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Test 2 Writing Task 1 page 64 The diagram illustrates the environmental issues by a product over its lifetime. According to the diagram, first step for the life cycle of a product is product Planing and design which is the most significant step for customers as an appearance. Secondly, suppliers have to prepare all of the materials which they need to use for the. product. Tt would appear that most of the people are more likely to concern about the materials that are used auring the production because af the quality After the. process of procurement of the materials is reached, life. cycle is followed by production step. As long asa product is ready to séil, initial step carries on with packaging, printing and physical distribution. In addition to this step, there are Variety of ways how to make the product more impressive and demanding in the competitive market. That's why, perhaps the. most important process is sales, however good quality of materials was used. While suppliers are trying to sell ary kind of product, they should persuade customers for either its quality or function as a whole. In the case of sales, a large proportion of people use varieties of technics how to effect customers in the market even with exaggeration. From customers point of view, they invariably focus on what they need. So, another essential point for suppliers Is to meet customer's needs. wentl), products are started to be used by customers whether they're satisfied or not. Unless they are satisfied, it’s more likely for the product to be given back to the service. Comments Although there are some errors in structure, and there might have been more comments on significant stages in the process, this is an adequate answer to the question. The writer displays the ability to use a range of structures and vocabulary. Because the general language is of a high level and flows coherently, it would reach this band level, although comments on the environmental features of the process are lacking, This answer would probably achieve Band 7. 168 IELTS Practice Tests Writing Task 2 page 66 Nowadays, people are able to reach eal to financial sources by financial instruments such as mortgage. loans and credit cards. There. are many people who spend money by using credit card or loans without repaying ability. It is the aim of essay to present some benefits and arauibacks when people are not able to borrow easily money. There are. some. advantages, when banks don’t lend money to people easily. 10 start with, people are controled their experlition in order rot €0 spend too mich money more. than their repaying ability. As a result, this is a possible. cause that leads to decresing crime. in society. Furthermore, when Financial institutions have Tess risks, they can lend money to people with low interest rate. What is more. economy will be safer when Financial institutions have. nd risks. For example, in ite, the. Thai financial institutions lent too much money to people who could not repay. Consequently, it is one of the causes of the. crisis in the Thai econdmy in 1997. However, when barks are stricter about lending money to people, people need to find another financial source such as to borrow money from mafias or illegal financial institution. As a consequent, this doesn" support economy and danger of their life. Horeover,, barks lose. the. Gpportunities to earn more. money and to increase monitoring cost. In conclusion, I think every financial instruments are. important in economy and encourage economy to be stronger. However, we should be caréful of how to use it because it will be a cause of economic. Problems such as in the crisis of the Thai €cOndmy. Comments “Thete are many good features in this writing. The question is answered, giving weight to both sides of the argument, There is 4 clear introduction and conclusion, The writer makes good use of an example from his own experience, and displays appropriate vocabulary for tackling the topic. The ideas are well linked through cohesive devices, and any structural errors are minor. This answer would probably achieve Band 7_ Samplewriting answers 169

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