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5 ways to heal the nervous system: Expert shares insights

 From getting morning sunlight to widening the tolerance window of the

body to improving vitamin levels, here are a range of ways through which
we can start the healing of the nervous system. Take a look.

5 ways
to heal the nervous system: Expert shares insights(Pixabay)
Updated on May 30, 2022 09:54 AM IST
ByTapatrisha Das, Delhi

When we undergo stress and anxiety for a long time, the nervous system of the body
feels tightened and in scare. This results in more restlessness. When we have been
undergoing difficult emotions for a long time, our bodies get into survival mode. This
further leads to feeling exhausted at all times. When the nervous system
feels dysregulated, it also leads to mystery diseases, chronic illnesses and mental
illnesses. But how do we regulate it? How do we start the healing process for the
nervous system?
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Psychologist Nicole LePera addressed the issue of dysregulated nervous system
and the healing on her Instagram profile a day back. Nicole, who goes by the name
The Holistic Psychologist on Instagram, is known for sharing her insights on such
issues on a daily basis. Nicole pointed out the importance of nervous system care
and wrote, “I truly believe a key to a healthier human, family, and society is through
nervous system care.” Nicole noted down five ways through which we can start
the healing process of the nervous system. They are as follows:

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Vitamin B levels: Vitamin B1, B6 and B12 help in synthesising of neurotransmitters

such as acetylcholine, serotonin and norepinephrine. These neurotransmitters play
an essential role in regulating the nervous system and its proper functioning.
Cold exposure: Nicole recommended that the tolerance limit of the body should be
widened. She advised that we can take a large bowl full of ice water and place our
hand in it. As we relax into it, we should let our bodies feel the sensations. This helps
in widening the window of tolerance of the body.
Morning sunlight: Exposure to the morning sunlight plays a key role in rebalancing
the circadian rhythm. It also helps in getting a good night sleep. Sleep plays an
extremely important role in repairing and healing of the nervous system.
Boundaries: Nicole keeps emphasising on the need of having boundaries in place.
In case of regulating the nervous system, Nicole added that certain boundaries
should be in place at all times. Boundaries are also to be placed for words and
situations which makes us go back to the survival mode.
Skin to skin: “When you feel safe and connect to someone, close contact with
naturally bring you in to a parasympathetic (rest and digest) state,” Nicole wrote.

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