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This chapter presents the introduction, background of the study, statement

of the problem, significance of the study, scope and limitations and definition of

terms related to the study.

Background of the Study

 Smartwatches are an important category of wearable technology and are

recognized as a trend that will increase a company's brand equity and market

share. While major retailers such as Apple, Samsung, Guess, and Fossil have

introduced smartwatches as extensions to their existing product lines and

regularly update them, some emerging brands are using smartwatches to attract

customersstarted a business. A comprehensive search on revealed

that there are over 50 brands of smartwatches on the market, with prices ranging

from $12 to $1000 for him. Previous studies have classified smartwatches as

fashion products, and consumer purchase intentions for smartwatches have

been debated (Choi & Kim, 2016; Kim & Shin, 2015).

Today, With the aim of streamlining users' lives, lowering distractions, and

enabling them to explore the world without fiddling with their phones,

smartwatches connect to smartphones and expand their capability. Wearables

are fashionable electronic gadgets that can be worn on the body or connected to

clothing to enable constant interaction between users and a smart environment

(Dehghani and Dangelico, 2017). Despite the fact that they operate continuously

and are intimately connected to the human body, these gadgets are not quite the
same as cell phones or portable computers. Implantable, Smartwatch, Smart

Jewelry, Fitness Tracker, Smart Clothing, and Head-Mounted Display are just a

few examples of the numerous types of wearable devices available on the

market today. Smartwatches have emerged as a key entry point for the

widespread adoption of wearable technology.

Internationally, A developing country, Bangladesh is experiencing a

growth rate of 7.9% annually (Dhaka Tribune, 2018). Adopting digitalization and

using the Internet, now people are getting educated and more knowledgeable.

Vision 2021, a manifesto that presents a framework of future Bangladesh, is

driving the nation toward achieving the status of a middle-income country within

2021 by flourishing its information and communication technologies (ICT) sector

(Rahman, 2015). Four pillars are playing an essential role in achieving the Vision

2021 that are Human Resource Development, Connecting Citizens, Digital

Government, and Promotion of ICT Industry. Currently, the revenue from

exporting ICT products is around $1 billion, and it is projected to reach $5 billion

by 2021 (Palak, 2019). Old devices are being replaced by updated and

innovative technologies; some of these trendy technologies are Smart Phones,

3D Printing, Biographic Security System, Nano-computer, and Wearable Devices

(Rahman, 2015). In Bangladesh, as the purchasing power of general people is

increasing, people are showing more enthusiasm for these new advancements.

According to the research of Counterpoint’s Market Monitor Service, the

smartwatch market grew 45% year-on-year in the first quarter of 2019 in

Bangladesh (Abhishek, 2019). It is also expected that the market volume of

wearables will be $97 million by 2023 compared to $77 million in 2019, and user

penetration will mount to 2.1% by 2023 compared to 1.9% in 2019 (Statista,

2019b). Consequently, as a country belonging to the Asia-Pacific region with

expected substantial future growth, Bangladesh needs extensive study exploring

factors that drive consumers’ intention to use smartwatches

Nationally, The wearable technology in Philippines are slowly making its

rise. Cherry Mobile has its own lineup of MediaTek-powered smartwatches, the

G series, N series, and Flare watch series. Simple Wearables is a startup

founded by a Filipino name Angelo Umali. After Umali’s grandmother suffered

from a fall which in turn then formed a blood clot and eventually lead to her

death, Umali invented a device alerting an elderly wearer’s guardian(s) after

he/she suffered from a fall. The Medical City has been one of the hospitals that

pilot tested his invention.Philippines may be considered a latecomer to the

wearables sector as a creator and manufacturer. According to a report,

institutions, the accumulative nature of knowledge, absorptive capacity,

technological capabilities, knowledge, and the global technology market are the

obstacles to leapfrogging (Sauter & Watson, 2008). Since engineers in the ICT

and electronics industries are well-capable of manufacturing production-grade

wearable devices and the wearable market/demand is growing in the Philippines,

absorptive capacity and the global technology market are not seen as obstacles.

The Philippines still has challenges in terms of technology, knowledge,

institutions, and the cumulative nature of knowledge, nevertheless.Although

chipsets are currently widely accessible, as in the case of Cherry Mobile's

MediaTek-powered smartwatch, the Philippines has yet to fully acquire and

realize the implicit capacities, know-hows, and reasons for creating wearables for

the market. Additionally, the academic institutions have not yet included wearable

technology in their curricula. Therefore, collaboration between academia and

industry is underutilized. As a result, adding courses to academic programs that

are relevant to the manufacturing of wearables will be essential for the R&D and

innovation of wearable technology. Additionally, as wearables are intended to

use technology to track and improve a person's wellness, combining the ICT and

healthcare industries may be a smart step.

