged orifices, the fish generally prefer to use them
thus avoiding exposure, In negotlatmg an ordmary
overfall the fish usually swim up the falling jet. The
tendency to jump from pool to pool is limited to
certain species of fish. In the case of an o~erfall, tbe
fish must raise itself from one pool elevatIOn to the
next and in tbe case of an orifice the fish must work

"~ ., .'
against the two sides of orifice.
The Pool and Jet fish way in its many variations is 0
probably the oldest and most widely used of all types < ;;::E
There are three sub-types of the Pool and Jet fishway, ,
viz. (i) Pool anrl Overfall Jet type (iiI Cail type and
(iii) Pool and Submerged orifice type. These three
- types have been studied by the Iowa Institute of
Hydraulic Research and some aspects of the same are
given in Appendix 3.1.
These types are shown in Figure 3.\.
The paired obstacles fiishway consists of a
sloping pairs spaced along the channel at in-
tervals equal to about the width of the channel and
a straight free passage between them. The
free passage is considerably restricted and one half to
five eights of the channel width being taken np by the
obstacles. The floor in the free passage is usually fiat,
although ~mall bottom obstacles may be used. The
wide spacing ,of the pair of obstacles along the channel
gives the fish way the hydraulic function of a pool and
jet type fishway. but since .the pools are divideq by the
central flow, they do not afford much of a resting place
except to the smaller fish. When the Denil type is
compared with the paired obstacles fishway, the ratio
of preference is 5 : I in favour of Denil type. Cat· fish
does not prefer the Paired Obstacles Fishway.
This type of fishway is shown in Figure 3.1. ALTERNATE OBSTACLE FISHWAY

Alternate obstacle Fishway consists in general of a

straight rectangular channel WIth obstacle8 or baffles
placed altematively along the sides producing a jet
deflection in the horizontal plane. This type of fi,hway
has been built in an almost unlimited variety of baffle
shapes, spacings and angles. The flow is confined
to zig-zag path which is much longer than tbe
fIshway. The widtll of passage is effectively less than
Its measured width because of its tortuous form. Velo-
cities are sharply localised and are often in such a
direction as to strike the fish from the side. The water
depth is usually irregular and there are many whirl
pools or vortices. There is no adequate resting space
for tbe fish. Baffle arrangements can be, made which
minimise these difficulties and provide a fair passage
for ~sh. if the slopes used are mild. This type of fish-
w~y IS not quite satisfactory. A lype of this fish-way
WIth a reasonable slope of say I in 4 is shown in
Figure 3.1. When compared with Deni! type, equal'
number of fish use both these 'two types. FIGURE 3.2 Fish Ladders at Khanki Weir


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31 Deni! Fishway: The Deni! or channel type and extremely shallow depths. Overtopping does not
{)f fish way consists of a straight channel with closely reduce its effectiveness'
spaced baflles set at an angle with the axis of the
channel. The baflles with parts of the channel walls
and bottom form secondary channels while they
leave free a relatively large proportion of the channel
for the straigbt main flow througb which the fisb
pass. The greater part of tbe energy dissipation is
accomplished at the reissue of the secondary current,
by tbe large momentum transfer and intense mixing
occurring tbere.
The Deni! fishway shown in Figure 3.1. is a simple
arrangement. It isa channel having bottom baflles
formed from oblique and perpendicular parts. The
system has proved extremely efficient. The velocities in
the channel are extremely moderate. This simple
symmetrical fishway can be used for extremely shallow
depths. Modification of the Denil fishway having
parallel baffies at the sides, placed at an angle with
the side walls and the bottom shown in Figure
3.1 has proved to be very efficient.
Another modified Denil fishway. also shown in
Figure 3.1 has been evolved out from a series. of
laboratory experiments. It has been seen that this fish-
way is not affected by head and tail water conditions
as long as the fish can enter the fish way and snfficient
water is flowing. Strong overtopping does not reduce
its effectiveness.
3.4 SelectioD of Type
The selection of the type of fish pass, either a fish-
lock or fish ladder (any. sub type) depends 00 many
considerations, including economy. but the prime con-
sideration i, the suitability or attraction to the migra-
tory fish. The fisheries department has to be invariably
consulted before the structure is selected and planned.
3.4.1 However, it may be said that no single fish way PI
can claim to yield complete solution of the problem.
The Deni! type of fishway which incorporate the ideas !~'---L.LJ
of energy dissipation is generally adaptable to any
particular set of local conditions and requirements.
Alternative types also should be considered and com-
]lared for economy and attraction to fish.
3.4.2 The Deni! and Pool and Submerged Orifice
types are generally recommended for slopes upto.
25 percent and heights upto about 0.6 m. When 'tbe
velocity increases, by a proper reduction of the slope.
the size of the fish way could be adjusted. Paired w

Obstacle Fishway adopts itself to a considerable range >

of head water elevation. o
3.4:3.. Where the majority of fish is of the catfish
vanetlY, Deni! type may be advantageous. An Alter-
nate Obstacle Type may be preferable for quill black
fish variety.
3.4.4 Deni! type is adaptable to any required shape
of cross-section and great head water fluctuations FIGURE 3.4 : Details of Fish Ladder of Kosi Barrage

3.4.5. Typical details of Fish ladders in Khanki weir
are shown in Figure 3.2. Typical details of Filh
ladder provided in Kosi Barrage, Bihar are shown in
Figures 3.3 and 3.4.

3.4.6. Typical details of fish lock are shown in

Figure 3.5.
3.5 Design Requiremeo ts
The successful function of a fish ladder primarily
depends on its location to attract the migratory fish. A
number of factors such as physical features of the
location, the height to be overcome and the available
water supply may influence the design of a fishway. A
large fisl1way with abundant flow of water may prove
advantageous as the outfall would provide a greater
attraction to the fish than that from a small one. How-
ever, some times, conditions may limit both the dimen,
sions and available quantity of water; The different
types would need the design of a graded section of q \ ., \
such length and dimensions as would provide' a series
of compartments through which water would pass to ""

,'" 0

facilitate the fish to mOve upstream and, downstream. \; \

The dimensions of the fishway, 'supply of water and
grade would have to be suitably adjusted to reduce the
turbulence in the compartments to the point where the
fish variety would not become fatigued. Help of
hydraulic model tests should be , taken wherever
3.5.1. The following points may serve as guidelines
In a satisfactory design of a fishway. The entrance to the fish way should be from
a poll in which'the fish would naturally collect when
their further progress towards the upstream is preven-
ted by the construction of the diversion structure.
3.5.1;2. The entrance should be well submerged at
all stages of water when the fish are '. seeking ascent
through it. '
3.5. \.3. The size of the free cross-section of the fish-
way should be sufficient for the unhampered swimming
movements of the fish with due consideration for their
sizes and number using the fishway.The width should !lu

not be too narrow. ~1
e <.>"~.
ti •< The hydraulic conditions created should be
such that the passage of fish up the fishway does not .
••< ';.5
overtax the energy of the fish. No large scale vortex or ~< x~ u
whirl poll effect should be present. •e ~6 'The down&tream openings should be self- '~" ","

attracting. During the periods of migration; water FIGURE 3.5 Typical Details of I'lsb Lock·
should be available in the ladders.
3.5.'.7. Drops in water surface between successive Longitudinal slopes may vary from 8 : 1 for
polls are generally limited to about 0.3 m., but could low lifts to IS :1 for high lifts. ,
be as great as,0.6m,:at' shart ladders where: onlY' 'a:"
fewjumps are required. . 3.SJ ~9. Flows of water through fish ladders should



be fast enough to lure the fish. Velocities of about 3.6. Regulation

0.5 misec are generally suflbient. The velocity. through
ladders should not eKceed 2.5 misec. The upper end of the fishway should be provided
with regulating arrangements So that the quantity of Poll depths usually vary from about 1m., fish admitted can be controlled. Otherwise, the com-
at small ladders to about 2 m., at large ladders. partments would be unduly flooded during high water
periods and insufficient supplies during low water At weirs on small streams, pools may be periods. The best resulls are obtained by a series of
from \.25 m to 2.5 m wide and 2 m to 3 m long. At regulating gates !>etween compartments and the amount
weirs on large rivers, pools may be 6 m to 12 m wide, of water entering the fish way may be adjusted to suit
but never more than 6 m long. the level· apove the structure.
,ro • 3.5.12. At weirs where water supplies are ample,
,I entire lengths of cross-walls between pools can act as 3.6.[. Automatic regulation may be provided and is
weirs and where the supplies are limited, notches pro- employed in some instances where the variation of
vided in the cross-wall between pools can act as weirs. water level is not too great by the provision of a series
These notches in the cross-walls can be provided either of compartments with appertures through the bottom
at centre or staggered at the ends. Holes or openings of the dividing partitions, the dimensions of the apper-
I in the cross walls are preferable as they permit passage 'tures being reduced in each successive partition com-
I of fish without jumping. Tile walls are generally built mencing at the inlet. The volume of water entering a
,, I oblique and are staggered so that the fisil can take rest fish way may also be controlled by a movable slit ope-
after passing one hole before they move to the other. rated by floats.

( ;1·'

I ;
I' ~
,, ,II··I, .


, i
j -I


Experimental. Observations on, Pool and, Jet Fishwa,ys

Investigations were carried out at the Iowa lnsti" changes than the straight o.verfall. When thisfishway
tute of hyd'raulic I(esearch where various designs of was compared with the Denil type; thepreferen'co ti>:.
iishways using full scale models and, different varieties Denil type was abo.ut 7 to. 1.
of fish were compared. The experimental observations
B. CaU.Type : 'Lhe' were about squarec in Older
on, the. three sub"types of Pool and Jet Fishways ar~ to. produce. the, desired circulatory motion and. all. ftQw.
given below: ' ' should· be thro.ugh the erifices. 'lhe clfculation, in tbe. wasmo.derate andthe.resting facilities were ex-
A. Pool and Overall Jet: CloserspacJDg.of baflles cellent. Fish were able to. ascend ti)lsfishway even when
was not recommended. With narrow range of 100. to. tbeftow was. Io.w eno.uSh to tbe o.flfices, but it
150 rom depth o.ver baffies, tbe appearal'ce of the ftow was. advisable to mamtam water up to. the baflle
was gQod. 'fhe energy from eacb o.verfall was dlssl" depth. Wben comparea wIlh Denil type, the.·prefer.ence
pated, in the succeeding po.ols.. The baflles were. liIst to Denil. type varied from, 2. 5 : I to 4.5·: 1.
installed vertically, but it was o.bserved thatthefisb,.,hav e ,
difficulty in passing over the square edge o.f tbe baflle. C. Pool aDd Submerged Orifice type : Ordinary Po.ol
Due tothis difficulty and also for the purpose. 01 1D" and Jet fisbway. with slaggered o.rifice were usually
creasing the circulatory motion ID the pools, the baflles low in efficiency. The jet deftectlOn was mederate and
were tilted upstream by 125 mm. This would also help hence the energy dissipatien was alsomederate. Ho.w-
the fish to rest in the pools. The attraction at the foot of ever, a design based upon jet deftectien in the
the fishway was particularly good in this arrangement. vertical plane was chara~leflsed by cross-walls slanted
strongly downstream with submerged o.rifices in arial
This fishway was compared with. the Deniltype and disposltlo.n. The minimum depth for effective opera~
also with the submerged orifice fishway. The fish using tio.n was determined bydepth necessary for swim-
the submerged orifice fishway out numbered those using ming depenaing on size o.f the lisb rather than. the
overfall fish way by more than 4 to 1 whereas tbose mechaDical effect. The taIl water when submerged had
using the DeDiI type out numbered it alniost by 8 to 1. no. attractio.n ether than the underwater current. To
increase the &ttractio.n, a medium ftow with the Io.w iet
With notched obstacles, the results were. found to. partially expo.sed was to. be mamtained. The. me.d.ium
be the best when the notch ftowed full and when tbere to low range was better than tbe medIUm to. highfio.w
was no. ftow· over the top of tbe bame. Tbe no.tching of range, This type of fish way was compared with the
the obstacle tended to cut do.wn tbe jump beigbt and straight o.verfall type. The -ratio. ·ef preference was
also the fish were less exposed in passing an obstacle. mere than 4 to. 1. When compared with the Deni! type
The attraction to. the fisb was fairly .good and the water under average cenditions, the total number of fish
required was less. It was less sensitive to head water using either ef them was the same.

Navigation Facilities

4.0 Introduction 4.2. Types of Navigation Lock

With increasing demand for provision of naviga- Navigation lock can be of different types. Stone
masoury construction has been replaced nowadays
tion facilities wherever possible, it is necessary to by concrete structures due to better resistance to
make a comprehensive planning?f t~e dlverslOl1 struc· impact. abrasion and deterioration. The various types
tures includmg provision of navigatIOn locb. It may of navigation locks are constructed of gravity or mass
be necessary to allow traffic through the fiver from concrete, dry-dock reinforced concrete. steel sheet
upstream to downstream and vice versa. or from up- pilling. reinforced concrete and combination type.
stream or downstream to a feeder canal/lInk canal ,,:nd
vice versa. The various types of navigation locks which 4.2.1. Gravit), or Mass Concrete Type
are necessary for this purpose. other faCIlItIes to be .This type of lock is composed of wall sections
provided, their layout and design consideratIOns, etc., which resist applied loadings by their rnassiveness.
are all discussed briefiy in this Chapter. Size and shapeof sections should be selected to fit the
particular purpose and loading condition. sliding and
4.1. Data Required to .be Collected foundation stresses. Top and intermediate widths are
For proper planning of the navigation facilities to made to provide space ior such installations as filling
be provided. it is necessary to collect certain data. and emptying systems, anchorages for movable struc-
These are given below: tures, operating equipment. temporary closure struc-
tures, their mechanisms and miscel1aneous accessories.
4.1.1. Topographical- Data
4.2.2. Dry Dock Reiriforced Concrete TJ'pe
The data collected for planning of the diversion The dry-dock type lock consists of relatively thin
structure and the canal sYHem can be made use of. walls constructed integrally with a thick floor slab.
4.1.2. Hydrological Data They are designed to act together as mono ,each
being heavily reinforced to distribute the loads.
Hydrological data collected for the diversion 4.2.3. Reinforced Concrete Type
structure lik'" ffi1ximum and minimum flows, water
levels, etc .• can be made use of. This is the usual type nowadays adopted. The
walls may be either cantilevered or counterforted.
4.1. 3. Sub-surface Investigations
43. Components of Lock Walls
. Geological data including foundation conditions,
foundation and leakage problems, etc., at sites suitable Navigation Lock-walls are sub-divided into various
for location of navigation locks in the vicio ity of the parts and are designated in regard to their position or
diversion structnre should be collected. purpose such as lock chamber walls. upper gate· bay
walls, lower gate-bay walls culvert in take walls.
4.1.4. Navigation Requirements cu Ivert discharge walls, upper approach walls and
lower approach walls.
For the navigation facilities to develop their maxi-
mum usefulness and work efficiently, it is necessary to 4.3.1. Lock Chamber Walls:
collect data on the frequency and density of traffic, The lock chamber walls inclose the lock between the
visibility. ease of approach, lockage time admissible, upper and lower gate bays. These are further divided
hydraulic fiow conditions at the entrance and exit, into monoliths provided in between with seals.
existence of bridges nearby. adequate mooring facili-
ties and maneuvering areas, etc. These would help in 4.3.2. Upper and Lower Gate-bay Wall, :
the determination of the size of the locks and other The gate-bay walls include those portions of the
facilities requi red. lock in which the gate recesses, gate anchorages, gate


HW~L r=-Iopin mox.
raised position
Top of lock wall

Maximum raised p06ition

$( 9QtQ: shewn in 41<1shed
....f l_r...1r"Ti-1!.·
_.... _..

I~~oy{rest E l. shield
-£J(IT):~:lb~1 .
leaf anly


~... -Flow c

crest 'Pe 01.



