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ID: 10849464

DATE: August 14, 2022

How networks, hardware, software, data and people work together

In todays world of Information Technology, businesses uses technology in their day-to-day work

The combination of how networks, hardware, software, data and the people collecting, storing,
using and maintaining this systems and tools are collectively known as an information system.

That engineers use to create and distribute useful data in an organization. In an information system
a hardware is the component of the system that can be touched, such as keyboards, mouse, disk
drives , flash drives , RAM etc. are examples of hardware in an information system. These hardware
in conjunction with software are used to collect, store , process and organize data, the hardware
component such as the disk drives store critical data and other documents of an organization.

The software which is an instruction set that coordinate the process of the hardware. These
instruction set are written by programmers to tell the hardware what to do. The two main
categories of the software are operating system software and application software. The operating
system software manages the hardware resources of the computers that powers the organization in
an information system, it also provides user interface for the people working with data in a form of
terminal to key-in text and other symbols, the application software such as Microsoft excel, word
and coral draw helps makes the work of the people working in an IT environment easier as it
provides them with rapid access for processing data at hand.

Besides the component of hardware and software, an information system which is not connected to
a network is fairly inconceivable in today’s modern world of information sharing it is extremely rare
for a system not connected to a network. Technically the communication system is made up of both
the hardware and software but its an essential feature that has become its own category. The
networking component allows people in an It environment or an information system to
communicate information to different departments both internally and externally .

Data are pieces of information, in it’s raw form data is not useful and thus needs to be processed,
organized to produce useful information that can be used to make decisions, set polices in an IT
environment or organization. So data in the workflow of the other component of an information

The people who works in the IT environment maintains the information system by addressing
technical challenges that hinders the operation of the other component such hardware, software
and the network part of the information system.

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