Smartwatches works as a glorified pedometer and electronic watch, Fitbit

and Apple Watch, respectively, have expanded their focus (and sales pitches)

increasingly toward healthcare, and many competing devices have been

introduced with similar capabilities. Wearable monitors can now measure pulse

rate, the electrocardiogram (ECG), blood oxygen levels via pulse oximetry, and

other physiological parameters. These devices are being accompanied by

smartphone apps that are intended to detect health conditions such as cardiac

arrhythmias, or to monitor workers’ activity for occupational health improvement.

However, Many studies have been conducted on healthcare applications of

wearables and answers are starting to emerge. The most reliable answers come

from systematic reviews, which summarize results from numerous individual

assessments. (Cheatham et al. 2018)

Therefore, there are three explicit inspirations of this study. First, this

study intends to extend the research on fashion aspects of smartwatch by testing

the effects of fashion-related factors on smartwatch use. Second, the study

intends to assess whether the smartwatch as a technology and healthcare

facilitator prompts users to use it. Third, the study intends to explore factors

affecting residents of General Santos consumers’ intention to use smartwatches,

therefore, expand the general understanding of the emerging local market. In this

process, this study aims to make essential contributions to the existing literature

in three significant ways. First, similar to Choi and Kim (2016), this study

recognizes a smartwatch as both the information technology and fashion product.

Thus, the study will empirically test two relatively new fashion-related factors in

the smartwatch context that are ‘fashion innovativeness’ and ‘fashion

involvement’ in predicting consumers’ intention to use smartwatches. Second,

this study will add to the extant argument on whether a smartwatch is just a

technology or both technology and a regular health-monitoring device. Third, the

findings of this study will provide important insights to smartwatch marketers

attributes, precisely relative advantage, have a significant impact on the adoption

intention of smartwatch (Hsiao, 2017). Besides, Hsiao (2017) found that

personality traits like openness to experience is a significant predictor that

influences users to accept non-Apple smartwatches. Focusing on the shape of

smartwatches, Kim (2016) indicated that compared to a square screen, a round

screen is more effective in augmenting device’s hedonic qualities that further

promote smartwatch adoption.

Thetical Framework
TAM infers that consumers’ adoption of a particular technology is

determined by behavioral intention, which is predicted to support using and

perceived usefulness perceived usefulness is influenced by perceived ease of

use, and both perceived usefulness and perceived ease of use altogether predict

attitude toward using. Since its development, the model has been applied in a

wide range of technology adoption studies such as e-commerce, Internet

banking, mobile games, mobile payment and smartphones.In line with this, our

study preferred using TAM as the basic framework over other models due to its

parsimony and simplicity.Moreover,TAM received considerable theoretical and

empirical support. Also favored TAM in light of its robustness and explanation

power of variance in usage intention. Further, they contended that TAM

originated from the TRA, one of the original theories in behavioral psychology.

Nonetheless, as suggested, to increase the extrapolative power of TAM, some

additional factors need to be incorporated with the original model. Therefore,

considering the smartwatch as consumer-oriented hardware, several researchers

highlighted ‘perceived enjoyment’ as an additional factor(Choi and Kim, 2016).

Although not without criticism, studies have shown that TAM's components

alone cannot adequately explain users' adoption of technology. As a result, several

academics have argued that TAM should be expanded with other constructs to give a

more robust theoretical model. For instance, the study used TAM to examine the

uptake of smartwatches. In this study, we accept the supposition that TAM must be

finished in order to gather smartwatch adoption variables more effectively, and we

mix it with other constructs from the literature. Additionally, this will offer special
insights that cannot be found by relying solely on the structures of the original TAM,

as well as a comprehensive analysis of the causal mechanisms driving the

correlations. Finally, the acceptance of a new technology by consumers is a complex


Figure 1. Theory of Reasoned Action

Conceptual Framework

In the conceptual framework, the two variables are presented, the

dependent variable and independent variable. The dependent variable shows the

investigatethe intention to use of smartwatch, while the independent variable

shows the fashion innovativeness, perceived involvement, fashion involvement,

perceived usefulness, and perceived ease to use forfactors affecting of intentions

to use smartwatch in General Santos City.

