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Read and understand the story.




This story is about a cat whose name is Sii Ward. Sii Ward is Thai or Siamese, it has a blue
beautiful eyes and fascinating fur. During the drought in 1925, our Sii Sward was a heroine; she
had the great honor of being elected the Rain Queen. Being without rain for three months that
summer. Then someone suggested to perform the old Brahmo – (Buddhist rain ceremony called
the Nang Maaw , the queen of the cats). This ceremony had been performed by the peasants
since immemorial. Sii Ward elected as the Rain Queen in their town. Two artists built up a big
bamboo cage and the people fastened flowers and leaves to it and dressed it up until it looked
like a miniature castle. At noontime, Sii Sward had her usual lunch of dry mudfish and rice, and
then some old ladies brushed and sprayed sweet native perfume upon her proud head. Sii Sward
protested passionately; she struggled to get away. Sii Sward slept all the way; she was not
impressed by the demonstration. At this moment, the noise of the frantic shouting, of chanting,
of firecrackers, and that perfumed water proved to be too much for the poor Sii Sward. More
water and perfume were poured and splashed into the cage. Sii Sward stood up, her blue eyes
staring at the culprit. She began to cry and tried to find a way to escape. When they reached
Vihara, the men placed the cage in front of the temple, and then all of them went into the Vihara
to pray for the rain goddess again. It must have been about three o’clock in the morning when a
sound like a train running and a big hurricane was heard. Later there was a strong sound of
thunder over the mountains, and a few minutes later, a shower, a real tropical shower, came
down. Everyone on the village got up from his or her bed. We were happy. The farmers started at
once to their farms. It rained for several days, and three nights, and it seemed as if the showers
would never stop until the water in the sky would be gone. Our crops were saved. But Sii Sward
ignores the rain. She slept happily the whole three days. Farmers and their families dropped in to
see her afterward. They patted her delicate fur and left dry fish and meat for her, her favorite
food. That year, Sii Sward was considered as a hero.

Let’s Elaborate
Comprehension: Answer the following questions regarding the story.

1. Where do Siamese cats come from?

Siamese cats come from Thailand.
2. How do Siamese cats behave based on how you understand the selection?
Based on my understanding of the selection, they act like normal cats who does
not enjoy frantic shouting, chanting, and fireworks. Especially the perfume the
people gave to her.

3. What was the name of the Siamese cat in the story?

Her name is Sii Ward.

4. What was Brahmo and why do the people have to perform it?
Brahmo is a Buddhist rain ceremony performed by peasants since immemorial. It
has not rained for 3 months, which is the reason why they had to perform such.

5. Who was elected as the Rain Queen?

The Siamese cat, Sii Ward was elected as the Rain Queen in their town.

6. What do the people do to Sii Ward during the ceremony?

There were two artists who built up a big bamboo cage and the rest fastened
flowers and leaves that made it look like a miniature castle. Then, Sii Sward had
her usual lunch of dry mudfish and rice. After that, some old ladies brushed and
sprayed sweet native perfume upon her proud head.

7. What was the result of the ceremony?

The ceremony led Sii Ward to escape because it proved to be too much for our
Thai cat, however, it also ended with rain finally coming down onto their land
that lasted for several days and three nights and thus Sii Ward was considered a
hero for this reason.

Let Us Dig In
On a separate piece of paper identify the elements of the short story My Thai Cat.

Elements of A Short Story

a. Character:

- Main Character: Sii Ward, a Siamese cat

- Side Characters: People of the Village

b. Setting:

- The story took place somewhere in Thailand.

- A place called “Vihara” where monks dwell.

c. Theme:

- The story revolves around the old beliefs, culture and traditions of the
Thai people in times of a crisis.

d. Conflict:

- The conflict is about rain not coming for 3 months in the region, it has
greatly affected the people in their everyday lives.
- It is an External Conflict against the forces of nature.
- It can also be an External conflict against society since Sii Ward tried to
escape the ceremony because of how too extravagant it seems to be.

e. Plot:

- The plot is about our Thai Cat, Sii Ward and how she became the hero of
the village.

 Exposition:
“This story is about a cat whose name is Sii Ward. Sii Ward is Thai or Siamese, it
has a blue beautiful eyes and fascinating fur. During the drought in 1925, our Sii
Sward was a heroine; she had the great honor of being elected the Rain Queen.”

 Rising Action:
“Being without rain for three months that summer. Then someone suggested to
perform the old Brahmo – (Buddhist rain ceremony called the Nang Maaw , the
queen of the cats). This ceremony had been performed by the peasants since
immemorial. Sii Ward elected as the Rain Queen in their town. Two artists built
up a big bamboo cage and the people fastened flowers and leaves to it and dressed
it up until it looked like a miniature castle. At noontime, Sii Sward had her usual
lunch of dry mudfish and rice, and then some old ladies brushed and sprayed
sweet native perfume upon her proud head.”

 Climax:
“Sii Sward protested passionately; she struggled to get away. Sii Sward slept all
the way; she was not impressed by the demonstration. At this moment, the noise
of the frantic shouting, of chanting, of firecrackers, and that perfumed water
proved to be too much for the poor Sii Sward. More water and perfume were
poured and splashed into the cage. Sii Sward stood up, her blue eyes staring at the
culprit. She began to cry and tried to find a way to escape. When they reached
Vihara, the men placed the cage in front of the temple, and then all of them went
into the Vihara to pray for the rain goddess again.”

 Falling Action:
“It must have been about three o’clock in the morning when a sound like a train
running and a big hurricane was heard. Later there was a strong sound of thunder
over the mountains, and a few minutes later, a shower, a real tropical shower,
came down. Everyone on the village got up from his or her bed. We were happy.
The farmers started at once to their farms. It rained for several days, and three
nights, and it seemed as if the showers would never stop until the water in the sky
would be gone.”

 Resolution:
“Our crops were saved. But Sii Sward ignores the rain. She slept happily the
whole three days. Farmers and their families dropped in to see her afterward.
They patted her delicate fur and left dry fish and meat for her, her favorite food.
That year, Sii Sward was considered as a hero.”

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