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KS By Steve Gadd SHR me rere Perec CORY eT Music hand-engraved by Roy Williams eNO to ert eae Os Cover Photo by Bill Zules tee aR CN ae in ee Ree CRS me Cet Ory Sree PURE CCL Ut) Pa CLR Oe eet Ra enc SU Mutu eect oe Sencar seen Cran ten eee ten tina Saptereen Teer kena aes Ue aaa een Reena eng Enter code: 2376-0928-5 121-9268 , HUDSON MUSIC. CnC man tance International Copyright Secured, All Rights Reserved, ‘No part of this publication may be reproduced in any form or by any means without eee consent of the publisher. ABOUT THE VIDEO rere is a matching video for each page of this book with Steve demonstrating the examples. ne videos are labeled to match the page numbers. 9 access this video content, go to: tps:// nter Code: 2376-0928-5121-9268 ROADENS: WE Et Wooo “Donate vane eceriew fT D® Table of Contents Editors Introduction Warm Up... Flam Paradiddles Displaced........ Flam Taps & Flam Paradiddles Displaced .. Flam Tap Variations... Reversed Flam Tap Variations. Flam Taps w/Different Stickings. Fladiflaflas Displaced... Fladiflaflas & Flam Paradiddles Displaced. Flam Accents & Flam Paradiddles Displaced — Flambé Swiss Flamadiddles Displaced — Not Homeless.. Swiss Flam Accents Swiss Flamadiddle Combo Displaced. Swiss Flam Accent & Swiss Flamadiddle Grooves ... Flam Accents Displaced — Not Lost... Flam Accents w/Drags — No Mustar‘ Swiss Flam Accents Displaced —- Not Los Swiss Flam Accents w/Drags Displaced — Fondu.... Fladiflaflas w/Flam Accents Displaced - To Go. Fladiflaflas w/Flam Accents Displaced — Baked Single Drags w/Flams — On the Half Shell... Single Drags w/Flams Displaced - Casin Single Drags w/Flams & Flam Paradiddles Displaced. What Are These? Displaced cesses Still Don’t Know.. Six-Stroke Roll Displaced - with Butter. Six-Stroke Roll — Mustard...... Six-Stroke Roll Alternate Notation — with Mustard. Six-Stroke Roll Displaced - Toasted. Flam Ratamacue Displaced Flamanucci’s Displaced. Flamanucci Combo. Flamigos. Fladiflaflas Alternated Displace Flam Chowder w/Extra Flam: Flamalittles... Flamalots Displace Warm Down ‘Thank- Yous Dedication For Scarol... EDITOR’S INTRODUCTION Hudson Music is proud to present Steve Gadd’s Gaddiments. This project, a set of related exercises based on the rudiments, can be practiced by drummers in all fields (drum set, drum corps, classical). It was conceived by Steve while quarantined at home during the pandemic. Trying to keep his hands in shape, he began practicing and eventually inventing new pattems. As these patterns evolved, he was excited to share them and began writing them down, ‘The result is this book. It has long been known that Steve played in drum corps when he was young and that he often incorporates rudiments in his playing. In Gaddimenis, he uses the rudiments in combination with three musical concepts: 1. Displacement, Each of the exercises is based on a rudiment or on Steve’s variations of it. He takes the rudiment and displaces it by starting on different subdivisions of the beat. This creates new patterns without changing the sticking. 2. Phrasing. Al] of the exercises are written in patterns that reinforce the understanding of phrases. 