Fashion Innovativeness. Innovativeness in fashion refers to a person's

willingness to adopt fresh concepts, goods, or services far earlier than their peers

do in a social setting. Fashion innovation is seen as a key factor that affects how

consumers react to fresh looks and promotes greater purchases of novel items.

According to a research, revolutionary fashion has a long-term strategy to use

virtual services. Empirical studies indicate that the market for wearable gadgets

will increase because of their distinctive features. According to this assumption, it

would be easier to see how attitude and perceived enjoyment are related while

dealing with amusing products. In addition, it was found that stated satisfaction

was significantly influenced by attitude toward using the Internet.

Perceived Enjoyment. According to Davis et al. (1992), this study defines

perceived enjoyment as the extent to which using smartwatches is regarded as

fun in spite of any potential performance consequences. It is viewed as a

significant intrinsic and hedonic motivator (Venkatesh, 2000). In UTAUT2,

perceived enjoyment was added to make the customers' intrinsic insights more

understandable. Additionally, subjective satisfaction was taken into account when

determining the intention to continue using virtual services. According to

empirical surveys, the demand for wearable devices will rise as a result of their

unique qualities (Moar, 2018).

Fashion Involvement. Fashion involvement refers to a consumer's

preferences or choices for something that changes on a regular basis. The term
"involvement" refers to a customer's level of thought and feeling of significance in

a certain purchase decision. The most powerful influence on consumer

purchasing behavior is fashion engagement, which suggests that if consumers

take an active role in selecting and evaluating new fashion, they will demonstrate

a higher positive intention to acquire that particular item. In this regard, it was

found that fashion involvement has a substantial impact on a consumer's

confidence, which in turn affects their desire to adopt a new fashion.

Furthermore, they believed that views toward purchasing high-end clothing would

be influenced by interaction. As a result, given that the smartwatch is regarded

as a fashion accessory.

Perceived Usefulness. Extrinsic utilitarian motivation and is one of the

fundamental components of TAM. Extrinsic motivation is the anticipation that an

activity will perform or create a specific result (Davis et al., 1992; Moon and Kim,

2001). The phrase "degree to which a person believes that using a certain

system would improve his or her job performance" refers to the usefulness that is

deemed to be beneficial. Perceived utility is taken into account as a performance

expectation in the UTAUT model and is viewed as a competitive advantage in the

Innovation Diffusion Theory . Using the logic of classic TAM, Choi and Kim

(2016) proposed that people's attitudes toward using an invention are greatly

influenced by how advantageous they see it as being.

Perceived Use of Ease. It is one of the fundamental and key elements of

TAM (Davis, 1989). According to Davis, perceived ease of use is "the degree to

which a person feels that using a certain technology would be devoid of effort"
(1989). (p. 320). When people choose to adopt new technology, perceived ease

of use will be the primary element affecting their attitudes toward utilization

(Davis, 1989). Perceived ease of use refers to users' conviction that using a

product is easier than using any other options that satisfy the same needs

(Lunney et al., 2016). According to previous research, perceived ease of use is a

crucial component of effectiveness.

The popularity and significance of

wearable technologies necessitated for the need to
investigate the factors affecting wearable technology
adoption. This section present some of the reviewed
empirical studies related to the context of
smartwatch adoption. Therefore, it is vital to extend
this streams of research by acquiring the empirical
result of users’ intention to use smartwatch. [34]
conducted a study in Malaysia from university
students perspective to identify the influencing
features of smartwatch acceptance by examining the
consumer recognition towards the technology. They
infer that these technologies have the convenient for
online ticketing services and thus allows users to
effortlessly acquire the information they need.
Equally, [35] investigated smart product adoption
from the perspective of consumer resistance studies.
The authors identified PU, perceived novelty,
perceived price, intrusiveness, privacy, dependence,
and self-efficacy as key factors of why student resist
smart product. They added that the
Independent Variables Dependent Variables


Intention to
Fashion Use


Perceived Ease to

Figure 1. Conceptual Framework of the Study

Statement of the Problem

The aim of current research it to investigate the relationship between the

independent variables and factors affecting intentions to use smartwatch in

General Santos City. The research sought to answer the following question to

obtain all necessary knowledge, data, and information:

1. What is the level of implementation of the factors affectingintention to use

smartwatch in terms of:

a. Fashion innovativeness;

b. Perceived enjoyment;

c. Fashion Involvement;

d. Perceived Usefulness; and

e. Perceived Ease of Use

2. What is the extent of intentions to use smartwatch?

3. Is there a significant relationship between the factors and intention to use


4. Which factors affecting has the most significant influences on the intention to

use smartwatch?

