4th QE English 5

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Department of Education

Region X
Gov. A. Quibranza Prov’l. Gov’t. Compound
Pigcarangan, Tubod Lanao del Norte
(063)227 – 6633, (063)341 – 5109

Fourth Quarter Test in English 5

Name: ____________________________________________ Score: ____________________

Teacher: ___________________________________________ Date: ____________________

General Directions: Listen to the teacher as she/he reads the selection. Read the questions carefully and circle
the letter of the correct answer.

Selection A

On a hot summer day, a fox comes upon an orchard and sees a bunch of ripened grapes. It
thinks: “Just what I need to quench my thirst.” It moves back a few paces, runs, and jumps but falls
short of reaching the grapes. It tries in different ways to reach the bunch of grapes, but in vain. It
finally gives up, and says to himself “I am sure they are sour anyway.”

1. “I am sure they are sour anyway.”

The best way of restating the statement in the box is________.

A. I am sure they are sour. B. Those grapes were sour anyway.
C. You won’t ever eat grapes again D. Are the grapes sour?
2. If you will restate the following statements from the story, which of this will you use?
It moves back a few paces, runs, and jumps but falls short of reaching the grapes.
A. It did not stop trying. B. It tried its best to reach the grapes but did not succeed.
C. It keeps on moving. D. It did able to reach the grapes

3. It finally gives up

In restating this statement, which of this will be the best statement you may
A. It finally stopped. B. It finally gives it.
C. I gives in at least. D. It finally came up.
4. Which of the following statements can be used to restate this statement:
“Whenever he heard a Cock crowing, he would be extremely scared.”
I. He was scared when he heard the crowing of the cock.
II. He was crowing like a cock.
III. He’s afraid of the crowing cock.
IV. The cock is afraid of crowing.
A. I, III and IV B. I & II C. II & III D. I,II,III,IV

5. These statements of the elephant “Do you see this little bee? If he ever stings the innermost parts of my
ear, I will go mad with pain” which of the following phrases will you use to complete a restatement?
The small bee can also_______________.
A. hear the elephant C. reach the elephant
B. harm the elephant D. teach the elephant

Selection B

Once, a Lion sat thinking by himself. He had sharp, strong claws and teeth and was a beast with
immense strength. Yet, whenever he heard a Cock crowing, he would be extremely scared.

The Lion, thus, complained, “Can a life like this be worth living? I am one of the strongest and the
bravest and yet, a lowly creature, such as, a Cock has the power to rob my life of its charm by simply crowing!”

Just then, a huge Elephant came along, flapping his ears to and fro, with an air of great concern. “What
troubles you so?” asked the Elephant.

The Lion thought of sharing his grief with the Elephant and asked him, “Can anything harm a beast like
you who has tremendous bulk and strength?” The Elephant replied, “Do you see this little bee? If he ever
stings the innermost parts of my ear, I will go mad with pain.”
The Lion understood that even the strongest creatures have weak points. He gained self-confidence
and decided never to let troubles overshadow his joys in life.

6. What maybe one’s facial expression while stating this statement of the fox? “Just what I need to quench
my thirst.”

A. B. C. D.

7. Which of these facial expressions will you show while restating the statement of the fox, “I am sure they
are sour anyway.”

A. B. C. D.

8. If you will restate the statements of the lion, “Do you see this little bee? If he ever stings the innermost
parts of my ear, I will go mad with pain.

A. B. C. D.

9. In restating the statement of the elephant to the lion, “What troubles you so?” Which of these facial
expressions you will have?

A. B. C. D.

10. In the statements of the lion, “Can a life like this be worth living? I am one of the strongest and the
bravest and yet, a lowly creature, such as, a Cock has the power to rob my life of its charm by simply
crowing!”, which facial expressions will you have?

