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A group of 625 students has a mean age of 15.8 years with a standard deviation of 0.6 years.

The ages are normally distributed. What is the probability that a randomly selected student is
older than 16.5 years old? - 0.121

Which of the following is NOT a true statement? The probability of all the value of a random
variable could be zero.

A quantity resulting from an experiment by chance, can assume a different values is called -
random sample

What is the sum of the probabilities of all values of the random variable? ∑=〖(P(X)〗=1

If two balls are drawn in succession without replacement from an urn containing 5 red balls and
6 blue balls. If the value of the random variable represents the number of blue balls. How many
outcomes are possible? - 4

Which of the following can serve as the values of a probability distribution? P(1) = 0.08, P2) =
0.12, P(3)= 1.03

What is the sum of area that corresponds to the right of 0 and to the left of 0? - 1

Where can we find the area of specific region under the curve? Table of Areas under Normal

If P(X) = X /6 , what are the possible values of X for it to be a probability distribution? 1,2,3

One thousand tickets are sold for ₱10.00 each. One ticket will win ₱2,000.00, two tickets will
win ₱1,000.00 each and four tickets will win ₱500.00 each. What is the probability of winning? -

Which part of a normal curve is extended indefinitely both directions along the horizontal axis,
approaching but never touching it? - tail

Which of the following rule states that almost all data fall within the 1, 2 and 3 of standard
deviation of mean when the population is normally distributed? - empirical

If the average age of retirement for the population in the Philippines is 65 years and with
standard deviation of 5 years, what is the approximate age range in which 68% of people retire?
60-70 years

What is the area between z=-1.23 and z=2? - 0.8689

What do you call the weighted average of the possible values that the random variable can
take?- mean
What do you call a variable whose values are determined by chance and is usually denoted by
a capital letter? - random variable

You are given a list of all graduating students in your school. You decide to survey every tenth
name on the list and ask in which organization they belong. - systematic random sampling

continuous random variables can assume all values between any _ given values of the
variables? 2

Another term used for standard normal score - z-score

Given: x=125, u=105, o=16, find the z=score? 1.25

Given z=2.25, u=70, o=9 Find the value of x. =90.25

If the weights are normally distributed, what is the Z-score with a weight of 63? = 1.16

What is the z score of a woman with a weight of 85 kg? = -2.5

the shape and position of the normal distribution curve depends on 2 parameters - mean and

the larger the SD, the more __ the distribution becomes - spread out

the total area under the NDC is equal to - 1 or 100%

a normal dsitribution with a mean or 0 and SD of 1 - standard normal curve

What do you call the weighted average of the possible values that the random variable can
take? - mean

You wish to make a comparison about the gender differences in Mathematics performance. You
divide the population into two groups, male and female, and randomly pick respondents from
each of the gender. - stratified

You assign numbers to the members of the population and then use draw lots to obtain your
samples. - simple random sampling

You write the names of each student in pieces of paper, shuffles and then draw eight names. -
simple random sampling

Each of the 30 basketball high school teams has 12 players. The organizer wants to have a
quick survey to know the average height of the players. Each team will be asked to place
papers with its players’ names into a fishbowl and randomly drew out five names. The five
names from each team will be combined to make up the sample. Which of the following
sampling techniques is being used in this situation? - stratified random sampling

All players will be grouped according to their age and will proportionately choose players to
measure their height. Which random sampling technique did he apply? - stratified random

The organizer created a list of all players, decided to survey every sixth name on the list and
later asked those players that were selected. Which random sampling technique did he apply? -
systematic random sampling

Each player of the five teams will be randomly chosen to answer the question prior to the study.
Which random sampling technique did he apply? - cluster random sampling

The organizer will create a list of all players and they will be represented by a number. Sixty
numbers will be picked to know the samples. Which random sampling technique did he apply? -
simple random sampling

You randomly pick five out of fifteen barangays to where to conduct your survey in your
municipality or city. - cluter random sampling

The total area under the standard normal curve is - 1

A roulette wheel in a fiesta carnival has the numbers 1 through 50. If you bet ₱5.00, you will
have a chance to win a kitchen utensil worth ₱200.00. How much the organizer will earn if
100games will be played? - 3,000

A life insurance company will sell a ₱500,000.00 five-year term life insurance policy exclusive
for police enforcers for a premium of ₱1,000.00. Find the expected value to the company of a
single policy if a police enforcer has a 99.95% chance of surviving five years? - 550

You decided to conduct a survey of families with two children. You are interested in counting the
number of boys (out of 2 children) in each family. Is this a random variable? If it is, what are the
possible values? Yes, it is a random variable and its value can be 0, 1 or 2.