3. Keeping time. Try to always be aware of the tempo while practicing. IMPORTANT 1. Practice these exercises with a click. The bpm tempos are written at the top of each page. 2. Play the material in order. The stickings get more complex as the book goes on. 3. The music and layout have been purposely designed by Steve to make it easy to read. Pay attention to the repeat and DS. signs 4. Rudiments have evolved and some have acquired more than one title, Steve refers to them by the names he leaned in drum corps. a, Swiss Flamadiddle = Single Flammed Mill b. Fladiflafla = Pataflafla c. Swiss Flam Accents = Swiss Triplets As one of the most celebrated drummers in history, Steve has read thousands of charts and appreciates the craft and clarity of hand-written music. Therefore, at his request, we had this book hand engraved, He specified each page layout and the order of the exercises to reflect the development of the concepts, Some fold-out pages have been added to keep things clear and in order. Refer to the accompanying videos to understand the flow and phrasing of the examples. On behalf of Steve and Hudson Music, enjoy this classic collection of drum music! -Joe Bergamini, Senior Editor, Hudson Music J : ZR RALALRLALREe RRL RQ @r_RcRrcec Rc RA ere #4 Q RLRLRALRLALRALRLL AR QLRLAeLeLRLRR, J: 04 WARM UP (Cont’d) R RLRLRLRL ARERR LERA L LRLRLRLR Lee RELL > > > > > > > > E —* RQ RMQLRLRLRL ALR LERR L CRLRLERLRLRLLY, > > > >~ > = > > > ES = eS I ae LC LCReRERERE RL RRL 2 REALM KL KC RR L 3-84 FLAM PARADIDDLES DISPLACED > Qu MceRUArRit KL RRL RK rc_R\At Ae. 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Vc RL RL RL R > >? > > > > > > 1 Leno gv. e@ ver Ree Vv evwkee Vue KCL e\ee CRIPLET /-% PBDLADIFLAFLAS W/FLAM ACCENTS DISPLACED Baked 2€verce LeRCEeLe@LRLRL A L.RLRLe Lever @Lrercet @Cv er er RL Re\L RM\L 2rce@Le@ RLeRLR LRO RAO LRLReLKrLRLCRLRe tLRLRL RLRLRLE \@re@vrer Re eRer_eRe oo 92 TRIPLET 4290 SINGLE DRAGS W/FLAMS On the Holf Shell TRIPLET 13% SINGLE DRAGS W/FLAMS DISPLACED Casino > > > > > > > > > 1 T _ Le RQ LL@LReLRLLRLRAL 2 LLKi RAL LLL RL RAL CLELLLRL LERELLERELLRAELE RE LLRLEL RE LCRe @LReERLROM\ciRecLeo ee were euw_ee /-4 STNGLE DRAGS W/FLAMS FLAM PARADIDDLES DISPLACED dnt WHAT ARE THESE? DISPLACED RRRL ReRAL eRe N\RRL A2eRer. VReL R LEER LEER LLER ELLER CLLR eLCBM EL RRRLARRLARALRR RL LR RL VA RLR 26 STILL DON’T KNOW 1. weer eeel_eeRi_ eee ._ Reker eeRue CLORECLRLLeC Merce VMveie_ Reeve ae Rg RELARALRRALRRELR RAL RRRLR u LLRLLERLEELRLELLRLE Li@eeL_ee eR oT J2O2 SIX-STROKE ROLL DISPLACED With Batter LeLe ee ee ee R ue Le Qt e@LL eR SIX-STROKE ROLL With Mustard Qveceeceur We cecete @eLee @oee @ Le eu ‘ Fine SIX-STROKE ROLL Alternate Notation d282 With Mustord Were ecReLELL Wu LCRcec e@i.r_e WL Sine 30 d: to SIX-STROKE ROLL DISPLACED Toasted MLLRECRILRALRL_L MeL e LRALLALRA@ LeLRRiLe L @ CLR RLACLeeRiLeere L VOLLRLRRLLALRALLRL R RitMereriReerkRece ceecre_eg@ieceecreer 4. o > @ ne © pee > > o >> © a @ RLLRRALALLALLALL ALR LRRLLALRALLALRALLRL =72 FLAM RATAMACUE DISPLACED 1, > > ap Le S$ R MRL RE R RRL L tm R Ree Let @ Rg RL@L Leite Ree Lb LRLR Reet LRLR Rg he h 4. R RLRL LC RLR REAL Lo tRee RLRL LRALR RB eRLee R RLRL R Rie @ ececeeeeR RLE cL Lele eR L LRLR ov wee c LRLCRLELRE LRL d= 84 FLAMANUCCI’S DISPLACED 1, RLiW@ cea @.r.e@ ceec_ aLeerLRr_iRiRer erie Leet, MLL Re Leet rr R\e KiL Vr RAL eA\rr_ RLRA > Fra LE LeV\LerLRLR RLRtL RRLRtLLRLRRLe vw J : FLAMANUCCI COMBO 1 > > > > > > > > > RLERCRL ALLER RE Me LR MLLER LERELLLR > > > > > |e > > > > CRQUALA2LeerRrer_ ese er. ke LeeLee ee le 34 FLAMIGOS RRecR ieee RRie i Re ReikereeReeie ieee = 4. 