A. B. C. D.
11. What is the denotation of the underlined mathematical term in the sentence? In 2 , 2 is raised to the
fourth power or 2 x 2 x 2 x 2 and the product is 16.
A. the product of a number taken a given number of times as a factor
B. the rights or ability to exercise control
C. the possession of controlling influence
D. it smells bad
12. The connotation of the underlined word in the sentence is ___________. He has kili – kili power.
A. the product of a number taken a given number of times as a factor
B. the rights or ability to exercise control
C. the possession of controlling influence
D. smells bad
13. In the statement “In the lake, the crocodile lost its young”, the underlined word means ___________.
A. A large voracious aquatic reptile B. means a danger
C. a large amount D. strength, vigor and fierceness
14. If you will construct a sentence using crocodile as a science term, which of this will you give?
A. Lolong is one of the biggest crocodile. C. That man is a business crocodile.
B. I am afraid of crocodiles. D. The crocodile must be kept in a cage and away from
15. Which of the following sentence will you create to denote the word snake as an animal?
A. The snake in the cage is somewhat big. C. That man is a snake whom I hate most.
B. That snake is the one who betrayed me. D. He is the snake who killed his boss.
16. The following sentences give connotative meaning of the underlined words except one. Which is it?
A. You are a monkey. I don’t like to be you. C. That chick is always roaming without its mother hen.
B. My family is my home. D. I admire his being a business shark.

For questions 17-18

I. A domesticated animal II. A vicious animal
III. A bastard, beast IV. Savage, scamp
17. Analyze the definitions of the word dog in the box. Which give the denotative meanings?
A. I and III B. II and IV C. I and II D. II and III

18. If you will analyze the definitions of the word dog in the box, which give the connotative meanings?
A. I and III B. II and IV C. I and II D. II and III

For questions 19-20

I. I can buy it because it’s cheap. II. What sort of power is at play?
III. He is a pig. I don’t like to eat with him. IV. The rat chewed the charger cord of my cellphone.

19. Which of the sentences in the box has denotative meaning of the underlined word?
A. I and III B. II and IV C. I and II D. II and III

20. The sentences ___ and ______ are connotative meanings of the underlined words.
A. I and III B. II and III C. I and IV D. II and IV
21. What text type instructs the reader on how to make or do something?
A. Recount B. Description C. Procedure D. Narrative
22. A text that tells a story is ____________.
A. Recount B. Description C. Procedure D. Narrative
23. If you will read a school textbook about volcanoes, which of this text types will it be?
A. Explanation B. Description C. Procedure D. Narrative

24. If you will analyze the text in the box ,

Yesterday, I fall while walking on the
What text type is it? hill. So, I went to see the doctor. He placed bandage
A. Recount B. Description on my knee and injected a tetanus toxoid.
C. Procedure D. Explanation

The nervous system works through a complex network of neurons. These are the basic functioning cells of
the nervous system and conduct electrical impulses between the central and peripheral nervous system.

25. If you will analyze the text in the box, what text type is it?
A. Recount B. Description C. Procedure D. Explanation

26. Which of these conjunctions will you used to complete the compound sentence below?
The children go to school _____they tried hard to learn a lot.
A. because B. and C. but D. or
27. The conjunction needed to complete the following compound sentences is ______.
Strains between Earth’s plates produce shock waves ____Earth’s surface shakes or moves.
A. and so B. because C. but D. or
28. Which of these is a compound sentence that shows cause and effect relationship?
A. This astronomy book made me interested a lot in astrology and I read more books about it.
B. This astronomy book is interesting because of its interesting ideas.
C. This astronomy book is interesting when nothing can be done at home.
D. This astronomy book is interesting only to children.
29. Which of these is a compound sentence that shows problem and solution pattern?
A. Sunlight crept into our classroom every day.
B. Sunlight that crept into the classroom through the windows was glaring but we put up dark curtains
to avoid it.
C. Sunlight crept into the classroom through the windows and it was glaring to us.
D. Sunlight that crept into the classroom through the windows was glaring to us yet we feel cold inside.
30. A complex sentence which shows cause and effect relationship about one’s bad experience is _______.
A. Carissa is afraid because of bombing incident in their place.
B. Carissa is afraid because she has a friend, who is a soldier.
C. Carissa is afraid of the dark.
D. Carissa is afraid every time she is with her friend, who is a soldier.
31. Which of these is a complex sentence that uses to state problem and solution pattern?
A. The kidney is important to us so we must take care of it.
B. The kidney of the girl was transplanted to her friend.
C. The girl has a damaged kidney so a transplant is needed.
D. The importance of kidney should be taught to everyone yet, no one will take the responsibility.
Study and analyze the picture, then read the sentences inside the box. Answer the questions from number 32 to 33.