Gete 33529 wide

, :;>
~ w

p,·,,··:·,· . ii""'"
{! i{ OIIICS {
~ - ~
~!"~:':"':O;' _
-'-'<:\ _ {l!"::.:' .... ::.. :~;::';'


1llachinery and sometimes culvert valves and culvert gate sills. emergency closure sills are provided to
·bulkheads are located. . aid closure structures seal at the bottom and have a
base for support. The closure structures at each end
.4~3.3. Culvert In· take and Discharge Walls of the leek are sometimes considered necessary to
In take wails are those extended immediately stop the flow through tr,c lock cr.allibcr if the gates
beyond tbe upper gate bays to· provide space within become inoperative. They are abo required to permit
-which to form intake ports leading to the culverts. unwatering of the lock chaiJIber for periodic inspec-
Discharge walls are the extensions from the downstream tions and repairs.
end of tbe lower-gate monoliths exclusive of the 4.3.6. Lock Floors
.approach walls. Lock floors are required to prevent erosion of the
4.3.4. Approach Walls
4.4. Lock Gates
Provision of approach walls at each end of the Lock gates are prOVIded at the ends of a lock.
lock facilitates lockages by reduction of hazards and Various types of gates are in use such So mitre gates,
increases the eaSe of entrances and departures of craft. rolling gates, ~ector gates· tflir'tel gi.heS a.nd lift gates,
·They also provide means for checking the 'progress of the, comn on onn, beiq; mitre. trdr:'('l "nd lift gates.
a tow or correcting its alignment by puttIng out hnes
I to check posts on the wall, tbereby avoiding extremely
slow, tedious approaches. They prOVI?e moonng
4.4.1. Vertical Lift and T<,inter Lock Gates
Vertical lifl gates can either be submerged below the
I -spaces for the separated part of tows whIch are too
long to negotiate the lock 10 "ne lockage and thus aId
level of the upper sills or raised out of the locks permit-
ting the traffic to pass through. Typical SUbmergible
in the safety and speed of lockage. vertica·) lift lock gate is shown in Figore 4.1 and sub-
4.3.5. Lock Sills: mergible tainter gate is also shown in the same figure.
In the open positIOn the gate is submerged immediatelY
Lock sills form the fixed portion of the damming downstream from the gate sill. When functioning as a
surface under the service gates or temporary closures. filling device. the tainter gote is gradually submerged
<late sills are utilised for each lockage. At orbelow the below upper pool level and flow over the crest drops
into the lock chamber in the manner of a spillway or
- ---.,..,-,--,-v--- -- - ----.. .
Ill, 1 n--Flow __ ~ '\ weir, Submergible gates are practical only where the
1(~r.-7r~7,_---u-J.._-~-u-------, <, "'\ \ sill is sufficiently high to permit tbe gate to be dropped
11/:,1/1' '. \ "
completely below its top surface. Submergence into a

/ ) ~
floor recess is not c:msidered advisable as tbe recess
would get fined up with silt and debris.
4.4.2. Sector Gates
In tidal reaches of rivers or canals locks may
be subjected to reversal of heads. The gates sbould

\ I \ I \ I \ I
\ // I
be capable of withstanding hydrostatic load from
either side. Sector gates (shown in Figure 42) serve
the dual purpose of service gates and device for
filling and emptying the lock.
.... ---- - ---IJ--L_.J--U-- _____ .... ' 4.5. Filling aod Emptying Systems
Successful and smooth handling of the vessels
STUB CULVERT HYDRAULIC SYSTEM WITH DISCHARGE DIFFUSER through the lock depends on the efficient and effective
operation of the filling and emptying systems. As any
inefficient filling and emptying system produces unfa-
vourable velocities or surges in the lock chamber adding
to the difficulties of tedious and time consuming
lockage operations, the system has to be well planned
and designed.
There are two general classes of types of filling and
emptying systems, viz, (i) end filling or emptying
systems whicb may utilise valves mounted in the lock
service gates or short valved culverts located in the
lock walls adjacent to the service gates or may provide
for flow either through, over or under partially open
lock service gates and (ii) systems that utilise longitu-
dinal culverts in lock walls or floors with multiple ports·
SYSTEM EMPTYING SYSTEM into the lock chamber to provide a uniform distribu-
tion of- flow. In the case of a large lock. anyone or
4.2: Typical Filling & Emptying Systems of Navigation Lock. both the systems can be adopted.

" ~I

I" o

~I il230
Q Payment on


--+ (All dim...ensions (Ire in mm and levels in metres)

FIGURE 4.4 : Typical Detailed Plan of Navigation Lock.

4.5.4. Longitudinal Culverts in Lock Floor ins!'~~tion.Some of them are Towing and Snuhbing
faclhlIes, Esplanade, Protective Equipment, Wall Face
If it is not possible to provide culverts in the lock Protectlon, Guard Rail and Parapets, Ladders, Stairs
walls due to foundation conditions, space at and Ramps and Ganges and Recording Devices.
the project site etc., longitudinal distribution of the
discharge in filling operations can then be obtained by 4.6.1. Towing and Snubbing Facilities
placing the supply culverts in the floor of the lock
parallel to the side walls of the lock. The Towin~ and Snubbing facilities include equip-
ment for towmg and snubbing, snubbing lines
4.5.5. Ouzside Intakes and Discharge Systems floating mooring bits and line hooks. '
If the lock is rather long and lift is high, to reduce EQUIPMENT FOR TOWING AND SNUBBING
the filling and emptying times, sometimes it would be
advantageous to oraw or discharge water from outside When the length of a tow is greater than that of the
<>f the upper or lower approach say the pond or river lock, it is divided into two or more sections while the
itself. Such arrangements are termed outside intakes part with its own power can pass without any aid,
and discharge systems. others may have to be moved through the lock and
snubbed beyond.
4.5.6. Auxiliary Emptying Systems SNUBBING LINBS
As the co·eflkient of discharge for emptying is
usually lower than that for filling in the caSe of a side Snubbing lines are providerJ to afford some safety
wall culvert, emptying operation rnay take more time. against the. possibility of the gates being rammed by
For speeding up the opera- tion, auxiliary emptying the vessels or tows passing through the lock.
system can be provided in the form of a stub culvert. FLOATING MOORING BITTS

4.6. Miscellaneous Provisions Floating mooring bitts are provided to avoid the
. necessity of changing lines as the pool varies. Their
There are a number of miscellaneons provisions to spacing would vary according to the length of lock and
be made in a lock for efficient functioning, safety and the type of tows which normally use the waterway •


Floating mooring bitts should never be allowed to sink.

·•• ."•

Line hooks are located in the face of lock and
approach walls whether or not fioating mooring bitts
are provided.
4.6.2. E'planade
Esplanade or working area is usually provided on
the back Ifill or the earth closure section widened
to requirements for storage, maintenance, parking
and other miscellaneous uSes. While determining the
features of the' esplanade, access to lock, lighting,
protective fencing and other' miscellaneous requirements
should be considered.
4.6.3. Protective Equipment
Protective fenders are provided to protect the lock
gates from damage due to impact from a vessel passing
through the lock chamber. This can be of wire rope
type. '
4.6.4. Wall Face Protection
Wall surfaces against which vessels rub when
making a lockage are protected by a smooth surfaced
material to reduce abrasion on both walls and
vessels. This could be by rows of rolled structural
steel T - shaped sections with slightly Convex surface
projecting slightly into the lock chamber from the
face of the lock wall. Protection angles with rounded
corners are provided on vertical or horizontal 4
corners likely to be struck by a moving vessel. Some- (
times timber fenders are provided horizontally along t
the approaches. t
4.6;5; 'Guardrail and Parapets c
Whe'n the backfill is a sufficient distance below the
top of lock and approach walls, guard rails are provid-
ed. Other facilities such as stair wells, ladder recesses I
and other openings at the top of walls and at other
locations not protected with covers should have guard-
rail or other protective equipment on all sides.
4.6.6. Ladders, Stairs and Ramps ,
Ladders sbould be provided at suitable intervals te>
provide access to the lock fioor, floating accessories,
and other components for carrying out necessary main-
tenance and safety measures. Wherever less than thre ..
risers are involved, ramps could be provided instead
of stairs.
4.6.7. Gauges and Recording Devices:
Gauges and Recording devices are incoporated in-
the lock walls at suitable locations to indicate the'
water levels.
4,6.8. The different elements of a navigation lock ar..
shown in Figure 4.3.
4.7. ' Hydraulic Designs
After a suitable location for the navigation lock is·
fixed,hydrau1i~ designs should be done to satisfy the-
basic requirements in~luding (I) A dependable depth fot
movement of crafts in the navigation channel and lock.
(ii) adequate widths in the, channel and lock for
FIGURE 4.5, :' Typical Sections of Navigation Lock. maneuvering crafts at tbe desired speeds (iii) freedom.


from hazardous currents and (iv) a minimum time bance (b) is far more serious since both the craft and
requirement in the passage of look;. [h" hydraulic
de3:gi1:i are d;)u! g.::aerally to en:;ure of' water
tile Slfu~'U(~"""IJOe Jam.g.d. Lengthening of the
lock chamber and tows increase the potentialities a
supply for look.ges, fi< top levels of the components of damage and hence surgmg should be reduced to a
the struclure, prOVide approacll structures, provide mlfilmum
efficient filling and emptying systems and to fix other
necessary features. It is always desirable to conduct The requirement for speed in filling and
hydraulic model tests 10 accomplish lockages with emptymg and the reqUirements for safety of traffic and
reasonable tlin~ and avoid excessive turbuhmce and structures should be given parallel consideration
Hawser stresses. Speedmg up lockage umes may lead to intolerabl~
4.7.1. Water Requirements: It should be eusured that turbulence and surgmg in the lock chambers. Hence a
navigation pools at their normal levels are always mam· SUitable system and timings would have to be deter-
tained. Tile various factors such as water requirements mlDea and mOdel experiments come in handy for this
for lockages, leakage, seepage, evaporation, etc., should purpose.
be considered. The !load value beyond which uaviga-
tion IS not to be permitted should also be determined. Surging causes the crafts in the lock chamber
to dult tram one end to the other end in order to keep
4.7.2. Elevation of Lock Walls: The top of the lock tnem from stricKing the gates or damaging other P'iTtS
walls should be carefully fixed so that the lock is useable ?f the structure, it should be restrained by Hawsers.
at all times except duriug 'large floods. The lock walls fhe stress 10 the Hawsers is essentially a function of
should provide protectIOn to the adjoiniug areas. the ,liross tonnage' of the tow and the slope of the water
Usually 2.25 m or more of free board above the uor- surlace m ttle lock with the frictional forces exerted
mal pool level would be required to obtaiu satisfactory UPOJl the cral! by flow in the chamber having only
operating couditions. The portions upstream and mmor effects. Hawsers required to restrain the crsft
do wnstream of the gates should have top elevatioM must be provided.
above the corresponding high flood levels with sufficient
free board. During filling and emptying operations, as
the active head and discharge vary from maximum to
4.7.3. Lock Dimensions: The size of the lock zero, analysis becomes a little difficult. However, ana-
depends onthe size of the largest boat it is designed lytical methods based, on empirical data have been
to accommodate. There are clearances required to allow developed and could be used to d~terlIiine the size of
the vessel to enter the lock safely. The minimum the culverts and also end filling systems. Head losses
clearances required are usually 'as follows : in the intake and discharge manifolds, friction in the
Each side 0 75 to 1 m ; Between nose/end of boat to culverts and losses due to valves should also be taken
gate 1 to 2.5 m ; Length between gates = Boat length in to account in the analysis.
+ 2 to 5 m ; Drought during Min. WL. 1 to 1.5 m ;
Overall dimensions of lock are to be ,fixed suitably One of the initial steps in. the design of filling
taking requirements for gates matters, etc. and emptymg system IS the selectIOn of tentative filling
and emptymg times. It is usually based on a study of
4.7.4. Lock Approach Structures: The upstream and the system of other locks and hydraulic model test
downstream approach structures should be designed
after a careful study of the hydraulic characteristics of results. Roughly it is given by the f6rmula T= m
the waterway in their vicinity. These should ensure , \I gzH r
smooth entrance and exit of the crafts lind reduce where H is the lift in feet, g acceleration due to gravity
hazards caused by adverse currents. in ftisec/sec and m is a constant varymg between 600
and 1000, but generally between 720 and 960. An
4.7.5. Filling and Emptying Systems : Design of average value of m is 840.
filling and emptying systems are very important in the
proper functioning of navigation locks. General re-
quirements to be satisfied in the designs are that (i) Similar expressions for approximately determining
filling and emptying operations should be performed as the lock operation time are also available. For details,
rapidly as practicable. (ji) disturbances caused durmg manuals on Navigation locks may be referred. These
the operation by the flow should not endanger any cral t timings would later on be used to determine the size of
in the lock chamber or approaches and (iii) the filling the culverts, intake and discharge manifolds.
and emptying system should be as economical in con-
struction and operation as possible without sacrificing 4.8. Structural Designs
efficiency and safety. The disturbances due to flow
during the lock operations could be either or both of The lock walls are usually provided as monoliths
(a) localised turbulence or rotational flow generated by and joint> are provided between them. They would be
jets of water coming into the lock chamber or lower located according to the requirements of the particular
approach and (b) an oscillatory longitudinal surging element that the monolith supports or contains. Each
in the lock chamber. Of these two th~ second distur- monolith should be completely stable without depend-

. Head Regulator

5.0 Introduction tion is the. intake of Iram Siphai Barrage which is

shown in Figure 5.18. (VolU1:ne I)
The head regulator or intake provided at the diver-
structure has the following objects to fulfill: (i) 5.1.2. The head regulator could be con.structed inde-
Kegulatlon of the snpply of water into the canal or pendel1.t of the abutment separated from It by .suitable
condnctor system for purposes of irrigation, joints and seals or it can be monolithic with it, say in
power generation,industrial or domestic water the case of gravity type of abutments of t\le main
sUl>ol'v. etc., (Ii) Prevention of high floods from enter- structure and the head regulator. with a: valley line
the canal and (iii) Control of the entry of silt forming in between. The abutments of the head regn-
canal. Hence ilis very Important that the head lator themselves can be separated from its floor by
r~~~:~J'~~li~~:~~~:lrl~~ carefully for satisfactory hydrau- longitudinal joints and seals or they can be mademono-
1 performances since the successor lithic with the raft floor of the head regulator and the
"otbel,wi':se of tbe project would depend on it also as it whole structure designed as a trough sect~on .. A typical
the source at the head. The various aspects regard- example of the latter type can be seen III III Figure
the same are discussed in this Chapter. 5.13. (Volume I) .
\. Layout 5.1.3. The regulation of the head regulator is provided
usually by vertical lift gates, .The gates can be a single
poinfofview of sediment exclusion, the or double or triple tiered one depending' on thesHt .
content oftbe river water and.the purpose for which
i~~:~~,~~,i~~~~~~ is generally aligned with its axis, per- water is required to be diverted. This is further, dis-
cI to that of the diversion structure and locat-
near the abutment. However, 'in some ca$es, it has cussed in para 5.4. .
observed that keeping the axis of the head re- 5.1.4, The "iquired discharge 'into the including

!:J;~~~ObliqUe to the barrage/weir axis at an angle about 10 to 15% of discharge for sediment extractors
upto IIpo gives better performance from
exclusion and smooth entry .point of view. can be passed at pond level for wbich a gate controlled
of hydraulic model studies is generally taken opening from tbe crest level to the pond level only is
10,:alion and alignment of head regulator axis. The required to be provided. However, during high floods,
regulator may be located on one or both the if water would spill over the gates and get into the canal
as per req uiremen ts. gates are provided only upto pond level. To reduce
the uneconomical height of the gate right "pto the high
flood level .dne to higher cost of. the gates, heavier
While the location of. the head regulator machinery to ';perate them and hIgh level of operating
id~:~::;~~lt~ the abutment of the diversion structure is platform required, breast walls are provided instead
Ir, it may not sometimes be possible to locate it . above pond level and upto tbe high flood level pins a
to topographical features such as hills, etc. little free board or upto the top of the abutments.
case. the head regulator may have to be sited
Dstre.m near the periphery of the pond, but not S.1.5. Usually.a road bridge is provided across the
from the main structure. , If the discharge re- bead regulator for vehicular traffic or for inspection
llr~lment:s are small, sometimes the head regulator or and would be suitably. connected. to the bridge
is provided in .the form of an opening in the across the main structure. For the . operation ortbe·
wall of the abutment. constructed at a suitable gates.' a working platform across the head regulator
. to the latter. Atypical example of such a loca- would also. be provided.


