Software Requirement Specific For Login

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By Muhammad Hamza
Software Requirement Specific

Table of Contents

Table of Contents ...................................................................................................................... 1

Revision History ............................................................................ Error! Bookmark not defined.

1. Introduction ......................................................................................................................... 2

1.1 Purpose ....................................................................................................................................... 2

1.2 Document Conventions ............................................................................................................... 2

1.3 Intended Audience and Reading Suggestions............................................................................... 2

1.4 Product Scope ............................................................................................................................. 2

2. Overall Description ............................................................................................................. 3

2.1 Product Perspective..................................................................................................................... 4

2.2 Project Screen Shot ..................................................................................................................... 4

3. SDD ...................................................................................................................................... 8

3.1 ER diagram................................................................................................................................. 9

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Software Requirement Specific

1. Introduction
1.1. Purpose
Database systems arose in response to early methods of computerized management
of commercial data. As an example of such methods, typical of the 1960s,
consider part of a university organization that, among other data, keeps information
about all instructors, students, departments, and course offerings. One
way to keep the information on a computer is to store it in operating system
files. To allow users to manipulate the information, the system has a number of
application programs that manipulate the files, including programs to:

1. Add new students, instructors, and courses

2. Register students for courses and generate class rosters

3. Assign grades to students, compute grade point averages (GPA), and generate.

1.2. Document Conventions

This SRS is written using Arial fonts as it is standard font for writing software requirements

1.3. Scope
SQL is the most renowned Fourth Generation Programming Language (4GL). 4GL
means that programmers only define what the result looks like as opposed to how
the outcome ought to be calculated by the database. SQL is not a full-fledged
programming language in which you can write applications and is a pillar of web
development (back-end). Generally, this decisive programming paradigm has been
a key component for ad-hoc queries run for data introspection carried out by
human users directly with SQL rather than with a user interface.SQL programming
can be productively used to search, insert, delete or update database records.
However, its functionalities do not end here. Actually, it can do plenty of things
including, yet not constrained to, upkeep and streamline of databases. RDBMS like
Oracle, MySQL Database, Sybase, MS SQL Server, and so on use SQL.
Beneath we've gathered a rundown of the most significant abilities for a SQL
Developer. We positioned the top abilities dependent on the level of SQL
Developer resume they showed upon. For instance, 15% of SQL Developer

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Software Requirement Specific

resumes contained Database as an aptitude. We should discover what abilities a

SQL Developer entirely so as to be fruitful in the work environment.
2. Overall description
2.1. Perspective
Login Page:

A login page is a web page or an entry page to a website that requires user identification and
authentication, regularly performed by entering a username and password combination. Login
may provide access to an entire site or part of a website. Logging in not only provides site
access for the user, but also allows the website to track user actions and behavior. Logging off a
webpage or site may be manual by the user or they can occur automatically when certain
conditions (such as closing the page, turning off the computer, a long time delay, etc.) occur.


HTML stands for Hyper Text Markup Language. It is a formatting language used to define the
appearance and contents of a web page. It allows us to organize text, graphics, audio, and
video on a web page.
Key Points:
 The word Hypertext refers to the text which acts as a link.
 The word markup refers to the symbols that are used to define structure of the text.
The markup symbols tells the browser how to display the text and are often called tags.
 The word Language refers to the syntax that is similar to any other language.
Cascading Style Sheets, fondly referred to as CSS, is a simple design language intended to
simplify the process of making web pages presentable.
CSS is a MUST for students and working professionals to become a great Software Engineer
specially when they are working in Web Development Domain. I will list down some of the key
advantages of learning CSS:
 Create Stunning Web site - CSS handles the look and feel part of a web page. Using CSS,
you can control the color of the text, the style of fonts, the spacing between
paragraphs, how columns are sized and laid out, what background images or colors are
used, layout designs,variations in display for different devices and screen sizes as well
as a variety of other effects.
 Become a web designer - If you want to start a carrer as a professional web designer,
HTML and CSS designing is a must skill.

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Software Requirement Specific

 Control web - CSS is easy to learn and understand but it provides powerful control over
the presentation of an HTML document. Most commonly, CSS is combined with the
markup languages HTML or XHTML.
 Learn other languages - Once you understands the basic of HTML and CSS then other
related technologies like javascript, php, or angular are become easier to understand.

Install XAMPP:

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Software Requirement Specific

Database SQL:

SQL is a database computer language designed for the retrieval and management of data in a
relational database. SQL stands for Structured Query Language. This tutorial will give you a
quick start to SQL. It covers most of the topics required for a basic understanding of SQL and to
get a feel of how it works.

2.2. Screen shot:

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Software Requirement Specific

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Software Requirement Specific

3. SDD
3.1. ER Diagram:
Screen shot creatly:

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ER Diagram:

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