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Ag Tobig nog Keboklagan

(The Kingdom of Keboklagan)

- Father of Taake
Balo Libon
- Wife of Timoway

- The Hero of the Epic
- Assistant of Timoway

Datu Sakandabar
Lady of Pintawan
- A nearly naked woman, sewing,
whom Taake courted.
Lady of Pintogan
- Close friend of Lady Pintawan

Datu Tomitib Manaon

- Dreamed of a lone Subanon fighting
in Keboklagan.
Datu Liyo-liyo
Tawan Salip and Soraton Domatong
- Abhor the idea of Lady Pintawan
marrying a Subanon.

Saolagya Maola
- Datu of Keboklagan and Brother
of Lady Pintawan.
Datu Bataqelo
- Chief of Dibaloy
Lilang Diwata
- Sister of Datu Bataqelo; renames Taake,
“Malompyag” or “He Fight in All Places”

Egdodan Magsorat and

Egdodan Sabagan
- Rules Walo Sabang
- A God, disturb by the massive
The epic begins with Timoway’s
quandary as to how to support his wife,
who is about to give birth.

Timoway left the kingdom with

Kasanggolan and fifteen of his men.
Timoway left the kingdom with
Kasanggolan and fifteen of his

At the seashore, he and his men got into a boat

but the boat would not move. They took this as
a sign that a sacrifice was called for. Timoway
then beheaded one of his companions and after
that the boat glided fast over the sea.
In the village of Batotobig, Datu
Sakandabar decides to join Timoway,
although his wife, like Timoway's, is

While they are cruising. Diwata

Pegeraman – the goddess of wind,
lightning, and thunder – invites them to
her abode to chew mamaq, or betel nut.
Rejected by the datu, she creates a
storm that breaks Timoway’s vessel
and kills Timoway and his

The broke and now empty vessel

returns to Sirangan.
Learning about the incident,
Timoway’s wife, Balo libon, cries so
intensely that she gaves birth to a

At the same instance, Sakandabar’s

wife in Batotoy also gives birth to a
Timoway’s son grew fast at night and
became handsomer at daytime. At seven
months, Taake cried aloud without
stopping and this disturbed the whole
population of Sirangan.

When the boy learned the real story, he was

glad that his father had died without being
killed by anyone.
His mother later gave Taake the hook and line,
his inheritance from his father. With this he
went fishing in their own waters. With the
help of supernatural powers, he caught plenty
of fish.

But a time came when he asked his

mother for better clothes because he
had decided to go fishing in distant
The request surprises her, for Taake
has never asked for clothes.
This surprised the mother since this
was the first time he had ever asked
for clothes. He told her he was
ashamed to have no decent clothes
whenever he met some Visayan or
Muslim girls.
At the sea, Taake hooks a fish with
golden scales, but it drags him farther
and farther away from the shore.

The tug of war lasts for months, until an eel

warns Taake to go home and offers him help
to get there. But Taake only kills the eel. A
storm develops and Taake sinks.
He sees a shore under the sea and
sets foot on it.

He went down, until he saw a horse

with his hook and line in its mouth. He
ran after the horse with his “karisan” or
sword but it ran away.
Taake has reached Keboklogan.
Here at Keboklagan he looked around and
saw a high tower. He ran up the ladder
made of golden rungs till he reached the top
of the tower.

There he saw a beautiful girl almost naked.

called the Lady of Pintawan,
When she saw him, the lady of Pintawan
invited him in and offered him “mamaq”.
As they chew, Their eyes meet an
exchange message of love.

Taake courts her for seven

days. Finally, the Lady of
Pintawan accepts Taake’s
offer of marriage.
However, the romance is blocked by two men,
Towan Salip and Soratan Domatong, who
abhor the idea of Lady Pintawan marrying a

They summoned the people through

their gagong to kill Taake and offer
him as a sacrifice.
The Lady of Pintogan, a close friend of the
Lady of Pintawan, learns about the plot and
the flies on her monsala o scarf to the Lady of
Pintawan’s place.

She advises Taake take his wife to Sirangan. Taake

however insists on his innocence and refuses to
leave Keboklogan. He fights the people who attack
In Sirangan, the Datu Tomitib Manaon
dreams of a lone Subanon fighting in

When he awakes, he prepares to

help Taake, whom he discovers has
been away from Sirangan for a long
Accompanied by two other datus, he
proceeds to Keboklagan.

Although they lost their way at

first, they finally arrived at
Keboklogan, following Taakes's
Taake approaches Tomitib for fighting
without first asking for the reason to

Later, when the girls of

Keboklagan saw Saulagya
Maola, a datu of the place, they
explained to him the cause of the
whole trouble. 
Maola remembered a promise he had
made to his sister, the lady of
Pintawan, that anyone who could go
up the ladder of “karis” (with knife-
blades for rungs) be it a dog or a pig,
should marry the girl.
He then called all his datus to a conference and told
them about the promise. Nevertheless, the datus
insisted on fighting.
Saulagya Maaon tells two datus about
the promise, but they insist on fighting.
Saulog, therefore, divides his king
between those who decide to fight and
those who decide to withraw from the
Tomitib Manaon asks Saulagya Maola if he
can marry the Lady of Pintogan. But because
of his incivility, she rejects Tomitib.

Tomitib runs back to the crowd and starts fighting.

Datu Liyo-liyo, hearing about the fight, rides his
horse and proceeds to the battleground.
Datu liyo-liyo engages Tomitib in a hand-to-hand
battle. Eventually, the datu of Sirangan defeats the
datu of Keboklagan.
Then the datus proceed to other
kingdoms to fight further.

First, they challenged the chief of

Dibaloy, Datu Bataqelo.

Lilang Diwata, his sister, renames Taake

Malompyag, or “he fights in all places”.
Taake and Tomitib have exterminated the
whole kingdom had compassion not
overaken them after half of the
population hd fallen to their asword.

In Todong-todong, Taake and Tomitib are

invited by its chief to chew mamaq before
they start fighting.
After the chew, they annihilate the kingdom.
The datus then proceed to Walo Sabang,
ruled by Egdodan Magsorat and Egdodan
Sabagan, who themselves do no fight.

Their subjects, however, are sufficient,

for they get resurrected after having
been killed.
Taake tires after seven months of
fighting and falls asleep,leaving
Tomitib to fight alone.

In Taake dream,a girl instructs him to

disguise himself as Towan Salip Palasti and
to go to the Tower of Walo Sabang to get
magical medicines by which to prevent the
enemies from coming back to life.
When he awakes, he does as instructed,
and he and Tomitib defeat the army of
Walo Sabang.

At one point in the battle, Tomitib

fallas dead, but the women of
Keboklagan restore him to life.
The massive destruction disturbs the
god Asog. He descends to the earth
and reprimands the Sirangan.

He instructs them to go home and hold

a buklod, in which each of them will
be given his partner.
Asog fans his kerchief, bringing the dead
to life. The datus return to Sirangan,
where Taake finds his mother dying of
longing for him.
He kisses her and she revives. All the
datus of the different kingdoms are
invited to a buklog, and Asog gives each
of them a partner in life.

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