4 Eye

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Risk Map Business Case

Project Name Project Manager

4 eyes application Younes Jarir

Stakeholder Duration

EHS & Security For O&M power plants 4 Month (Already developed)

Mission  In O&M sector the employee does a lot of highly risky isolations
Statement which could lead to severe injuries or high-cost equipment damage.

 Isolations must be carried out with extra concentration.

 Isolation process should follow the correct sequence according to

OEM manuals.

 Isolation is carried out without the correct real-time sequence


 No communication channel during isolation process between PTW

officer and the authorized person.

 Nothing blocks the operator from the mistakes during the isolation

 Assets damages, human injuries, less availability, and loss of

reputation are expected as a consequence of wrong isolation.

 Safe box is assured to be secured during the work progress.

 A lot of papers are printed and archived for the isolation process.

 A large space is required for paper archiving process.

 High cost of paper and ink cartridges.


Product  The product provides the solution for the above the problems
statement, the application using AI (Artificial intelligence)

 Using OCR to save the isolation list with a certain sequence in the

 Open communication channel with PTW officer

 Auto-check the isolation steps in real-time

 Send real-time notification to the PTW officer in case of failure and

block the user from completing isolation

 Speed dial contact with PTW officer

 Reducing the paperwork and effort and converting isolation to

digital form

 The offline isolation procedures in mobile APP


The 4-eye application is using new technology to help the operator and
power plant for completing the isolation correctly was out damage or
human injuries application is android & IS &Web
 OCR to detect the KKS (identification for equipment)

 Send real-time notifications

 Block the user from complete wrong isolation

 Using GPS to locate where the isolation location

 Convert paper work to digital form

Financial  The expected cost of the new app is $500 (server deployment) with
Appraisal a free annual maintenance fee.

 Reduce the cost for papers and cartridge fixed cost (350$)
 And reduce the human for wrong isolation is estimated to cost over
90,000$ yearly including availability cost (this cost is estimated for
EMD Projects only calculated by average wrong isolation and the
losses of cost due to wrong isolations)

EHS Application Marketing is growing up over the last years

 The application price was low compared to competitors (E-lotto, E-
PTW, etc.)
 The application has unique features which not included by the other
competitors (Using GPS to identify the equipment locations, offline
isolation procedures)
 The application complies with a company’s view

Marketing  The product cost is very low compared with valuable features like
Strategy map & OCR & location tracking.
 The project target specific scope (O&M power plans)
 We will implement in the EMD project and then thru Siemens O&M
after that Globally. 

 Local development reduces the application cost.

Risk  Delayed for releasing the project

 The process for releasing project is very long and complicated

 Idea or product quotes

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