Back fill

Trash rack


. -,- - . - - _ - - l -
L . ===
"~I~----n----~./)b_,_' Ii


:-Sheet Pile


i! ~¢pr"f shee~(tpile
COP.Per sfrip fo be broced


•• - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ___J

FlGURE 5.1 : Intake Details of Y8IDllDa Barrage (Delhi)


5.1.6. In the Case of head regulators feeding hydel Q=C' L, H'/' where Cd is the oc·efficient of
channels, usually trash racks are provided in front·"f discharge, L. is the effective Widtb of waterway and
tbe gates and stoplogs to prevent floating debris from H is tbe head over the crest. C. is calcul.ted from
getting past the head regulators. This could be provid- Drowning ratio values. For a head regulator, the
ed even io the case of irrigation canals if the floatmg value of Ca DS:';U!!Y \,r!rii!~ from, 1. 8 to 2 in British
debris are to be eliminated as much as possible. units for headless flow conditions. It is taken as about
1.7 in metric units. L, is equal to (L-K. n. H)
5. \. 7. Wherever intakes are provided for purposes of where L is the clear waterway, K is a coefficient
drawing water to be used in generation of thermal (usually U.OI to 0.03) depending on the shape of the
power, a sump is provided after the downstream pier nose and n is the Dumber of end contractions.
glacis of the head regulator/intake. A typical example
is that of the intake of Yamuna Barrage, Deihi. The In the case of rectangular openings of intake,
layout of the same is shown in Figure 5.1. Similar sometimes, submerged orifice formula could be used.
arrangement could be adopted for domestic water
supply purposes also. The spans of head regulators usually vary from 5 to .
10 m. Hence as per the required waterway calculated,
5.1.8. Often times, the waterway of the head regula- the number of spans and their widths can be decided.
tor may be more than the bed width of the canal down- As already mentioned under layout, standbye bays
stream. In such cases. suitable transition would need could be provided wherever needed.
to be provided beyond the downstream end of the head
regulator to reach the normal section of the canal •. 5.2.3. Profile of the Floor: While finalising the profile
of the floor of the head regulator, the upstream and
5.[,9. Sometimes, water may have to be diverted downstream cut off . levels upstream floor level and
from the river to serve two main canals in different length, downstream glacis, cistern level and length, and
territories. It has to be analysed in snch cases to deter- end sill level and length would be determined.
mioe whether a single head regulator with the com-
bined discharging capacity and the two canals branch" Wben the head regulator is located close
ing off after some common length could be had or two to the undersluice bays of the main structure, the up-
independent head regulators with two separate canals stream cut offisheet pile would be taken down to tbe
can be had. Apart from economical considerations, same level as that of the undersluice bays. If it is
the operating conveniences including disputes lIkely to loc.• ted away from the main structure, it has to be
arise should also be considered. If two separate head taken down to the level governed by the usual con-
regulators are to be provided, it would be desirable to sid erations of scour on 'the npstream. The downstream
determine their best locations and alignments with the cut off/sheet pile level would he governed by the con-
help of model studies so that their hydraulic perform- siderations of exit gradient and scour explained for the
ances are not impaired. main structure in Chapter 6.
5.2. Hydraulic Design The npstream floor is usually kept horizontal
at the crest level, considerations for which have been
In the hydraulic design of the head regulator, the given in para 5.2.1. The upstream floor would have to
following items are decided : Crest level, waterway, accommodate the grooves for trash rack bottom, stoplog
profile of the floor and energy dissipation. and gates. It should also be fixed from the overall
length required for a safe exit gradient which should be
5.2.l. Crest level: The crest level and water:-vay of. a. checked with canal closed and high flood 'on the up-
head regulator are inter-related. For preventIOn of sIlt stream.
entry into the canal, the crest level should normally be
kept about 1.2 to 1.5 metre above the crest lev~l ~f The downstream glacis is usually kept as
undersluices if silt excluders are not prOVided and It 3(H) : l(V) as for the main structure.
would be about 1.75 to 2.5 m above if silt excluders
are provided. The creast level coult be kept at th~ top The cistern length and level are decided from
level of the silt excluder tunnels or about 0.5 m higher the considerations for proper energy dissipation.
depending on the silt charge. Energy Dissipation : Energy Dissipation is
5.2.2. UTat"way: The waterway should be adequate achieved through formation of hydraulic jump under
to pass the required discharge through the head different discharge conditions. For various gate open-
regulator without diffi;ulty. In Imp,)ftant structures, a ings with Pond level on the upstream, the discharge
standbye bay also could be provided. to take care of through the head regulator and the corresponding
any bay under repairs. The reqUIred waterway IS water level in the canal have to be worked out. From
calculated by using the formula. these values. ; the cistern levels and lengths would have


to be calculated and the governing values adopted, for end ,still, etc., could also be provided wherever necess-
the profile. Additional energy dissipating devices such sary. For head regulators with small discharging capa M

as chute blocks, friction blocks, end sill or dentated cities, additional energy dissipating devices except an
end still may not be necessary.
5.3. Structural Designs
The structural designs of a head re~ulalor are
more or less similar to those of the main structure. As
the canal is usually completely closed when the highest
flood is pas;ing in the river, it provides the worst
static condition and the floor should be able to resist
uplift pressures under this condition. These press'.!res
are usually high and a gravity type of floor may not be
economical. A reinforced concrete raft fioor may
prove to be economical in such places.
5.3.1. The breast wall of the head regulator generally
consists of two parts viz., vertical stem and horizontal
beam, The two parts can be constructed monolithic or
separated by a joint and provided with a seal in bet·
ween. The vertical stem would be designed as a slab
spanning between the piers or pier and abutment,
fixed at the two ends and loaded by the horizontal
water thrust on the upstream side. The horizontal
beam would be designed for bending in both the
horizontal and vertical directions. The loads to be
taken care of in the analysis include the self weight,
horizontal water thrust on the upstream uplift acting
below the beam and self weight of the vertical stem
transferred at the beam eccentrically. Since the verti-
cal stem is fixed t.o the piers and abutments, full weight
of the stem may not be transferred to the beam. A fair
,proportion at the discretion of the designer may be
0 '. 0 taken as the transferred load. When the stem and
~ ,
. ,
0 beam are monolithic, the breast wall has to be checked
for torsion also caused by the water trust. The area of
the second stage concrete for the embedded parts
should be neglected while analysing the beams_
5.4. Regulation of Gates
General precaution. to be taken in the operation of
the gates may be seen in eha'pter 10. Wherever two
tier or three tier gates are provided, for normal condi-
tions when the silt charge is not much, the lower most
tier of gates would be in operation. When the silt
charge of water increases, the 10wer most tier would be
kept in closed position and the otber tiers of gates
5.4.1. Wherever trash racks are provided to prevent
the fioating debris from entering through the
head regulator, it is necessary that they are cleaned
regular!y so that the orenings are not allowed to be
chocked. Apart from increasing the differential head
;; over the trash rack, the required discharge through the
head regulator cannot be red if they are allowed to get
5.4.2. Instructions regarding the closure of head
regulator gates beyond a permissible silt charge of
diverted water should be strictly followed,
5.5. Typical sections of an intake through the wing
wall of a barrage are shown ih Figure 5.2.

wheel track is divided into two parts namely, the path ment is done by adjusting the nuts on the anchor
or wheel track and HIe track .base. bolts and after the qlignlTIcnt, the pockets are COncre-
6.1.7. Guides: The gaides are fixed inside the groove
of the piers and these are normally bullt up of two
angles kept back to back for guide shoes. 6.1.10. Typical General installation of a fixed wheel
gate is shown in Figure 6.1.
6.1.8. Seal Bases: The seal base comprises of a
6.2. Radial Gastes
stainless steel seai seal screwed on to an angle which
serves as a seal base.
Use of radial gates in barrages is not very common.
6.1.9. Anchor So,/!r: Smce the fi<ed wheel gate It has been provided in Kota Barrage acrosS river
moves in the gate groove within close tolerances, it is Chambal. Some of the advantages of radial gates are
very essential to ensure that all embeJjed parts are (a) absence of grooves, in the piers which are un-
aligned carefully within the spectfied toleeances. In favourable for the smooth hydraulic flow.conditions
order to obtain tne tolerances, suitable means are to be and also debris, etc. (h) absence of wheels and wheel
provided in the embedded parts for alignment. Anchor asseembly and (cl reduction in the hoist capacity com-
bolts are usually provided \0 alJgn the embedded parts pared to the fixed wheel gate. The following are the main
in both the directions. It is a normal practice to leave component parts of the radial gate: (i) Skin plate-
blockouts or pockets behind the embedded parts with curved are of a circle (ii) Vertical stiffeners-curved
anchor bolts fixed at suitable locations in the first stage are of circle (iii) horizontal girder (iv) end arms (v)
concrete. After the manufacture of the embedded trunnion castings (,i) bearing pedestal (vii) trunnion pin
parts. the same are fixed into the anchor boits. AlIgn- (viii) trunnion girder (ix) anchorages.

_Rail track Holst

g __ _ I Raiting
Count.,. wt.- -.I
- Track
Counter wt. guido _

!io~W W"ffi
+114·60 r-- .
M.W.L. +1i3·05

Sond h~vQI + 110 ·35

• ~, II • • 1>.'. t. . ~ ~"~ 'I>..~

FIGURE 6.1: Typical General Installation of Vertical Gate:.


6.2.1. Skin Plate: Curved Are of a Circle-The skin 6.4. Falling Shutters
plat. is designed as spanning between the vertical
stiffeners. Among the different types of falling shutters Four-
acres' falling shutters and Ashford's patent drop shut-
6.2.2. Vertical Stiffeners: Curved Arc of Circle-The ter are generally used over weirs.
vertical stiffeners are spaced at convenient distances.
Each vertical stiff~ner is designed-as an over hanging
beam spanning bet.ween the horizontal girder. The 6.4.1. In the Fouracres' Falling shutter, each shutter,
spacing of the horizontal girders is so adjusted that. the is maintained in the upright position by tie bars, one
ma<imum positive and negative bending moments on end of each bar is attached by a movable pin joint to
the vertical stiffener are equal. an eye bolt anchored in the weir crest upstream of the
shutter and the other end is similarly attached to a
point on the shutter a little below the centre of pres-
6.2.3. Horizontal Girder: The horizontal girders sure of water when the shutter is on the point of
are supported On the end arms at either end and overturning. When water rises to such a level that the
transfer the load coming from the vertical stiffener to moment of water pressure about the points of attach-
the end arms. ment of the tie bars becomes sufficient to overturn the
shutter it falls into the position and lies flat on tbe
6.2.4. End A.rms : The end arms serve as columns crest. offering no obstruction to the flow. The shutters
transferring the water load from the horizontal girder will then have to be raised by hand when the depth.
to the trunnion- and hence into the piers. Each of water passing over them is not more than 0 5 metres.
end arm is designed as a column with L/R ratio equal In this type of falling shutters, any obstruction or
to or less than 180. ' accumulation of silt on the. upstream side of the
shutter is likelY to prevent it from acting and it is
6.2.5. Trun.,ion Casting: T'he trunnion casting is a unsafe to staunch leakage under or between shutters of
circular member made of cast steel against which the this type by depositing silt upstream. Secondly, in-
end arms converge and transfer the load centrally' to ' dividual shutters are very likely to be overturned by
the pin. wind and wave action at times when the general level
of water is considerably below the l.vel"t which it
6.2.6. Trunnion Pin: The trunnion pin in the radial is desired that the shutters should fall. Typical section
gate is a vital part and it carries enormous load. of this type of shutters is given in Figure 0,2. '
The pin is designed as a simply supported member
over the hub and carrying a uniformly distributed load 6.4.2. Ashford's Patent Drop Shutter is another type
from the trunnion hub and bearing. attached to the weir crest by hinges along its lower
edge. Each shutter is held up by a tie rod or by a strut
6.2.7. Bearing Pedestal: The bearing is made of which can be released by the operating staff. Each
cast steel in which the pin is suitably housed, While shutter is supported by a single strut, one end of which
erecting the gate, it is extremely important that the pin is connected by a pin joint to a plate fixed in the weir
is aligned properly. In order to enable this alignment, masonry and the other end slides in a groove in the
a suitable arraugement is made in the bearing pedestal. back of the shutter and cannot leave the groove. When
the shutter is raised, the end of tbe strut is retained in
6.2.8. Trunning Girder: The trunnion girder transfers tbe corresponding position by the short end of the
the load from the pin of tbe radial gate into the con- lever bar. The lever bar is locked in the horizontal
crete of the pier. ' position retaining the strut by making a jointed end on
the limb of the lever and slipping this end into
6,2.9. Anchorages: Anchorages transfer the load from a notch~in a shutter frame, the hinged end of the lever
the trunnion girders into the piers. For small radial projects beyond the frame so that the next shutter when
gates used in some regulators, the elaborate anchor falling may push it out of the notch and thus unlock
girder and anchorages can be eliminal~d by supporting the lever and release the end of the strut. The shutters
the bearing pedestal on a concrete projectIOn from the are installed in one or m"ore seats working from one
I 6.3. Mitre Gates,
end and all the shutters of each set are released in
succession by the falling of the next adjacent shutter,
only the end shutter being rel~ased by hand. Typical
I Mitre gates are one of the types of gates usually
section of this type of shutter IS shown In FIgure 6.2.

I adopted for locks. They are made in pairs, pivoted on

a vertical axis in a recess in each lock walls. The com-
6.4.3. The falling shutters which lie down horizontal
with the passage of floods would be raised by shutters
I bined width of the pair of gates is greater than the
width of the lock and the outer vertical edges of the
set after set by means of a travelling machine called
"plough". The plough moving forward on its trackon
I gates meet in an angle pointing upstream. The thrust
of water against the gates is transferred along the
the weir catches up the roller in the middle of the free
end of the shutters. This roller moves along over an
horizontal beams of the gates to the walls. inclined track in the plough so that as the plough goes
forward, the shutter rises to its vertical position. The 6.5. Stoplogs
strut anus in rear are then pressed down to their final
position which is nearly 6 mm. below the dead centre
line. Thus shutter after shutter is lifted up. For trip- For repair of the gates of the barrage or head
ping any porticular set, oil from the valve hoases is [egulator, it would be necessary to stop the flow
pumped on to any particular master shutter plunger tilrougll the bay in which the gate is to be repaired.
For this purpose, stoplogs are used. These are honzon~
mechanism which lifts the strut arms out of its normal
position below the dead centre line and the water pres- tal cross pieces placed across the waterway and slide in
sure on the face of the shutter trips it down. In falling, vertical grooves of the piers and abutments. Previously
this drops down the other shutters of the set one by stop logs used to be made of wood, but now-a-days
one due to the connecting shaft and clutch arrange- fiitched beams with H - Sections of mild steel filled in
ment. by teak packings bolted to the horizontal web are
being USed. Usually the same gantry crane or hoist
used for lifting or lowering the gates is employed for
operating the stoplogs also. Depending on the number
of bays of the barrage and regulator, one or more sets
. of stoplogs are stored either near the abutments or
between piers in the mid.bays over brackets ancbored
1 to the piers,t1w,i:.:.J~,}~_ .. l,.._
• •,



••," l.'
6.6. Trash Rack

Trash racks are provided in front of the stoplog

! grooves of the head regulator to prevent floating
debris from entering into the canal through the head
'" 0'i regulator. This is a framed structure of steel "ith
J! horizontal and vertical beams and struts. They would
~ be designed as beams or columns as the case may be to
~ resists the differential water pressure caused due to the
choking of the waterway of tbe trash rack. The
differential head may vary from 1 to Jm depending
on the amount of fioating debris and the etfectiv~
cleaning time of the trash rack. The trash rack is pro-
vided at an inclination or about 10-20' to the vertical
and installed in the grooves ofthe piers and abutments
provided for the purpose. Sometimes it may be
necessary to prevent tbe entry of floating grassy weeds
into the bead regulator as in the case of an intake
feeding cooling water to a thermal power station. In
those cases, in addition to the trash racks with big~er
openings, finer meshes may also be used in tbe stoplog


6.7. Hoists

, Hoists are provided for operation of gates to regu-

£" late the flow through the barrage or regulators. If there
z ~
are a number of gates to be operated, either travelling
2 ~ or gantry cranes may be used for their operation.
w •
However. the period requireo for the operation of the
'" " gates is greater .. Hence, often, individual hoists are
~ provided. Different types of hoists are used for opera-
ting gates depending upon the hoist capacity required
~" and the operating conditions. The foliowing are some
oftbese types-(i) Screw lift hoist Cii) Rope-drum or hoist (iii) Hydraulic hoist (iv) Auto-
matic hoist with float operation.

For details of the hoists, relevant manuals may be

referred to.
FIGURE 6.Z: Typical Sections of Falling Shutler•.


