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by TeacheRon

• Recognize the different

components in the
communication process;

2. Understand how these

elements connect and
influence each other; and

3. Describe how
communication is influenced
by media and information.
What is How do we
communication? communicate?

Why do we
- process by which info is
exchanged from sender to
receiver through a common
system of symbols, signs, or
behavior resulting in
interpretations of meaning on
both ends
- "communicare" which means
to share or to make
common (Weekley,1967)
- the process of
understanding and sharing
(Pearson & Nelson,2000)
1. Source/Sender - a person,
group, or entity that forms,
creates, sends, or forwards
a message or information
2. Message - the stimulus or
meaning produced by the
source for the receiver or
audience (McLean, 2005)
3.Channel - the tool or manner
in which the messages will be
carried through from the source
to the receiver
4.Receiver - receives the
message from the source,
analyzing and interpreting the
message in ways both intended
and unintended by the source
5. Feedback - the
message or response of
the receiver which is
sent back to the source
Who through
says what what to whom and with what
medium result
Identify the following:

▪Medium/ Channel?
Communication Content Hearing Communication
skills Elements Seeing skills
Attitudes Treatment Touching Attitudes
Knowledge Structure Smelling Knowledge
Social System Code Tasting Social System
Culture Culture
by TeacheRon


The kind, quality, and
quantity of information
that you can
communicate is
determined by the media
that you use
For communication to a - TV for disseminating
wide range of audience
news, information,
and urgent
For personal - face-to-face
information conversations, text and
private messaging, and
the like
stories with a lot of
elements, explain papers and print media
series of related will be your kind of
events or require media.
scientific or technical
Your choice of media should suit
the kind of message or content
you wish to send or obtain.
The nature of media that you use
dictates the kind of information
that you can communicate as well
as the form that you communicate
Sender Information Media Receiver
Deceived receivers
Wrong judgment

misrepresentation media effect/

Sender receiver
of information distortion feedback
Sender Information OR ABSENCE Receiver
1. It makes the world a
smaller place

2. It makes
communication convenient

3. It shapes public opinion

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