I. The boy is wounded and so the teacher treats him.

II. The boy is wounded because of playing outside.
III. The teacher treats the wounded leg of the boy and so it would not
be infected.
IV. The boy lets the teacher treat his wound yet becomes brave
enough while treated.

32. Which of the sentences in the box are compound that show the cause and effect relationship?
A. Sentences I and III B. sentences II and III
C. Sentences II and IV D. sentences III and IV
33. Which of the sentences in the box are complex that show cause and effect relationship?
A. Sentences I and III B. sentences II and III
C. Sentences II and IV D. sentences III and IV
34. Which of the following will you use to complete the following cause and effect compound sentence?
The school library becomes so warm _____________________.
A. and so the students avoid going to school. B. yet the students still loves to go to school.
C. and the teachers look for other school to teach. D. and so the school installs more electric fans.
35. If you will combine the two sentences below; forming a complex sentence, what sentence you can possibly
Ericka covered her ears. The siren on the fire truck was very loud.
A. Sue covered her ears and the siren on the fire truck was very loud.
B. Sue covered her ears because of the very loud siren of the fire truck.
C. Sue covered her ears yet the siren of the fire truck was very loud.
D. Sue covered her ears so the siren of the fire truck was very loud.
36-37. Study the poster and answer the given questions about it.

36. Who do you think are the target audience if you have to present/use this poster?
A. children B. parents C. businessmen D. grand parents
37. What age level do you think they belong?
A. 12 years and below B. 13-17 years old
C. 18-30 years old D. 31 years and above
38. Which of these do you think is true why children are interested in this?
A. because they love animals B. because they love Disney’s cartoon characters
C. because they love puppets D. because they love happy toys
For questions 39-40

39. What age level do you think will love watching this poster?

I. 1-10 years old A. I, II, III, IV C. I, II and III only

II. 11-18 years old B. II, III, IV D. III and IV only
III. 19-25 years old
IV. 26 years old and above

40.What made them interested of the poster?

A. because they love sports B. because they love cartoons
C. because they love games D. because they love jumping
41. Which of these is not a purpose of the visual media?
A. ceremonial purpose B. Artistic expression
C. narrative purpose D. verbal text
42. What is the main purpose of ceremonial visual arts?
A. to celebrate or acknowledge an event or era, or to contribute to a ritualistic activity.
B. to express his or her emotions or feelings regarding a particular subject
C. to tell a story or relate the history of one’s people.
D. to structure or give tools that are actually used in daily activities
43. If you want to express your feelings using art, what kind of visual media will you make?
A. ceremonial purpose B. Artistic expression
C. narrative purpose D. verbal text
44. You want to persuade the costumers of buying your product, what kind of visual medial will you
A. ceremonial purpose B. Artistic expression
C. narrative purpose D. persuasive art
45. What is the purpose of making movies about heroes?
A. ceremonial purpose B. Artistic expression
C. narrative purpose D. persuasive art
Study the picture and answer the questions about it.
For numbers 46-48
46. What do you think is the feeling or emotion shown in the
picture? A. happiness B. hunger
C. sadness D. stress
47. If you were the advertiser of this poster, which of
these might be your purpose of putting the
graphic poster?
A. to contribute to a ritualistic activity.
B. to express his or her emotions or feelings
regarding a particular subject
C. to tell a story or relate the history of one’s
D. to persuade the viewers to try my product.
48. Which of these ideas presents what a poster or advertisement is trying to tell the people?
A. That the product is not good and not be tried
B. That it is cheap and they should try the product
C. That you are hungry
D. That you love chicken and they must love it to.