Which of the following statements is correct? The means of the samples drawn from a
population are always equal to the population mean.

How many possible of size n=3 can be drawn from a population of size 12? - 220

The average precipitation for the first 7 months of the year is 19.32 inches with a standard
deviation of 2.4 inches. Assume that the average precipitation is normally distributed.
What is the probability that a randomly selected year will have precipitation greater than 18
inches for the first 7 months? - 20.52 inches

m and o - These symbols represent the mean and standard deviation for which of the following
distributions? - the Population

The amount of fuel used by jumbo jets to take off is normally distributed with a mean of 4000
gallons and a standard deviation of 125 gallons. What is the probability that the mean number
of gallons of fuel needed to take off for a randomly selected sample of 40 jumbo jets will be less
than 3950 gallons? - .0057

Researches found that boys playing high school football absorb an average of 355 hits to the
head with a standard deviation of 80 hits during a season. What is the probability on a
randomly selected team of 48 players that the average number of head hits per player is
between 340 and 360? - .571

Suppose the teenagers that attend public high schools get an average of 5.7 hours of sleep
each night with a standard deviation of 1.7 hours. What is the probability that a randomly
selected group of 35 high school students get more than 6 hours of sleep each night? - .148

According to the empirical rule, what percentage of data falls within 1 standard deviation? - 68%

What is the probability that one egg selected at random from a hen house will weigh more than
68 grams? - normal

The weights of the eggs produced by a certain breed of hen are normally distributed with mean
65 grams and standard deviation of 5 grams.
What is the probability that the average weight of a dozen eggs selected at random will be more
than 68 grams? - central

In a study done on the life expectancy of 500 people in a certain geographic region, the mean
age at death was 72 years and the standard deviation was 5.3 years. If a sample of 50 people
from this region is selected, and the probability that the mean life expectancy will be less than
70 years. - Central

According to the empirical rule, how much of the data falls within 3 standard deviations? - 99.7%

The mean number of accidents a week at a company is 6.4 with a standard deviation of 1.5.
What proportion of weeks would you expect to have less than 5 accidents? 0.1762

he average waist size for teenage males is 29 inches with a standard deviation of 1.4 inch. If
waist sizes are normally distributed, estimate the proportion of teenagers who will have waist
sizes greater than 31 inches? - 7.6%
The mean number of accidents a week at a company is 6.4 with a standard deviation of 1.5.
What proportion of weeks would you expect to have more than 7 accidents? - 0.3446

The mean GPA of students in a course at UCDavis is 3.2 with a standard deviation of 0.3. What
percent of students in the course have a GPA between 2.9 and 3.8? - 81.5%

Between what two standard deviations of a normal distribution contain 68% of the data? - one
below and one above

The shelf life of a particular dairy product is normally distributed with a mean of 12 days and a
standard deviation of 3 days. About what percent of the products last between 12 and 15 days?

Which sample size for a sampling distribution will have the SMALLEST standard deviation?

A soft drink bottler claims that, on average, cans contain 12 oz. of soda. Suppose the true
distribution of soda volumes is normally distributed with a mean of 12 oz. and a standard
deviation of .16 oz. Sixteen cans are randomly selected and their volumes are measured. What
is the probability the average volume will be between 11.96 and 12.08 oz.? - .8186

Frequent fliers of a particular airline fly a random number of miles each year, having mean and
standard deviation (in thousands of miles) of 23 and 11, respectively. The airline decides to
randomly select 25 of these fliers and record the number of miles that each individual flew the
past year. Compute the approximate probability that the sample mean of the miles flew will be
greater than 26 thousand miles. - .087

Discrete variable is from qualities that can be - measured and counted

Continuous variable is from qualities that can be - measured

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