Hypotheses of the Study

This study will test the following null hypotheses:

Ho1: There is no significant relationship between fashion innovativeness

and intention to use smartwatch.

Ho2: There is no significant relationship between perceived enjoyment

and to use smartwatch.

Ho3: There isno significant relationship between fashion involvement and

intention to use smartwatch.

Ho4: There is no significant relationship between perceived usefulness

and intention to use smartwatch.

Ho5: There is no significant relationship between perceived ease of use

and intention to use smartwatch

Ho6: There is no factors affecting intentions to use smartwatch.

Significance of the Study

The findings accumulated by this study may provide significant benefits to

the following:

Smartwatch business ownersThis study will help them to provide high-quality

smartwatch to the customer. To acquire more information of the quality of

smartwatch they make, to improve customer experience and sales boost


The future investors, The result of the study will give a plan to establish

Private Investments, Self-funding, Partnerships, Bank Loans and Venture Capital

funding in General Santos City

The customers, The result of the study will give ideas what to choose

smartwatch, where to spend money and to recommend smartwatch brand in

General Santos City.

Marketing Student, This study will help them to their future as Marketers

by knowing relationship of perceived usefulness towardscustomers intentions to

use smartwatch and to understand this study.

To the future researchers, The result of the study will give information,

and would be able to help the future researchers to gain more knowledge,

assess technicalities involved and guidance in the pursuit of related study.

Scope and Delimitation of the Study

This study is solely focused in factors affecting intentions to use

smartwatch in General Santos City. Thus, the study examined the effects of

fashion innovativeness, perceived involvement, fashion involvement, perceived

usefulness, and perceived ease of use and intention to use smartwatch. In view

of these objectives, a research model was developed from the theory of TAM and

existing literature.

Definition of Terms
Fashion Innovativeness. Fashion innovation is seen as a crucial

component that influences how consumers adopt new trends and encourages

more purchase for new things (Park and Jun, 2003). For this study it refers to

one of the independent variables which mean the respondents to purchase new

and different products.

Fashion Involvement Fashion involvement has the strongest effect

on the consumer’s buying behavior that means if consumers get involved in

selecting and evaluating the new fashion, then they will demonstrate a more

positive intention to buy that particular product (Seo et al., 2001). For this study

it refers to the consumer’s preferences or choices about any object that

changes now and then to the degree to which a consumer considers a

particular purchase decision and perceives it to be important to him/her.

Perceived Ease to Use. defined as “the degree to which a person

believes that using a particular system would be free of effort” (Davis, 1989).

Perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use, and user acceptance of

information technology. For this study, it refers to when a person takes initiative

to use new technology, perceived ease of would be the prime factor that

influences users' attitude towards usage.

Perceived Enjoyment is defined as the degree to which the activity of

using technology is perceived to be enjoyable in its own right apart from any

performance consequences that may be anticipated (Davis, Bagozzi, &Warshaw,

1992). For this study, this refers to the performance consequence that might be

Perceived Usefulness The expected performance or outcome of a

behavior is referred to as extrinsic motivation; perceived usefulness, one of the

fundamental components of TAM, represents extrinsic utilitarian motivation.

Perceived usefulness is prescribed as “the degree to which a person believes

that using a particular system would enhance his or her job performance” (Davis,

1989, p. 320).

Smartwatch. Smartwatch is a small smartphonelike device worn on

the wrist. Many smartwatches are connected to a smartphone that notifies the

user of incoming calls, e-mail messages, and notifications from applications.

Some smartwatches can even make telephone calls Gregerson (2022).



This study aims to identify how the perception of the advances in

technology have yielded smaller components with better performance, which

today makes it possible to fit computers into devices that could easily be worn

on the body. Wearable Technology,wearable user interfaces or simply

wearables could be seen as a subset of Internet of Things and is both a way to

collect more data but also a way to provide the user with information faster and
more convenient. The main purpose of wearabledevices is to simplify people’s

daily life and free up the arms.Previously, wearable devices was mainly used in

the field of military.

Nowadays, consumers are considering wearable devices not only as

‘technology’ but also as ‘fashion or fashnology (i.e., fashion and technology)’

(Hein and Rauschnabel, 2016). Besides, Choi and Kim (2016) mentioned

smartwatch as a kind of consumer product that possesses both the

characteristics of information technology and everyday fashion items. They

further indicated that for quite a while, ‘watch’ has been regarded as luxury

jewelry. Likewise, now consumers are more likely to perceive the smartwatch to

be a depiction of wealth and fashion. Thus, Choi and Kim (2016) and Chuah et

al. (2016) recognized ‘smartwatch’ as both the information technology innovation

and luxury fashion product.