For 49-50

49. Which of these ideas shows what a poster or advertisement want to give to people?
A. That the product is good and must be tried out for their babies.
B. That the baby must have enough sleep
C. That it is cheap and they should try the product
D. That they should let the baby sleep well.

50. The following are not possible purposes why the poster was made, except ______.
A. To persuade the viewers to try pampers for their baby.
B. To help mothers realize the importance of sleep to children
C. To let the viewers think how babies sleep.
D. To have everyone try the product to have a better sleep.
Department of Education
Region X
Gov. A. Quibranza Prov’l. Gov’t. Compound
Pigcarangan, Tubod Lanao del Norte
(063)227 – 6633, (063)341 – 5109

Fourth Quarter Test in English 5

Table of Specification
Learning competencies No. of Item placement No. of
Days items
Listening Comprehension




LC-Listening Comprehension/ OL Oral 30% (15) 50% (25) 20% (10)
Restate sentences heard in one’s own 1 2 3 4 5 5
N5LC-IVa-3.11; EN5LC-IVb-3.11; 5
EN5LC-IVc-3.11 ;EN5LC-IVd-3.11
Use appropriate facial expressions 6 8 9 10 5
EN5OL-IVa-2.6.1 ; EN5OL-IVb-2.6.1 7
EN5OL-IVc-2.6.2 ; EN5OL-IVd-2.6.2 5
Vocabulary Development
Identify different meanings of content 11 14 17 19 10
specific words (denotation and 12 15 18 20
connotation) 13 16
(Science , Health), TLE , Mathematics)
EN5V-IVb-20.1 ; EN5V-IVb-20.2 ;
EN5V-IVa-20.1 ; EN5V-IVa-20.2
;EN5V-IVc-20.1 ;EN5V-IVc-20.2 ;
EN5V-IVe-20.1 ;EN5V-IVe-20.2 ;
EN5V-IVf-20.1 ; EN5V-IVf-20.2 ;
EN5V-IVg-20.1 ; EN5V-IVg-20.2 ;
Reading Comprehension
Distinguish text-types according to 21 23 24 5
features (structural and language) 22 25
-Enumeration’, -Time-order (sequence, recounts, 4
EN5RC-IVa-3.2. 8 ; EN5RC-IVb-3.2. 8
EN5RC-IVc-3.2. 9 ; EN5RC-IVd-3.2. 9
Use compound / complex sentences to 26 28 30 32 34 10
show 27 29 31 33 35
cause and effect / problem- solution relationship of
ideas 8
EN5G-IVa-1.8.1 ; EN5G-IVb-1.8.1
EN5G-IVd-1.8.2 ; EN5G-IVc-1.8.2
EN5G-IVe-1.9.1 ; EN5G-IVf-1.9.1
Infer target audience 36 38 5
EN5VC-IVa-3.7 ; EN5VC-IVb-3.7 5 37 39
Infer purposes of the visual media 41 42 43 5
EN5VC-IVc-3.8 44
Analyze how visual and multimedia 45
elements contribute to the meaning of a 3
EN5VC-IVd-1.7.1 ; EN5VC-IVe-1.7.1
Determine images/ideas that are explicitly 46 47 49 50 5
used to influence viewers , Stereotypes, 2 48
EN5VC-IVf-7 ; EN5VC- IVf- 7.1
EN5VC- IVf -7.2 ; EN5VC- IVf -7.3
EN5VC-IVg-7 EN5VC- IVg- 7.1
EN5VC- IVg -7.2 EN5VC- IVg -7.3
TOTAL 2 13 13 12 7 3 50

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