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______ refers to reducing the size of a company by eliminating workers and/or divisions within the
- Downsizing

An employee has the right to time off to take care of his sick wife, but does not have the right to take time
off to care for his terminally ill neighbor.

Female have the right not to be sexually harassed, but male employees do not have this right because a
man cannot be sexually harassed.

_______ is the unjust treatment of employees based on prejudices.

- Employment Discrimination

_______ is a reason that is enough to fire an employment contract immediately and for which no notice or
severance pay is due to the employee.
- Just cause

________ are the primary rights of people regardless of their race, sex, religion, political opinion, social
status or any other characteristic.
- Human Rights

________ alludes to the range of differences between people in a company.

- Workplace Diversity

Being able to work in a team with different people from all ages and backgrounds is part of the
expectations of the employer to their workers.

________ has been defined as showing a preference for selecting and/or promoting members of a
demographic or minority group with a history of discrimination.
- Affirmative Action

It is discrimination against members of a dominant or majority group in favor of members of a minority

or historically disadvantaged group.
- Reverse Discrimination

Individuals who are shamed, bullied or discriminated against based on preconceived judgments of their
appearance, disabilities, or lifestyles are victims of
- Stigmatization

Being able to work in a team with different people from all ages and backgrounds is part of the
expectations of the employer to their workers.
_______ means that the government cannot take away the life, liberty, or property interest of a person
without giving them notice and a fair hearing.
- Due Process

If an employee has different religious belief and practices from his employer, he can be rightly fired from
his job.


______ is a strong predictor of human trafficking and may come in the form of bribery and usury fees
paid by workers to recruitment agents
- Corruption

alludes to the range of differences between people in a company.

- Workplace Diversity

is the unjust treatment of employees based on prejudices

- Employment Discrimination

are the primary rights of people regardless of their race, sex, religion, political opinion, social status or
any other characteristic.
- Human Rights

An induction program is not really necessary; employers can let each employee know what to expect
when they need to know.

Employment security is about the protection of workers against vacillations in earned income as a result
of job loss.

Due process does not mean that employees get to hold their jobs under any circumstance

A document prepared to guide organization members when encountering ethical dilemmas is a

- B. Code of Ethics

Individuals who are shamed, bullied or discriminated against based on preconceived judgments of their
appearance, disabilities, or lifestyles are victims of
- Stigmatization

is a reason that is enough to fire an employment contract immediately and for which no notice or
severance pay is due to the employee.
- Just Cause

Under health and safety law, the principal responsibility for health and safety is down to employers.
An employee has the right to time off to take care of his sick wife, but does not have the right to take time
off to care for his terminally ill neighbor.

has been defined as showing a preference for selecting and/or promoting members of a demographic or
minority group with a history of discrimination.
- Affirmative Action

means that the government cannot take away the life, liberty, or property interest of a person without
giving them notice and a fair hearing.
- Due Process

Being able to work in a team with different people from all ages and backgrounds is part of the
expectations of the employer to their workers.

It is discrimination against members of a dominant or majority group in favor of members of a minority

or historically disadvantaged group.
- Reverse Discrimination

If an employee has different religious belief and practices from his employer, he can be rightly fired from
his job.

refers to reducing the size of a company by eliminating workers and/or divisions within the company.
- Downsizing

Organizations operating internationally have become exposed to a greater level of operational risk.

Female have the right not to be sexually harassed, but male employees do not have this right because a
man cannot be sexually harassed.

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