Smartwatches in the Philippines, wearable technology is slowly but surely

growing. The G series, N series, and Flare watch series are among Cherry

Mobile's own line of MediaTek-powered smartwatches. Angelo Umali, a Filipino,

launched the firm Simple Wearables. Umali's grandmother died as a result of a

blood clot that developed after she fell, prompting Umali to create a gadget that

notifies the wearer's guardian(s) of an elderly person's fall. One of the facilities

where his innovation was being pilot tested is The Medical City.

Moreover, Reeder and David (2016) posit that smartwatch can support

unvarying health care service in our everyday life because it is an accessible who

are planning to enter or expand business in Bangladesh by uncovering factors

affecting Bangladeshi consumers’ intention to use smartwatches. and available

consumer device; it works as a personal health information device; it empowers

almost real-time physical and physiological monitoring; it provides reminders;it

facilitates interactive communication between patients and those who take care

of him/her. Acknowledging the dearth of studies, Reeder and David (2016) urged

the importance of further study on the healthcare-related feature of a smartwatch.

In sum, as the smartwatch is in the early stage of its product lifecycle, both Choi

and Kim (2016) and Chuah et al. (2016) postulated that there are still a lot of

conjectures and specifications about its adoption yet to come that merit future


Therefore, this study is expected to contribute to existing body of

literatures in many aspects. First, the study intends to provide insights on

users’ intention to use smartwatches. Therefore, this study will reveal the

influence of the three additional innovation characteristics on users intention

to use smartwatch. Thus, findings from the additional construct can be used

by smartwatch developers to identify individuals’ needful needs and could be

considered in future designs of smartwatch devices so as to increase product


Related Literature

Fashion Innovativeness

The degree of willingness to adopt new ideas, products, or services in a

social setting relatively faster than others is called innovation. Fashion innovation

plays an important role in consumer acceptance of fashion and is recognized as

a key factor in driving new item purchases reported that fashion innovation was

one of his strongest motivations, with a significant positive impact on willingness

to purchase fashion items. Consumers' ability to innovate in fashion can

determine their willingness to accept new fashions. Fashion innovation helps

consumers become thought leaders. When consumers become opinion leaders

or fashion leaders, they naturally become fashion innovators. In addition,

innovative consumers derive pleasure from purchasing fashion products, which

further positively influences consumer intentions to adopt fashion products

(Workman, 2010). In this regard, Zhang and Kim (2013) showed that fashion

innovation has a positive impact on attitudes towards purchasing luxury fashion

items. Extending the assumptions related to the above studies (Park et al., 2007;

Zhang and Kim, 2013), as smartwatches are perceived as fashion accessories,

the ability of consumers to innovate fashion is positive for fashion. assume that it

can affect Attitudes towards smartwatch use.

Perceived Enjoyment

In agreement with Davis et al. (1992), this study outlines perceived

pleasure as the extent to which smartwatch use is perceived as enjoyable,

ignoring expected effects on performance. It is considered an important intrinsic

hedonic motive (Venkatesh, 2000). Perceived enjoyment was integrated into his

UTAUT2 to articulate the consumer's intrinsic cognition. Perceived pleasure was

also used as an ongoing decision-making factor to use virtual services. Empirical

studies suggest that demand for wearable devices will increase due to their
unique capabilities. In this regard, The relationship between perceived enjoyment

and attitudes becomes more evident in the context of entertainment products.

Fashion Involvement

Fashion refers to the consumer’s preferences or choices about any object

that changes now and then (Barnard, 2002). Besides, involvement refers to the

degree to which a consumer considers a particular purchase decision and

perceives it to be important to him/her (Schiffman and Kanuk, 1983). Fashion

involvement has the strongest effect on the consumer’s buying behavior that

means if consumers get involved in selecting and evaluating the new fashion,

then they will demonstrate a more positive intention to buy that particular product

(Seoet al., 2001). In this regard, O’Cass (2004) found that fashion involvement

has a significant effect on consumers’ confidence that subsequently influences

consumers’ intention to adopt a new fashion. Moreover, both Summer et al.

(2006) and Zhang and Kim (2013) predicted involvement as a determinant of

attitude toward purchasing luxury fashion goods. Since the smartwatch is being

perceived as a fashion item, thus, building on the above discussion, we revise

the supposition in the smartwatch context and presume that fashion involvement

might have a positive impact on attitude.