Model Tests

7.0. Introduction (xii) Design of components of structure such as

undersluice.·divide walls, head regulator, silt
excluding devices, gates, etc.
In the previous chapters, theoretical considerations
for the selection of site, type of structure and design (xlii) River Training Works.
aspects of the diversion structure and its appurtenant
works have been dIscussed. There are a number of (xiv) Location, waterway and designs Q,f Fisbpass.
of complex factors which cannot be properly visualised
by a designer. Hence the aid of model tests is, there- (XI') Location, alignment and design of Navigation
fore, invariably taken to evolve the optimnm design lock
which is hydraulically and structurally sound and
economical. There are different types of models such 7.1.1. For any structure, it may not be necessary to
as 2-Dimensional, 3-Dimensional, etc. The different test all tile above mentioned aspects. A few things can
types of model techniques are not discussed in this be decided upon by the designer himself based on ex-
Chapter. The utility of model tests in so far as diver- perience and general study of the behaviour of similar
sion structures are concerned, the data required for structures.
the same and their limitations are only outlined in this
Chapter and a few examples of model tests are also 7.2. Data required for Model Tests
For laying the model before it is 'run' and tested,
7.1. Utility of Model Tests certain data are to be furnisbed to the testing officer.
A list of data generally required for the model tests is
In so far as the diversion structures and their presented as AppendIx 7.1.
appurtenant works are concerned, model tests are
utilised for stndy of one or more of the following 7.2.1. A correct model analysis of tbe problem
aspects: depends upon tbe correct laying of tbe model wbich
again depeDds.upon the correctness and quantum of data
(i) Selection of she and orientation furnished. When the model is being laid in a research
(ii) Type of diversion work station. it is always desirable tbat a field officer, in-
timately associated witb the site conditions, is present
(iii) Coefficient of discharge. affiux, pond level there so that the transfer of data to tbe model is
length of waterway and crest level accurately done. When the laid out model is 'run', be
(i,') Energy dissipation devices can observe the flow pattern and wherever needed. the
(v) Location of abutments model can be corrected so that a true depiction by tbe
model is obtained.
(vi) Distribution of discharge in different channels
of the river 7.3. Reference to Model Tests
(vii) Backwater studies
(viii) Effect of siructures located nearby including It is necessary for the designer to intimate the
special problems model testing officer about tbe various aspects to .be
(ix) General layout and flow pattern studIed on Ihe model. In other words, he has to give
tbe' 'terms of reference" for tbe model tests. Tbis
(x) Concentration of flow and scour pattern would contain one or more of the variovs . aspect
(xi) Gate Regulation. mentioned in para 7.1. Copies ofthe bydraulic design


culations and preliminary drawing prepared on that GUIDE BUNDS 7.5
_'s would need to be furnished to the testing officer. ane
The alignments adopted at site for the upstream red
t. Model Test Report and follow up Action guide bunds were different from those recommeoded 41'
earlier from model tests. Corrective measures viz., (i)
After the necessarv model tests are over, the obser· increasing tbe radius of curved heads of right guide 7 .~
tions. results, conclusions and recommendations bund from 500 to 1700 ft. and taking it back through de
Jld be presented in specific notes along with relevant YO' and (U) increasing the angle of sweep for the left we
guide bund curved head from 90' to 1200 were seen to W(
lotographs if any. These would be studied and the te~
ommendations. wherever acceptable. would be in- function satisfactorily in the model
,rporated in the final designs and drawings. ea
oj. lIIustrations of Model Test Results
~ Model tests indicated that original proposal of 7.
A few examples highlighting the utility oflhe model providing the central undersluices were not satisfactory Ct
·<ts leading to suitable modification of the original since its effect was found to be only local and not very
,eoretical design are given below : marked and as such the proposal was not recom-
mended .
.5.1. Project Feutures of Kosi Barrage
7.5.2. Location of proposed Tonie Sap Barrage
5.1.1. CISTERN DBSIGN (Kampuchea)
For the spillway portion, the calculated theoretical
"stern level for the worst condition of fiow waS In the original design, the barrage was located in ~
'l. 221.00 (ft). However. from model tests, it was found the western channel, In the model, it was found that 1
"at a cistern at EI. 223.5 (ft), (2.5 ft) higher than the with this location. there would be increase in tbe maxi-
:heor.tical one) and 89.5 ft long and provided with 2 mum velocity at Kompong Chhnang Port. The barrage
JWS of friction blocks each of 5 ft height and end was. therefore, ultimately proposed to be located in
still of 2.5 ft height provided a satisfactory energy the eastern channel When it was found in the model
issipation. Similar improvement was recommended that the flow condition at the port would not be
for the undersluice portion also. disturbed. DIVIDB WALLS

7.5.3. Project Features for Bidyadharpur Barrage on
Salandl River
The lengths of the divide wall forming the right and
'eft pockets. according the original design. were 240
and 650 feet respectively: The optimum lengths, as The end sill of the barrage was recommen-
suggested from the model tests, from the point of ded to be lowered form EI. 111 (ft) to EI. 107 (itl
• chieving hetter sand exclusion, were found to be 288 (lowering by 4 for ft) proper energy dissipation .
ft (increase or 48 ft) and 400 ft (decrease of 250 ft). The divide waH was recommended to be
7.5.\.3. SAND EXCLUDERS omitted as it was found to serve no purpose.

The two bays of the right pockets provided with 7.5.33. The length of the guide bund was reduced
~xchider tunnels were observed from the model tests to in the portion where velocities were low. This portion
be adequate. However. in the caSe of left pockets four of the guide bund was recommended to be coilVerted
number of excluder bays were found essential instead in to afllux bund. .
of two bays, from the point of efficient flushing out of
bed ~and and thus prevent it otherwise from getting
lifted over the top of the excluders and being drawn 7.5.4. Projfct Features for Sane Barrage
into the East Kosi Power Canal.
7.5.4. I. The original design of Sone Barrage con- HBAD REGULATORS sisted of 57 weir bays with 8 undersluices on the left
and 4 on the right. In the recommended design. the
Two alternative designs were suggested in the' spans in the weir portion were kept constant but the
original design. The first was with off· take normal to number of undersluices were made six on each side.
the barrage axis and the secon d was with an inclined
off take making an angle of 102' 30' with the barrage 7.5,4.2. The original design provided for a cistern
axis, The latter was found to he satisfactory in the length of 92 ft. It was recommended to be reduced
model from the consideration of sand exclusion. to 80 ft (reduction of \2 ft).
.53 The lengths of concrete block protection upstream and downstream navigation locks, their
and ·Ioose stone apron were recommended to be dimensions, approaches, hawser forces, filling and
reduced from 89 ft and 90 ft to 47'6" (reduction of emptying arrangements, arrangement (layout) ofnavi-
41'6") and 60 ft (reduction of 30 ft) respectively. gation channel crossingthe Gandak Rigbt Main Canal,
realignment of dOWI)stream gl1ioe bund of the. barr~ge)
7.5.5. Layout of Trisuli Diversion Works: Original etc.
design consIsted of a gated structure 468 ft 16ng bet-
ween abutments having II spans of 30 ft each of spill- 7.6. Limitation of Model Tests
way and 3 spans of 20 ft each of undersluices. Mod<l
tests suggested the structnre instead should consist of Model tests are oniy aides in tbe finalisation of
3 spans of 20 ft each of undersluices, 3 spans of 20 ft structures. They have their own limitations like diffi-
each of river sluices and a weir without shutters in the culties in tbe reproduction of silt content of water, etc.
remaining length, Hence for some of the tests, the results could give only
a qualitative idea and quantitative idea may be only
7.5.6. Oandak Navigation Lock: Model tests were approximate. Hence the designer needs to incorporate
conducted to determine the location and alignments of tbe recommendations of the modei tests carefully.

Field flata Required for models of Barrages and/or their Appurtenant Works

(I) (2) (3) (4)

SI. Item Type of Data List of Data
No. No.
. 2 Survey Data (I) Index plan (normally to
a scale of 1:2.5xIO' to
(I) (2) (3) (4) 1:10' depending on size)
should show the reach
under consideration,
mentioning State, Distrit,
I Report This should include. important towns in the
vicinity to help location,
(1) Enunciation of the pro- tributaries joining the
blem, its history & prob- parent river, catchment
able causes with additions area~etc.
& modifications of works, (2) Survey Plan (n()rmally to
if any. a scale of I: 10000 to
1:50000) for the reach to
(2) Account of previous re- be reproduced in the
medical measures taken model (length of the reach
if any, their details and to be reproduced may be
behaviour. from '2 meander 'Iengths
upstream or to end of
(3) Report of any project on backwater whichever is
the river in or near the more. On the down-
problem reacb which stream side, model would
affects the -river regime extend to at least I
such as dam, weir, bndge, meander length).
causeway em bankrnents.
Note: Similar data of alternative
etc. sites if proposed.

(4) Hydraulic design caJeula- This plan should show:

tions of existing & pro- (a) a closed traverse covering
posed structures, if any, entire reach to be model-
in and near the problem led.
reach of river.
(b) latitudes and longitudes,
(5) Photos depicting behavi- (c) cold weather channel,
our of the river during (d) formation of rapids,
floods, pools, etc.

Appendix 7.1 (Conld.)

(I) (2) (3) (4) (l) (2) (3) (4)

(e) position' of existing and for one or more flood

proposed structures like seasons. If' stream gaug-
bridges, dams, weirs, ing sites are absent,·a
barrages. ghats, spurs, minimum of three new
revetments, etc., stations should be locat-
ed, one each at either end
(f) location of the problem of the'reach to be model-
area, led and One in the middle
and data collected and
(g) tbe shoals and submersi- furnished for at least one
ble land should iudicate flood season. The. posi-
the nature of vegetation, tions of all gauge stations
should be shown on plan
(h) the various channels in in (2) above and their co-
case of braided river. ordinates given.
(2A) An aerial survey plan, if
available. (2) Bata of existing discharge
site for preparation of
(3) ·Cross-sections at suitable gauge discharge curve. If
intervals (This will depend no discharge site exists,
on model scales and will it should be established
be specified in individual based on the following
cases). These shonld ex- considerations:
tend beyond ihe limits of
spills and be tied to the (a) Discharge site should
traverse survey_ On the not be too far away
cross-sections. HFLs with from the reach under
date of occurrence should study.
be marked. Positions of
(b) There should not be
sections with their zero
chainages should be indio much intervening
cated On the survey plan catchment and spills
referred in (2) above. between the discharge
site & upstream end
(4) Plan showing contours or of the model.
spot levels over the spill (c) Site may be beyond
area. Contour interval the backwater region
may be varying from 0.5 caused by structures,
m in case of flat terrain to tributa~jes, etc.
1.5 ill for steep country.
Latitudes and longitudes (d) A new discharge site
should also be marked on should preferably be
this plan. . located at the Central
Gauge Station within
(5) Plan of previous river the model reach.
surveys indicating the
changes in the river (e) River cross· section at
course. if any. discharge site, indi-
cating nature of river
(6) Details of existing and bed (Sandy, boulders
proposed structures like Or rocky) and sample
bridges, dams. weirs. discharge calculations
barrages, spurs, revet- should be sent. This
ments. etc. All levels cross~section must
should be connected to coincide with one of
G.T.S. bench·mark. the dry weather cross-
sections .
3 3 Hydraulic (I) Daily gauge & discharge . (3) Annual H.F.Ls. with dates
Data data at all existing sites of occurrence.
Appendix 7.1 (Conld.)

(1) (2) (3) (4) (I) (2) (3) (4)

(4) Maximum flood on record (3) Ded matcri'l1 fl"vill tba

with the date of occur- banks and the bed of the
rence. river both from the flow-
ing and dry channels may
(5) In case the reach of the be collected along the
river to be modelled is crosswsection according
tidal. information logard- to the variation in the
ing H.T.L. and L.T.L. of deposits of the bed
spring as wen as neap material and "not neces"
ti<;les, both during freshets sarily from 3 points".
& dry season. (4) These samples may be
analysed for .determina-
(6) R.Ls. of flood marks on tion of the size distribu-
structures & depth of tion and mean diameter.
spill flow & its course.
(B) Bank Material
Discharge distribution in (I) Material from which both
various channels at the banks are made is. to
important stages. be collected on the same
sections from which bed
(8) Catchment characteristics samples have been
in regard to topography, obtained.
rainfall and run-off. All (2) Information regarding
gauRe and discharge sites nature of banks-whether
should coincide with of uniform material, stra-
cross-sections and should tified, rock outcrops,
be marked on plan refer- kankar, etc., should be
red to in para (2) under marked.
Survey Data.
(C) Suspended Sediment
(9) Gauge discharge curve of Data
the river downstream of
the structure under re- (1) If an integrating sampler
trogressed and unretro- is not available, suspend-
gressed water· levels. ed silt sample should be
collected using a bottle
(10) Proposed pond-level or sampler near the central
levels. Gauge station in tbe
reach. Samples should
4 4 Sediment (A) Bed Material be collected at medium
Data and high flood stages at
(I) A minimum of three re- 0.5 or 0.6 depth subject
presentative bed samples, to verification by actual
1.5 kg each, across a observations over a verti-
section one at either end cal in the deep channel.
and one in the deep
channel, avoiding rock (2) Construction and size
out· crops. Samples from distribution of suspended
three such sections, one at silt samples on a section
either end and one in the through head regulator.
centre of the river reach Sampling should prefer-
under consideration. ably be made at a mini-
mum of five flood stages,
(2) Bore-hole data along the on three verticals and at
alignment and on a nor- 30 em below the surface,
mal section down to 150 m 0.5 or 0.6 depth (subject
for determining type of to verification by actual
energy dissipation to be . observations) and 30 em
provided. above the bed on each

Appndixe 7.1 (Con/d.)

(1) (2) (3) (4) (1) (2) (3) (4)

vertical. These sampling

points should be located (5) L-Section and representa-
one at either end at 1/6 tive cross~secti()n of the
width of the river from canal for the first 1.5 km.
the banks and One at the
centre. (6) Detailed drawings and
design calculations of
Position of the sampling appurtenant. works like:
verlicals should be mark-
ed on the plan. (i) Guide Bunds

Note: Position of bed and bank (ii) Divide Walls

material samples, bore-holes
and the sampi!og vertical (iii) Sand Exclusion
should be marked on the Devices
5 5 Other *(1) Lines of flow at specific (iv) Pockets I
Data flood stages low" medium
and high. (v) Head Regulator ,s
(2) General layout plan of the (vi) Canal 1
barrage or weir and its I
appurtenant works. (vii) Undersluices 1

(3) Regulation procedure at (viii) Piers and Gates

diflerent flood stages inclu-
ding gate opening in the 6 6 Specific Exact terms of reference
various spans, details of Terms of should be stated by the spon-
scour,ing operations, etc. Reference soring authority.

(4) Plan, L-Section & Cross- Note: In case the river reach to be
modelled includes tributaries
section showing all details or ~branches, similar data for
of the works. the concerned reaches.
~DATA marked thus 'may be omitted in the case of unimpor-
lDt Problems.


8. O. Introduction 8.2. Planning of IostromentatioD

. The div>rsion structures like barrage and weir are In order to .achieve the objective of instrumentations
generally' designed on the principles governing the as mentioned iuChapter I on Introduction, it is of
p,ercolation .of water below the . foundation. of., the extreme importance that a systematic and complete
structure. The ftoor of the structure is suitably deSIgn: plan of various observations/measurements must be
ed either as a raft or gravity s.ction to be safe against prepared for obtaining as complete an . information as
the. 'uplift pressures created. Reinforcement is also is possible regarding the various loadings influencing
prOVided sufficiently such that the permissible stress the structural behaviour of the structure and factors
limits are not exceeded. Due to the various assump- indispensable to interpretation of the results of.' such
tions to provide for the'unkno.wns' .in the design, measurements. Measurements should be planned for
sometimes the designs become. a little conservative. the most importaut zoneS of the structure. Planning
Hence in order to know .the'health'"f. the structllre of measurement should be made taking into considerac
under different loading conditjonsang also to . know tion the results. of the analytical apd experimental'
the. progressive b~h~viour .of tjle'st"\,CllJre;. we, need, to (model) inv~sJigations, as also of the studies ofth"
have'instrumentation. in the, Strrictllte", ,.Most of the, hy- foundation andits,specific proqlems. Various types of
driullicstructures are indeterminate in, nature}jle ,to measurements made on previously built similarstruc:
the three dimensional aspects; When they,are,aIlUlysed 'tures can aid ,'in" planning the necessary types 9f '
two dimensionally in the designs as ,simple .'. bearnsaitd measuremerits for obt~ining the needed information . It:
columns, the results sometitries)ead' to:unecoil0!!lica\ is essential'that the various measurements made 6nthe
provisions to be made. By actual observations, ortheit structure should be s,o;planned as to,provide informa:
behaviollr through instrum~ntation,the d,esignscan,be tion, uot only ofthe individual components ofstruce
Improved and economyeffecte<i:, BY,I:iiv,ing' a, ,cintinu- tural actiou, but also of the integrated structural
ous, record of the observations with the' instruments performance.oflhestr:ucture .and .its (oundatjop;
installed, we can locatethe distress.sp"tsiTl,J\t~ stroc,
, ture an(\take remedial measures totn'akeihe' structure 8,1, I,. rhen~tureof measllrements to be, carried out
safe, Apart from this, the observations.h~ll'cred,llce the "l)~ny;~tructu,re wind fpend' JI pimthe'size'lDd im por-
'unknowns' and place' the future deslgus on sounder ta,Dei ?f,tllestructtlr~, , However. while planning' tli,e,
footings. . ' ii\strumentati"n, tbec"st of the' ~"C\llipment, of the
6bser~ing p~rsoJineI.and of tile pr6cessing of observed
8.1. Instruments Required data au\! il)terpretation of the, results'should be consi"'
defed in.rOlation to the cost of tbe 'structure and its
sihiaiion. Limitation of cost of instrumeutation in,'j{
Iu barrages and weirs, geneially threetypes of in.s" structure may be a determining fact"r' in deciding the
truments are installed. For the measurement?Cupltft types of measurements' to be made on a given
pressures below the structure, pipes ,are installed. To strllcture,
measure the pressures to which the fOllndation is stress-
ed, Soil stress meters are iustalled. For measuring the 8.2,2; Once it has been decided to instal instrumen\a"
stress in the reinforcing bars due to,v.ariou.s,Ioading tion, it should be ensured that the methods of measufe,'
conditions, Reinforcement meters are iTl,~taIled. Other lIlents, in,struments, staff employed for observatio,n4iU:l"
instruments which are also ins taIled are s~ttIeinent processing of observed data and, interpretation'll9t
gauges and gauges for measurement of lateral ,.earth results must be Qf a calibre, need.d to acbieve'-!sefllir
pressures acting on the abutments. results under the inevit. ble variability, of conditions."



