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VIth Form Life

Nyasha Odero

There is this subconscious excitement that hits a Peterhouse Pupil when they reach the "top" of the
school system as a Sixth Former.It feels like all the last five years actually meant something because
you've reached the peak. As a sixth former, I wont lie to you

and say that it doesnt feel good.Because reality is, IT DOES! However...let me not flatter you in
saying its a cakewalk.

There are obvious adavantages to being a VIth former; no more Sunday inspections,no more in
house duties etc and that part of life is AMAZING. But I feel like there is a hidden aspect of it that isnt
widely known to those not in the predicament (ie D Block to Vth Form).

My experience comes from that of being a school and house prefect and never in my life have I
resonated with the cheesy saying "With great power comes great responsibility". Taking inspection
may seem like a fun and exciting task but when days become weeks and weeks become months, the

stops becoming fun and becomes evermore tedious. There are meetings that have to be attended
and it may not seem too big a change but from having no meetings at all to having an average two a
week (ranging from Interact,CF,Prefect etc)it does take a toll. Not to mention

you have to keep a certain "persona" as you are now an example to the school as the leaders of it.
This doesnt even scratch the surface of adventures of A-Level because that in itself is whole another
horror story in itself.I'm just playing...or am I?

DONT PANIC THOUGH!This isnt to say that it isnt an amazing and unrivaled experience being at the
"top of the food chain" - as people say - because I can assure you it is and this is in no indication that
I dont love my life right now or the roles I have within the school becuase I wouldnt trade it for

anything. This is more a heads up to all those coming up the system of what to expect when you
reach the top of the school. With time, you get to appreciate all the things I have listed and you take
it as a part of maturing and growing up because we all fall a victim to it. Just embrace it and enjoy
the ride because

soon making sure you get out of bed before Mr Barbour does it himself with the aid of the ol' faithful
"Brown Bomber" becomes the least of your problems

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