Perceived Usefulness

The expected performance or outcome of an action is called extrinsic

motivation. Perceived utility, one of the basic components of TAM, represents

extrinsic utilitarian motivation (Davis et al., 1992; Moon and Kim, 2001).

Perceived usefulness is described as ``the degree to which a person believes

that using a particular system will improve their performance at their job''.

Perceived utility is considered a performance expectation in the UTAUT model

and a relative advantage in the innovation diffusion theory (IDT) (Kalantari, 2017)

Perceived Ease of Use

Ease of use is one of the fundamental and important elements of TAM

(Davis, 1989). Davis (1989) defined perceived ease of use as ``the degree to

which one believes a particular system is easy to use'' (p. 320). When individuals

take the lead in using new technology, perceived ease of use becomes a major

factor influencing users' attitudes toward use (Davis, 1989). Perceived ease of

use is the user's belief that a device is easier to use than all other options that

meet similar needs (Lunney et al., 2016). Existing research (e.g. Choi and Kim,

2016; Cronan and Al-Rafee, 2008; Park et al., 2014) highlights ease of use,

which is recognized as a key factor in recruitment.

Related Studies

Interest in smart wearable devices has grown exponentially in

recent years, such that a number of popular media outlets deemed 2014 the

“Year of the Wearable” with continuous growth in interest predicted Spence,

(2014). Despite this popularity, barriers to adoption still remain. For wearable

devices to be successfully adopted, barriers and obstacles need to be identified

and overcome, and benefits and values further strengthened and enhanced

Baber, (2001). Our goal is to identify factors that influence decisions to adopt

smart wearable devices, as well as the values that underlie these factors, in

order to better understand the consumers’ decision-making processes. The term,

values, refers to the “desirable end states of existence” that plays a key role in

guiding one’s choices or decisions Gutman, (1982). To achieve our research

goal, we selected a qualitative approach and used in-depth interviews to provide

a rich pool of data for understanding the users’ decisions. We used the laddering

approach Reynolds & Gutman, (1988) in our data collection and analysis, in

order to understand the underlying values, by asking participants why a factor

was important to them. Each factor was laddered to a consequence and its

respective values. Thus, we were not only able to gather factors that influence

users’ decisions to adopt or not to adopt smart wearable devices, but also

substantiate the values offered by each factor to the users.

A smart watch is a wearable device which is similar to traditional wrist

watch. A smart watch is multi-use communicating tool rather than a mere

collaboration of watch and different applications of a phone. It is the wearable

with different functionalities. Researchers have used smart watches in health

care applications, industrial application and medical application as well.

Bachmann et al., (2015) propose the use of smart watches and smart phones.

Some models called watch phones have mobile cellular functionality like making

calls. These devices assess physiological (steps taken, heartbeats etc.) and

smart phone data (phone calls, Messages, Application etc.) that enables the

affective state of a user to be imitative. Software includes digital maps,

schedulers, personal organizers, calculators and various kinds of watch faces.

Smartwatches have wide applications for maintaining health and also be used for

different other purposes by a user apart from a normal functionality of watching

time. Hermsen et al, (2015) argue that the use of smart watches provides

feedback on behaviour and also provides further monitoring of behaviour that

had previously remained unknown. The potential of smart watches to widen fields

such as learning has been explored with reference to other smart wearable


The adoption of the smartwatch has been the main concern of

researchers in Malaysia, Korea, and Taiwan, where surveys are used among

participants as a tool to collect data. The difference lies in the choice of external

factors. Studies have adopted different external factors; the former focuses on

availability and mobility whereas the latter focuses on novelty and social

dimension. Other external factors, such as relative advantage, complexity and

design aesthetics, are the dominant factors of a study by in Taiwan. Furthermore,

ref. asserted that the adoption of the smartwatch may have psychological

implications.; therefore, their set of external factors has deviated from other

studies. A similar study by focuses on availability and attitude as external factors

which affect the usage of smartwatches Al-Maroof et al,(2021).



This chapter presents the research methodology used by the researcher

in conducting the study. It shows the research design, research locale,

respondents of the study, research instrument, data gathering procedure,

sampling technique, and statistical treatment that the researcher utilized to come

up with a valid and reliable study.

Research Design

The study utilizes descriptive-correlational research to determine the

relations between two or more variables. Descriptive correlation research is a

methodology for conducting research that describes the variables and the

relationship that occur naturally between them analyzing the direction, degree,

magnitude, and strength of the relationships or associations (Sousa,

Driessnack& Mendes, 2007).