J. Unlif! Pressure Pipes 8.3.2. Installation: The lilter points are generally laid
horizontal where excavation permits. Otherwise they
Of the instruments generally installed in barrages are driven to proper level. Where the depth is too
d weirs, uplift pressure pipes are the most common. great or where the soil is hard so as to damage the
.ese ,are used along with a bell sOllnder for measure- lilter point while driving, the filter point and connect-
,nt of uplift pressures developed at the poi!)t gf !n,g rl''1 d pipe may be inserted ina bore hole of 100 mm
dl~meter. Depending on the condition of the sub-soil
. ping (I) Fig ure 8.1. '
material. graded lilter material around the filter points
may o~ may not be provided. Alternatively por<:lUS
tube ple,zomelets may also be provided. Certain pre-
'~1\\!t!9ijs'W<;e'leak-proof connections, absolute verticali-
ty of pipes, spacing, anti-eorrosion, clearing of choking
in the pipe. etc., have to be observed. For more
details on these relevant Indian Standard Codes may
be referred.

€nind pipe

Bross filler
p:o_i~' l"'i.t,h
:'500 micron
~;i~c., ,. g"ouze ;~
r ' I
pbinf '
~An dimensions in 'mm) "a,E:'L'L 'Sc)UND£.
'" '>' ~ ,,,.,' ,<',," :'_i-,""'"" '.,\<' ',r)":-

a'~~U;in f,°i!~~~~~}F!?imi§:,~~ <M .fM~p,Hftp,['t'~i~»f,~

p;1I(-"'jli,.,~,PY;:l ,·"llJ ~i"":.k;r:.

f e ~tt~\?!\!dt~ 9; W, ~tf!4ft:fI~leh''t ~n,~e~h ~:~Mdtt
POlD s an , once a or mg lor ot er~~r;J;l~ ~
would be adequate. When the daily water level changes
are more than 10m, Observation may be made daily.
'0 " ,_ "." ,,- ,r
8,3.4.1. Apart from the main observations of water
ler el 'lP f~M~P.<!p,i.1?!~~ ~i,S91iS~~d i~,,~u~~!,qJ:Je~~ para,
qp~hfyai",on~, ~I!l pa!~.t~ 'b" ma~~ r~~~rdlD$up.t'rhl!'
a!ld pownstream water 'levels',' shade, temperature;
The water levels in all the stand pipes are read by ~Iitf1jft~a~~I'~qJH1t~~~~i~~~!~~~~~~6JrePs~~~~~rtl~1~
,elf . sounder lowerediirito;the.pip¢ lly'asteel:~ap~ !'It a~,d tHe' :d~, Hi~ ,'of! $\eB h!ieii t' Yon ~ th~{u"sUeanr8~'d 'd6wb ~
·'lectric:H-devices.. The bell' soun~ler ·cgnsiSts·qf a I

.d bra.nod·' about9pmm long ,I)!).d, 40 llll;n, ill shearii' 'fI,1t:rs' iind' if"!?"ss!ble. ,ltJils6i1'chaia'cteristiCs
q(:jh~~:~#rit1~~~r"! i~d::lC ";f' ';':-,",~: ,-:';;- t.: >'.'-(''':r ,"
roeters en(\ing'in an inverted cup·oraQ m:ti;i&!~r,
_ steel tape' is attached to the ·swiveLscr.eYl~<,l gT1. tg
.upper··end~ :Fhe' ';noment, ·th¢CUPQf.,the,~0;t!Jl,4er 834.2, The water l~yp!~iJl"p'eslan'~J:1il}e,s Nl'.91~~­
the water surface within the pipe, a definite 'plop' sured by the bell sounder. The ilepth of watet',at the
md can be heard. ".glOment of hearing the 'Plop' of ,the sounder on

~~' 1
, ,
/" 1
- :'-:"'~l

A I--Aood brIdge :-:-l ~t'J:.Road bridge girder

XiS ~ b<I~ t.~§tohe pl'OVw;led
. 7 0 800;
~_f~t(lddCr fiO"'", ¢ G.1. pipe

I.. gT {~:~:fH::[q~ I~:.,:,;t:g::

~I~ 0 ~fer noleNo

Flc~ "1
+>l>li9 P;peS'.2,3&"--------:::
11_--- -r r~I e~ ::;-+:~-:
Tr i·to
C:-:;::::::--::7=-=:-!'~~~'tl:--::::-:.4Jr:,,\1L.~,_ !:':'-Pipes ~,7 ,9,II,'J &. 15
!OO(l"OOO~$OO C C.b:oe.. !
el oil

ll:""2'?'I='Oli~~~;;,;,;:G;;;;~-;-~=~-::- -:~:::::..:;---= : I---Pipes 6,9.10,12.'4 &'6-50mm $1 Pl"es~"re release pipe'wilh
+~ Lean conCrete uP to foondotion
': PIpes 9,10,'2 &. '4 / suilabie m<lsll <llihe enlrone},
~~:~k7?n~'i::J'~,~:r eoo . 1-- 2600.---
:j silt sl0.18 level :I _ ..-.// PIe.. 7. <>_ II .. " . / .. ,~:~~~:,~.'4 /! I'):M)d:{"51:?50 DETAIL AT X
!. ' - - - - - 2 1 0 0 - - -_ _-\ ~~omm ~ G.I te
i 000 t~lc" ~IH",_'/
," •.
ThreOd-<:;),"ml!1l collor


So >1000
• ,S700

, ~r
~ .. 51$.50 (+521,00 1+523.001 -~~~~~~~~ ~+ 519-5 0
' '0 ' ",·"t


1 \

i "

. S-J.' PplD:

!... ' I

!:; : ~)3

!i f= ',
'0' ,t 8 ,
te H_~y"e_C1'"""1'_<',c,~,~ '~~C"~'~'___ ",,,~+-,--:-L,,,
+516·50 . Rood br,d!)u + 511 00

fl~'er bed--!
: ... ~.


,g.L-lnver"d I ;:

• I. I/SeI'1d<t'OIIX~I'D: ~~~~ -li

~ L , I

,.so J
21000 17500
po LAN

,"'ORM 1

Register of uplift pressure pipe ·observation ,

Nome 'of tho river'
Nome of the Hydraulic structure:

Give sketch of cross section along

the line of pipes of the structure J
showing detail s indicated in the note
at end of this proiorma

Nome of observer:
Dote of observation:
Approximate time of observation .... Hr. to ....... ",.
upstream water level; . 1m 1 ~

Downstream water level: 1m 1

" • / 1m)
Shade temproture Maximum C Minimum C

River water temproture . C

Oepth of sediment 00 upstream pel"viotJs ftoor: Iml
Depth of sediment on down stream pervious floor. Iml
l.ine No. Total width of pucco fI oar : 1m)

Distance from . Reduced leve I of Reduced level of

Pipe No. upstream end of bottom of pipe bend of pipes, if
pucco floor ooy
I ., 3 4 ,


R,duced level Pipe ..... ol.r Olpth to Reduced levol p 0'" ,IP/HlxIOO
Pipe No. of top of pip. ,.mprotur. waler In pip' of woter 11'1 . Remorks
m C· m
pipe m
OMigl'lOd b.....
• 3
4 5 -0 7
• ~


Not.; Following ,f.~tur'" moy be ~hown on th. ,ketch

101 Foundation profile
101 uplift pipes with Ih,ir-l'Iumber (Reduced l,v,r~ or
bottom ond lo_p, o~ ,pipes b.riels- if ony, distance
from upstream Gl'lel of pOCC"CI 'floor and
.• \ Stratification' of th. subslrala'

FIGURE 8.3. : Typical Proforma of Record.

touchiug' the water surface inside the pipe is measured

accurately and the reduced levels are obtained-.Due to (j) Velocity potential percentage xlOO <fo=!
slow rate of movement of sub·soil water, the water in
the starid 'pipes takes some time to deplete or recupe,· 8;3.5.1. A typical proforma of record is given in
rate corresponding to a. fall or rise in tbe pressures. Figure 8.3.
Hence the time log ha.s to be determined and taken
care of while observing readings. 8.4. Soil Stress Meter
Tbe soil stress meters are provided at the founda·
8.3.5. Recording: Observations have to be recorded tionlevel to measure tbe effects of external loads appli·
on tbe following: ed on tbe structure. These are similar' to the stress
meters in concrete. Tbere are two categories of instru·
(a)' Date of observation nie~ts used for the purpose, namely contact pressure
cells and total pressure cells. In one of tbetypes of
(b) . Upstream and Downstream water levels ~cC)ritactpressure cells, called the twin plate type,the.

earth pressure is taken by a stiff plate to transfer the

(c) total Head H=upstream WL~downstream . earth reaction to a beam whicb deflects under tbe load
WL. . and is in turn supported by anotber plate. The twin
plate unit bears on the surface of the rigid structure,
Cd) Maximum and Minimum shade temperature Th.e deflection of the steel beam is measured by vibrat-
ing wire instruments.' .
(e) Temperature of river water
8.5. Snain Meter
(J) Temperature of sub· soil water (in selected
pipes) The stress in the reinforcement steel is calculated
with the use of strain meters. After finding out the
(g) Depths of sediment on upstream and :down. strairi, the value of stress in the bar can be calculated
stream floors knowing the elasticity modulus of steel. There are
I some wire stress gauges like CV - 28-2 which als~ can
! (h) Water levels in all tbe stand pipes be used to measure stress directly on steel.

(0 Re~idual pressure in each pipe P=· Difference 8.6. Figures 8.4. and 8.6. give typical -details
oetween WL in the stand pipe and downstream of location of various instruments and their recording
river WL station in a barrage.


,. AXIS of barrage
7500 . .~
r-- ".---" --.- /LOdder for
I rOiling
1 1SC50~T ,+19810
I. Vibration wire type IOstrument and f~levent
cables are Ifldicated In Ihe figure

1 !I I ~I
groove 2. Soil stress meters are to be laid in contact
with foundation SOil
/:' cables for ST: 8. ilil:11
" I ST" I ,1.lli', 3.For vertical run 01' cables conduits OfsulXlble
Pond level 13· 640 I I ! - ; I ::liI sizes or6 to be provided
" I,! -: ~.:;;b\':'.;. for "'.:.T I ,ST2 lC!.l.1
= . 11j'---_ , .: ")
ANRM I::> RMs-.. I 4. Terminals of each II1strumel"lt st:Duld Of! cor€'-
fully marked for easy ,denl,f,colion 0,1dinltial
I~- -- ,~- ---"':>::a-------jjjjjiJ i?i~
rooding recorded for each ,nsirumsr,J-
~ ~:b!~:;::RMlto
~. ~ST, RMs RM<>4_
:a ~
W ....-·-.
Legend :-

e=______ __"-6.=--_______
-J--54~~.2L.... .;2.490 I 9755 Soil stress meter 1ST) MDS-72 0
_LHa.4Q..~' _ 16;60 • Reinforc&ment metre (R'-.l) MOS" 24 C:J
(AI', dimenSIOns are In mm end
elevolions are In meters)
20- Position s.elechon switch- MDS- 124 0

I 4420 ! 472.5 4725 I 3

,442Q..'.'';.MI-34 ?Q
~ '25 • 4725 I
4~8>'M 4420 I 4725 4725 4420
tE~~ I

I I"']'
. ,
frFTt:]IIJ-':fTt~D-=rr t I l
I 6245 ;11"4725 I
I iii Ii "I "d~J~ ~.
... ~, .. "1= ~.-- ... -~-~---~ -~. ~- to:;
+ 8 840 '
STI4t05TI2~ ~~-:

",I~ 3 cables for

\c 6 C(lblas forST(4loSTg
9 cables for
Ilcobies for
ST I4 tO S T 4!
9 ~ --.1__ /
~-- ---=:-----::__ ~ ~ --~-::=:::::.:.::::.... =---=-====-".:.::.".__ -=--=-=-, ~ ~:.~-g
(J) 0
-== I

L I ELI ST9Z 5 T e : ST7[ <:;J_.U __ J_- E

I 4- .J-
Sli4 STI3 ST'2 ST 1, 5110 ST6 5Ts /ST4 0
I Q-----£1-------{}--, Ol------[}--------{]-- --{]----, 0,--
~-~-o --------------~ ~-----R~~-----;~~~--1 F~M~--i----~..:--I~~2~\ 1 :
I W I :
I If} I I
I coble fOJ"" RM5'/
12 coble for
3 cable for
RM3to AMs

._.- - 'F-~-.----t~
I - - + 10·670
--- ~T1JjJ'
! 1- -j I
, I , 0>

~ C
U o BAY 57 D BAY 58 Wi, ~ i- ..J




>- D

I '~
.. ' CTi-61 II i !I
=r:=:::J:"""_~==r::=r I j
I !
I· j
I j ~I I
I !
,·1 i
; '.1 ,
---1 2 130/- 18290 -1 2130 1-------. 18290 •
:-121.301" 1mb .. l' 42. ,.• ..,

P l A N
FIGURE 8.4: Typical.Delans of Location of Instruments and Recording·Poiot.

_ _ _ _ _ . " '_ _ .. v •• _____ ' _ _ . . _-' __ -


.- .-!

-r>- ~
r+Pie~ Doul?'. P.... --t-- ,"

BO}' 55 Boy 56 Boy 57 Boy58 Soy 59'

.._-,.~1~42'---+- __ ~ 3, ~~:::-::-+-:-::_~!~_~~l~._~ ..-2~5_ 'r-
4420 1.4725+<1725 ,6245 4725 , .. £.~~?~._?_?'~ _~L"?.?:_.5.. ..J.-4225
~ I r--4A.2.! ,e2:1 4420 _ _ _ _!--oi~~- ~0_-:.4~:~ 472 1+88iJ
tT'4 1r'3\--~2--9,,--rf.r~o-----;;-1;s-:-;---~--y.;
\ \
ST". Notes
150 thIck leon concrete 2 Cobles for 4 Cobles for 8 Cobles for 11 Cobles
.J for I Vib
ST'4ondSTI3 STr4 toSTU ST I4 toST 7 STI4 loST -"ion wire type ",s!r"rn<:"ts
ontj n~lev(!"" cabies Ore in<licotej
in Ihe figore
SECTION B-8 2. Sod sir€''Ss moters or;) to b" lo,,!
in contact wil!'> foundation SOli
3. For vertical run of cobles c(."\dv:'l~ '"
,213C{ 18290 4_~O~. ____________ -4~~ ___....@?90 _ I E2{.9-'4 of s'Jitoble size orela be r~o~'dd
-1 TennillOl or eoch Instrument sh<.'"kl

be carefully mor~('d for eo~y

B~57 8ay S8 rT.oy,. Boy5? TT ' Ooy'. '/!entificoliOo" Cnd ,"\1'01 ""'0::1'''9
recorded for each ,n$I~\Jl'I':!nl

!i.'05II. 1 I I.. -1305!!

I 1,
8oy'9 All d,rnensiO"ls C,<j "" mm
'----:J ! II---' I
oI,"of;", '0 " " ' " '


I +10·670

\1:50Ihk:k leo .. eoncrale


·-~'~r---- .+7"4!"_~~:Al- u==~~
l 3-04 9

\iSOH;;Ck leon

SE:cnON 0-0


FIGURE 8 .S.: Typical Details of Location of Instruments and Recordlng Point,



~-L ______'621l_0___ _121301 18290 1<130121301

1- -1- ~ I 1 T·--T-------:r

Boy 56 Boy57 Boy 58 Boy 59

Instrument measuring Instrument measurmg
o to 30.000 kg. tension 0-30000kg -tension
2 -cables for RMS &RM3

-J-B·840 RM5
a::- 9145

J~"I' 9145
~ I "~'40 ->-1\ SCabies fol"'
. RMltoRMS

J 150 thick leon concrete

I Coble for RMS' -R:M4,-- L I Coble for RM4 2cobles fol"'
Instrumer.t measuring O-to 20000
tension and OtolOOOOkg compresSion Notes
l. Vibration wire type Insfruments a . . d
relevant cables ore II'\dicated In the
SECTION E-E figure
.2 .sOil stress meters ore to be rOld 10
contact with foundotion sOil
Moin beam ot rood bridge
x 3. For vertical run of cables coodust$
.... 21·64 0 "
j; of suitable 'size ore to be provided

t1 __ ~1
-, - - ] 13 i -

:m lfJ[~~
" "~

Boy 58
1 (fi'jf~
-8 ~ ~
- on
8~1-~ v

4 Term1rlal of each Instrument
should be corefully marked for
eosy identificotlon ond imtial
reodjng re~Qrded for each
Boy 5
" Ll
Qfll ....
1 IZ;~£II~~ o~
~n r::§ ~I: -
I~ 25
0 ~ ~ instrument
1 c:o - 1 1 _.... -

Pier cop
....,q-I ixed'
In the
to be
J Distoce to b~ fixed t
in the field I
Pier cop
1 I
1 19cobles ]4 nos. : I All dimensions_ore tn mm and
Double pIer 1 fOr STr toST I4 ~- Double pier elevations in metres I
I· I

FIGURE 8.6: Typical Details Location of Instruments and Recording Pomt.

