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Pediatric Nursing

Week 2| Regie P. De Jesus, MAN.

J.R Maasin SN Psychosexual Theory
Growth and Development -Sigmund Freud

Structures of Personality Freud’s psychoanalytical model of personality

 Id development stated that individuals go through
ₒ pleasure principle” five stages of psychosexual development and
ₒ present at birth, instinctual drive that each stage is characterized by sexual
ₒ aggression, sexual impulses pleasure in parts of the body: the mouth, the
ₒ Id-driven behaviors are impulsive anus, and the genitals.
unthinking, behavior
ₒ has no regard for rules or social convention  sexual energy, a.k.a libido, was the driving
force of human behaviour.
Ex. Eat, sex  Libido - gratification > Zone of
 Superego  children progresses through five stages of
ₒ Conscience, morality principle psychosexual development.
ₒ moral - concept of right and wrong
ₒ perfection principle
ₒ Development between age 3 and 6 yrs old ORAL 0-18 months
ₒ Internalizes the values and morals set forth
by primary caregivers ( parents, relatives)
ₒ derives from a system of reward and
ₒ Parental and social expectations

Ex/ Should not eat yet, should not have sex

ₒ The conscience is formed when the child is

consistently punished for “bad behavior”
ₒ the child learns that is considered morally
right or wrong from feedback received Mouth - area of gratification = CRY ( feed,
from parental figures or from society or change diapers, cuddle) CONSISTENCY
culture. ₒ Biting and sucking
ₒ When the superego becomes rigid and ₒ Fixation - stopped in a stage
punitive problems with low self-exteem ₒ Disruption in the physical or emotional
arise. availability of the parent ( eg. Inadequate
bonding or chronic illness)
 Ego
ₒ “rational self” or “Reality Principle” Notes:
ₒ balancing or mediating force Fellatio - oral sex in male
ₒ Begins to develop between the age of 46 Cunnilingus - oral sex in female
ₒ Ego experiences the reality of external ANAL 8months - 3 yrs old
world, adapt to it and respond to it.
ₒ Anxiety resulted from ego’s attempt to
balance id and supergego

 Toilet training
GENITAL 12/13 yrs old
ₒ Can sit and squat
ₒ ability to remain dry for 2 hours
ₒ verbalize the need to defecate and urinate
ₒ soiled diaper wanted to be changed
ₒ Willingness to please parents
ₒ Superego is beginning to be formed
 Too much toilet training and punishment
will result to:
ₒ RIGID= OC- Obedient, organized, clean
( can lead to OBSESSIVE COMPULSIVE ₒ sexual urges reawaken and are directed to
DISORDER) an individual outside the family circle
ₒ LOOSE=Anti- social- Rebel,dirty, ₒ Sexual intercourse/intimacy

PHALLIC 3 - 6 yrs old Psychosocial Theory

-Erik Eriksons

Human Personality in principle develops

according to steps predetermined in the
growing person’s readiness to be driven toward,
to be aware of and to interact with a widening
social radius.

 Erik Erikson’s development model spans

the total life cycle from birth to death. He
believed that each each of the eight stages
Penis and Vagina area of gratification of development afforded opportunities for
ₒ Love of parent of opposite sex growth and acceptance of death.
ₒ Oedipal- boy loves mom  Growth or mastery of critical tasks is the
ₒ Electra- girl loves dad result of more positive than negative
ₒ Identification - boy imitates dad experiences.
ₒ Boy becomes interested in the penis -  Non- mastery of tasks inhibits movement
Masturbation is common to the next stage.
ₒ Fear of Castration - fear of body mutilation  Drive of humans to live and grow is
ₒ The girl becomes aware of the absence of opposed by a drive to return to
the penis known as Penis Envy comfortable earlier states and behaviors.
 Degree of mastery of each stage is related
LATENT 6 -13 yrs old to the degree of maturity that the adult
attain Deficits in development interfere
with functioning.

sexual energy decreased

ₒ Hibernation of sexual desires
ₒ attention is diverted to schooling
( academic/sports)
ₒ Separation Anxiety
ₒ Child is busy with reading, writing,
ₒ - formation of superego ( teachers)
Psychosocial stages: A summary chart
 Eager to apply
 Children either themselves to
learn that the learning socially
world is a safe and Industry vs inferiority productive skills
nurturing place of and tools; thrive
they learn to be
on their
mistrustful and
frightened. accomplishment
 The infant’s and praise
Trust Vs. Mistrust resolution of this  Main task of the
stage requires a adolescent is to
consistent achieve a state of
caregiver who is Identity vs Role identity; to know
available to meet Confusion who he/she s and
his needs. wants to be

 Children begin to  Marked

have some preoccupation with
appearance and
control over their
body image
own bodies (e.g
Intimacy vs Isolation  Exploring
including relationships,
walking, feeding, moving to
and toileting commitment and
which allows for long-term
great relationships (e.g.
independence meaningful
and self friendships and an
Autonomy vs. confidence. intimate
Shame/doubt relationship with
another person;
 The toddler failure brings
develops his/her isolation)
autonomy by
making choices

 Children expand
their world.
Children like to
pretend and try
out new roles.
Fantasy and
allow them to
further explore
Initiative vs. Guilt their
uire feelings of
competence and
leadership skills.

 Teaching the
child impulse
control and

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