The study will be conducted at General Santos City, where customers are

specified as the primary subject or respondents that would provide substantial

information and perspectives to the administered survey questionnaire.

Specifically, the numbers of respondents, namely customers, are identified

through administering a probability simple random sampling, analyzing their

responses through different statistical treatments, such as weighted mean,

Pearson correlation coefficient, and multiple regression analysis.

Research Locale

This study will be conducted at General Santos City. General Santos City

is known for being one of the most competitive with fast-growing economy as

large number of businesses consider operating in the proximity. This location is

purposively chosen because of its accessibility to the researcher in gathering

data and results that can provide help to majority of businesses in General

Santos City.
Moreover, the study will only be focusing on users that use smartwatch.

Thus, making users as respondents of this study.

Respondents of the Study

In this study, the target respondents are the customers that engage in

purchasing and using the products. A group of customers and/or users are

chosen since they are most likely to possess substantial information relevant

towards achieving the objectives of this study.

The population of the identified respondents is unknown thus employing

the Cochran formula to determine the sample size of the respondents.

Research Instrument

The research instrument that will be utilized by the researcher is adapted

survey questionnaire. The survey questionnaire will include indicators and

statements that are obtained and grounded on the review of related literature and

studies as well as on the theories that this research is anchored to.

The survey questionnaire will consist questions, specifically a set of

checklists that would determine the level of implementation, the extent, the

significant relationship, and the significant influence of factors that influences the

customer engagement in social commerce websites.

Data Gathering Procedure

Before the administering this study, the researcher will ensure that a

signed letter will be sent to businesses and sellers asking for permission since

they might be involved in conducting this study as the researcher considered

their customers as the study’s respondents. The researcher will also prepare a
letter addressed to the respondents, with attached survey questionnaire to be

validated and approved.

Once the grant of approval, the researcher will then administer the survey

questionnaire to the respondents. The researcher will utilize a hard copy as a

method of gathering the data. The online form will also be provided with

instructions on how to completely answer each indicator. With the use of the

survey questionnaire, this would enable the researcher to collect and gather data


The data that will be gathered will be analyzed and interpreted to generate

relevant result that would help complete this study about the factors that

influence the customer engagement in social commerce websites.

Sampling Technique

With uncountable number of customers of businesses and sellers in social

commerce websites in General Santos City, the researcher come up with valid

and relevant sampling technique to conduct the study.

Probability simple random sampling will be utilized in this study where it

provides unbiased selection of potential samples. This type of sampling method

increases credibility even when it uses small sample sizes from a larger

population that cannot be handled conveniently Cohen & Crabtree, (2006). The

use of randomized sampling strategy, even when identifying small sample can

increase credibility, yet providing a probability to propose representativeness or

ability to generalize. This sampling technique will be used to select customers of

businesses and sellers in social commerce websites who will be involved and


A sample size of 384 respondents were determined using the Cochran’s

Formula. A 20% non-response allowance will be determined to increase the

sample size. The respondents are randomly selected and the population are as


No. Respondents Population Sample 20% Sampling


1 Customers ∞ 384
77 Sampling

Total ∞ 384 461

The data for the table were obtained with the aid of the following formula

presented below:
Z 2 pq
n 0= 2
Z = 95% = 1.96 e

p = 0.5 (1.96)2 (0.5)(1−0.5)

n 0=
q = 1 – 0.5
e = ±5% n 0=

n 0=384

Keys:n0 = sample size; Z = z-score; p = estimated proportion of the

population; q = 1 minus the p; e = margin of error

For the 20% non-response allowance:

384 x120%= 460.8 or 461

Data Gathering Procedure

a. A questionnaire is a data collection instrument used to gather data over

a large sample or number of respondents Kombo and Tromp, (2006). The

researchers will make a survey questionnaire that aims to answer the

statements of the problem. The researchers intended to gather data

through questions and actual survey and to determine how many

respondents of the factors affecting intention to use smartwatches terms

of the following: Fashion innovativeness, Perceived enjoyment, Fashion

Involvement, Perceived Usefulness and Perceived Ease of Use. In each

section, the instructions for completing the item were given to the

respondents. The responses are limited to five-point Likert scale: (5)

Strongly Agree, (4) Agree, (3) Neutral, (2) Disagree, (1) Strongly Disagree.

The respondents will be provided a specific instruction on how to complete

each portion and after the instrument will be tested, the questionnaire is

good and ready for analyzation and compiling of result. The questionnaire

was refined after the instrument was piloted.