-. -


9.0. Introduction (iii) Inter-dependence of various items so that there

is minimum interference in the continuity of
Diversion structures. are light weight structures progress.
compared to storage dams and are designed taking
some calculated risks, Hence it is very important that (Iv) Obligatory.precautions to be taken for protec-
tbe constructions of the same are carried out with tion of season's works from ensuing floods and
great care and there is no room for construction failure
to occur. River diversion works for taking up the con- (v) Special features, if any.
struction and the various construction operations are
not proposed to be discussed in this Chapter and are
left to the planning of the constructing agency. 9.3. Founnations
Reference can also be made to relevant codes and text
books for the same. In the construction of the diffe- Foundation preparation is an important item since
rent components of the diversion structure. certain the whole structure is going to rest-on that. It has to be
points are to be properly taken care of. Only these are dressed up to the barrage/weir profile and excavation
discussed in this Chapter. . has to be done carefully without exceeding the tole-
rance limits. The foundation should not contain loose
9.1. Co-ordination between the Designing and CODS- pockets or materials and they should be watered and
tructing Agencies compacted to the specified relative density. Clay
pockets should be treated as specified by the designer. It
A good co-ordination between the Designing and has to be ensured that proper drainage arrangements in
Constructing Agencies has to be established for bring- the foundation as per the designs including inverted
ing out a safe and economical structure. The construc- filter wherever indicated are provided before concreting
ting officer should be in the knowledge of the implica- work is taken up. Wherever instruments are to be pro-
tom of the provisions in the designs of the various vided in the foundation as per designs~ they should be
components. Any change required to be made on located carefully with all precautions. To avoid honey-
account of site conditions or any other reason what- combing of concrete of the floor, proper mud mat of
soever should not be attempted by him on his Own lean concrete usually 50 to 150 mm thick should be
without evaluating the implications due to such changes ,provided
and the designer should invariably be consulted to
find out any other economical and· safe alternative 9.4. Cut·Off
thereof. Frequent checks pn the construction vis-a-vis
design provisions and constant quality control must be Wherever sheet piles are to be provided, they must
ensured. be driven at their correct alignment without any gaps
between them in the wall Since it may not always be
9.2. Construction Data possible to drive them plumb suitable tolerances may
be allowed. If the tolerances exceed the permissible
The following construction data should be collected limit. they should be corrected by Taper piles. If there
for carrying out the construction efficiently: is any split i.n the interlock additional piles in front
should be driven to cover it. Making of piles either by
(0 Sequence of construction of various items of welding prior to dr!ving or welding in·situ to make up
the structure the height is normally adopted. Driving of welded
sheet pBes of more than 8 mlength is not safe as weld
(in Various constraints on different activities of may give way due to excessive driving stresses. Wher-
construction of the components. ever seals are provided and are to be joined to the

sheet piles: it should becarefully done by welding and
, brazmg. Smce sheet pIles are designed to have hinge walls as per designs. the same must be done carefully
actIOn at the top. It should be ensured by provision of so that the saturated water level of the backfil1 is not
tar paper wherever two pile rows are provided side' by allowed to exceed th~ designed values. Inverted filter
sIde, cork mastoc filter on top lIIay be provided to take and seahng arrangements at the junctions of the diffe-
care of uneven heIghts & hinge action. Wherever con- rent abutment blo.cks must be properly ensured.
'crete/masonry cut.. offs are provided, precailtions.must ,9.8. Return Wall
be ta~en to avoid cracking as it may lead to short
-corcUltmg of seepage path.
If the r~turn wall is constructed at the ends of the
'. 9.5. Pueea Floor abutment, It should be properly keyed to tbe bank. If
the. retu,:" wall. is. forming a part of the flank wall,
whIle It IS monohthlC WIth the base slab a joint with
!~e pucca. floor has to be constructed carefully seal should be provided between the stem~ of the flank
av.oodmg stratIfication of concrete which may lead to wall and return wall. The reinforcement of ihe base
'--' failure by blowing off against uplift pressures. Cold slab should be carefully laid out as per designs.
Jom!s should be avoided. The strength of cement con-
ctete'of the raft· rnustbe"inaintained as per specifica- 9.9. Divide Wall
tionsso that the stresses in both ·the concrete and steel
reinforcement are not exceeded. The main and dostri- As the divide wall comes nnder direct attack of the
blHion reinforcement of the raft must be carefully flo~d flow, proper protection around the sameaiper
laldas per specIfications and design requirements. deSigns D?ust be provIded. The change in the levels of'
Reinforcement around sill beam grooves should not be the bed.1D front of the Slu!ce and spillway portio"o:'
omitted. The raft reinforcement would be in both top mu~t be gradyally. made 1)P and abrupt changes
and bottom of the raft. The required distribution avo'ged . The. JUDctlOn. of well cap of divide wall and-'
reinforcement at specified spacings would beprovided the bay, concrete should be done with proper precau':
at t.he top of bottom reinforcement and bottom of top tlons. .
reinforcement. The pier reinforcement would have to
be properly anchored to the raft. 9:10. Df)wnstream Protection

9.6. Pier and Gates As the downstream inverted filter below theceme'nt":
c?n?rete .blocks is very important as a measure againsi"
In the piers, correct alignment of the gate and p.'pmg, It has to be laid with due care. The 'gaps'
stpplog gr<;>oves should be ensured so that no difficulty (Jharnes)between the c.c. blocks should also. be filled"
is expenenced in their operatio!l, especially. during WIth pervIOus peastones or bajri. Wherever the down- .
floods. For inspection and repairs orthe gate wheels, stream bed level is higher then the level of clownstreanr'
wherever c<;>ntemplated. suitable galleries in the piers c.c. block protection, r.everse slopes. not steeper
. with easy access should be provided. The pier rein- than I m 5 may be provIded and it may be ensured
forcement projecting ouUn the case of unfinished piers that. some loose stone protection is provided'for a
should be snitably protected by be.\ldi!lg so that they leng\h of not less than about 2 m in thehigherb"d '.
d.o not snap during floods. While·~oncreting, the preS-" por\lOn after the reverse slope. Wherever precast c.c.
sure relief pipes installed in the piersandtheiroutlets bl?cksa~~l!sed forprotecti?n works. precast Y>ird of
should not b.e I.ost, sight-of.. The pipes required for, ~U1tables~ze sh~1)ld be provided for casting and stack-
instrum,ntation should also be .. fixed beforehaIld . log of pre~astblocks. For handling of the precast
through the piers. I~the case of gravity type offlopr. blocks. cranes/gantries of suitable capacity should be .
the stepped pier footmgs should be concretedupto the used.. In cas¢of cast-in-situ blocks, alternate blocks
barrage/weir floor level aod further portion of pier sliould be concreted or a p.roper pattemof concreting
above the bay level should be concreted simultaneously sequence should be establIshed for eC'onomlcal use of
wit.h the bay concrete. The. steps should be so provided block shuttering. Thefurmwork should be so designed
that there is nO vertical joint. In the raft type of floor, that wi1en it is stripped oty, the required gap is formed .
the bay concreting and pier concreting should be done for filling in filter moterial. Cast-in'situ blocks on
sim1)ltaneously. s lopes of gUide bund or flare out walls should be cast
wit h due care.
9.7. Abutment 9.11. I.strumentation

Anchorage of the .abutment reinforcement to the The importance of instrumentation must be under,',
base slabmustbe.ensured. The abutment wall should . stood fully and care must be taken in thei'r installation'
be raised simultaneously along with the backfill and in so that wrong data are not obse~ved leading to mis~.
any case sho.illd not be more than about 1. 5 m above' leading and dangerous conclusions .. .The instrumenta-
the compacted backfill. Specifiedrelative density ofthe. tion observation panel must be located at convenient
backfill must be ensured by proper compaction: Wher-. places and easyac,"ess to it provided so that recording
ever drainage is to be provided behind the abutment the data at site does not became a bOttleneck ...


9.12. River Training Work. faces, the waste-oil available at site may be made
use of. .
The materials used in the construction of various
river training works such as guide bunds, afllux bunds, 9.15. Reinforcement
approach embankments, groynes or spurs, etc., and
their construction itself should be of required standards Chair supports, spacers, etc., should be provided as
so that their failures do not occur impairing with the a part of reinforceroent for proper positioning of rein-
hydraulic performance of the diversion structure. Wher- forceroent. In case of raft foundation having two layers
ever filters are indicated in the designs, they must be and reinforcement the bottom layer would be laid first
provided without fail since the stability of the bunds and concreting done upto appropriate levels. Chairs,
( would depend on it. It must be ensured that the supports are to be embedded in the last lift. The top
amux bUilds are tied to high grounds to prevent out- reinforcement would then be laid and concreting done.
flanking of the structure. . Proper lapping and bending of reinforcement, wherever
necessary, must ensured.
9.13.. Head Regulator
9.16. Joints
Read regulator is also a. structure simila.r to the
m~in structure so rar as the· general principles of desi- For all construction joints, the .normal methods of
gns are concerned. Hence whatever precautions are to clean-up and surface treatment should be adopted. In
be observed in the construction of the· main structure, case of rubber seals, specified formworks should be
they should be followed for head regulators also. provided to support the rubber seals. Concrete in the
vicinity of waterstops should. have a slump .of 75 to
9.14. Formwork 103 mm to facilitate easy placement.

The form work sb.ould preferably be in steel except 9.17. ArchiteCtnre

for curved surfaces, block outs, etc., where timber!
plywood form work could be adopted. For repetitive Wherever possible the shap~· of the pier ends. finish
use piers, tb.e formwork should be of firm con- of the abutment, pier, divide wall surfaces, etc., can be
stiuction. Tb.e main criterion ·for forms should be the modified toilierease the architectnral beautjHjf :·the
functional requirements. For exposed surfaces. non- structure. But hydraulic performance and safety should
staining form oil should be used and for buriedsuf" notbe sacrificed.· .,.:.'


Maintenance and Operation

---;0.0. Introduction 10.1.3. Sediment Excluding Devices: Sediment excluder

tllnnels and the dellectors shonld be thoroughly inspect-
Proper inspection, maintenance and operation of ed for cracks, choking, etc, with the help of divers and
he diversion structures are necessary adjuncts to safe underwater lamps. Wherever necessary, desilting of
a.d economical designs. Any slackness in these aspects chocked tunnels and channels should be carried out
vould lead to failures and extension of damages. It is and other repail's attended to.
'so necessary that a history of the diversion structure
neluding the damages, repairs, maintenance and 10.1.4. Piers: The piers should be inspected carefully
.,eration are kept available so that the maintenance for settlement, cracks, tilting etc. The noses of the piers
end oporation could be reviewed and modified where- should be checked for damages if any due to boulders.
"er necessary. Tllese aspects are discussed in brief in lloating debris. et~. Necessary repairs must be attend-
ais Chapter. ed to immediately for proper functioning of the gates,
stoplogs, bridges, etc .
• 0.1. Inspection and Maintenance of Civil Works 10,1.5. Abutments: Inspection of abutments should
be carried out similar to the piers. In addition, the..
Regular and careful inspection and maintenance of backfill should also be examined for settlement and if
:ivil works must he carried out for all the components, need be, it should be made up and properly compacted.
Jtll under water and above.' Necessary repairs should
Ie carried out in time before damages, if any, are 10.\.6. Flankwa/ls: Inspection and maintenance of
:tended. These are detailed below: llankwalls are similar to those for the abutments.
Damaged c.c. blocks of the. flared out walls, if any,
should be replaced so that hydraulic performance of
).}.1. Upstream and Downstream Aprons: After the the structnre is not impaired.
nonsoon. sounding and probing should be done both
1 the upstream and downstream sides. These would 10.1.7. Divide Walls: In addition to the inspection
Ie carried out by sOlluding rods or echo sounders over like that for the piers, the effectiveness of ' the drive
"e c.c. block and loose stone protections. Contour walls for satisfactory hydranlic performance should
naps and sections could be to determine the also be observed and necessary corrective measures
'laces of scour, its extent. launchmg, etc. The effective- ·adopted. The protection works around the noses· and
.<ss of the downstream inverted filter could also be shanks of the divide walls should be checked up by
let<fmined. Wherever scours have taken place exten- sounding and replenished to design values wherever
.ifely, the apron could be replenished to the designed necessary .
10.\.8. Bridges: The beams, slabs and the wearing
coats of the bridges should all be checked for cracks,
10.1.1. Pucca Floor: The pucca lloor, both upstream wear and tear. joints, etc. and repairs carried out so
.• d downstream should be thoroughly inspected for t hat smooth traffic is ensured,
:racks, w~ar and tea(, cavitation. etc. Energy dissipa-
Ig devices like chute blocks, friction blocks, and sills ·10.\.9. Fishpass: Apart from the usual inspection
:tc. should also be checked for damages. While necessary for the concrete structure of the fish pass, its
watering deep downstream basins for inspection, it effectiveness for the smooth movement of fish from
hould be ensured that the design uplift values for the npstream to downstream and vice versa should be
. 'nd level condition are not exceeded. Necessary studied and corrective meaSures adopted wherever
epairs should be carried out immediately. necessary.


10.1.1 O. Navigation Lock: The concrete structures of RETROGRESSION

the navigation lock should be thoroughly inspected for
cracks, settlement, etc. and repairs carried out. If the It is necessary to measure the retrogression of the
lock chamber and also the navigation channel are downstream river bed so that if the limits over the
silted np. necessary desilting operatiOns should be assumed values are exceeded, necessary remedial
carried out. It must be ensured that the filling and measures can be taken on time to ensure the safety of
emptying times are able to be maintained as per design the structure.
values. Any difficulties in the same should be removed
so that free flow of navigation is maintained Approaches UPSTREAM AGGRADATION
to both the upstream al,d downstream navigation locks.
should be maintained properly to avoid any congestion
and damages. Upstream aggradation of the river bed increases the
affiux and consequent encroachment into the free
10. \.11. Head Regulators: The inspection and main- board of the components of the diversion structure
tenance of the head regulator are similar to those of including the river training works. Hence it is necessary
the main barrage/weir. The discharging capacity of the to know the aggradation taking place so that the top
head regulator SllOUld be measured and if difficulties levels of the components can be raised wherever
are experienced in passing the required discharge, necessary.
necessary corrective measures should be adopted, if
need be, through model studies. DISCHARGE DISTRIBUTION AND CROSS FLOW

10.1.12. Instruments: It is necessary that every year, Designs are carried out assuming certain concen'~
performance reports are prepared, based on. the tration of flow through the different bays of the diver-
different instrument observations. The observatiOns sion structure. Hence it is necessary to know the
could be broadly classified under (n Uplift pressure discharge distribution through the bays so that the
(ii) Suspended sediment (iii) Settlement (iv) ~etrogres­ designs could be checked up for the safety of the struc-
sion (v) Upstream aggradation and (vi) Discharge dis- ture. Similarly crossflows should also be observed and
tribution and cross-flow. proper remedial measures taken for ensuring the saftey.
of the structure. This could be. by suitable modification UPLIFT PRESSURE of the gate regulation pattern.
The details of uplift pressure pipes, their installa- 10.1.13. River Training Works: It is necessary to have
tion and observation may be seen in the chapter on maps of the river showing the configuration of the river
Instrumentation. It may be adequate to take observa- every year so that the effectiveness of the river training
tions once a month during monsoon period and more works could be studied and modified if necessary. The
frequently during the non-monsoon period. However, points of attack by the flowing water should be observ-
it.should be ensured that ed and strengthened. For this purpose, a good stock
of loose stone should be kept near vulnerable spots.
(i) the mouths of all pipes are kept caps
to avoid the chances of extraneous matenals
getting into the pipes and clogging them. 10.2. Inspection and Maintenance of Mechanical and
Electrical Works
(ii) the pipes are properly and clearly numbered In addition to the inspection and maintenance of
for identification. the civil works, the mechanical and electrical works
also should be inspected and maintained regularly. If
(iii) the pipes are frequently tested to make sure they are not kept clean, tidy and in proper working
that the strainers are not choked. order, they would fail at the time of emergency leading
to damages of the entire structure. Under the mechani-
The quantity and quality of the sediment content cal and electrical works the following could be
of the water coming out of pressure release pIpes on included :- (i) Gates and falling shntters (ii) Gate
the downstream floor should be tested during dry grooves and seals (iii) Steel wire ropes (iv) Roller trains
season. This would indicate their efficiency and also and fiixed rollers (v) Winches/hoist (vi) Flood lighting
the event of undermining of the foundations, so that (vii) Bridge bearings and Super structures.
necessary remedial measures' can be adopted on time.
10.2.1. Gates an4 Falling Shutters: The gates and
10.1.l2.2. SUSPENDED SEDIMENT falling shutters should be kept clear of the debris and
silt accumulations and they should not be allowed to
The silt charge of water upstream and downstream rust due to improper drainage. The upstream face of
of the undersluices and in the canal below the head the skin plate corning into contact with water should
regulator should be observed frequently so that the preferably be painted with suitable primer and sub-
efficiency of the silt excluding devices can be assessed sequently with sanded aluminium paint for long life.
and the gate regulation can be modified suitably to While painting the surfaces, all necessary precautions
improve the efficiency. should be observed.
10.2.2.' Gate Groov.. and Seals: Gate grooves and follow the recommendations of the model studies, as
particularly their machined faces should be kept clean modified by the observed river behaviour at site.
and lubricated we1l and all their sticky deposits should Operation has to be done judiciously to improve flow
be scraped off before applying the lubricant. The conditions and avoid shoal formations. The pond level
efficiency. of the rubber seals should be tested and also should be kept minimum to feed the canal with the
examined for wear and tear and deterioration. Their required discharge and excess passed through the
replacement whenever necessary should be done diversion structure. In high floods, all gates should be
immediately. raised clear of the HFL with sufficient margin for
floating debris to pass through and all falling shutters
10.2.3. Steel Wire Ropes: A1I steel wire ropes should be must be lowered. Whenever the sediment charge of
cleaned to remove a1l the dust accumulation and lubri- the flood waters increases beyond the permissible limits
cated with suitable. greases atIeast Once a year. The for the off-taking canal, the head regulator gates should
portion oftbe wire ropes submerged in water, after be closed. Under-sluice gates should not be allowed to
lubrication, should be wrapped with gunny bags which be overtopped and sediment excluders should be,
should be securely fastened to the ropes. The clamping operated to prevent silt entry into the canal as -much
~ devices also should be inspected for their efficacy. as possible.