4 ERLRLLRLRRLRLLRL ASL LRLRRLRLEL RL RRL =f RLRALRACLRLA2RLRL RN Ore_erce@rie AL_RL R 35 3 . FLAMIGOS (Cont’d) LeERE REO LCLRE BLL LERE Wee ELRE ROL LRELRLRRCRLLALRAL LRLR ARLE LRLA L 36 J2O4 FLADAFLAFLAS ALTERNATED DISPLACED > > >> » > > = = ig 2 22.@€ Le r.rieLt e tree @e RRERV\ L > LELLMLARLALL MArRe_ rece ke_A@rctRt AQ ev 37 dev FLAM CHOWDER W/EXTRA FLAMS 1, >_> >_> >> > > » @QtL RALLRLLRELLRe LLRELLRAE LMRL MME 2, >>> >> > > > > > >> >> >_> a _> a RA@c@e@cA@Rrc_RELLek LeR\c_i_ Mri MCRtr Reece By ye > ye > > > mee >> > mr RLLRLLRALLRALL RA LReL RRLL 2RiL Reece RALLALLR iL MRL ee _ Le@ri eerie RRL >_> 2 =. = LLRRLRRL RRCL RLLRRL RA LLRRELRL 38 JeOh FLAMALITTLES RRLRLLELLRLR ALOR Levi Ric Rr_eRi_RRLR LLO@LRELRRLRLCLRLL RLEROELMM\L REL RELA QERLRLLRLL ALR RL eR LRLLCLLRieRL RRLR LLRE RAL V\eLAL Lecce Ac RAL L\ALRKRiLL!SY LLRL 39 FLAMALOTS DISPLACED co VOL e\ereRe PLLRLLRL D.S. (No eeeeers) LL@L @QLA eWArewre Fine 40 WARM DOWN 2. fs > bx, > > > > = MLA RAL AERA VEL @ce.keieie » (xs LRLRLRLALRLLeLeR, L2LRLR LAL pes. 41 J: 04 WARM DOWN (CGont.) > > > > > > Fa Lb RLEALRALALRL Ree L RLRLRL ALE LRLRLELRLRLLRLR 42 > > > > > > > > RLRALRLRLRLRRL RLOELELRLRLRRL R meee L2LRLRL AL RL Le LRLALALALRL Le > > > > SSS SEEK tae LRrRLARLRLL LRLRRLRLRL LR 43. THANK-YOUS Special Thanks ‘These ideas came through me during the Covid lockdown, Lhope you enjoy them. I'd like to thank Rob Wallis, Joe Bergamini, my “test pilot” Dom Moio, Rick Gratton, Roy Williams, Mike Hoff, BiltZules, Jonathan Mover and Alfonse Giordano. Love Aloe EMIE WILRIJK \AiieR: no0kD = HeELD rts 8 26,008 ‘Tet wor acaderionikbe 44 Circa 1959 Cirea 1954 NOTES et ey Corer een nt os erate a time in drum corps and love ofthe rudiments, Each exercise is Denn ga ee a ete by starting on different subdivisions of the beat. This creates new Pe ce ee reece Pere ee ont terete ee eet) a WTF ee ey comfortable and classic look tothe pages. The layout and detail of each page was designed by Gadd specifically to make it lear and eaty to ead, These features ate reflective of a man who has read thousands of charte and played on some of the pee een ‘Accompanying the bool is a full set of videos with Steve demonstrating each Peete een Cee teen terry foe settee Sete ee eet ee tg Ce —————————— re “what an eye-opening, educations, challenging and fon treatment of standard and Cee ee ee ee Ee a drummer’ library as well as by every high scheol ot college band, drum corp, indoor che neeeetar sens Dee em en) Se a ee ee eee eee etree ee eee ee en Se ee ee ea ee er ees veloping symmetry onthe kit Thank you, Steve" ‘Steve Smith (Journey, Vital Information) $24.90 10) OST ea CSC

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