Table 1

Using Smartwatches
Rating Interpretation Verbal Interpretation

5 Strongly Agree Highly Implemented

4 Agree Implemented

3 Neutral Moderately Implemented

2 Disagree Not Implemented

1 Strongly Disagree Highly Not Implemented

FivePointsLikert scale interpretation (Likert, 1983).

4.20 – 5.00 Strongly Agree – represent a very high level of implementation of

the presented of the factors affecting intention to use smartwatches in General

Santos City.

3.40 – 4.19 Agree – represent an implementation of the presented of the

determinants of the factors affecting intention to use smartwatches in General

Santos City.
2.60 – 3.39 Moderate Agree – represent of moderate implementation of factors

affecting intention to use smartwatches in General Santos City.

1.80 – 2.59 Disagree – represent a no implementation of the presented of the

factors affecting intention to use smartwatches in General Santos City..

1.00 – 1.79 Strongly Agree – represent of no implementation of the

determinants of the factors affecting intention to use smartwatches in General

Santos City.

Table 2

Intention to Use

Rating Interpretation Verbal Interpretation

5 Strongly Agree Highly Influencing

4 Agree Implemented

3 Neutral Moderately Implemented

2 Disagree Not Implemented

1 Strongly Disagree Highly Not Implemented

FivePointsLikert scale interpretation (Likert, 1983).

4.20 – 5.00 Strongly Agree – represent a very high level of implementation of

the presented of the factors affecting intention to use smartwatches in General

Santos City.
3.40 – 4.19 Agree – represent an implementation of the presented of the

determinants of the factors affecting intention to use smartwatches in General

Santos City.

2.60 – 3.39 Moderate Agree – represent of moderate implementation of the

presented of the the factors affecting intention to use smartwatches in General

Santos City.

1.80 – 2.59 Disagree – represent a no implementation of the the factors affecting

intention to use smartwatches in General Santos City.

1.00 – 1.79 Strongly Agree – represent of no implementation of the the factors

affecting intention to use smartwatches in General Santos City.

Statistical Treatment

The study will utilize weighted mean, Pearson correlation coefficient and

multiple regression analysis in determining the factors that influence the

customer engagement in social commerce websites.

First, the weighted mean is a type of mean that is calculated by multiplying

the weight associated with a particular event or outcome with its associated

quantitative outcome and then summing all the products together. It is a

procedure in combining the mean of two or more groups of different sizes; taking

the sizes of the groups into account when computing the overall mean. Thus, it

can be calculated as follows:


∑ ( ( x i ) ( wi ) )
W X = i=1 n

∑ wi
Where: W X = the weighted mean; x= observed values; w= allocated

weighted value.

Second, multiple regression analysis. It is used for prediction and

forecasting, as well as to infer causal relationships between the independent and

dependent variables. To use regressions for prediction or to infer causal

relationships, justification on why existing relationships have predicted power for

a new context or why a relationship between two variables has a causal

interpretation (Cook & Weisberg, 1982). However, it is primarily used when the

researcher wants to predict the value of a variable based on the value of two or

more variables. It can be calculated as follows:

Y i=f ( X i , β ) + ei

Where: Yi= dependent variable; f= function; X i= independent variable; β =

unknown parameters; ei= error terms.

Third, Pearson correlation coefficient, also known as Pearson’s r, is a

measure of linear correlation between two sets of data. It is used to determine

the relationship, instead of difference, that is between two quantitative variables,

interval or ratio, and the degree to which the two variables coincide with one

another; that is, the extent to which two variables are linearly related. This is

simply explained through changes in one variable correspond to changes in

another variable. It can be calculated as follows:

∑ ( x i−x )( y i− y )
√ ∑ ( xi −x)2 (¿ y i− y ) ¿
Where: r= correlation coefficient; xi= values of x-variable in a sample; x =

mean of the values in x-variable; y i= values of y-variable in a sample; y = mean of

the values in y-variable.

Table 5

Matrix for Statistical Treatment

Statement of the Problem Statistical Variables


1. What is the level of

implementation of the factors affecting

intention to use smartwatch in terms of:

a. Fashion innovativeness;
Weighted Mean Independent
b. Perceived enjoyment;
c. Fashion Involvement;

d. Perceived Usefulness; and

e. Perceived Ease of Use

2. What is the extent of intentions Weighted Mean

to use smartwatch? Dependent


3. Is there a significant relationship Pearson Independent

between the factors and intention to Correlation with Variables
use smartwatch? Regression

4. Which factors affecting has the Pearson Independent

most significant influences on the Correlation with Variables
intention to use smartwatch? Regression

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