10.2.4. Roller Train. and Fixed Rollers: The roller 10.3.3. Post-monsoon Operation : Still/semi-stilI p()nd
trains and fixed rollers should be cleaned, free move- operation, with the silt excluding/extracting devices
ment ensured and greased for smooth operation worn operating. should be continued till water becomes
out rollers and pins should be replaced and bolts etc" reasonably clear. After the soundings are completed
tightened. and the river bed levels are known. suitable regulation
should be evolved' so that shoals are elimina.ted as
10.2.5.. Winchcs/Hoits: Winches and liftingdrrims much as possible. .
should be kept clean and greased. properly for smooth
and easy operation, Alignment of shafts shouldbe, 10.3.4: Operation o/Gates and Falling' Shutte;s:' The
checked and coupling bolts tightened; [n the. case of gates. and falling shutters should be operated according'
electrically operated . hoists, a1l the electrical wirings, to certain guide lines indicated by the, model studies,
switches, bearings, reducing gears,etc.. shoula be general. observations. design calculations, etc. How-
checked for a safe and trouble free operation. The ever.; certain precautions .shoJJld be observed while
platform should also be examined and propel'ly operating (hem•.' '
IO.3A.I. All lift, g'ates ,shoJJ/dbe operated at suitable
10.2.6. Flood Lighting: During the flood .season, al[ interval to free, the, m,chanism and wash out extraneqJJS:
liood lighting and site illumination should be checked material. In low supplies, the gates could be raised by ,
Jailyandduring s\ season, it may 'be 'done once in about 15 cm for ",few minutes. If the gates have not'
a week. . ' . ' been lifted up fora long time, they should , be Iifted by
a,bout3~m.or so and kept in that position for about
10.2.7.. Bridge Bearings and ,Super·S,trticturas: The 10 to 15 minutes till thesil! deposited against the gate"
. ,ridge bearings over the piers and abutments shonld be gets softened. ,This wonld avoid heavy strain on the
cleaned and greased once in a year after the monsoon machinery. ."
·eaSon. The painting of super structures should be
done once in two years. The maximum speed of operation of the gate"
specified by the manufactnrers should not be exceeded.
10.3. Qperation and RegnIation The head. regulator gates should generally
The operation and regulation of the diversion strui:- have equal openings unless otherwise' indicated by
'ure can be divided into three perioqs, viz, (i) Pre- model tests; ,
LIlonsoon (ii) During monsoon and (iii) Post-monsoon.
Detailed instructions in this regard issued by higher When the gate operation is of wedge type,
.uthorities should be followed. ' .' ' the gates shoJJld be opened in inst~lments not exceed:
ing 30:cms at a time. The gate opening should be
. _0.3.'\. Pre-monsoon Operation: No wastage of ~ater suitably increased to allow passage of bonlders. '
can be permitted during this low-flow period and the
ltes/falling shutters should be judiciously regulated 10·3..4:5. While closing the gates operating the silt
to maintain the pond level., The discharge ihro' the e#lud¢f tunnels' it has to be done verys[owly to avoid
. ,ad regulators should be regulated according to the water hammer action leading to damages to the.. struc-
approved discharge tables to feed the canals. ture.·
).3.2. Monsoon Operation: During monsoon 'peri"d; 10.3.4;6. When a canal is first ope~ed. low supply
the operation of the gates and shutters should' generally 'should be run for a few hours at least and depth

should be gradually ra ised according to the require- of the head works including the maintenance. damages
ments. The rate of filling and lowering of the canal and repairs carried out from time to time. schedule.
water level should not be violated beyond the prescri- of gate operation prescribed and actually carried out
bed limits.
with reasons thereof. behaviour of the river. etc. This
10.4. Record of History of Headworks would help in evolving a modified gate operation
schedule wherever necessary for better hydraulic per-
It is always desirable to keep an up-to-date history formance and safety of the structure.


Effect of Diversion Structure on the Regime of the River

11.0. Introduction lead to silt deposit on the downstream and a long

range recovery of levels. These in short are the effects
Before proceeding with the actual designs of the of the construction of a diversion structure on the
diversion structure, it would be deslfable and helpful regime of the river. .
to study how the river would be alfected by the con-
struction of the barrage/weir across it since its natural . 11.2. Effects on tbe New Design
behaviour is going to be interfered with. This .tudy
would indicate what precautions are necessary to be Precautions in the designs are to be taken as men-
incorporated in the desigm to accommodate the anti- tioned below due to the anticipated changes·in the
cipated changes in the regime. These are discussed in river regime.
this Chapter.
11.1. Accretion and Retrogression of River Bed 11.2.1. The high flood levels on the downstream side
would be lowered due to retrogression which is gene-
The first effect of the construction of the diversion rally taken as 0.3 to O.Sm for higher discharges and
structure is a flattening of the water surface slope for 1.25 to 2.25 m for lower design flood. The retrogressed
some distance behind th'e structure due to ponding up Stage Dlscharge·curve thus prepared would have to be
used in the designs for energy dissipation and exit
of river supplies. This results in reduction of sedi- gradients. .
ment transporting power in that reach so that the river
drops a part of its sediment load resulting in the for-
mation of shoals and islands in the pond. The relati- 11.2.2. Restoration of normal slope upstream of the
vely clearer water passing over the structure picks up diversion structure leads to increased flood levels by
sedimenT from the fiver bed to make up the deficit in the extent of afflux on the upstream Over the original
its content and causes a progressive lowering, otherwise back water curve. When it is observed that due to
called retrogression. of downstream levels. accretion of the upstream bed, the free boards of the
various river training work are encroached upon, their
The retfQgressiGn process continues for a number levels should be raised suitably and there might be
of years. Due to the increase in the shoal formation needs of extension of afflux bunds also.
in the upstream reaches, the resistance to flow of the
river increases as the route of the fiver flow becomes 11.2.3. Recovery of downstream bed levels some-
tortuous around the shoals. To overcome this resis- times may continue even beyonds the original bed
tance, increased head is required and the river starts levels. This may lead to loss of control on silt regula-
to regain its original slope. The afflux on. the up- tion. Apart from the incr.ease in the top levels of the
stream thus gets extended. A stage would arise when downstream components to take care of the down-
the. upstream pond does not absorb any more silt. Due stream high flood levels, suffiCient margin would need
to the silt excluding devices provided and a'so a higher to be provided between the Full Supply Level of the
crest elevation of the head regulator, comparatively less canal and the pond level, to provide for the required
silty water is drawn through it and the silt burden cut-off at the head regulator for passing the discharge.
would go downstream whereas tb.ere would be dis- It should also be possible to raise the crest level of the
charge below normal on the downstream. This would head regulator at a future date if necessary.


Failures of Barrages and Weirs

These are further discussed in subsequent paras.

12.Q. Introduction
12.2. Undermining through piping due to excessive
Diversion structures, barrages or weirs, are essen- exit gradient:
tially light structures whether tbey are of gravity type
or raft type Generally they are founded on perme- The importance of obtaining a safe exit gradient
able soils though there are qUIte a rew structures for the diversion structure has already been discussed
founded on rocks. These diversion structures have been in Para (Vol. I). In Chapler 6 on Hydraulic
and are being built by taking calculated risks. Any Designs. The safe values according to Bligh's Theory,
undue occurrance of severe floodslfiash floods or· a Lane's Weighted Creep Theory and Khosla's Theory
violent change in the direction of flow and sometimes have also been indicated in the Chapter for various types
aided by faulty con;truction 'may affect the safety of of soils. Excessive exit gradients cause piping below the
the structure. Many structures have failed in the floor of the structure which leads to su bsidence and
past and many lessons have been· learnt fro.m th.ese ultimate collapse. Piping is caused by the absellce of
failures. In fact the modern designs of dl verSIOn adequate depth of downstream cut-off, ab.ence and/or
structures have been developed from the analysl~ of non-functioning of inverted filter on the downstream
these failures. In this Chapter, the causes for failure of the floor, short-circuiting of seepage flow carrying
of the diversion structures and remedial measures are the foundation soil through the cracks and cavities
discussed. The various points to be looked into and in lhe floor, absence of cross-cut-offs below the divide
data to be collected in the event of a failure of a walls separating the undersluices and spillways. thereby
barrage or weir are also indicated in this Chapter. short-circuiting the seepage path, improper sealing
arrangements in the various joints provided, especially
12.1. _Causes of Failure in the floor, etc.
The failures of the diversion structures can be 12.2.1. Such a failure and damage has occurred in a
attributed to the following main causes, acting singly number of weirs and barrages in ~he past. Notable
or in combination: among them are Deoha Barrage (I 929 I, Khanki weir
on Chenab river (1932), Anderson weir on Damodar
(i) Undermining through piping due to excessive river (J 935), Old Menugi. Regulator in Egypt, Islam
exit gradient. weir on Sutlej river (1929), Marala weir on Chenab
river (1934), Sarda Barrage on Sarda river (1956) and
(ii) Eruption of floor caused by uplift exceeding Mississippi weirs (USA).
gravity forces.
12.2.2. In the event of a failure due to excessive exit
(iii) Deep scour in the immediate vicinity upstream gradient, the remedial measures after repairing the
or downstream of the pucea floor. damages would be to provide a deeper cut-off on the
downstream and provision of properly designed inver-
(iv) Faulty regulation. ted filter below the c.c. blocks on the downstream. In
case it is not possible to provide a deeper downstream
(v) Faulty con~truction. cut-off due to any reason whatsoever, the floor length
can be increased on the upstream side subject to eco-
(vi) Severe flood leading to overtopping and/or nomical considerations as discussed in para. 6.8.(Vol.l).
out-flanking. However, it has to be ensured that there is no short-

. circuiting of seepage path rendering the increased 12.4.2. When such failure occurs, it would be neces-
length ineffective in reducing the exist gradient. sary to lower the cistern level and provide adequate
energy dissipating arrangements such as end sill,
12.3. Eruption of Floor Caused by Uplift Exceeding dentated sill, friction blocks, chute blocks, etc. To
Gravity . reduce the fiaod velocities, the upstream apron level
can be lowered. The depths of upstream and down-
The failure due to eruption of fioor caused by stream cut-offs should be properly calculated with safe
uplift exceedmg gravity can occur when there is no scour factors and provided for. The upstream and
water running downstream and tlle pond is maintained downstream aprons should be properly replenished to
on the upstream, or wilen water is fiowing downstream the designed values. Steeper glacis slopes may need
through the gates and hydraulic jump is formed over to be fiattened to say 3 : 1.
the glaCIS. fhe failure occurs when adequate thick- I.
ness of the floor is not proVided in tlle trougil portion. 12.5. Faulty Regulation
The fioor may contain lot of cavities inside rendering
it ineifoctive to resist the uplift pressure. Excessive Sometimes failures have occurred due to faulty
~ nplift pressures occur due to inadequate drainage regulation of gates, reSUlting in high concentration of
arrangements provided below the fioor or any locked flow through· the structure. When such a thing occurs,
np pressure due to clay pockets or the downstream inevitably the energy dissipation is not proper and deep
cutoff embedded in to an impermeable layer. The scour occurs. Sometimes it may so happen that dama-
extent'of uplift pressures developed below the fioor of ges occur due to one or other causes mentioned in para
major structures can be assessed if proper instrumenta- 12.1, but the gates migbt have been lowered giving
tion has been installed and the data analysed. priority to feeding thecanals which results ultimately,.
in major damages, as happened in the case of .Islal)l
12.3.1. Failures dne to eruption of fIoor caused by weir on Sutlej river in 1929. Faulty regulation can·
uplift exceeding gravity have occurred. in Narora weir also be. traced to poor maintenance of gates, becaus.e.
0:89&), ~aralaweir (193'4), Rasul weir .on .Chenab of which they get jammed, and are not. able to be
riv",[(l929), Decha Barrage (1929), Khankl weir (1932) operate(l when desprately needed.
anU'Sarda Barrage (1956).
12.5.1. Failure due to fanlty gate regulation can be :
l:i.3.2 • . Remedial measures for s\lch failure consist prevented only by imparting adequate :knowledge to.:
in: incre~sing ttle thickness of thefioor. with due con- the opetating personnel about the significance of:
sid.erations roi-adequatecistern level for proper energy proper regulation •and proper maintenance of gates:.
dl'sSipati,on,piovisi()n of reinf<itced cement . conc.~~te and o.therhoisting arrangement •.
fi;)or. raft insiead of gravity section, groutmg of caVitIes
formed if anyilrict lncrease of upstrealllfloor. so that .1.2.6. Faulty Construction
the percentage pressures at key po.i~tsespeclany over
ttletrough region can be. reduced by lDc~easmg the see. Failures of diversion structures <iue . to. faulty
l;iagepath.'· . construction are not nncommon. .Fanlty construction
also leads. to other causes of'fail'ure{'sucii'a.s·pipin-g
12 4. Formation of Deep Scours belo"" the floor, eruptions of fioor due to . uplift Pfes-
sure, faulty regulation, etc.Va~iolis items conii'ngun'der
• there are occasions when deep scours ar~ formed tl1eca tbgoryof. fariltycdnst'ruction ·caDbe.(fI:sttatifi·~
either or both on the upstreamant:ldo)Nnstrealll ~f the cation of concrete layers in thepucca'fl'oor·an:d·Do.pto-·
:fiior.Failureocyufsifcut.o.ffs bath on the '-!pstream per bood between the layers of co ncrere (ii) various
. a"d. downstream are not provided for adequate depths. construction and structUral desigildefects (iii) cracks
Deep scours occur caused by high intensities of dis- in the downstream glacis leadingto·short'cfrcuiting
charMs· through the structure. This may b~ due to of seepage path (iv) improper foundation.· tleatment
inadequate waterway or faulty .g~le .. regulatlon .. If leading. tosubsiden'ce andcconsequent .dislurbiince. in
proper fiexible protections are not ptovlded, the foun- the alignment of gate track aod jamminlg.(v) cracking
dation.oil is deep scour; and consequently of seals in the joints (vi) tearing of sheet piles and
the structure fails.. ileours are also· formed due. (0. improper interlocking (viilimproper foundation treat- '1
improper energy dissipation. If retrogression on the ment of impervious layers leading· to locked up
downstream of the .bed. has not beenaccounted for, ,
seepage pressure (I'iii) inadequate cover for reinfor- "
hydraulic jump may· Corin outSIde tbe fioor andwitb cement bars (ix) honey·combing of bottom layers of
no proper apron provided, deep scours .occur leading. fioor concrete due to omission/inadeqnate. mud mat (x)
to failure. imDropercoocrete mix usedresultitrg
failure, etc.
1204. r: Failures due to improper energy dissipation
and' formation. of deep scours have' occurred in. Islam 12.6.1. In the recent past, failures due to faulty con-
weir on Sutlej river 11929). Khanki weir (1932), struction have occurred in Islam weir(1929), Rasul
Anderson weir (1935). Marala weir (1934), Sarda. .weir (929), Anderson weir (1935), Marala weir (1934)
Barrage (1956) and some Mississippi weirs (USA). etc. due to one reason or the other.

12.6.2. To avoid failures due to faulty construction (i) Detailed drawings of the diversion structure,
strict qU1.1ity, control and ·snpervi'iion of construct'!o~ regulators. guide bunds, afflux bunds, approach
should be ensured. Sat'ety ;hould not be compromised bunds. Spurs, etc.
for cost or speed of construction. To remedy the
failure" the spots where faulty construction have Ui) .Detailed note on the damages noticed includ-
occurred must be identified and suitable measures mg hIstory and remedial measures carried out
taken. if any so far.
(iii) Development of the damages.
12.7. Overtopping
(iv) Photographs taken if any.
Failures due to overtopping of the components of (v) Discharge and water level values at various
the diversion structure occur due to tbe wrong points along guide bunds, afflux bunds, appro-
estlmatLOnjadoption of the design floud and- maximum ach bunds, spurs, abutments, etc,
flood for free board purposes. This results in more (Vi) Flow pattern observed i e., concentration of
afflux than the e·;timated one and with the provision flow through some bays or otherwise.
ot'less free bo·ud. overtopping. nat,)rally occurs leading
to damages. There are quite a few instances where (vii) Sounding data both upstream and downstream
du" to inadequate free board, overtopping of guide at the ends of the raft, cement concrete blocks
bunds has occurred and this coupled with faulty con- stone protection. around divide walls and fo;
struction leads to collapse of gUide bunds and further a distance of 60m or so at 15m intervals.
damages. Wllen the top of the piers or abutments are
(viii) Gate operation followed during floods and
not fixed properly, due to overtoppil1g, damages to other times.
the beaflng; of ro lJl rail bridges occur leading to
failureS. (ix) Any seismicity experienced prior to or during
the floods.
12.7 1. Remedial measures or rather preventive mea- (x) Data on settlement of piers, abutments, flank-
sures to avoid failures due to overtopping consist in the walls, divide walls, etc., jf any.
correct 'a'5SeS8 ,nent" of the design flood for waterway

and maximum flood for free board purposes and pro- (xi) Data on tilting of piers, divide walls, abut-
vision' of adequate free boards all along taking the ments, flankwalls etc., if any.
siltation aspect also into account. (xii) Quantity and quality of bed materials and
floating debris during the floods.
12.8. Outflanking.
(xiii) Details of spurs. upstream and downstream.
Failures due to outflanking are related to the wrong
estimation of the flood values and subsquent overtop, (xiv) Data on traffic over the structure if any during
ping of afflux bunds, tie. bunds, etc. Another reason the floods.
could be placed on the wrong location of the diversion (xv) Details of construction materials used includ-
structure in geologically weak spots, especially the ing quality of construction for various compo-
banks. On highly meandering rivers, if marginal nents including the different bunds.
embankments and jacketting of the rivers are not done
properly, failures due to outflanking cannot be ruled (xvi) Instrumentation data available if any.
out Improper gate operation also leads to outflank- (XVii) Details about stages of construction.
ing aud failures thereof.
(xviii) Details of any field investigations done for
12.9. Record of Fail ores and Remedial Measores detecting hollows if any and results thereof.
(xix) PrevIOus history of any damages and remedial
For each and every diversion structure, either a measures there of.
barrage or a weirs, it is desirable to have a record of
its behaviour, both hydraulic and structural. The (xx) Recommendations of any Technical Advisory
record should also contain the details of its failures if Committee from time to time and compliance.
any and remedial measures adopted from time to time.'
Necessary photos should also be available of the same. (xxi) Hydraulic and structural designs with assum-
These would always help for future modifications, if ptions made if any.
any, needed forthe structure and also for others. (xxii)' Any other data relevant to the case under
12.10. Data to be CoIlected in the Event of a Failore
12.11. After working out the necessary remedial
Whenever there is any failure of the diversion measures and implementing them, it is desirable to
structure, quite a few data have to be collected for publish the causes of failures and remedial measures
study and analysis so that suitable remedial measures adopted in an article for the benefit of designers and
can be adopted. A list of such data is given below: project authorities.

Some Special Problems

13.0. Introduction 13.3. Cracking of Concrete

Due to extreme variations in temperature, there
In construction, maintenance and operation of conld be thermal cracks in the concrete of the floor,
barrages and weirs, in addition to the usual problems piers, etc.. Cracks may also be caused due to differen-
of siltation, scouring, etc., sometimes some special tial settlement. The exact nature of tbe cracks would
problems are encountered depending on the. location have to be ascertained and remedial measures adopted.
where the structure is constructed and precautions are Epoxy grouting of cracks is one of the methods usually
taken during construction. Some of these problems employed for this purpose. In case of differential
could be (il ice problem (ii) damages due to rolling settlement, necessary foundation treatment will have to
stones (iii) cracking of concrete (iv) transport of logs be resorted to.
(v) shearing off of pier reinforcement and (ivl special
seepage problems. These are discussea here in this 13.4. Transport of Logs
Chapter. The list is not exhaustive, The other prob-
lems have to be tackled with all due considerations for For tbe transport of considerable amount of timber
safety and economy. from upstream of a diversion structure to the down-
stream,provision of a log chute may be necessary.
13.1. Ice Problems However, the economics of having a log chute vis-a-vis
mechanical handling would need to be worked out.
Diversion structures constructed in high altitudes In the case of weirs, the crest is depressed by about
face the problem of formation of ice over the struc- 0.5 to l..:m and provided with control gates for regu·
tures especially the moving parts like gates, etc. Ice lating tbe supply. A gradually inclining plane on the
forming over the water surface may exert extra pres- downstream is provided to prevent the logs from
sures over the abutments, piers. divide walls, etc. The impinging on the foundation with a high velocity. The
components affected should be checked for stresses actual inclination of the platform depends upon the
due to the ice thrust. To prevent the ice formation availability of a pool of water on the downstream. The
over the moving parts, usually a heating system for width of the chute depends upon the number of logs
the gates is provided and sometimes, air bubbler that are to be passed at a time. Where timber traffic is
system is also provided. A typical gate heating considerable timber booms would be necessary to
arragements is shown in Figure 13.1. guide the logs head on towards the chute.

\3.2. Damages due to Rolling Stones 13.5. Shearing off of Pier Reinforcement
. When the piers are under construction. the pier
Diversion structures located in bouldery reaches reinforcement should be properly protected during
face this problem, The rolling stones may damage the floods. Generally they are bent before the floods,
nose of the piers or the pucca floor. The top thick- and later on straighteneds when construction work
ness of the floor is made of richer concrete to resist is resnmed. Sometimes, it has been observed that
abrasion. Sett stones are also provided at the top to due to oblique flow or any other cause, the rein-
resist abrasion. Experiments with application of forcement bars in some of the piers get sheared off.
epoxy resins over the surface are still in progress. In those cases. the reinforcement will need to be first
The nose of the piers are usually provided with steel checked np whether they are loosely sticking out or
cladding. A typical steel cladding arrangement is not. After ensnring its proper bonding with the lower
shown in Figure 13.2. portion, new reinforcement would be welded on to the

Z_5mm2 4 .

Solt& nut for
Sheotheifl~~~blinSUloted c~VPPC"
conduc'to core,llOOvolts

Clamp ~or

~ ".j'i"'r~
t e cabl
supporting ® ~ ,.too.,

_ _ 0.-...,
_ ® "
7Smm cond,,;I,
,,-_,"__ u.. __ ;i......u ;'-_.u_.

r\Ot~grc,--" H .-~~\ I

H !ll

IclrC"~"", i~,-t" ~JG



-=~ . ""O _ ! .m nm "0". "" "m __ " .

0" """

L - __ ~il __ _ __ . - ___ __ . ___ ~'iff",~
-------------!l~c -------~:' ..!------ - -----~
_ _ _II ~~_ h h

---I: ___ .________ c~

_JWU i
~~ob· ......... 754 754 I 754 J 754 ---1-. 754 400~ "2x

ib en I
[ . . ,_ 'M .. ' - .. , "
~ _
.,... •• "..'" ' ........... <.1 .............. " " "

J[ m

'chonne rOOx50x75 ........Skln.pIQt.


FIGURE 13.1: Typical Detail. of Gate Heatiog Arraogeme.!.

old ones. Proper bonding of new concrete with the
old one should also be ensured. It would be advisable
to test check a few welded rods for their strength.

13.6. Special Seepage Problems .I.-

z -=i- c.~-

In dealing with seepage pressures by Khosla's 2

theory, the assumption of homogeneous, isotropic
« "x
medIum of large (theoretically infinite) depth is impli- i >
" Ii


cit. In practice. sedimentary deposits are often ~ ,.w S
stratified. In sand gravel-boulder regions. the strati'
fication is usually not marked and assumption of ideal
,g ]' \
Khosla conditions would normally be justified, unless
rock out-crops at shallow depths create conditions' of
~ :'::J r.';;
oonfined flow. Lower down in the trough region of
~the river. beds of silt and clay may be existing between
layers of sand and stratification may be quite ~I
~! ~
Ex'.ct theoretical solutions for stratified foundations
become very complex. If the stratification is in nume-
rous thin layers Of random permeability and the
disparity in permeabilities is not very high; flow net Can
be obtained by scale transfonnation after idealising
the soil as a homog~1ieous but nOn' isotropic medium
WIth average horizontal permeability KIt and average
vertical permeabili.y' kV. This will further accentuate
the relative effectiveness of verticaL cut-offs and
reduce that of the" 'horizOlltal floor. The drope in
poten tial will be sharPer at the vertical cut-offs, and
the gradient will befla.!ter in the region of, the, horF
zontal floor. Hence. the.distiibll.tion ofnplift pressures
in non-isotropic soils
of vertical cut-offs.
be more sensitive to depths
, ,

The effect of limited number, of, distiric!! strata has

been studied hy eiectri'calanalpgy and also by relaxa-
tion,methods by diffe,rellt researchers ..

If the top layer is.more;p~rvious thaI! ,lie bottom :gJ

layer, the pressures decrea~e on the dOwristream~ide
and increase on the upstream. side., In fact, iQJhe t
limit, when the hottom lay~r is mu~h less pervious 0
x ::::J
than the top laYer, this case, reduces, to . COrifjIle.d >- 0
~ I;{'~'
flow. ' ~

When a stratum of low~r perme"bil\ty overlies a
stratum of higher permeability, the results are r,eversed, Q.

Higher pressures are obtained OJ;! the downstre~m por·

tlOn of the floor and lower on the upstream portion.
For two layers of equal thickness and permeability
ratio of 1/8 for this case. it has been observed that"
there is a maximum increase of 4 nercent at the down·" 5
stream end in comparison to the ideal homogenous . ~ g-E
a. ::~
Case. •



There are two types of s.pecial seepage problems
usually encountered namely the confined case and'three' " ~.~
~ , •

dimensional effects. These are briefly discussed

below. FIGURE 13.2: Typical Steel Cladding of Pier.

13.6.1. Confined Case: The confined case arises when has actually been equivalent to that offerred by a
an impervious layer exists at a limited depth. Both length of the soil at site varying between 120 to
theoritical solution and relaxation solutions have been 600 m. Thus even afler tying the upstream pile line
worked out by different authors. Generally speaking to the impervious layer, seepage pressures will build up
confined flow results in reduction of the curvature of under the floor in course of time. Their magnitude-
flow lines of seepage. The tend to become more is difficult to determine and a ccinservative design
straight and parallel. In fact if the pervious stratum would require the assumption that a gap exists bet-
becomes very narrow, the flow lines will be actually ween the upstream sheet pile and the impervious
parallel to each other. Thus as depth of previous layer.
stratum is reduced, the SUb-soil H.G. line approa'Ches
a straight line which meanS that the down'stre'aiil 13:6.1.4. Ifthe scour situation demands such depth
pressures are reduced while upstream pressures are of downstream sheet pile line that it connects with the
increased. impervious layer. the problem becomes more difficult.
It the soil under the work is boxed on all sides by the CW&PRS, Pune, had earlier conducted some provision of cross-sheet piles also and if tbe sheet piles
electrical analogy studies in the case of a horizontal were truly water-tight and the bottom .layer fully
impetviOlis layer, fof finding out the ,change in:the i1,npervi9us,.I)O seeNge pressures shoulddeveJop (This
uplift pressure due to the different depths, of pervious latter conditic.>D is mOre or less satisfied in the case: of
layer assumed in the sub· soil. The results indicated rock). Under such situations. provision of a practical
that. floor thickness (not determined by seepage pressures)
would normally be justifiable. However" pr<1,ss:ure
(i) pressure at mid-point of the floor remains relief arrangement by intermediate filter or drainage
practically unaffectedfor the value of the depth gallery at one or more positions in the downstream
of the impervious layer tested. portion of the floor would be desirable and, .in. some
cases even necessary as.a precaution.
(ii) pressure at a point one-fourth the length of
the floor (from upstream end) is increased to 13.6.2. Three Dimensional Effects
a maximum of 7 percent when depth, of the
Jayer was 0.1 to 2 percent for depth of 0.5.1 and Barrages are usually wide (across the rNee) in
andO.25 percent for a depth of 1.0.1 (where comparison to their length (along the river). For such
I is the length of t,he fioor!. Similarly, at a structures, effects of three-dimensional. seepage are not
point 3/4th of the length of tbe floor, the likely to be important. .
pressures were dec~eased to same extent, and Investigation of this problem by. a.nalytical
(ii;)a pointsuchlls_,_3_ th",ilL experience a and electrical analogy methodS has. indicated'1hat the
, ' 20 main causative factor in this problem is" illeelevation
maximum increase in pressure of 9 percent due of.the ,tabJe water table on the sides of the.w<>rk.; If
to the layer at 0.1 I depth and the point the water iable';sat the same or somewhat' 19wer ieve.!
'at ,1;7: ': th ,will undergo, a similar decrease in than tbe mean between upstream and . downstream
, : (1): ','..: ' , wat~r leyels, t";e seepage pressures aTe practic!!lly:the
same as in tbe two-dimensional ease. Jr tbe water
pressure. tabl,eis,p.igher;!the s~epagepressures increase; if it: is
lower. tbey decrease. But for d9wnstreamfioor the
13,6,1.2. Tflhe.impervious layer is .at a depth some- design of which is actually controlled by uplift pres-
what' lower thanthe:estimatedscdur 'depths,it may be suresilh.e possibility of the,upJift pressures being less
worthwhile tp, tie 'the upstream s'heet"pile litie to the than those computed on assumption of two"dimen-
imprevious layer while the downstream sheet pile line sional seepage is rather low.. Near the river tbe water
mlly .. 1:>e, left. \ib o", •. the. imp~rvious layer for .release of ta ble. is at least seasonally, likely to be higher than :the
stich\,plift pr' as maY build up by leakage river bed. .', ,:
thr'ough the. i1ps\ie~m
,,- ' . ;., pileJlh·e.
,', '
·1"; The three dimensional effect will be more All sheet pile Jines are leaky to lesser or for works on those. canals; where the water table is
greater extent d~pending~n the tightness of their considerably lower than the canal bed. If so, the
jointsatid pos~ibi1ity of tearing of damage duril)g driv- seepage pressures on three-dimensional basis would be
ing.Someobservations takert at'actual sites indicate appreciably lower than those on the usuallWo' llimen-
that the resistance to seepage offered by sheet piling sional basis. .


14.0. This Manual on Barrages and Weirs has been 9. The Fundamental. Principles of Irrigation Engi-
"repared out of materials compiled from various text neering-V.B. Priyani.
oooks, research publications and papers. annual reports
of research stations, Indian Standards. proceedings of 10. Design of Small Dams-United States Depart-
Jifferent conferences. etc,· The experience gained by ment of the Interior- Bureau of Reclamation.
the officers of the Central Water Commission and
"rojec! enginners in both the design and construction . 11. Beams on Elastic Foundations-M. Hetenyi.
of barrages and weirs has also been incorporated. As
it is not possible I() give all the information on the 12. Design of Fishways· and other Fish faeilities-
subject, a list of the various lilerature is given in C.H. Clay.
Appendix 14.1. For detailed information on· any
particular aspect, the reader is advised to refer to the
~elevant paper/publication/book/standard. . 13. Design of Weirs on Permeable Foundations-
Dr. A.N. Khosla. Dr. N.K. Bose and Dr.E.M.
Taylor-Publication No. 12 of Central Board
APPENDIX 14.1 of Irrigation & Power.
List of Books/Publications/Papers/Annual
Reports/Indian. of 14. Manual on River Behaviour. Control and
Conferences. Training (Revised Edition, 1972}-Publication
No. 60 of Central Board of Irrigation &
1. Fundamentals of Irrigation Ellgineering-Dr. Power.
Bharat Singh.
IS. Symposium on Energy Dissipators, 1962-
2. Irrigation Engineering, Vol. l-K.R. Sharma. Publication No. 70 of Central Board of Irriga-
tion & Power.
3. Irrigation (Practice & Design), Vol. V & VI-
K.B. Khushalani.
16. Sediment Control in Rivers and Canals-Dr.
4. Irrigation & Hydraulic Designs, Vol. U& Ill- H.L. Uppal (1962) Publication No. 79 of
Serge Leliavsky. Central Board of Irrigation & Power.

.5. Irrigation Engineering, Vol. II-I van 17. Review on Hydraulic Structures on Permeable
E. Houk. Foundations-Literature Review No. 12 of
Central Board ofIrrigation& Power.
6. Theory and Design of Irrigation Structures,
Vol. II - R.S. Varshney, S.C. Guptaa:nd 18.
R.L. Gupta. Design of Structures on Permeable Founda-
tions of Finite Depths-Technical Report
7. College of Engineering Manual- Irrigation- No. 17 of Central Board of Irrigation &
Co\. W.M. Ellis.
8. The Practical Design of Irrigation Works- 19. Navigation LockS-Manual of Corps of Eng i-
W.G. Bligh. neers-EM-IIIOc2·2601.


20. Plannin a and Design of Navigation Lock walls 36. IS: 3955-1967 -Code of Practice for Design
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21. Hydraulic Design' of NavigatiOl' Locks- tural Design of Fixed Wheel Gates.
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22. The Hydraulic Design of Stilling Basins-
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28. Fish Ladders in Punjab - Dr. ·Hamid Khan.
45. IS: 7349-1971-Code of Practice for Opera-
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30. A Study of Waterway for Bridges and B.Iffages . 46 IS: 7720-19 7 5 -- Criteria for Investigation,
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47. IS: 84()8-1976-Criteria for River Training
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3!. Hydraulic Design of A Diveroion' Work on a
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